Part Four

Finding Happiness

Lana Del Rey- Never Let Me Go

Chapter Four

Raina sits up and rubs her eyes, she looks around. Raina notice Luhan still sleeping and how they are both . ‘We slept together but what does this mean? Are we a couple or friends? What did I do’ Raina thought and started to panic.

Raina didn’t notice Luhan feeling the carpet, trying to find her. When Luhan notice Raina is not next to him he sits up quickly. His heart relaxes as he see Raina looking at her hands “Raina” Luhan called, and held onto Raina hand. She didn’t budge making Luhan a bit scared, he pulls Raina hair back behind her ears.

“W-what” Raina said as she snaps out of her thoughts. Raina notice how close Luhan is to her face, she turns her head “Can you get me my clothes” Raina asked not wanting to look at Luhan. She didn’t what she make of their situation. Raina wanted for her and Luhan to become more, nothing can happen until both have a talk.

Luhan gets Raina her clothes on throw it onto her lap. Luhan dress himself quickly and walks out of the room. He hated the way Raina treated him in the morning especially after what happen last night. ‘She was unresponsive, it was like she saw a ghost’ Luhan thought as he went down the stairs.

Luhan went to the dining area and saw breakfast was buffet. He get a plate and starts filling it with food, after he heads back to his room to give Raina her breakfast. Once he open the room he saw how the maids were already cleaning the room putting it back together “Were is Raina?” Luhan asked in a stern voice.

“Sir she went back to her room to pack” The maid said and bowed.

‘Pack, why would she pack? Her family just got here yesterday’ Luhan thoughts were going all over the place in his head as he walked to Raina room. Luhan burst open the door and his eyes widen. Luhan quickly bows “I’m so sorry” Luhan said.

“It’s okay son” Raina father said, he gets up and shakes Luhan hand “I’m sure you’re wondering why we are packing. Well I think it is best for Raina to be home for her to heal. I spoke to your parents and them to agree. Too bad you to couldn’t hang out more, I missed you around the house” Raina father laughed.

Raina parents left the room leaving Raina and Luhan alone. Raina looks down and continue to fold her clothes “Is this it” Luhan asked as he leaves the plate of food on the night stand.

“What do you want me to say Luhan. I can’t say no to them” Raina hold her shirt tight and then throws it into her suit case “I’m not mad that we slept together” Raina said. Luhan smiled and walked closer before he held Raina hand.

“Raina let’s go” Raina mother shouted at her from down the hall.

Raina took hold of her crutches and started to walk “Luhan can you get my suit case” Raina asked. Luhan held onto her suit case as he followed Raina all the front door. Luhan didn’t want to let go of Raina suitcase, it would mean that she would leaving “I will see you at school” Raina said.

Luhan watch as Raina left through the front door “We will talk back at school” Luhan shouts. Raina turns back only to smile and nod. Luhan heart flutters as she leaves with a smile. Luhan gets to work right away on how is going to ask Raina out. During the Christmas break he got hold of Raina friend Nana hoping that she could help him. However Nana couldn’t stop talking about herself and did not seem interested helping Raina out at all.

When school started Luhan couldn’t wait to see Raina again. Luhan went to school early and waited in front of Raina locker. He waited until he saw Raina on her crotches going down the hall. Luhan ran to Raina and took her bag off her shoulders “Thanks” Raina smiled.

“How was the rest of you Christmas break?” Luhan asked as they walked down the hall.

“Boring especially because you weren’t there” Raina poked Luhan side.  Luhan blushed, he couldn’t have felt anymore more confident. Raina open her locker and got her text books ready for her class. “Hey I thought you may want this back” Luhan took out a photo from his pocket. It was the same photo that Raina threw away when she Luhan the box of his belonging.

Rain took the photo and place it on her locker door “It looks great doesn’t it” Raina smiled back at Luhan. The bell ring making Raina sigh, she close her locker and went off with her crotches. Luhan followed Raina all the way to class “You know your class is on the other side of the building right?” Raina said.

Luhan laughed and ruffle Raina hair like when back as kids “I want to make sure you are safe going down theses dexterous halls” Luhan and Raina laughed. “Hey after school can we talk in the gardens” Luhan said.

Raina heart beat started to speed up, she automatically nods. Luhan left and Raina walk to her seat with the crutches ‘He likes me right, I mean he didn’t stop carrying about me even after I tried to break are friendship. I gave him my ity that night and he hasn’t stop trying to be at my side’ Raina could only think during class.

When it came to lunch time Raina was in line waiting to get her tray of food. Luhan pass by “Let me get this for you” Luhan took Raina tray so she could use crotches. Both walked to empty seats. Rain sat across from Luhan and ate their food silently.

Raina bit her lip “So what do you want to talk about after school? Can we talk about it now” Raina said not wanting to wait any longer.

Luhan eyes grew a little bit, his heart starting to speed up. Luhan had everything all planed for after school he didn’t know if he was ready to ask Raina out at the moment. Luhan mouth hanged open ready to say something until a tray was drop onto the table. Luhan looks to the side to see Raina friend Nana sit right next to him.

Nana hooks her arm onto Luhan and kiss Luhan other the cheek “Hey why didn’t you message me you were in here” Nana said with aegyo.

Raina cheeks started to burn “You guys have been talking to one another, since when?” Raina asked. She was a bit shock since both of them never talk before Christmas and no one said anything to her.

“Yeah since Christmas break started Luhan has been texting me, we even went out a couple time” Nana said as she plays with Luhan hair.

“No it not what you think” Luhan moves away from Nana.

“After school Luhan and I will be having a romantic picnic in the garden” Nana said. She was totally delusional thinking that Luhan liked her, when only we was asking help make everything perfect for Raina and him.

“I need to go” Raina got up and quickly walked out. ‘He is dating my best friend. He used me and slept with while he was dating my BEST FRIEND’ Raina shouted to herself, she then slammed her locker door.

“Whoa there, a penny for your thoughts” Raina looks up to see a tall man with short black hair looking down at her.

“Do you have change for hundred?” Raina asks which makes the guy chuckle.

“You’re funny” The tall man said. Both stand in the hall silent “Oh the name is Kris” Kris said and took out his hand from his pocket. Raina shook it, she was surprise how big his hand is “So do tell me what is on your mind that you had to slam your locker” Kris asked.

Both Kris and Raina walk down the hall “Well my crush and I are just friends and I think that it will always be like that” Raina sighed but she kept her chin up “I think it is better like this, me and him just as friends” Raina smile but she was not happy.

“Well you will find that special someone soon” Kris said he winked at Raina making her slightly blush. Raina look up and stop in her tracks when she saw Luhan standing there, his fist were ballad up.

“I should go” Kris said and ran away. Raina wave him goodbye, Luhan took Raina hand a spun her to face him.

“Raina I’m not dating Nana” Luhan said, his chest was rising heavily. After shouting at Nana saying how she screwed up his plan and that he would never date someone like her. Luhan then went running after Raina hoping she would understand.

Instead he finds her talking to one of his friends Kris. Luhan hears their conversation, his heart drops when he hears Raina saying that she glad they are friends “Look Luhan I’m glad that I lost my ity to you. I don’t care who you see and date. I’m glad we can be friends again” Raina said.

Luhan put his hand in his pocket and held the necklace that he was going to give to Raina ‘Maybe it’s not time yet’ Luhan thought. Luhan smiled and gave Raina a hug “I’m glad we are friends” Luhan lied.

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jessi828 #1
Chapter 6: that was beautiful....
sonevipsoshibang #2
Chapter 1: Fcken finally sfter years of sesrching for an exo x raina shipping GOD!!!
Chapter 6: Even if I'm so irritated over Raina.. I'm happy that they're together
Dayuum lucky Raina for having luhan in her life
Chapter 6: Omg I'm glad that I found this story. You made me cry a lot ;__; Lulu is so sweet like an angel. Raina is really lucky to have him

The puppy is so cuuuute :3

I wish u could write an epilogue!
Chapter 6: Aww ~ I wish there was more though :)
congrats :)
Chapter 6: gosh~So cutee :3 congrats~