you ert!

L O V E takes time...

My POV: Thunder was still sleeping so I went into the room he was sleeping in and messed with him.

“Stop poking me,” he mumbled

“No its time to wake up.” I said loudly

“What time is it?” he asked rubbing his eyes


“Why are you up so early?” he sat up

“I don’t know I’m used to it.”

“So you woke me up in the middle of my dream.” Thunder growled

“What were you dreaming about?” I clasped my hands together and smiled at him

“Uh it’s a secret.” He grinned

“Why is it a secret? Unless it has me in it?” I squint

“Maybe… why do you want to know?”

“Just to see what’s going on in your head.” I blurted out

“Okay I’ll tell you but you can’t make fun of me.”

“Tell me!” I shouted

“I saw you were getting married but I don’t know to whom.” He lightly chuckled

“I wonder to who.” I thought

“See if you didn’t interrupt my sleep maybe my mind could have showed me who it is.” Thunder commented

Thunder’s POV: I really knew who it was I just didn’t want to tell her.

“Anyways do you have a schedule today?” she questioned

“Nope, free for the whole day!” I exclaimed

“Cool let’s do something fun then.” She suggested

“Like what?” I asked

“Uh the mall or zoo.” Said Kat

“The mall and the zoo doesn’t open until later.”

“Oh then what do you want to do until it opens?” she

“Here’s an idea I go home and get ready.” I told her

“Gosh if you wanted to go home you could just say so” She whined

I couldn’t help but laugh at her childishness

“No it’s not like that, would you like to have a stinky boyfriend?”

She thought about it “I don’t have a boyfriend.” She whispered

I looked at her dumbfounded and didn’t say anything

“Yeah meet my husband Park Sang hyun.” She chuckled

I started to laugh too

“You’re silly, we’ve only been dating for two week.” I said in a serious tone

She stopped smiling and said “Oh I was just kidding.” Then she looked the other way.

HA! I love messing with her.

“Are you mad?” I pinched her cheeks

“NO! I’M BEYOND MAD!” she shouted then started laughing. “I knew you were joking anyways.” She stated

Joon’s POV:

“Where’s Thunder?” I asked

“He’s sleeping at Kat’s.” Mir replied reading his texts

“How do you know that?”

“That’s what I was going to tell you last night.” Mir commented

“Why did he sleep over there?”

“Aw is someone getting jealous?” Mir joked

“PSHHH NO! I don’t care where he sleeps.” I hissed

“Hyung I was just kidding.” He looked up at me.

“Oh I know I was playing along.” I faked laugh

“Sure sure. Why don’t you go over and check up on them?” Mir advised

“Why? It’s not like I care.”

“Yeah okay.” Mir walked out of the room.


Narrator’s POV:

“I’m going home so I can get ready, I’ll come back.” Thunder hugged her and left

Joon came over and heard SHINee’s Get it playing and he barged in.

“WHAT … are you doing?” Joon stopped shouting. “Where’s Thunder?” he asked looking around

“Um he went home to get ready what are you doing here?” Kat gave him a wtf stare

“Mmm just to see what you were up to?” he had a huge grin

“Did you think Thunder and I were up to something?” she giggled

“NO…”  Joon said

“Tsk yeah right.” She smirked

“YOU ERT!” Joon yelled

“HOW??” Kat yelled back

“Because you had Thunder sleep over!” Joon stuttered

“So when I used to be home alone in high school you used to stay over with me” she reminded him

“But it’s different!” Joon stated

“Right you’re the ert thinking something was going on.” Kat noted

Ring Ring Ring

“I have to go” Joon announced after checking his phone

“Okay text me later.” She waved  


"You hurt my brother i'll hurt you." Sandara threatened

"No worries i won't hurt him." I nervously chuckled

"Hey Thunder oppa it's been a while since i last seen you!" announced the girl

"Kat I'd like you to meet my girlfriend." Joon introduced

wow she's gorgeous why do i feel a little jealous?

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Chapter 7: i think this so nice and interest ! thank you for write !
sunnyvpz #2
i love ur story ^0^ i hope you can make a sequel !!! ^-^
lol omg cutee !! lol Aesha's pov was really me. you know your nong too well :) hurry and make a sequal I'll be waiting :D Yeah !! AESHA & DONGHO ARE GREAT <33
hahah yesss joon and kids! ;] i had to end it! it was getting to long ;p
IT ENDED!! why? lol. xD<br />
I LOVE THIS FIC.. and YOU.. ESPECIALLY JOON. lol! (:<br />
Hehe <33<br />
love the ending.. "KIDS!!" heck yeah! THE MOMENT JOON HAS BEEN WAITING FOR! lol! :DD
omg !! LOL this is my favorite chapter !! I was laughing !! Lmao ^_^ i wanna read bout dongho & key but this was seriously funny ! :D
LMAO!! gahh, this is so funny. haha, HECK YESH HE'S SLEEPING ON THE COUCH! lmao.. FUNNY. FUNNY! ahah! oh gahh, I thought I was going to die of laughters. GUESS NOT! =P lol; xD