if you come into my heart

L O V E takes time...

My POV: after everyone went home I sad outside on the balcony and had if you come into my heart on repeat.

“Unnie you know it’s raining?” Aesha pointed out.

I chuckled. “That sounds funny.” I told her

“I know but since we’re in Seoul we got to speak some Korean.” Said Aesha

“You got a point there.” I said

“So you want to tell me why you’re upset?” Aesha asked

“Mmm it’s not important.”

“Let me guess Joon oppa and his girlfriend?” she assumed

I nodded

“Don’t take this the wrong way but this is your fault.” she didn’t hesitate to say.

I didn’t know what to say so I just nodded

“I mean you chose to be with Thunder oppa and you had your chance with Joon oppa. Either take one or leave them. I can see how much Joon oppa likes you and you shouldn’t hold on to Thunder oppa if you don’t feel as strong. I’m not trying to be mean. I just want to tell you so other girls don’t talk bad about you.” Aesha advised.

I thought about what she said and it was all true.

Aesha POV: She has everything… why does she take it all for granted? My life isn’t as nice as her.

Kat nodded then said “You want to tell me what’s going on with you?”

“I’m just tired of being angry.” I admitted

“Why are you so angry?” she turned and looked at me.

“My mom, the only thing I have is Korean culture to make me feel better.” I told her.

“Remember when I first showed you Kpop and fan fics?” she reminded me.

“Of course I have to thank the person who made me a shawol.” I smiled

“Anyway I just realized it was raining so I’m heading to my room.” She grinned

“Our room!” I shouted

“My money!” she did a merong then slammed the door.

What money? The oppas pay for her.


Thunder’s POV: I was sitting in my room and I tried to think about Kat but Sun hee came to my mind instead. This is hard, I thought my feelings for her disappeared after she left but then I remembered it was still there when she came and visited hyung for those few days. Now I know how Kat feels she likes two people and it’s hurting her.

“Hey Thunder what’s up with the sadness?” Joon threw a pillow at me.

“It’s nothing.”

“That’s a lie! I can read you. Now are you going to tell me or do I have to ask Mir?” Joon urged

“Be honest do you love Kat?” I bluntly asked

“Duh she’s my best friend.” He responded

“No do you love her as in thinking of marriage.” I restated

“Yeah I do love her enough.” He was nervous and started scratching his head.

“Thanks for your honesty.” I commented

“Wae sang-gwan?” [Why do you care?] Joon looked annoyed and demanded the answer

I didn’t reply I just smiled and walk away.

Joon POV: That was such a random question. I’ve never seen him act this way. Did I do something wrong? I looked at Sun Hee’s picture on my dresser then I moved the frame and saw the picture of me and Kat.

“Now I see a couple that's really in love.” I turned around and it was…

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Chapter 7: i think this so nice and interest ! thank you for write !
sunnyvpz #2
i love ur story ^0^ i hope you can make a sequel !!! ^-^
lol omg cutee !! lol Aesha's pov was really me. you know your nong too well :) hurry and make a sequal I'll be waiting :D Yeah !! AESHA & DONGHO ARE GREAT <33
hahah yesss joon and kids! ;] i had to end it! it was getting to long ;p
IT ENDED!! why? lol. xD<br />
I LOVE THIS FIC.. and YOU.. ESPECIALLY JOON. lol! (:<br />
Hehe <33<br />
love the ending.. "KIDS!!" heck yeah! THE MOMENT JOON HAS BEEN WAITING FOR! lol! :DD
omg !! LOL this is my favorite chapter !! I was laughing !! Lmao ^_^ i wanna read bout dongho & key tho.lol but this was seriously funny ! :D
LMAO!! gahh, this is so funny. haha, HECK YESH HE'S SLEEPING ON THE COUCH! lmao.. FUNNY. FUNNY! ahah! oh gahh, I thought I was going to die of laughters. GUESS NOT! =P lol; xD