I Want to Sing !

Searching for the Full Moon...

Holding my bad and the sheet of paper for the audition, i climb over the walls. We lived in a historical korean house made out of wood and bricks. I ran off and it was hard to breathe from my throat. I saw the shinigamis behind me, 'Heeeey! Wait you little kid!' Jong hyun yelled out, and i quickly ran down the stairs. I saw them flying and telling me to stop running ahead, but i decided not to listen and quickly took a taxi. 'To Seed Records please!' I shout out to the driver, and leave my house.


Jonghyun: Ahh! We lost her D:

Lizzy: No! There she is !


I try to open the door that leads to the building. 'Geeze! Why wont it open D:!'


Jonghyun: Lets go!

Lizzy: Hey! If you go like that, she'd just run away again you know!

Jonghyun: Dont worry ;)


'Ah! What if i climb up through the window!' I look up and start running towards the pole that stood nearby. There i saw two cute plushies. 'Omo! Kitty and bunny toys! How fluffy and cute' My hand touched the cat, and it squinted at me. In a poof, the cat became Jong hyun and the bunny became Lizzy, 'Sigh...we told you not to run ahead...' Jonghyun looked at me and sighed. 'Ahh! Im sorry!' They both held my arms and made me hover in the air as well, 'Ahh! I need to take the audtion! Please shinigamis !' I pleaded and i felt constant stares from the people around us.

'Then why did you take the back door instead of the front?' Jong hyun questioned me..and Lizzy followed on, 'Yup! WHY?'

I sighed and answered, 'I cant...I dont look like a 16-year-old! Do i look sixteen?' I ask to the shinigamis. The boy replied to me, 'Well, no you dont.' without hesitation... 'Ehhhhhhh!' I look at him like this >>> O_o''....

'Sooo~ I should go up like this after all!' I break away from the hands and start climbing the pole again. 'Stupid! Let go! Its dangerous' Jonghyun comes and yells out to me. 'What if you get hurt!' I keep trying to climb, 'But....' 'What if i miss the audition~~ I..I have to become a s-singer- ' I feel the pain again from my throat and bends down on my knees. 'Ah? Did something happen?' Lizzy looks at me worried, and Jong hyun letted go of me.

'T-talking...loudly.....I can't....My throat....' I say in pain. 'Then, isnt it impossible for you to audition?' Lizzy looks at me with a frown. 'But..! Please...i only have one year left to live..please atleast let me audtion, i'll be a good girl and listen to you if i fail..' i say looking towards my feet. 'So...please!'

I felt Jong hyun looking towards me...'Your serious about this huh?' ...i nod. 'I got it..'

Jong hyun does a magical movement, and brings out a knife. He does a slight cut on his face, and a blob of blood tips out and hovers in the air between us. 'Ill make you sixteen...and then, as long as your sixteen years old, ill make your body healthy too..' 'Take that..' I hold the blood between my fingers and await the instructions.  'On my command, that will begin spreading inside your body, You'll feel weird, but endure it'

I drink it in...'Thats a good girl' and he clicked his fingers, and i felt bubbly inside. I felt changes coming into me, longer hair and legs. My body was sixteen!

After the magical transformation, i looked on one of the building mirrors and saw the different me. I run up to Jonghyun, 'Thank you very much!!~ ♥' and i tug him by the neck. 'No problem' and he smiles. I hear Lizzy shouting behind us, 'Hey! Get off my Jonghyun D:< !' and does a scary growl and i begin to get off slowly...'Are you satisfied?' Jong hyun asks. 'Well..i wanna try dying my hair too ♥' ...

----------------THE AUDITION----------------

I head inside the waiting room from the front doors, and i see glances that stared at me. Dying my hair blonde, made me extra different. My clothes grew on top of that, it was funny from the sight of it. 'Waa, such cute girls...i wonder if i look weird....' and i slowly walked to the seats and sat.


Lizzy: What were you thinking! Your disobeying orders from above D; ...by letting a human know the truth! If they find out you'll be in for it!

Jong hyun: Yeah...yeah...

Lizzy: No way.. You and that girl........KYAAAA! >_< JONG HYUN IS MINE D:< ♥ ! Ill never let you have him!

Jong hyun: Since when was i in your possession -_-? Dont worry, its not like that. If she still has any regrets from this world...then, when she dies. If she refuses to come with us , it'll be a problem. Lets let her be and it'll be our job to take care of her.


Jong Hyun: As long as she has no regrets, she'll listen to us.


I hear the microphone speakers, 'Number 21 please...' I flip over my card and i see the numbers written as '21'...'Finally my turn right....' I start to get nervous and head into the room.

The judges throws me questions, 'Whats your favourite type of songs?' ...'I..I like Japanese...pop' i reply back. 'When you become a singer, is there anything you would want to try?' another one asks me. 'Umm, i just want to sing...' The judges starts to write something on the papers infront of them, 'Well, you can start now'


-Lizzy & Jonghyun sitting on the window sill watching Dal Bit-

Lizzy: Well, if shes gonna be that nervous, theres no way she'll make it, right Jong Hyuuun~ ♥


The music starts, and i follow the melody...

Just one thing doesn't change
That dream I painted-

The judges looked displeased, 'Hey! Sing with a louder voice' and one going, 'We cant hear you like that' I start to go afraid...not knowing what to do...

'Eh...louder?' i touch my neck...One of the judges shout out to me. 'Is something wrong with your throat? Does it hurt? Well then, it'd be impossible for you to sing...' I hear it, and my heart drops...'Impossible..? ...I guess..its really impossible..' I start to tear up..'Sorry! Excuse me!' and i run away from the judges,

'Your going to run away?' Jonghyun yells out to me, 'Your throat is fine. Sing'

'You like to sing right?' Jonghyun smiles. I start to remember Jae Joong.

Dal Bit really enjoys to sing right? Me too...i love Dal Bit's singing..

I turn around facing the audience again. 'Thats right!'

'Im very sorry, may i restart !?' I lower my head and plead. 'Uh sure..' one of them goes, 'Cue the music'

'Its fine if its painful...

No matter how much it hurts inside...

...whether its pain...

...or love...

...they're all part of my dream! i think to myself and start to sing.


MOOD SONG: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfvZy7SdYq8 

Please listen to the song while reading! I understand it is JAP of course since it is an anime :) <3


Just one thing doesn't change
That dream I painted
How did I appear as I am now
In my young eyes back then
Hey, look up at it, it's such a vast night sky
So that soon, so that you understand
You will shine at your best soon so hurry
Look for the FULL MOON

Let's sing a song!
Together forever Everything I can do for you right now
Day by day
Your destiny until now From tomorrow, clutch your hopes to your chest
Let's sing a song!
Together forever If I'm with you I can overcome any hardship
More and more
More and more and more I want to be closer Please stay right here
many thanks for you!


It gets quiet...and the judges just dazed at me...'Err...im done...' and i start to wonder what their thinking.

At once, all the judges frantically called for people, 'Get Mi jin!' 'Hurry and call Ji ah too!' 'Jung hee, send everybody else back!' 'We've decided on Number 21 !'

I look on my number plate..'Eh....EHHHH~! ?!?!?' My eyes open wide and i do not believe what im hearing..

'Ive been chosen ~?!?!?'


Speakermans; Todays audition is over.

Lizzy: Jong hyuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun!~! WHAT are you going to do now!

-Jong hyun dazes towards Dal Bit-


I listen to various people talking to me about the singing industry and more. I think to myself, What should i do Jae Joong! I-I made it !



Heres the end of Chapter 2 <3

Please enjoy it. Subscribers. iloveyou ;) <3

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I love Full Moon! One of my favourite mangas ever!!<br />
I hope u udpate soon!
CinqLuna #2
the anime was a warm-hearted story. update soon :)