The Blind Date

For You

Myungsoo's pov

I arrived at my room just on time before the teacher arrives. 


"Okay, Class the principal said that we're going to have an outing and it will be next week! So, we're just going to talk about the outing today" After the teacher said that the students gone wild.Psh. An outing? they do that yearly what's new anyway.

"Okay class, calm down! This is not an ordinary outing like we used to do, This outing will be for all highschool students studying here isn't it fun?"

"That's not all! At the last day of our outing there. The principal will held a masquerade ball!!! So this year's outing will be very exciting!! 
And lastly the principal said that if one of the students didn't come it'll be marked absent and you'll get a failing grade." Noises can be heard after the teacher said that. 

After talking about the outing the teacher dismmised us.
"Yow Soo~" Sungyeol placed his arms around my shoulders. He's giggling like a girl who just found a boyfriend.

I look at him weirdly. "What?! Can't I be happy too? psh." He hissed at me and rolled his eyes!

"Are you that excited for the date?" 

"Is it that obvious?" He chuckled and release his arms around my shoulder and he slap my arm.

"Yah! That hurts stupid!" I slapped his arms too but this time stronger.

"Yah! Kim Myungpabo!!!! How dare you hit me? I'm older than you!!!"

"Ha! That's right you're old very old Sungyeol ahjusshi" I smirked at him and ran away.

"Yaaaaahhh!!! Kim Myungsoo!!! Get back here" I laughed at his red face. I just kept on running 'cause i know he's still following me.

"Yaaaahhh! Stop running Myungsoo! You're so fast" I looked at him and poke my tongue out. "You're just slow stupid" He glared at me.

"If I catch you , You're dead seriously!!!" 

"Yeah, If you can" 

I am still running and I can see the gates now. 
I kept on running 'cause I can still hear sungyeol's voice.

"Ouch!" I bumped into someone because I kept on looking at the back.

"Sorry, I didn't notice you while running" I looked down to see who I bumped into but I couldn't see her clearly because she is looking down. She looked familiar. 
I gave my hand to help her stand up and she took it willingly. She looked at me and I was so shock when I realized it was Jiyeon. !  I am not prepared for this.

"A-ah! It's fine" And then she smiled at me liked she did nothing to me in the past.

"Hey! I wanted to ask you if you're still going out with Woohyun hyung?" 

"Huh? uhm, yeah I'm still going out with him" 

I 'tsk' at her and she just smiled. She looked down and that's when I realized I'm still holding her hand. I released it immediately.

I put my hands in my pocket. Ofcourse to look cool.
"Is it alright if I'm going to date someone else?" She looked like she was not expecting this kind of question.


"I said is it alright if I'm going to date someone else?" 

"O-ofcourse it's fine by me, Why did you ask anyway?" I looked away. So she really have move on? What about me?

"Nothing. Are you happy with Woohyun hyung?" 

"Ofcourse I am" She smiled widely when woohyun hyung's name was mentioned.

"Good for you then." I walked closer to her and patted and her head 2 times and smiled at her. 

"Okay, I'll date other girls but, if woohyun hyung hurts you, Just call me and I'll be the one kicking his for you." She smiled and nodded her head.

 I walked away but I was stopped by a hand.

"I forgot to give this to you. I remembered you told me that this was your late mother's necklace. And you also said that your mom told you to give this necklace to the girl your going to love forever. I want to give it back because ---" I cut her sentence with a peck on the lips.

She was blushing while I was laughing at her cute reactions.

"Keep it. I didn't say that I don't love you anymore and I didn't say that I won't steal you from Woohyun hyung. No It's not stealing , I'm just taking what's mine in the first place." I gave her a wink and walk away. 

I was smiling like crazy. I'm so happy. I can't stop smiling from ear to ear.
"Yaaah! You bastard! Why do you ran so fast huh?!!" Oops! I forgot 'bout sungyeol.

"Argh! Stop that sungyeol!" He head locked me.

"Psh! Who told you to run? Huh?" 

"Whatever, Get your hands off me now!" And we continue to walk. 

"Ah right! I saw Jiyeon. And when I asked why is she so red, She just ran away. Weird right? Is she sick or something? She's really red though. If only she was not Woohyun's girlfriend I'll ask her out for sure!" I glared at him.

"What? I'm just kidding. I'll meet someone tomorrow anyway." 


"Aren't you excited for tomorrow?" I looked at him and shrugged my shoulders.

"Well, here we are. I'm going off first see you tomorrow, Don't be late ok?" I nodded my head and he got inside his car and drove off.

It's time for me to go home too. I headed to my car and drove off too.
When I arrived my apartment I walked to my room and laid my tired body.
And I fell asleep.


It's the day. Ugh! I'm not looking forward to it.
*Kriiiing Kriiiing* I grab my phone and answered it.


"Yah! I'm going there now make sure you're already dressed up or I'm gonna seriously kill you understood?" I yawned

"Yeah yeah~ You don't have to remind me again and again" I ended the call and headed to my bathroom. 

After taking a bath I changed into decent clothes but not too formal more like casual. Simple jeans, shirt and a coat. I'm handsome anyway even without effort.

After minutes of waiting. I finally heard a knock.

"Tsk. took you long enough." 

"Let's go" I walked with him to his car. I won't bring my car it's just bothersome if I bring it.

"Woooh~ I'm so excited!!! I bet she's so pretty!" 


"Why aren't you excited?" He asked but I just shrugged my shoulders.

He just kept on talking and talking while he's driving. Anything he finds interesting he'll talk 'bout it. 

"Okay! We're here!" He stopped the engine and i got out of the car.

"Hmmm~ So we're going to meet them here?" I looked at sungyeol who is busy fixing himself.

"Yep! Sunggyu said that they'll be inside, Ah! right here's your ticket." He gave me a ticket. Do you know why he's giving me a ticket? We're infront of an amusement park.

"C'mon Soo~ We don't want our ladies waiting right?" 

I walked inside and gave my ticket. It's weird to be here for blind dates though.

"Oh right! How would we know if it's them? We haven't even seen them before"

"Wait! I'm going to call sunggyu." I nodded my head and I wandered around.
It's a nice place though. It's still early so there are only a few people here.

"Soo! Sunggyu said that they're waiting inside Infinite cafe and my date is wearing a pink dress while yours is wearing a white top and jeans." I nodded my head and we headed to the said cafe.

"Wait! I'll go to the bathroom first."

"Can't you wait until we get to infinite cafe?"

"Sorry! I can't you can go first, I'll be fast promise."

"Fine, Just be quick okay?" I nodded my head and run to the nearest bathroom.

I saw a bathroom and I went in immediately.
After doing what I needed to do inside a bathroom, I went out immediately. 
Because I kept receiving text messages from sungyeol.

I shrugged my shoulders and headed to infinite cafe. He must be nervous.
"Uhm. excuse me? Can you help me find directions?" I looked at the girl who just blocked my way and I nodded my head.

"Uhm. My name is Bae Suzy" She smiled. I just gave her a nod.

"So, Can you tell me the way to infinite cafe?" 

"Ah! you're going there? I'm going there too."

"Great! Let's just go together, Uhm what's your name?" 

"Myungsoo. Kim Myungsoo" 

"I bet I'm older than you!" I looked at her from head to toe.

"Psh. You've got to be kidding me! From any angle everyone knows I'm older than you." I smirked at her.

"How dare you! How old are you huh?" 

"Hmm~ I'm 18, you?" She widened her eyes and she looked pissed.

"17 psh." I laughed at her. 

"Told ya!" She rolled her eyes and walked straight ahead.

"Hahahaha, Stupid kid! You're on the wrong way! Infinite cafe is this way." She stomped her feet and followed me. 

"Stop laughing!!! You're annoying meee!!!"

"Sorry, I can't!!!" 

"Psh. I hate you" I'm still laughing at her.

"Grrr, You're so bad" I walked to her and ruffle her hair.

"Woo~ Sorry! I'll stop now, You're cute you know?"

She blushed and push my hands on top of her head.

"hahaha your blushing now." 

"Shut up!" 

"Alright! Alright!" We continued walking until we arrived at the cafe.

I saw Sungyeol waving his hands at me. Oh! there he is with a girl.
I walked my way to sungyeol's table.


"Where have you been? And who is she?" I looked at my back and I saw Suzy standing beside sungyeol's date. Wait? She's wearing a White top and a jeans.

"Wait! Are you my date? Hahaha you stupid girl? You're my date?"

"I'm not stupid! Psh."

"Well, yes she is , myungsoo right?" I nodded my head to sungyeol's date.

"I'm Eunji. Jung Eunji" I gave her a smile.

"So, I guess you two know each other right soo?"

"Well, This stupid girl's name is Bae suzy and she's my date hahaha"

"Woah! Your laughing soo!" Sungyeol looked at me weirdly as if I'm an alien.

"So what?"

"Nothing~ So suzy your 17 too right?" She nodded.

"Ohhh~ so Myungsoo and I are older than you both."

"That's right!" Eunji said while nodding. Well, I guess they fit for each other.

"So where are you guys studying?" I asked.

"Oh! we're going to transfer to sunggyu oppa's school" Why is eunji the only one talking?

"Yah! Stupid girl why aren't you talking?"

"Psh! Shut up Myungsoo-ssi" She rolled her eyes.

"Just asking. Anyway, You can just call me Myungsoo or oppa hahaha"

"Whatever, I'll call you anything I want jerk!" 

"Hey! I'm being nice you know~" I winked playfully at her and she blushed.

"Shut up! I hate you jerk!!!" 

"Whatever you say stupid girl" 

After talking, more like arguing and eating in the cafe we headed into some rides.
"Let's go to the roller coaster!"

"I don't want to!!" Suzy shaked her head.

"Eyy~ Don't be a kill joy, C'mon it'll be fun" I grab her hand and we ride the roller coaster together.



The whole ride i just kept on laughing because she kept hitting her seatbelt and she kept hitting me. The ride ended and I can't stop laughing! 

"Grrrrr! You're really a jerk!!! I hate you" 

"Sorry!" I patted her head.

I walked to the nearest store to buy her a drink. 
"One bottle of watter please"

"Here you go." The lady gave me the water and I gave her the money.

I walked to Suzy who is now sitting on a bench.
"Here." She looked up at me and smiled.

"Thanks. You're not going to drink? why didn't buy for yourself?, Are you expecting me to buy a water for you? psh. you're such a jerk."

"Stop talking and give me some water. Tsk. I don't need to buy one 'cause I'll just share with you. That bottle of water is too big for you to drink it all by yourself. Stupid girl" 

"Jerk! I'm not stupid"

"Well, you're acting like one though" She rolled her eyes and she gave me the bottle. And I drink it.

"Tsk! Don't you believe in indirect kiss?" she looked at me while blushing.

"Pfft. What are you blushing for. It's not like I'm going to marry you or something."

"Hmph. What a total jerk." She pouted while looking away.

"Do you like me now?" I smirked and moved closer to her face.

"W-what are you saying?" She's blushing.

"You're so obvious!"

"I really don't like you! Really!" 

"If you say so, There's no need to be defensive" I chuckled and ruffled her hair.

"Aish! you ruined my hair!" 

"Sorry hahaha. So, give me your number?"


"Hahaha why are you blushing again? I just asked for your number. I didn't asked you to get married with me"

"Jerk! Give me your phone I'll type my number" I gave her my phone and she started typing it. After she typed her number she gave my phone back.

I dialed her number. She looked at me when she answered it and then she glared.
"To make sure you gave me your number and not other's"

"I want to go home." 

"Then go." I gave her a playful smile and she glared at me.

"Just kidding. Let's go play some more before going home, Sungyeol said he's going to meet us infront of the amusement park. So let's go"

I grab her hand and we went inside the haunted house.
"Why here?!!" She looked scared.

"'Cause I want to hahaha" She hooked her arms around me and I looked at her.

"It's your fault." I looked at her arms but decided not to take it off.
If something happens to this girl, I'll be the suspect 'cause I'm the last person who is with her hahaha.

Well, The haunted house wasn't scary. Suzy wasn't scared too. We are both laughing when we got out of the haunted house.

"Hahaha that white lady's face is epic." 

"Hahahaha I thought you're going to cry or scream when you saw the white lady's face" 

"Pft. I'm not that coward you know," 

"yeah, yeah. C'mon let's go home?"

"Wait, One more ride?, please" 

"What ride?"

"That big ferris wheel" 

"Sorry, I can't" 

"Hey! Don't tell me you're scared?" I glared at her.

"I'm not scared, stupid girl. It's just that it's going to be my second time riding it. The first one is with my mom and i wanted to ride my second time with the girl I love so, I only ride with my special ones. I'm sorry I won't ride with you." She looked shock but she just shrugged.

"You're so corny, Jerk! C'mon let's go home" She walked away and I ran after her.

When we arrived in front of the amusement park, I saw Eunji and Sungyeol waiting for us.

"Woah~ You two sure did have fun. You're playing too much inside. We've been waiting here for hours" Sungyeol said while shaking his head like he's dissapointed.

"You're exaggerating too much oppa. Don't worry suzy and myungsoo we also just got here." 

"Whatever eunji~ C'mon it's getting late." 

Eunji sat beside sungyeol, Sungyeol is the driver while Suzy and I are at the back.
We drop the girls first before sungyeol headed to my apartment.

"Thanks Yeol" 

"No problem and Suzy's a good kid you two should hang out more often not like your ex who left you tsk."

"Go home Sungyeol"

"Okay, okay no need to hurry! Bye~" I waved my hand. after his car left I went inside my apartment. 

I'm so tired. I got my cellphone and I received a text message from sungjong.
It's afternoon when he texted me. I read it anyway.

"Hyung how was the date? did you enjoy? Are you going to date her continously?"

I replied "Nope, I think we're just friends?"

After i replied i went straight to the bathroom for a shower.
I got out of the bathroom after having a shower. And grab my phone again.
When I checked it I saw 2 messages one from sungjong and the other is from suzy.

Suzy? What does she want? 
I opened her message and read it "Jerk! I forgot to tell you, Thanks for the day I totally have fun even though you're such a jerk, Anyway goodnight see you tomorrow, Remember We'll be transferring in your school so see ya~"
 I chuckled at her message and replied 
"Stupid girl no need to thank me. Hahaha see you in school dream of me /wink/"

And now I opened Sungjong's message.
"Hyung! How is she? is she nice? or is she a flirt?"
I replied "She's a stupid girl but she's nice and not a flirt, though maybe she'll fall inlove with me 'cause you know I'm irresistable hahaha. Anyway go to sleep sungjong it's late now" 

I put my phone on my desk and lay on my bed and stared at the ceiling, Until I didn't notice that I fell asleep.


Yow~ Sorry for not updating in a long time forgive me~

Anyway, Here is the update hope you like it. 

This time I made it longer for you guys though I don't know if it's really long.

But please do enjoy it. 

Upvote, Comment, Subscribe will be appreciated Thank you~ 

I'll try to update tomorrow again ^_~ 






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amiraazharuddin #1
Chapter 10: Myungyeon momenttt so cute !!!
chocomaknae #3
Chapter 9: Myungyeon so cuteee ;u; win her back myungsoo! Fighting!

Hi author-nim ;u; pai pai~
Sulsashaff #4
Chapter 9: Nice tqdate,but can you please write who is talking after a sentence,cause you just write the statement and no who says it,thanks.
Sulsashaff #5
Me a new reader
amiraazharuddin #6
Chapter 9: Update soonn , myungyeon moment so cute
Chapter 8: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Chapter 7: please update soon authornim ..
myungyeon fighting ..
Chapter 7: Its short author-nim :( but still myungyeon is <3