The Shinigami's Meeting...

Searching for the Full Moon...

Im singing!

I hear the crowd cheering out for me, my white silky dress glows out from the lights.

I yell out, 'Everyone ! here is the last song'

The crowd cheers, but i notice something...

'N-No way...J-Jae joong ?'

He nods to me...

'Your dream of becoming a singer...came true huh?'

'Y-yep..' We both stare out at eachother and smile..

I quickly run out to him...but...


I wake up from the dream and start to sing...

'Hey, look up at it, it's such a vast night sky
So that soon...'

I stop singing..'I'll be fine, right?' I pick up the brush on the table infront of me, and start dancing and singing again, 'Hey, look up at it, it's such a vast night sky
So that so-'
i stop singing and get on my knees. My throat aches never like before, 'It hurts...' i shut tight my eyes and hold my throat.

'Dal Bit ah! How many times did i tell you to stop. Music is such a vile thing, It reminds me of your parents and ruins my mood.' Grandmother comes in and yells at me with a strict voice. I quickly apologise, 'But i-' 'Do not talk back at me!' ...'Okay' i answer back with a sad feeling. 'The doctor has come to see you again' 'Dr Key! Hello!' I wave to him as he enters the room.

Granny and Min Na leaves the room and i speak to Key alone. 'So hows your health Dal Bit?' he smiles at me and i smile back, 'Im fine!' i answer with a happy tune. He gives me a signal to open my mouth, and i do so...'There, your fine now!' and he packs up his medical tools. 'Thank you very much~' ...'Um..Dr Key! Could you pretend your taking me to the hospital today?' i ask him. 'Ah, so where do you plan on going?' he throws a warm smile at me. I grab a paper and show it to him. 'Ta daa ~! Seed Records' Debut Artist Audition! Notfication of passing the first review !' I tiddle up to him and secretly smiled, 'Hehehe..Im keeping this a secret from Granny sooo-' 'No way~' he tells me off and his warm smiles fades away.

'You were sick at school yesterday right? What happens if you lose your voice? Why wont you take the operation?' He throws me questions...and i only answer one of them quietly...

'Whats even more terrifying than dying, is not being able to sing for the rest of my life...Thats why...' I smile widely...'Im sorry' Dr Key looks at me with no expressions, 'Dal Bit....'

Doctor leaves and i hear him speak with Granny, making me take the awful operation. I head back in my room and sit on the floor...sighing. I look at the photo of me smiling when i was 10 years old...with Jae Joong.

----------FLASH BACK---------

'Dal bit..Lets make a promise...' Jae Joong shows me the beach, and i smile bigger than ever..'Until we meet again, we'll work hard to achieve our dreams...For me its to become an astronomer, Dal bit, a singer...Okay? Its a promise!'


'Yup...' i reply in my voice...'But when will that happen' I frown and do a whine..and look up at the Moon Poster, Jae Joong gave me.

Incredibly...i see a hand coming out from there..and im shocked. 'Eh!?!?!?!' The boy comes out and i start to back away. 'W-Who are you! How'd you come out from the wall?!' He looks at me and frowns...'Hmm...This one huh?' he says...'Park Dal Bit, 12 years old'

'Huh! Why does he know my name?' Then again, a girl comes out from the poster as well...'Wait a minute! Jong Hyun! Were you trying to lose me?' The boy replies, 'Its because your always slow!' They both start to argue and i stare at them blankly. I go inside the arguement...

'Er, Excuse meee...?' The two people look at me, 'Who might... you be?' i ask.. The girl replied to me..'Y-You...can see us?' 'YUP :D!' I nod. The two people scream. 'H-H-H-H-HOW CAN SHE SEE US?' 'LIVING HUMANS SHOULDNT BE ABLE TO SEE US SHINIGAMIS @_@' The jump around inside the room...and i sit there looking at he funny view. 'Well, what do we do in this situation!?' The boy one asks the girl. 'Well...we have no choice but this !' I laugh.

The boy gives a funny charisma face, 'Its absurb to remain unknown when our cover is blown...' The girl tops it off too, 'We are the shinigami, the ones who silence the tears of the children!' The boy goes, 'Jong Hyun!' then again the girl, 'Lizzy!' The both then go, 'Together! We are....!'

The both dance, 'NEGI RAMEN! (Spring Onion Noodles)'

I laugh...' guys call yourself Negi Ramen...HAHAHAHA' and i hold my stomach to stop the laughter, and the two shinigamis lower their heads..and i keep laughing. 'haha! It sounds so yummy!' Silently...the girl tells the boy, 'Jong hyun...i really cant stand our duo name...' 'Just deal with it -_-..Our chief chose it after all -____-...' I get up from my seat and touch the girls rabbit ears, 'Ahh, rabbit ears and kitty ears~ How soft ♥.♥'

The girl was dressed up in red, red hats with rabbit ears poking out, and red skirts with red boots ! The boy was dressed in blue, with cute cat ears and a cap on the top of his head, he wore blue pants and blue cat shoes. I start to think..'If your shinigamis...then...did you guys come to pick me up ?' I say sadly and my face starts to darken..The boy replies, 'Thats what we're here for!' The girl laughs it off, 'Ahaha! No no, we will be one year later!' and she sticks a sticky tape on the boys mouth. The girl realises her mistake and covers , 'Kyaaa! We're not supposed to tell you this!...Ah sorry D: Please dont cry...' the boy passes on as well, 'Well, its cannot be changed' and he crosses his arms together. If i only have one year to live...theres no time to hesitate!

While the shinigamis fought with eachother i slipped out the room, and headed out.



Please enjoy the first chapter :D !


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I love Full Moon! One of my favourite mangas ever!!<br />
I hope u udpate soon!
CinqLuna #2
the anime was a warm-hearted story. update soon :)