dealing with the paparazzi

L O V E takes time...

lol i realized i messed up the chapter. i go to his house and now in this chapter i told him to go home. sorryyy.. and nobody corrected me on it :( ahaha



“No way am I getting married in Las Vegas.” I protested

“Why? What’s wrong with that?” Joon questioned

“Because when I pictured marrying you it was a beautiful wedding not a 10 minute wedding with Elvis impersonators” I answered

He started laughing.

“It’s not funny.” I shouted

“Yeah it is, because I remember you telling me that you never wanted to get married. Things have changed.” He commented

“I wish my feelings for you have changed.” I retorted

“HEY! HEY! No need to get defensive.” He argued

“I’m not arguing I’m just saying.”

“Someone needs to go to sleep.” Joon joked

“Yes it’s late and you should get going.”

“It’s not that late. It’s only [checking his wrist] midnight!” he told me

“Oh yeah I forgot you have insomnia … anyways go home before your manager hates me.” I yelled and pushed him out the door.

“Walk me to my car” Joon grinned

“Fine you little girl.” I joked

‘What? I don’t get a hug or kiss?” he whined

“Mm let me think about it … NO!"

“You’re mean!” he pouted then got into his car.


“So should I pack my things?” Aesha asked sneaking up from behind

“What? Why?” I gave her a confused look

“You’re getting married so he’s probably going to move in with us.” Aesha stated

“No you don’t need to pack your things we’re still going to be sharing rooms.”

“Wouldn’t that be awkward?” asked Aesha

“No… why would it be?”

“Uh sleeping in room with a married couple, yeah that’s awkward.” She commented

“He’s not sleeping in our room.”

“Then where?”

“He’s going to be Sleeping on the couch.” I answered

“That’s mean!” Karen added

“Yeah you’re mean.” Dulce included

“It’s just a thing between Joon and I … he knows I don’t really mean it.” I tried to explain

“Damn you’re so lucky you’re dating a hot guy.” Karen said

“Anyway what are you two doing for the wedding?” Asked Dulce

“He wants to go to Las Vegas.”

“Wow that’s very … “said Dulce


“He really wants to marry you if he wants a lame wedding.” Aesha interrupted

“You know---“

Ding Dong

Thunder’s POV: she looked really surprised to see me.

“Hello.” Kat greeted

“Hi, could we talk?” I asked

“Yeah.” she answered looking at the girls behind her.

“I’m sorry.” I quickly said

“Why are you sorry?” she gave me a curious stare

“I didn’t mean to hurt you like that. I felt like we have tension between us.” I admitted

“I felt the same too.” She smiled

“Oh and congratulations on getting engaged!” I expressed

“Be honest with me am I rushing?” she sat down and sighed

“What do you think?”

“Apart of me says yes and the other part says no.” she explained

“The question is: Do you love him?”

“Yeah… more than I ever thought.” She laughed

“Well then there’s your answer. If you’re nervous you shouldn’t be.”

“I’m actually excited and happy, but I want to know are you happy?” Kat asked

“Yeah what makes you think I am not? I finally have Sun Hee and I have my best friend and I made a new one which is you.”

“I’m glad I have you as a best friend.” She hugged me then went back inside.


Joon’s POV: I woke up and went to the living room and I saw on the news they were talking about Kat.

Late last night we spotted Cheondong and his girlfriend talking to each other, and if you look at her left hand she has a wedding ring. Could it be? They are secretly engaged?!

Gossiper 1: I thought they only dated for a month?

Gossiper 2: They must be in a rush to be married.

Gossiper 3: I wonder what Sandara has to say about this.

“DAMN IT!” I yelled

“What are we going to do?” Thunder asked

“You’re engaged to Kat!?” Sandara barged into the dorm. Then Sun Hee followed her in. “Why did you tell me you broke up with her?” she screamed

“We are broken up!” Thunder answered

“Then why did they say you were engaged?” Sandara asked

“Because they’re the paparazzi they will do anything to hurt us.” Thunder replied

“Wait, then if you’re not engaged with her then who is?” Sun Hee questioned

“I am! I forgot that the press was following her around.” I added

“I got it how about you and Sun Hee announce that you are dating then they won’t think you’re engaged.” Sandara suggested

“But then they are going to try to find out who Kat is engaged too and I’m not sure if hyung is ready to announce that.” Thunder assumed

“Actually I am, I will post it on facebook so they can leave you alone.” I said

“Aren’t you afraid fan girls are going to attack her?” Sun Hee questioned

“I have that all handled.” I assured


Narrator’s POV: Dulce, Kat, Aesha, and Karen were hanging around town shopping and eating.

“I feel scared.” Aesha whispered

“Why?” Kat asked

“It feels like people are watching us.” Aesha answered.

Dulce looked around. “That’s because they are watching us.”

“What do we do?” Karen whispered also

“Run?” Aesha asked

“No… not a good idea.” Kat said

“I wonder what’s going on.” Dulce questioned

They walked past the TV store and saw the news.

“What? It’s about me?!” I squealed

“I have a bad vibe.” Karen expressed

“I think we should run.” Aesha suggested

“Okay on the count to three… 1 2 3” Kat counted

They all ran to the car and drove home. They got inside their apartment and saw this big tall guy standing still with no expression. They all screamed and walked out and slammed the door.

One or two more chapters until the ending! ahhhhh ^_^

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Chapter 7: i think this so nice and interest ! thank you for write !
sunnyvpz #2
i love ur story ^0^ i hope you can make a sequel !!! ^-^
lol omg cutee !! lol Aesha's pov was really me. you know your nong too well :) hurry and make a sequal I'll be waiting :D Yeah !! AESHA & DONGHO ARE GREAT <33
hahah yesss joon and kids! ;] i had to end it! it was getting to long ;p
IT ENDED!! why? lol. xD<br />
I LOVE THIS FIC.. and YOU.. ESPECIALLY JOON. lol! (:<br />
Hehe <33<br />
love the ending.. "KIDS!!" heck yeah! THE MOMENT JOON HAS BEEN WAITING FOR! lol! :DD
omg !! LOL this is my favorite chapter !! I was laughing !! Lmao ^_^ i wanna read bout dongho & key but this was seriously funny ! :D
LMAO!! gahh, this is so funny. haha, HECK YESH HE'S SLEEPING ON THE COUCH! lmao.. FUNNY. FUNNY! ahah! oh gahh, I thought I was going to die of laughters. GUESS NOT! =P lol; xD