☼ 3 Hyunseung ☾

☼ Night Sun ☾
☼ Hyunseung's POV ☾
I wake up as the first person in the morning as usual. I haven't used to sleep in this new room even though it will be my place to sleep for the whole month.
I take a shower and start to wake the other members one by one, telling them to get ready. We have agreed to walk around the beach before we leave for an interview. Our manager will pick us around 1 PM.
The house where we stay is a really big house since there are only three persons who live here, based on my assumption only though: Aunt Hori, her husband, and her daughter.
While the other members are getting ready, I look through the window, gazing at the calm sea in the morning. My mind starts to wander everywhere, trying to figure out about why we suddenly asked to spend a month here by the President. He did tell us he wanted us to be more relaxed by staying at seaside but I feel something more than the simple reason.
"Good morning. You're early," Aunt Hori greets us with a plate of fresh bread. We just went downstairs to find she is preparing the breakfast for us, outside of the house. They have a bench and table behind the house where we can see the sea. "I hope you will like my cook."
We sit side by side, thanking her for her kindness. We enjoy the breakfast and give Aunt Hori our compliments because the food is delicious.
Her husband comes over to greet us. His name is Dae Gyuho and he works as a teacher so he takes his leave after telling us to think of the house as our own house. I think he is a warm and caring person.
"Where is your daughter?" I ask to Aunt Hori, hoping that I say it in a right way because I still feel that I made a mistake when I asked her last night; I thought something bad has happened to her daughter because her smile disappeared due to my question.
"Ah, she never had breakfast here," Aunt Hori fills my empty cup with tea. "But I think she hasn't sleep yet. Do you want to meet her?"
"Yes!" we answer in unison. I am wondering how she looks like because, well, she is our fan. It always feel good to meet a fan and know that she loves us.
"Finish your breakfast then," Aunt Hori chuckles at our reactions. "I have told her about your arrival when she returned home but all of you have gone to bed. She was really excited but she didn't want to wake you up. Don't worry, she is not going to crawl on you or tear you apart."
I laugh because of the joke. I must admit that some fans can be a little bit too much when they meet their idols. I never imagined myself to be pushed and pulled by fans though.
We finish our breakfast as fast as possible. Aunt Hori leads us to the upstairs, to the room next to Dongwoon's and Gikwang's room.
There is a wooden nameplate hanged on the door with "Dalbit" carved on it. I think her name is Dalbit then; what a rare name.
"Dalbit?" Aunt Hori knocks the door three times, calling her daughter softly. "Are you sleeping?"
Dalbit doesn't answer the question but she opens the door slightly. When she sees her mother and us, I can see she smiles wider.
Dalbit is a girl with petite figure. She has long black hair and there is a white hairpin she wears. She wears long sleeved shirt with black pants.
"Annyeonghaseyo," Dalbit opens the door wider and bows to us. "My name is Dae Dalbit. Nice to meet you."
I notice that her room is really dark. There are windows inside just like our rooms but the dark curtains cover the sunshine from entering the room. There is even a tall wood board in front of the window.
We introduce ourselves one by one, which makes her giggle happily because she definitely recognizes all of us. She lets us enter her room which has dim lights, apologizing for having a messy room.
There is nothing unusual about the room except about the lightning though. There are two teddy bears, black and white, on her bed. There are two shelves, one contains all of music albums including our albums and the other is bookshelf. I think she really likes reading and listening music.
"I can't believe BEAST is in my room," Dalbit sits on a chair in front of the bookshelf. "I must be the luckiest girl in the world!"
"Dalbit," Yoseob asks her, "who is your favorite member in BEAST?"
The question gains our attention. We focus our hearing to listen her answer.
"If I must say a name, it will be Gikwang Oppa," Dalbit answers with a bright smile. "I always adore Gikwang Oppa. I follow all of your Twitters and I always feel happy just by reading Gikwang Oppa's tweets about the weather. It's amazing."
I can't help myself to laugh because of her honest answer. Yes, Gikwang is indeed an amazing person. He loves to tweet about the weather and I find it's amusing for Dalbit to love the tweets.
"But I admire all of you," Dalbit suddenly says with a smile that somehow charms me. Not in the term of falling in love but her smile is captivating for a reason. "Because all of you have been through your hardest but you survive and shine even brighter than people ever imagined."
I freeze by her words. It is another compliment given by a fan but her words strike my heart directly. Why?
No one reacts towards her so she smiles sweetly to us, "Well, nobody who ever gave his best regretted it, right? I'm sure all of you are proud with yourselves now."
Her words are simple but I can feel the sincerity within every word. There is something about this girl, something really different from our fans.
I exchange looks with Doojoon and he gives me a smile which is, I don't know why, looked like a sad smile. He looks at Dalbit, "Dalbit, will you take us around?"
"Eh? Now?" Dalbit blinks, glancing at the window.
"No. Tonight," Doojoon explains to her. "We have an interview at 1 PM. We will return as soon as possible. Let's walk around after dinner. What do you think?"
A bright smile appears on her face, "Sure!"
After talking for a while about her favorite songs, her favorite music videos, and about our schedule this month, we excuse ourselves to get ready for the interview. I also tell her to take a rest because she yawned three times secretly; looks like she is really tired after wandering around last night.
"Her room is so gloomy. I'm surprised to find that she is a bright and cheerful girl," Yoseob starts the conversation about Dalbit when we are already in the van on our way to the interview. "Judging from her words, I can't believe that she is younger than me."
"She even called me Oppa," Gikwang sounds really proud. "I think she is a sweet girl."
"Oh, don't tell me Gikwang is falling for Dalbit!" Yoseob teases him. "Is it love at first sight?"
Gikwang just laughs and we continue to talk about random stuffs until we arrive at the place for our interview. After around an hour, our manager drives us back to Dalbit's house, meaning we have our free times now.
Despite the fact that we really want to play at the sea by ourselves, Doojoon asks us to wait for Dalbit since she has agreed to accompany us. Dalbit is sleeping, Aunt Hori said. She will wake up around 6 PM.
As if her schedule is fixed, she really wakes up when the clock strikes 6. We meet up with her in her room once again after she is done with showering. Aunt Hori asked us to accompany her while she is preparing the dinner.
I just realize that Dalbit has pale skin. Really pale actually. Is she sick?
"You really love books, don't you?" Dongwoon stares her bookshelf, amazed by the amounts. "Is that why you're really good with words?"
"Words are merely words when you think like that. Every word has its own strength. Words can break someone into million pieces, but they can also put them together," Dalbit mutters calmly with a smile. "That's why I love to read. Music has its own way to change someone, you know."
Once again, I stun by her words. She is only twenty one years old yet she sounds like she has so much life lessons in her life.
"Dalbit, do you have any special wish?" Gikwang asks a question. "You know, it's almost Christmas. Maybe we can be your Santa for this year."
"A special wish?" Dalbit blinks, tilting her head to the other side. Her eyes lock at us as she is frowning, thinking of an answer. "I don't think you can grant it."
"Don't underestimate us, young lady," Junhyung mumbles jokingly. "Let's see what we can do about your wish."
When Dalbit is going to tell us her special wish, Aunt Hori calls us from downstairs, telling us that the dinner is ready.
"Dalbit ah," I murmur to her while the others are walking down the stairs, heading to the outside of the house where we had our breakfast this morning. "What is your wish? I'm curious, you know."
"I will love to see BEAST perform on an outdoor stage," Dalbit answers me with a cheerful smile, walking down the stair carefully.
Her next words cause me to stop my steps. Dongwoon even needs to call me so I catch up with them to start the dinner. There was nothing wrong with the way Dalbit said it out but my heart is aching for no reason when I heard her said it with a smile.
"On sunny day."
Note #3:
This story is inspired by some quotes as well. If I use the quotes or write down the words inspired by them, I will put them in this note. :)
"Nobody who ever gave his best regretted it."
- George Halas
"Words can break someone into a million pieces, but they can also put them back together."
- Taylor Swift
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LovelyAngel13 #1
Chapter 12: Oh my...this story made me cry. It's so beautiful, yet sad. Why didn't I find this fanfic sooner? You write so well!
Chapter 12: I can't stop my tears from falling.. It is so sad...
YYSdyno #3
Chapter 11: I cried , it was beautifully written. Please do write more stories . I love all the quotes and everything. This inspired me to be grateful for what I have, and not take advantage of it. Thank you.
shujun #4
Chapter 12: this is so sad..
i dunno what to comment..it just so beautiful..u've done a great job..i'll read ur other story after this..
Ekysdj #5
Chapter 12: its a really sad story. your story is always amazing ^^ i hope you will continue writing stories about Yoseob ^^
Chapter 12: authornimmmmmmm! You never fail to make me cry with your sad stories :')
Your fanfics are daebak! ^^ ~
HyeimHeeyoung #7
Chapter 11: Just finished reading this and I have to admit, this story was so sad. I've cried my heart out when she died on Yoseob's shoulder but it's worth reading this amazing story wrote by a awesome author. Thank you for writing this story author-sshi :)
naznew #8
so sad story with meaningful things...
crying when read it...T_T
beautifully written with a meaningful storyline :-) thank you for being an inspiration to me, I will remember your words well; there's always something to be grateful for :')
You're a great/amazing writer...
The other night i read this story and i cried so hard.
I tried to control it because my friend is with me but I ended up crying before i sleep....
You're such a great writer and I envy you...

Thanks for sharing your talent...
God Bless you... :)