Chapter 42

In the End

Hello Dearest, Loveliest, Most Loyal and Intelligent Readers!

Thank you for ALL the comments; especially those with questions: what will happen with MarkJin now (have they discussed HimChan)? what about HimChan? and what's going on with 2Jae?

You guys are the greatest!

This is the longest chapter yet: over 5,600 words! Hope you enjoy it!  (*^_^)



Chapter 42

Instagram media by jbgot7 - Every day with Dream High2 #5 @defjeffb♥ #JB #GOT7 #DreamHigh2       


“I’m so sorry,” he said sympathetically.

“It’s not your fault. I sort of expected it. I should have known.”

YoungJae and JB sat in bed with their backs against the headboard. They had been lucky to find a hotel willing to open its doors to them so late at night. After leaving YoungJae’s parents’ house, they had driven around a while just thinking about what had happened before deciding to check in somewhere for the night.

The evening before had started out well, though YoungJae’s parents had wondered why their son had wanted to bring a friend home with him after not having visited for a while. They adjusted quickly to JB being there, though, thinking that he was a handsome, well-mannered young man, who their son was lucky to have as such a good, reliable friend, especially when they realised that he had even recommended YoungJae for the job.

But later, when they found out exactly what sort of ‘friend’ JaeBum was, everything had taken a turn for the worse. It had simply been too much for them to take in.

“It was just too much too soon,” JaeBum said in an effort to comfort his boyfriend. Reaching out to touch YoungJae’s arm, he continued, “don’t lose hope. They just need time. They weren’t ready. And I’m not sure it was the best idea that I was there. Maybe they would have talked more about it if you’d been alone.”

YoungJae leaned towards JaeBum, their shoulders touching and their heads resting against each other. He wasn’t a naturally overly-optimistic person, but he had hoped that his parents would just be able to see how happy he was and be happy for him. Now he could see that he had been dancing down the lane of a fool’s paradise. He had hoped it would go well and it hadn’t. At all. He couldn’t help but feel that he had lost his parents forever that night, whatever JaeBum said in his attempts to cheer him up.

But as he felt JaeBum’s skin and hair against his, he realised how lucky he was. He had someone he loved who loved him. A lot of people didn’t have that much, so although he felt hurt, sad and disappointed, he also felt grateful.

“At least I have you,” he said softly.

“You don’t just have me,” JB said as he began to YoungJae’s hair, “you have all our friends and . . . I’m sure you’ll have your parents again. Just give them some time.”


It was still early as they sat there in bed together. Later that morning, YoungJae was going to see his parents. He’d phoned not many minutes before and asked if he could, and his father sounding as though he hadn’t slept much at all, said that they would be waiting for him.

This time, JaeBum wasn’t going along. They both held that to be the best course to take.

“Take as much time as you want,” he told YoungJae. “Stay with them for the rest of the visit if they want you to. I’ll be okay. Don’t worry.”

YoungJae hugged his boyfriend. He was thankful to have someone this understanding as a partner.

“If they just knew you the way I do . . . they’d love you, too,” YoungJae said.

“Well, before they knew who I was to you, they seemed to like me. Maybe they will again.”

*                                 *                                 *                                 *      

Instagram media by marknior - #DreamKnight Event | © imznokky [#marknior]#MarkTuan#mark#tuan#마크#Jr#Junior#Jinyoung#ParkJinYoung#주니어#박진영#진영#markjr#jrmark#markjin#jinmark#majin#angelproject

“Do you have to go to work today?” JinYoung whined as he stretched sensuously, his body almost feline.

“Yes, I do,” Mark replied reaching out to pull JinYoung’s body back to his own. “I’ve taken enough days off. I’m not going to be a very good example if I keep having people cover for me.”

“Yes, you have taken enough days off,” JinYoung said pointedly, “. . . for Kim HimChan. Why is it you can always take time off for him but never for me?”

Mark sat up.

“For . . . ? Wait a minute. I know that tone of voice. Pak JinYoung, don’t tell me you’re jealous of . . . HimChan?” Mark laughed. “Hey, maybe we are starting from the beginning! Remember when you used to be jealous of Jackson?”

“When was I ever jealous of Jackson?” JinYoung asked innocently.

“You’re kidding, right?” Mark teased.

“Anyway, this doesn’t have anything to do with jealousy, I’m stating a fact. The last time I asked if you could take off, you said ‘no’ and now you’re saying ‘no’ again. But when HimChan asked you . . .”

“He never asked me,” Mark replied.

“Oh, so you did it without him having to ask. I don’t know if you realise this, Mark, but that’s even worse.”

Mark thought for a minute and then asked about something they hadn’t mentioned during all their conversations of the previous night.

“Why didn’t you want to talk to me at the party?” he asked. “Was it because of HimChan? Were you jealous?”

“I didn’t want to disturb you,” JinYoung returned.

“Disturb what? I kept coming up to you and you kept running off. Why did you keep doing that?”

“Okay, I admit it, okay? I thought you and HimChan . . .”

“You thought HimChan and I . . . what?” Mark asked, an amused smile playing about his lips.

“I thought you didn’t love me anymore and that you two were . . . together,” JinYoung finally admitted.

Mark flung himself back on the bed and laughed.

“It’s not funny,” JinYoung said, hitting him with a pillow. “I thought you two were together. My heart was broken.”

HimChan . . . and me . . . ?” Mark couldn’t stop laughing.

“What’s so funny? He’s a good-looking guy and you two were spending so much time together. And he’s always so . . . touchy with you . . . Stop laughing! . . . What else was I to think?”

Mark wiped his eyes and did his best to stop laughing, though short periodic spurts of giggle did, unfortunately, break through, ruining his attempts at solemnity.

“I am SO not HimChan’s type,” Mark said honestly, followed by a chuckle.

“How do you know?” JinYoung asked.

“Because I’ve seen HimChan’s type. That’s why I had to spend so much time cheering him up. He’s head over heels in love with a guy who is nothing like me.”

“HimChan is in love with someone?”

“Yes. And he’s nothing like me. He has dyed hair, he is a little on the smallish side and he doesn’t talk much. Oh, and he has a killer smile and a killer body to go with it.”

“Oh, then nothing like you,” JinYoung said sarcastically. “Mark he is you. Except for the killer body, maybe . . .” JinYoung joked getting some of his own back.

“Oh . . . oh, I see how it is now,” Mark said feigning hurt.

“Maaaaaark,” JinYoung said while trying to hug him.

“No . . . no, it’s too late now, Pak JinYoung,” Mark continued, pretending to be wounded.

“Mark, you know I didn’t mean it. You’ve got a beautiful body,” JinYoung said, turning a reluctant Mark towards him.

“Really?” Mark asked facing him with a fake pout on his lips.

“Yes, really, you big baby,” JinYoung smiled.

Mark pulled JinYoung on top of him and hugged him tight, rolling their two bodies across the bed.

The two laughed as they rolled and as they finally came to a stop, JinYoung lay on his back with Mark snuggling close.

“Anyway, you probably remember the guy. He works at the café. Moon JongUp.”

“Of course I remember him. JongUp? HimChan’s in love with JongUp?”

“The very same.”

“But, JongUp likes him.”

“I know that and you know that and practically everybody under the sun knows that . . . with the exception of HimChan,” Mark said.

“Has he asked him out? Did JongUp say ‘no’?”

“Worse. He started dating someone else, couple rings and all. And then one day near the end of his shift, they kissed.”

“In front of HimChan?” JinYoung asked with a stunned look on his face.

“In front of HimChan,” Mark confirmed. “Now you know why the days off. HimChan was having a hard time dealing with it. And today’s their first day back working together.”

“Oh . . .” said JinYoung.

“Yeah. I just hope he’s okay. He still isn’t anywhere near over him. I think it’s going to take a while.”

*                                 *                                 *                                 *

The shift was nearly over and HimChan had hardly said two words to JongUp all morning. Whenever he called back an order, he announced it without addressing anyone in particular—and certainly without looking—even if JongUp was the only one standing there and JunHong and Kevin were away serving tables. If he had looked in JongUp’s direction, he would have seen how his smile had faded bit by bit as the morning wore on and how his expression then went from neutral to confused to somewhat sad to hopeless every time he looked in HimChan’s direction.

He didn’t know why HimChan was acting this way, but it was hurting his feelings. Especially on a day like today.

The day JongUp wanted to talk to him about something important.

This was a day JongUp had been looking forward to. He had finally decided that it didn’t matter if HimChan was his boss or not. He couldn’t stop feeling about him the way he felt and he was determined to tell him so. Whether or not HimChan shot him down in flames, he was determined.

And now, with each passing moment, he was losing his nerve.

And the moment he was planning for was slipping by fast.


When Mark came in for the shift change, HimChan didn’t even say much to him. He just wanted to get out of there: as far away from Moon JongUp as he possibly could. He had just about made it through his shift, but he didn’t know how much longer he would be able to work with him now that he realised, without a doubt, that it would take a long time to get over the feelings he had for him.

The feelings he still had for him.

HimChan was practically ripping his apron off so he could get out of the café as fast as he could when he heard a voice behind him softly ask . . .

“HimChan? Can I talk to you?”

That voice.

It was JongUp.

“Sure,” said HimChan answered, still turned away from him. He bit his lip and closed his eyes for a moment concentrating on making his face appear as expressionless as he possibly could. “What is it?” he asked keeping emotion out of his voice.

“Not here,” JongUp said. “Can we talk somewhere else? Somewhere private?”

Now HimChan felt disquieted. Here he could control himself enough to answer whatever JongUp’s question might be. Maybe it was about a new menu item? Maybe it was to ask for a day off? He could answer any question about work in as few words as possible and then be on his way; but to talk somewhere else?

“Okay, let’s go to the office,” HimChan stated professionally and moved to step in that direction.

“No,” JongUp said grabbing his arm to stop him from walking away. “Not in the office. I mean somewhere else. Somewhere not on the premises. Maybe we could go over to yours?”

Go to mine?! What?! HimChan’s brain screamed. But after making sure that none of that showed on his face, he turned around and faced JongUp calmly.

“I don’t think that would be appropriate, JongUp,” HimChan said.

“I would ask you to mine,” JongUp replied, “but . . . I can’t.”

Why? You don’t want me to see your boyfriend walking around in his underwear? HimChan thought sarcastically to himself. But he really was starting to wonder what had come over JongUp? What did he want to talk about? Why ‘in private’? Why . . . over to his?! He still couldn’t get over that one.

“I wouldn’t ask but . . . it’s important.”

This got to HimChan. He knew JongUp well enough to know that he wasn’t the type of person to exaggerate: he was earnest, honest and down-to-earth. So if he said it was important, it probably was. And if he wanted to talk at HimChan’s that was probably because he had thought about it and decided that that would be the best place to talk. Whether he should or not, HimChan trusted JongUp’s judgement. It was one of the reasons he loved him so much.

So going against his own doubts and misgivings, he turned to JongUp and feeling the ache inside him bang loudly as he beheld that dear, honest, intense expression on his face, the face he’d done his best to avoid looking at all morning, he said a quiet, “okay.”


Because it was lunchtime when their shift ended, JongUp suggested they first stop off and pick up something to eat. He knew where they could get some good, fresh food at a nearby market, so they headed there and walked to the stalls.

As they wove their way through the crowd, HimChan felt a mixture of emotions. He felt elated at being able to walk beside the man he’d loved almost since he first met him, and he felt more and more depressed that that very man loved someone else.

It felt so natural walking with him and standing beside him as they ordered various dishes. The people who ran the stalls seemed well-acquainted with JongUp and were therefore very welcoming towards HimChan. The ahjummas and ahjussis had him taste so much food that he wondered how much he’d be able to eat of the food they were actually buying they once he and JongUp finally got to his place.

“Who is this handsome young man?” one ahjumma asked.

“He’s my boss,” JongUp answered. If HimChan didn’t know better, he would describe the look on JongUp’s face as ‘beaming with pride’.

But he did know better.

“My daughter is coming back from university in a week. She’s a very pretty young lady. And very nice and mannerly,” she began, starting to list her daughter’s qualifications.

“Sorry, Eommonim, HimChan is already spoken for,” JongUp responded before HimChan had even had a chance to think of answering.

The ahjumma’s face fell, but she recovered quickly and smiled warmly. “Oh. Well, take this and eat well,” she said pushing some extra food into JongUp’s bag. “Remember to come back often. And if you should ever . . . ”

“We will! Thank you, Eommonim!” JongUp said hastily, pulling HimChan after him quickly before the lady was able to restate her offer.

HimChan just had time to bow and wave a rushed goodbye before they disappeared in the throng.

What was going on with JongUp today?

HimChan was grateful that he saved him from the awkwardness of having to answer that stall owner’s questions, but still . . .

Then he realised: he and JongUp were still holding hands.

He had grabbed HimChan so suddenly that the other hadn’t really realised what was going on. But now, now that they were weaving their way through the outer edges of the crowd and heading back to the main road, he was painfully aware of their hands clasped around each other.

It felt so good! But, HimChan was of two minds.

One: he felt happiness surge from their hands to flow straight through his chest to his head, reddening his neck and ears.

Two: now that the ‘danger’ was over, he felt he shouldn’t be holding hands with someone else’s boyfriend. Especially when that boyfriend was someone he was trying to get over.

“Uh . . . JongUp . . .” he began quietly.

But JongUp didn’t seem to hear. He just kept walking on, holding HimChan’s hand in his as though it was the most natural thing in the world.

“Which line do we take to get to your place?” JongUp asked as they neared the underground.

HimChan answered and then they both descended the stairs. JongUp only let go in order to purchase a ticket. And HimChan’s hand felt strangely empty without JongUp’s in it.

As they rode on the train, HimChan had an incredibly strong urge to take JongUp’s hand in his, but he knew that he couldn’t. Instead he just wished over and over again that something would occur that would force JongUp to take his hand again.

It didn’t.

When they finally stood in front of HimChan’s door, he wondered to himself if this was really the best thing to do. Now JongUp would be entering his life far and away from the café: he would be stepping into his private sphere. He had imagined so many times that JongUp would come to him and they would walk through this door as more than just employee and supervisor: JongUp would be his. But that wasn’t what was happening. JongUp just wanted to talk. He couldn’t know how hard HimChan’s heart was pounding at the thought of his entering his flat and walking across the floor, or eating at his dining table, or sitting on his sofa. He couldn’t possibly know how much HimChan’s heart was aching for him, or how many nights' sleep HimChan had lost thinking of him. How could he know?

Still, HimChan keyed in his password and the door unlocked with a click.

Then, JongUp took that simple, yet significant step, and followed HimChan across the threshold.

“This is a nice place,” he remarked in a slightly awed voice.

“I have a good friend from school who let me rent it,” HimChan said. “He could get a lot more for it, but like I said, he’s a good friend.”

JongUp followed HimChan to the kitchen to put the bags down and help him share the food out for their lunch.

“I can handle this. You can look around if you want,” HimChan said.

JongUp went out into the living room and looked along the walls. There were a lot of pictures there. Some were of HimChan and people who looked like they were his family members. There was one with him and Mark. There was one with a guy who had a very friendly, open smile. JongUp thought that might be the friend who was renting HimChan the flat. And there was one with Key and that guy.

JongUp felt embarrassed looking at that one. He remembered when he'd seen HimChan and him sitting together that day and what he’d thought.

It wasn’t until days later that he’d found out that that guy was not actually interested in HimChan at all but was ‘Key’s stalker’. Rarely having worked any shift other than his own, JongUp had been completely out of the loop and it wasn’t until Key had come in with his boyfriend one morning that JongUp had discovered from JunHong what had been going on—JunHong always seemed to be in the loop, somehow. Maybe it was because he’d become close friends with SungJong.

In any case, it was then that JongUp realised that HimChan hadn’t been with that guy.

HimChan wasn’t interested in Mark.

HimChan wasn’t interested in that guy.

HimChan wasn’t with anyone.

JongUp had got it wrong.

Meanwhile, in the kitchen, HimChan had cheered up significantly. Now that he was at home, as soon as JongUp had discussed with him whatever it was he wanted to talk about, he could go straight to bed afterwards. He certainly needed to. He hadn’t been sleeping very well at all these past few days. The thought of just being able to pass out after he'd listened to whatever it was JongUp wanted to say, HimChan found strangely comforting.


“Lunch is up,” he called out as he set the last of the dishes out on the table.

“I took the liberty of washing up. I hope that was okay,” JongUp said as he came in answer to the call.

HimChan just smiled and gestured for him to take a seat.

They ate together in relative silence, concentrating on their food. On the odd occasion when their eyes would meet, they smiled awkwardly and looked immediately away. Once they'd finished, JongUp helped HimChan clear away the leftovers and then helped with the washing up.

This is so nice, HimChan thought sadly. It’s so nice having him here. It was nice to eat with him. It was nice clearing away everything with him. Now it’s nice washing up with him here to help. Life just isn’t fair . . . he lamented inwardly. Why? Why couldn’t he be mine?

HimChan brewed tea while JongUp set out the cups. As he stood in the kitchen waiting for the water to boil, he was just glad that it would all be over soon, that JongUp would leave and he could go back to trying to get over him. It would be even harder after today, but he would have to deal with it. JongUp was genuinely a nice person and if JiMin made him happy . . . HimChan would just have to be happy for him. He would just have to . . .

Once the tea had been served, enjoyed and finished, there was nothing left to prevent the inevitable. HimChan took his place on the far end of the sofa, as far as he could away from JongUp. JongUp turned to face him, but he didn’t look HimChan directly in the eye.

“There was something you wanted to talk to me about?” HimChan started.

“Yes. I think we’ve . . . I think we’ve misunderstood each other,” JongUp said simply.

HimChan’s curiosity was piqued. “What do you mean?”

“I thought some things about you that weren’t true,” JongUp said honestly.

“What things?”

“I thought . . . I thought that you were interested in Mark.”

“Not this again," HimChan said pinching the bridge of his nose in irritation, as he squeezed his eyes shut. "Why does everyone seem to think I’m interested in Mark?” Mark had told HimChan about Jackson’s and other friends’ and even family members’ suspicions. The two of them had just laughed about it, but now it was seeming more serious. Just how many people thought he was interested in Mark?

And then a distressing thought entered his mind.

What if JinYoung thought that?

HimChan made a mental note to clear that up at the first available opportunity.

“I figured out that that wasn’t true,” JongUp went on, “but then I thought you were interested in . . .” at this JongUp rose from the sofa and went over and pointed at the guy in the picture with HimChan and Key.


At this, HimChan began to laugh in earnest.

“JongHyun? But everybody knows that guy’s Key’s,” he said between laughs.

“I didn’t,” JongUp said sullenly.

“Oh. It’s just so . . . JongHyun . . . no way, JongUp.”

But as his laughter began to subside, HimChan started to wonder.

This is what he wants to talk about? How does any of this concern him anyway?

HimChan had never figured JongUp for a workplace gossip.

“Then, I . . . I just . . . I thought maybe you got the wrong impression,” JongUp said returning to the sofa.

HimChan couldn’t help but notice that when he sat down again, he’d sat closer to him.

“Me? The wrong impression about what?” HimChan asked.

“About me . . . and JiMin,” JongUp answered.


Now HimChan was confused. Is this what he wanted to talk about? Him and JiMin? Whatever it was, HimChan didn’t want to hear any details about him and his boyfriend.

Wait. Wrong impression?

“I wanted to talk to you about it, but you didn’t come back into work until today,” JongUp said looking into HimChan’s eyes. “I know what you think you saw, but it wasn’t what you thought.”

“What wasn’t what I thought?”

“You think JiMin and I kissed, didn’t you?” JongUp asked.

“I don’t want to talk about this anymore, JongUp,” HimChan said, starting to get up.

“HimChan-Hyung,” JongUp called taking his hand to keep him from leaving.

Did he just call me ‘hyung’?

“ . . . he kissed me. I didn’t know he was going to do that, I swear,” JongUp said hurriedly. He didn’t know how much longer HimChan would be willing to listen to him, so he had to hurry up and explain everything before he got kicked out.

“JongUp, I’m sure that whatever happens between you and your boyfriend has nothing to do with me,” HimChan stated calmly.

“He’s not my boyfriend,” JongUp returned.

“Not your . . .? Well, whatever he is, it’s none of my business.” But then HimChan’s curiosity got the better of him again. He had been so tortured at the thought of the two of them together, he couldn’t stop himself from asking, “if he’s not your boyfriend, then why were you both wearing couple rings?”

“We were . . . he . . .” JongUp had to take a deep breath to calm himself before continuing. He had to explain this calmly and clearly. “We met in dance class. He liked me, but I never wanted to go out with him. But then, after a while, when things started happening, I thought maybe I should give him a chance. I thought maybe going out with him would help . . .”

“Things started happening? . . . help . . . help what? What are you talking about, JongUp?” HimChan asked starting to feel exasperated.

“You.” JongUp said cryptically.

“Me? What about me?”

“I thought, going out with him would help me . . . get over you,” JongUp admitted.

“Get over . . .? . . . What . . .?”

HimChan thought he couldn’t have heard that correctly.

The man he’d been struggling to get over . . . the man he thought never liked him, would never like him . . . that man was trying to get over him?

“When I saw you with Mark and then when you were being friendly with that JongHyun guy, I thought they were your type. They have money and I don’t,” JongUp told him bluntly. “I thought it was a lost cause, that you could never be interested in me. So, I thought I should give JiMin a chance. He seemed nice and we had some things in common. But that day . . . I didn’t know he was going to kiss me and by the time I’d pushed him away, you weren’t behind the counter anymore. JunHong told me you left and you looked upset. Then he told me that he thought you liked me. I thought I’d made it all up in my head . . . all those times that I thought . . . that maybe . . .  but he said I hadn’t. He said that he thought you really liked me. But then you left and I didn’t have a chance to explain . . .”

HimChan just sat their stunned as he listened to JongUp’s words sometimes running together, pouring out of his throat as though he thought he had to hurry and say them before he lost his nerve.

“At first I didn’t want to risk my job. I really need this job, you know? My family really needs my income and it isn’t easy finding a job with pay this good. And it’s a nice place to work and I like everybody there. I didn’t want to take any chances,” JongUp said.

He had a lot of the same concerns I had . . .

“But then, I thought I couldn’t help it. When I found out that you didn’t like Mark or that guy like that, and then after what JunHong said . . .”

Bless JunHong with an armful of blessings . . . HimChan sang inwardly.

“I thought I’d better explain before you start thinking strange things.”

HimChan needed a minute to take all this in.

But then, the misgivings began.

“But JiMin dances. And . . . his body. He seems nice and you have things in common,” HimChan said.

“Are you seriously trying to sell me on JiMin?” JongUp asked frankly.

“I just don’t want you to regret anything. I don’t dance, JongUp. And . . .”

“People who love each other don’t have to have everything in common, HimChan-Hyung,” JongUp said firmly. “Just supporting each other in what their doing is enough.”

“But, I think . . .”

Wait. Did JongUp just say ‘LOVE’?!

“Was I . . . was I the reason you disappeared from work? Because of what you saw that day?” JongUp asked openly.

HimChan was tempted to say, ‘of course not’, but JongUp had honestly asked and he deserved a truthful answer. No matter how embarrassing it would be to admit it.


JongUp looked closely at HimChan. His face was reddening and he was sure that it took a lot of courage for HimChan to admit that. So he followed it up with courage of his own.

“I’m sorry I was, but I’m happy I was,” he said. “Because that means that maybe you feel about me the way I feel about you.”

“And . . . how do you feel about me, JongUp?” HimChan asked shyly, holding his breath for the answer.

JongUp didn’t lose any time in answering the question.

“I’m not sure what to call it, but . . . I’m pretty sure I love you, HimChan-Hyung.”

HimChan had been waiting for what seemed an eternity for that answer. But even after hearing it, he couldn’t believe it. How could JongUp love him? How much had they talked? How much time had they spent together? Love was a pretty strong word! How could he be sure he loved him?

“I wouldn’t tell you all these things, if I thought it couldn’t work out between us,” JongUp said. “Like I told you, I can’t afford to change jobs. But I had to tell you how I felt because, it just wouldn’t go away, no matter how much I wanted it to.”

HimChan knew the feeling. But although he understood what he meant, it still felt weird that JongUp had wanted it to go away.

“I know we need to get to know each other better. I know that. But I really feel as though   . . . as though this could work,” JongUp said.

HimChan looked into the eyes of the man he had thought earlier was going to just speak his piece and then leave and knew that he wanted him to do anything but.

So, he leaned in . . . slowly . . . never taking his eyes from JongUp’s. And his heart pounded as he hoped he wouldn’t be rejected.

He wasn’t.

When his lips finally connected with those of JongUp’s, all of the pain and anxiety he’d been experiencing for so long flowed away. He felt JongUp reach for him, pulling him into an embrace and it was then that he knew that JongUp really felt for him what he’d professed.

It was . . . how did that cheesy song put it? . . . in his kiss . . .


JongUp didn’t go home that afternoon.

After the two had shared kiss after kiss, HimChan invited JongUp to his bedroom.

“Not for anything strange,” he assured him. “I just haven’t been sleeping very well and I thought . . . maybe we could . . . lie down together . . . if it’s not too much too soon.”

JongUp just smiled and took HimChan’s hand.

“You’re going to have to show me where. Other than the bathroom, I don’t know where anything is in your flat.”

HimChan squeezed his hand and then led him down the hallway to his room.


HimChan lay with his body curved against JongUp’s. One upper arm was under JongUp’s neck while bent at the elbow, his hand played with JongUp’s hair. JongUp played with HimChan’s other hand—laying leisurely across his waist— it and then touching his fingers one by one.

“What do you like about me, JongUp?” HimChan asked in a sleepy voice.

“I like it when you talk.”

That would have snapped HimChan to attention if he hadn’t been so tired.

“You like when I talk? I thought you hated it.”

“Why would you think that?” JongUp asked. Then he started kissing HimChan’s fingers. “I admire the way you can talk to people. You always seem comfortable in social situations. You always know what to say. You make people feel at ease. I never know what to say.”

“Your smile,” HimChan breathed into his hair. “It puts people at ease.”

JongUp turned his smiling face towards HimChan and kissed him lightly on the lips.

“Don’t start that again. I have to go to sleep,” HimChan said gruffly pulling JongUp closer against his body.



“When I thought you didn’t like me, I felt miserable.”

HimChan kissed his hair and nuzzled his ear lovingly.

“So did I.”

“I never want to feel like that again,” JongUp said.

“Neither do I, JongUp-ah,” HimChan said sincerely as he recalled the suffering of the past days.  But when he thought back to everything that had happened today: seeing JongUp at work, thinking of how they’d shopped together; riding the train, eating lunch, clearing up, sitting and talking and now lying there with one another, he couldn’t help but hope that somehow it would always be like this . . .

He bent his head to kiss JongUp’s neck gently and breathed him in. He was convinced that from that moment forward he would never be able to fall asleep again without the scent of JongUp all around him.

“Now,” HimChan murmured, smiling into JongUp’s hair, “let’s go to sleep.”



Okay, I admit, a bit HimUp heavy, but I wanted to tie up all their loose ends in one chapter: I didn't want to prolong their story overmuch because they're not the main pairing, but, at the same time, I wanted to create a satisfactory resolution.  ^_^

Thank you for your understanding!

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You all know by now that comments are my life.  ^_^

Thanx!  I'll update again soon. (*^_^) 

.gif and pix not mine.

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2021 and still waiting for you to complete this story…but above everything I hope you are doing great..stay safe~ ^^,
MarkjinHes #2
Chapter 23: Jinyoung really doesn't deserve Mark in this fic. poor Mark derseves better than this ㅠㅠ I would rather want Sad Ending.
apeeca #3
Chapter 49: I wish you could update this fic. Once I came across this one, I couldn’t stop reading it. It’s so beautiful. I hope you can finish it. Fighting!
markjin18 #4
Chapter 47: why is it “pak“ tho? im sooo glad theyre back together
markjin18 #5
Chapter 27: in this fic jinyoung literally cant do one single thing right lmfao
markjin18 #6
Chapter 24: no ovudsyyvhvv
markjin18 #7
Chapter 14: jinyoung doesnt deserve him tbh:(
markjin18 #8
Chapter 5: jinyoung is so annoying pcyrrzgcyygghx
passpass #9
Chapter 49: I still hope u update someday..I luv ur fic too much..hope u r doing well n return smday..I wanna know what jinyoung gonna talk abt
vmarkjin #10
Chapter 49: I just found this amazing fabulous fanfic in 2018.. omg this stories left me speechless it’s so well writing and awesome fanfic i’ve ever read.the feeling and emotion of love sadness & betrayal was took me a day to finish all this chapters.i had even cried two times while reading this.feel like i was watching a drama it’s so heartbreaking gosh..... i love it so much~ but it’s been 2 years u haven’t update this story.. i hope you will comeback and finish this story. You could’ve write a novel authornim.