i want to cry by Jay Park

L O V E takes time...

Narrators POV:

“I’ll tell you what I have to tell you.” Kat bluntly said. “But what I tell you, you might get mad?”

“I won’t get mad, probably sad.” Assumed Thunder

“What do you think I’m going to tell you?” Kat gave him a curious look

“You want to break up with me?” again he assumed

“NO! um I have to go back home.” She straight out said it

“When will you be back?’ he questioned

“I don’t know. I don’t have enough money to stay here anymore.” Kat admitted

“Why don’t you stay here permanently?” asked Thunder

“I was but then I’d miss everything at home.” Kat said

“Oh then what about us?” he stopped smiling

“I want to live her it’s just I need to continue school and find a job.”

“And why can’t you do that here?” Thunder argued

“I can’t really speak Korean that well and read it?” Kat stated

“Oh but you have Joon and me to help guide you.” he told her

“Mmm yeah you’re right. So what did you want to ask me?” Kat reminded him

“Right, my sister wants to meet you.” he grinned

“MEET ME? WHY?” Kat yelled

“She wants to see who I am dating.” He answered

“We’ve only been together less than two weeks.”

Joon’s POV: they should learn how to shut the door when they talk. I think they need time together so I’ll just leave them alone.


Dulce’s POV: I arrived at SHINee’s dorm, I was hesitating to knock on the door. When I was about to Minho opened the door.

“Can I help you?” asked Minho

“Uh is Key home?”

“KEY IT’S FOR YOU!” Minho shouted

Dang do you need to shout?

“WHO IS… Dulce what are you doing here?” he was shocked to see me.

“I came here to talk to you.” I admitted

“Okay.” he shut the door and followed me.

“I’m sorry!” we both said at the same time.

“Wait why are you sorry?” once again we repeated

“You first.” Key demanded

“I’m sorry for leaving. I just hated being rejected.”

“Well I’m sorry for making you feel that way. I didn’t want to hurt you.” Key reassured

“I know you didn’t I just felt embarrassed that you knew how I felt.”

“Why is that embarrassing?” he said

“I don’t know it just is, I cant really explain it.” I sighed

“You’re a great person, but to tell you the truth I’m really young and I’m not ready to be in a relationship. Maybe we could just start off as friends and see where it goes?” he suggested

“Oh I see and I’m glad you told me how you truly feel.” I faked a smile

“You’re faking the smile aren’t you?” Key observed

“How did you know?” I asked shocked

“Because I’m starting to know you, come on I want some ice cream.” He grabbed my wrist and we went to the nearest ice cream shop


Thunder’s POV: why doesn’t she seem happy about meeting my sister? Uh oh! Did I scare her?

“You  know if you don’t want to meet her you can just say so.” I didn’t hesitate to say

“No I do it’s just going to be awkward for me.”

“why? My sister is nice.” I tried to assure her.

“I didn’t say she wasn’t could Joon come with us?”

“I guess but I wanted to be a bonding thing between you and my sister.” I grinned

“Oh great…” she smiled back

“I think you will like her.” I told her

“I’m sure I will well let’s go get Joon to see what we should do tonight.”

My POV: ah this is awkward to be meeting his sister. What if she doesn’t like me! gosh Thunder we’ve only been dating for like 2 weeks. Why are you trying to torture me?


“I wonder where he went” said Thunder

“Let’s call him.” I suggested

Ring Ring Ring



Joon’s POV: why is this girl calling me? she should be having fun and not worrying about me.

“What are you doing back here?” asked Mir

“I wanted to leave them alone.”

“Why? I’m sure they wanted you to be with them.” Mir spoke

“Well they should just spend time together.”

“Ah is someone getting jealous?” Mir thought

“Me jealous? Ha you are funny. I have nothing to be jealous about.”

“Man I would be if my best friend was dating my best friend that I liked.” Mir acknowledged

“Are you trying to make me feel bad?” I snapped\

“I don’t know is it working?” asked Mir

“you’re annoying and that’s working!” I yelled

“Whatever you jealous !” Mir stuck his tongue out at me.

“I am not jealous! Could you leave me alone?”

“What are you listening to?” Mir looked at his ipod


“I want to cry by Jay!” Mir shouted. “aww so you do love kat! If you don’t tell her then I will!”

“She already knows I love her.” I murmured

“Does she really? let’s see about that!”

“NO! YAH! DON’T!” I screamed

“Why not?!” Mir gave me a confused look

“I want her to be happy.”

“She would be even more happy if she was with you!” Mir exclaimed

Dang I wonder what is he said is true, but I’d be a horrible friend to Thunder if I just now admitted to her how I feel. His sister even wants to meet her. I don’t think I should ruin it.Anyway I have my girlfriend…. Things should be the way they are. all I could do is just listen to this song over and over. Sigh …

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Chapter 7: i think this so nice and interest ! thank you for write !
sunnyvpz #2
i love ur story ^0^ i hope you can make a sequel !!! ^-^
lol omg cutee !! lol Aesha's pov was really me. you know your nong too well :) hurry and make a sequal I'll be waiting :D Yeah !! AESHA & DONGHO ARE GREAT <33
hahah yesss joon and kids! ;] i had to end it! it was getting to long ;p
IT ENDED!! why? lol. xD<br />
I LOVE THIS FIC.. and YOU.. ESPECIALLY JOON. lol! (:<br />
Hehe <33<br />
love the ending.. "KIDS!!" heck yeah! THE MOMENT JOON HAS BEEN WAITING FOR! lol! :DD
omg !! LOL this is my favorite chapter !! I was laughing !! Lmao ^_^ i wanna read bout dongho & key tho.lol but this was seriously funny ! :D
LMAO!! gahh, this is so funny. haha, HECK YESH HE'S SLEEPING ON THE COUCH! lmao.. FUNNY. FUNNY! ahah! oh gahh, I thought I was going to die of laughters. GUESS NOT! =P lol; xD