13: Pathetic

[DISCONTINUED] Loved You (Before I Knew You)
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I just updated this last night. Check chapter 12, you might have skipped it. 

Luhan had first thought of telling Sehun 'no, stay where you are, I want to be alone at the moment' because he usually does photowalks alone. But he had decided that it would be rude of him to push Sehun away when Sehun is nothing less than the sweetest best friend anyone could ever find.

He sits in the lobby as he patiently waits for Sehun to arrive. In the meantime, he scuffs his sneakers on the sparkling black granite tiles and bobs his head to the bossa nova music playing in the background.

After a while, his phone beeps and vibrates in his pocket.

From: aaaaSehun-hyung!
Parked my car in the basement. On the way to the lobby.

Luhan keeps his phone and stands up, his camera strap around his neck as he protectively holds his DSLR in his hands. 

Sehun shows up a couple of minutes later, in black skinny jeans, a navy blue v-neck shirt and leathery black slip-on shoes. The white gold love bangle and the gold engagement ring sparkle with every subtle sway of his arm. The casual clothes he's wearing makes him look so much younger than he usually appears to be.

Luhan easily smiles, quickly forgetting about his previous worries and thoughts. "Sehun-hyungnim! Did you get off of work early? How are you?  I like your shirt!" A small smile quickly surfaces onto Sehun's face.

"Hi, Han." The older reaches out to lovingly pat Luhan on the head. "I did. I'd been really busy for the past few days but now I'm free." He grins when Luhan pouts up at him.

"Hyung, stop overworking yourself. You'll get dark circles under your eyes and you'll turn ugly!" Luhan scolds him. Sehun only shrugs, but the grin remains on his face.

They exit the building with Luhan fumbling with the controls and settings on his camera.

"Where are you going to take photos?" Sehun asks. He walks beside Luhan with his hands in his pockets and his thumbs jutting out.

"I was thinking about going to the all-womens' university and taking photos on the way there too." Luhan says, still tinkering with his camera. "But now that you're joining me I think we should go to the park. I'm betting they have ice cream and this time I'm going to make you buy me some."

He's only joking, really, because Sehun is already spending too much money on him. But Sehun throws his head back in a delightful laugh and that catches Luhan off-guard. He almost trips face-first into the ground. Almost because Sehun saves him by grabbing him by the waist and pulling him close.

"Careful, baby. I'd buy you all the ice cream you want but if you bre

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Hi! Long time no see! This story is being re-written, but not as SeLu anymore. Message me if you're interested in reading it! x


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Chapter 15: Eventhough it's been so long since this fic updated, I'm still waiting for the miracle. this is one of the best hunhan stories that I'm frequently reading over and over again. TTT____TTT
And Im still here waiting TT i cannot move on with this fic
Xunlu4evr #3
Chapter 15: Authornim pliz update the story is going quite good pliz do not stop from here. There are still lots of hunhan fans . And I can't wait to know what will happen to them
Chapter 15: I srsly need an update ;3;
itgirl #5
heyyy! I just saw that u were going to rewrite this story with another pairing and that we should message u if we were interested, idk how to message u personally so I hope that this will suffice?
Chapter 2: Huhu autornim is'nt there any outline or just a summary to what happened for this story? This is really nice fic and I also happen to read a fic same like the 1st chapter yesterday so I decided to read this again.

You are really good and your story is one of my faves since I have been a hunhan shipper ecer since they debuted. (I only subscribe hunhan fics)
najiehahrazali #7
Chapter 15: Author-nim please update this story. I've been waiting about a year. Pleaseee. I really want to know the ending. Please don't stress yourself, your story was so freaking good.
itgirl #8
Chapter 15: Hey um i was rereading this fic bc its so good!!!! This is going to come off as creepy but istg im not!!°° i thought u were on a hiatus but then i read in one of the comments that u left the exo fandom so u'll no longer be writing??? I was wondering if it would be too much for you to write like a mini outline so that we kinda get some sort of closure but i also understand if u dont want to. This is ur story and if u've really had enough thats nobody but ur call to make!!! :^) i just wanted to thank you for your contribution towards hunhan fics!!! Theyre always so humorous and diabetes inducingly sweet. The characterisation of luhan and sehun always seem so perfect!!!! Hands down fav fanfic author!!!! Thankyou for not deleting any of ur works so that we can read them again and again!!!!
♡♡♡♡♡♡ thank you again and i wish u the best in all ur future endeavours! !!! :^)
Chapter 15: authornim your fanfics are really something so as the author :) And HunHan would really want to clear how they feel for each other in this story so I hope that you'll have the will to end this . we as readers are WAYYYYYY excited to read more about them. we will be here waiting til that fic ends and they'll hv babies (even grandchildren)XD

Chapter 15: Stop being so hard on yourself.
Your stories are great. If you start them, you should finish them. We, as your readers, we subscribe because we want to read it. It's not fair that you leave us hanging like this.
I love "Twincest" as well as this HunHan story. It's obvious they're getting married, it's arranged. It's obvious that Sehun loves Luhan and Luhan loves Sehun. Let's get to writing, Author-nim! Hwaiting!!!