Just Let Go

Everything is Spinning

Yiruma's "I" is a terribly fantastic song to listen to while reading this chapter. It's what I listened to while writing it, so I think it goes well.



Day 26 -

As much as I already wish that you weren't unconscious, I feel especially awful while I eat. Even though I've begun to grow tired of the same foods from the same places, at least I still have the ability to choose what goes into my body. Meanwhile, I see you across from me with that IV... It makes me wonder what kind of food you like; what's your favorite. It also makes me wish that you could be sitting across from me, eating with me as well.. I'm sorry. Even though this is kind of an outlet for my thoughts, I more so intended for this journal to be a positive thing for you to read. Something to ease your worries and not put any on you....

Your scans have continued to return positive results!

...You know.. I.. I really


"Kevin." The tone sounded warm and endearing but the oh-too-familiar voice instead caused the addressed male to jump a little, creating a scribble off the page before he snapped the book shut and shoved it beneath his pillow, eyes immediately narrowing on the intruder.

"A.J.." The two mere syllables were spoken rigidly.

"Why the harsh ton- -"

"Why are you here?" The words were spoken so quickly the sentence seemed to blur into a single word.

"To visit of c- -"


A.J smirked with amusement. "You've been using a lot of English lately, haven't you?" Kevin had been speaking in Korean with him, but the last, terse, syllable of a question was uttered in English, which AJ used to reply. His voice wasn't threatening. In fact, it was amiable--warm almost--but with the way Kevin was acting, the dark haired male may as well have been pointing a gun at him.

"Why does it matter?" Kevin's scolding words came out in Korean again.

The sigh that escaped the taller's lips danced along the line of sounding genuinely disappointed. "Why won't you speak in English with me?"

"Your English is terrible." It was mostly a lie, but Kevin was successful in getting the born-and-raised Korean to return to his native language.

"That's kind of harsh. Your Korean isn't fantastic either."

"So why are you here?" Kevin wasn't in the mood for small talk.

"I told you: to visit."

"Who? 'Cause I'm fine."

"The guys said you didn't look so good. Like you needed to get out."

The pale boy scoffed, looking away from the other, nails digging into his palms. "So no one else wanted to  come?" His eyes darted around, his heart threatening to burst out of his chest in the most unpleasant way possible. But once his dark brown orbs found their way to Eli's still face, he felt all the muscles in his body relax and a smile reach out to tug on the corners of his lips. ...Until AJ's voice returned.

"..They did." The tone was almost hesitant.

"So why are you here?"

"I offered."

"And they let you?"

"Am I not allowed?"

"Let me rephrase that then: 'They didn't turn you down?'"

The sigh that escaped AJ's lips this time sounded nothing but defeated. "I insisted."

"Ah, there's the truth." The smile on Kevin's face was less than comforting. He half-heartedly glanced down at the watch fastened around his wrist before looking back up at the other male. "Well, thanks for visiting! See you later--"



The calling of his name had been pleading, but the boy was no less harsh in his own tone. "Please- -"

"Please what?" For a moment, he allowed his eyes to meet the other's which appeared to be asking on their own. And that alone irked him even more. "What? What do you want?"

"For you to come out with me- -"

"Have you not heard? Nothing's been able to get me to leave. I don't want to. I'm perfectly content here. So why would I go? And with you of all people?"

But AJ just kept talking. "- -catch some sun- -"

"I'm fine. Hospitals do have windows."

"--some fresh air- -"

"The air here is fine, thanks.""

- - be around people- -"

"I have been around people"

"- -lively people- -"

"You're a ." His fist clenched.

"Just have some fun- -"

"No." Kevin interrupted again, this time with more force. "Plus, that's impossible with you."

"- -Just be able to relax- -"

"I'm perfectly relaxed here. At least I was until you came in."

An aggravated sigh left AJ's mouth and Kevin could see him tensing with frustration. "I was hoping it wouldn't come down tot this, but- -"

"What?!" The question was scoffed in a surprised amusement, his voice gradually rising in volume. "What are you going to do to me this time? Huh?"

"Nothing!" AJ shoved his hands in his jeans' pockets, his own voice getting louder as well as the frustration continued to boil "The nurses said if you didn't get outside for at least a good amount of time today..then you can't stay here anymore.."

It was those words that finally shut Kevin up. With eyes wide, he searched the other's face desperately for some sign that it wasn't true. That he was just trying to get to him. Just being an . But when he was met with nothing but an apologetic gaze, his line of sight quickly shifted towards Eli, breath caught in his throat, wishing that the comatose male could somehow do something to keep him in the room by his side. But there was nothing but AJ.

"But.." His voice was less audible than a whisper spoken to himself.

"They're just worried about you, Kev.."

"Whatever." He huffed as he pushed himself off the couch, his angry wall rising again. "Let's go then." Not taking a single glance back or at anyone, he rudely shoved past the taller man and didn't bother to stop and wait for him before beginning his trek out of the hospital. With a melancholy sigh, AJ began to pull the door closed behind him, taking a long look at Eli before clicking the door shut.



"See? Isn't the weather nice? Fresh air feels good, doesn't it?" Whereas AJ stretched with enthusiastic elation, eyes scanning the clear blue sky, Kevin just walked alongside him, sipping more than callously on the coffee that they had stopped to buy, only half-heartedly trying to contribute a mere, insincere 'mhm' every now and then. "How do you feel?" The taller boy asked, casually tossing an arm around him with a grin. But Kevin quickly shrugged it off and took a step to the side in order to distance himself.

"My eyes burn, it feels like my skin is on fire, and I'm tired." The statement was quick and candid.

"That just shows you need to get outside more! Get nice and healthy again!"

"I was perfectly fine inside. At the hospital. Which keeps you healthy." He held up his hand to shield his eyes from the sun. The bright fluorescent lights of the hospital were one thing, but your eyes easily adjusted to those. The light from the sun though.. Those UV rays were something else.

AJ gave up temporarily on trying to make amends with the smaller man, allowing them to stroll through the park in silence. Even though AJ's voice was no longer devouring his ear, Kevin's mood didn't seem to inflate any. Yet at the same time, he did seem to ease up. Especially once Kiseop coincidentally bumped into them, arms full of groceries and not knowing where he was walking as his eyes dove down into the paper bags, making sure he had purchased everything.

"Kevin! It's so nice to see you!! I've missed you." He went to hug the auburn haired boy, and much to AJ's surprise, the embrace was reciprocated with no protest. Just a small pat on Kiseop's back. The look that AJ was given by Kiseop though was much more disconcerting. He hoped the smaller man wouldn't say anything, but nothing ever went how he hoped, did it?

"How come you guys are together?"

"I went to go visit him at the hospital." AJ swiftly answered before Kevin could give some sort of snide remark.

"And you managed to get him outside?" He looked at Kevin only this time, an eyebrow raised as if he questioned the validity of the response. But the youngest of the three was hardly paying attention. His free hand was busy pulling his phone from his pocket as it began vibrating intensely.


The other two watched him in silence, unable to ask any questions and unsure of what thoughts had been going through their heads when the coffee cup slipped from Kevin's grip, the lid popping off as it hit the ground; the creamy, tan liquid splashing up and onto their feet.

"N-no.." Hearing the alarmed chatter of doctors in the background, his voice cracked and a tremble began making his lip quiver as it progressed through the rest of his body.

"Kevin?" Kiseop gently set down the bags of groceries on the green grass, both of the other men beginning to grasp an understanding of the phone conversation.

"NO!" The single word this time came out as a shout before Kevin allowed his phone to drop to the ground as well and turned to run, only to be restrained by AJ's arms.

"Kevin-- Kevin! It's okay! This is why you need to relax!" "LET GO OF ME." "No, Kevin- -"

AJ tried to hold tight as the other male flailed and screamed, but immediately another pair of arms attached to him and ripped him off of the other. Quicker than a heartbeat, Kevin began sprinting away, his destination more than clear.

"Kiseop- -" AJ tried to argue, but the elder only picked up the discarded phone before beginning to hurry off as well.

"Just take the groceries home, AJ" His voice was urgent also, but much less hostile than Kevin's.

"But Kiseop- -"

"AJ just ing go!!" Before the other could snap back, Kiseop was already sprinting away.



"Eli?!?" Coffee dampened shoes squeaked on the cold, hospital floors and finally he spotted them: The crowd of doctors and nurses pushing a patient hurriedly through double-doors marked 'Employees Only'.

"ELI!!" Kevin bolted to join the mass, but a nurse or two broke off from the group and worked to hold him back from the doors, repeatedly ensuring him that "things would be okay" and that they were "sorry" but he wasn't "allowed back there." Meanwhile, Kiseop ran in as well, his shoes squeaking loudly as if to announce his arrival. "Kevin.." He whispered to himself as he jogged up to the three, aiding the nurses by holding the male back so that they could return to assisting the doctors.

Kiseop tried to remain calm to the both of them, attempting to pull the other male into his arms to soothe him. "Kevin.."

"No! Get off of me!" The brunette sobbed as he strongly shoved him away, staggering a bit himself as he wiped his arm across his eyes. "Everything was fine! Nothing was wrong! I should have been here! I said I didn't want to leave! I should have been here!"


"I should have been here I should have been here I SHOULD HAVE BEEN HEREEEEE" The final repetition came out in a constrained, agonizing cry, the emotionally wounded beginning to fall to his knees until Kiseop caught him. This time Kevin allowed himself to be held. He allowed himself to cling onto the elder's shirt, dampening it with his cries and tears, screaming sobs into it as the other softly rocked them back and forth.





I don't like AJ for some reason. (And I don't mean just in this fanfic.) Can you tell? haha.

I'm not in a good mood. It helped me finish this chapter though.

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I just realized I meant me but Eli is back too HAHA


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Chapter 11: finally *o* that chapter was great! can't wait for eli and kevin's meeting!! omg hurry up pls~~ :DD
ShipJongkey #2
Chapter 11: I could only imagine how nervous Kevin is but if I were Eli I would surely want to meet the person who wanted to be there or me when there was no one else. I can't wait for the next chappter!
Thanks for the new chapter ^^
Chapter 10: finally!! i've been waiting for this chapter for so long TT TT i'm so happy that eli's awake and alive, but everything's just too fine right now.. like eli's awaken and his body's working and his reaction to the months he has been in coma is just too good? i have a bad feeling? i hope i'm wrong and everything will stay fine u.u and oh my god i can't wait till eli and kevin meet for the first time!!! i am reaallyyy looking forward to the next chapter!! so pleeaassee~~ hurry up!! :DD
btw i really love this story :))
Chapter 10: Wow it's amazing that you came back! Fighting! I didn't see a big difference in your writing skills so don't get discouraged. This is a good fic and you totally should continue it. I'm eager to know more of their new relationship! :)
Kyung1Ari #6
Chapter 10: Happy you are back.

Eli has finally awaken and talking, Kevin left. I can't wait for the next chapter.
Chapter 10: I'm glad you're back ^^ so awesome that Eli is finally awake but where's Kevin? .o.