First Day II

Black Tie


If I can tell thee truuuth.... I am a little boring with this story :( . SO, I’ll try to make this story different. Ukh, I’ll try to start ‘THE ROMANCES’.

Hope you like it. ^^


Park Bom’s POV



        I was playing with a montain of grilled corns around me. I didn’t know this was reality or just my dream but well I didn’t care anyway. I grabbed one of these grilled corns, and it. Its sweet so nyummy~.

“ God thanks because you give me these all grilled corns. I promise to spend these grilled corns”, I thanked to god.

                       But I didn’t know why, after I thanked to God a corn in my hands flew away. “uh... my corn!”, I yelled as I ran to catch the grilled corn but I failed and the one grilled corn dissapeard.

                       I sighed and turned to see MY montain of grilled Corns Flew higer and Higer. I said no so many times as I jumped and jumped to catch at least one grilled corn. When I would get one of those corn Suddenly a very Big Yellow creature fell on me, making me breathless. I smelt fresh corn on it.

“ unghh... Corn?”, I whinned a little.

               I pushed that creature to move next to me then I turned to possision of sitting. I glanced at the big yellow creature to see it was a DUBBIE DUBBIE BIG grilled Corn!! O-m-o~

                I smiled happily while I jumped on it and hugged it like it was my bolsters. Happily I on its skin, but somewhat Its feel wasn’t like corn but more like...blood?. I looked at big corn before me, it one more time and its feel still the same. I closed my eyes as I it again and again, the bloods feel more could be felt. I opened my eyes and jumped away when the corn changed to.... My Dad’s face!

                I screamed in fear and shock, then the white screen around me began to change to my baddest memory. In front of me two dead body could be seen, My omma and My appa!. Bloods covered their body.

“ Omma ... Appa ... "

            My eyes started to water with tears, I sat on the ground with limp legs. "Omma ... Appa ... Don't leave me ... ", I cried again, this time a lot more tears than before.

"Sshtt .... Bom... don't cry "

            Around me began to dark suddenly, I even couldn’t see anything because the darkness. But I swear I could hear a very calm and comfortable voice. Like my omma’s voice so much.

"Omma?", I whispered softly, my eyes rounded, making me stop from crying.

            A light appears in front of me, a creature showed. OMMA!. I ran as fast as possible to hug her thighly, feeling my omma hugged me back.

"Bom. Please Don't cry. Bom is a strong woman. so Don't cry. Be brave and strong woman, for the sake of your friends, for the sake of the people you loves, for your Appa,...omma "

   I began to crying back, I couldn’t hold my tears inside my eyes anymore  "omma ... Bom miss omma... "

"Shh dear, don't cry. Be strong and brave daughter. to make omma proud of you ", My omma loose her hug and lifted my chin with her thumb and index finger.

"Omma ...."

                    When I looked at her eyes the darkness came again, I felt none hugged me anymore. I looked around to find my omma back but I saw nothing. Suddenly a light appeared and I looked at it, its look like it wasn’t my omma.

                     I saw it was a boy, with brown shirt and long pants. He smiled at me, I didn’t even saw his eyes but his smile so cute and warm. His smile looked so familiar. I titled my head slightly to remember who he was, and I tought about the one who has smile like him.

“ Jiyong?”, I asked to my self, I could see his smile wider.

“ Jiyong?” I walked toward him until I stood right before him. I could see his cat eyes, his warm smile. He smiled at me as he wiped a last tear on the corner of my right eye. He looked at my eyes deeply and he looked like he wanted to say something but I felt someone poked my cheeck until I falling back to my body and opened my eyes. That time I forgot about my dream before.


End Of Dreams.


“ so he is!”, Chaerin shouted, I looked at her and just realized if she already sat on the cold floor with a so wide grin.

“ he is what?”, I asked lying to her like I didn’t know what she mean. I Could feel my cheecks flushed.

“ Unnie, he is the hat’s owner”, Minzy winked at me, making my face burned.

“ A- Aniya! Thats impossible”, I whinned and glanced at Dara who smirked.

“ Nothing Impossible Bom”, she said it.

“ But i still don’t believe it. Sorry Minji”

“ No problem Unnie, but may you can ask him by your self if you don’t believe me”, Minzy laughed.

“ no need”, I grumbled, stood up to go to my room and sleeping.

“ Unnie already sleepy?”, I could hear Chaerin asked.

    I nodded without facing her,

“ remember, we must begin our quest tomorrow Chae, we must begin to find the black ties headquarters”

“Nee araso araso. I’ll sleep too... Dara Unnie, Minji-ah come on sleep”, I could feel Chaerin Stood up and walked behind me. Of course she would because we have the same room.



NEXT DAY (Normal’s POV)

   PARK BOM and Chaerin 1st day Mission


              Chaerin drove the white car while Bom looked at her Ipods Map. Chaerin tied her blond hair like high ponytail and Park Bom just loose her hair.

“ Police Station, one hunderd meter away after Pizza Hot Restaurant”, Bom said, looking at her Ipod with serious eyes.


                                          Five minutes later they arrived at Police Station that ever handle the Black Tie case. They were parking their white car and get out from inside. They seemed like they didn’t wear their usual headphone. Dara asked them that morning if they need to change their comunnication tools. Dara has made four so small comunication tools with a very small mic on it. So it wouldn’t be seen for anyone

                                        They met the headmaster police and asked anything that might be could help them to find the headquarters possision. The headmaster said when General Lee Tae Min ever called him and told him if he finally knew where the one of the Blacktie’s headquarters. And they would meet each other the next morning but unfortunately the general had been killed by one of the blacktie’s member.

                                       Chaerin and bom asked him to let them checking the General Taemin’s room. And Lucky the headmaster let them. Of course he would because he was the one who called them to clear that case.

                                      Less than three hours for checking every courner of the room Finally bom found something on the deep corner of a very big bookcase, it was a small box that locked with digital security.

“ Chae! I found something!”, Bom shouted, making chaerin jogging toward her.

“ what’s that?”, Chaerin asked as she and bom squatted on the floor.

“ I don’t know. I think this is important but unfortunately this has locked”, Bom began to sad.

“ Let me see”, Chaerin took the small box from Bom’s hands, looking at it serious.

“ is it like code security or fingerprint security?”, she asked but Bom just shook her hair.

“ I don’t know”

“ just call Dara and ask her. She is the smartest of us”, Chaerin suggested.


                                Then Bom called Dara who held the case of the exhibition building Shinkonshi. Just two waiting tone and she picked up the phone. The smartest Sandara Park asked about few things and then she said if it was a fingerprint security. She said if Bom and Chaerin should ask the polices to ask for few fingertips paper. But they didn’t tell the polices if they have found something. After few more minutes finally they found the General Lee Taemin fingerprint from one of his books.

                                After copy it with so perfect copies print They put it on the digital sequrity screen. It seemed need few minutes until the accepted code appeared. They were screaming in joy, when one police came and asked them what happened they just shook their heads.

“ now isn’t the right time to tell them”, Chaerin said while the police got out from the room.

“yep, now lets we open it”, Bom opened the small box with one hand and saw like a paper in it. She took it out and realized if it was a papper that told about a adress. A adress to tell to the headmaster!.

“ Could it be?”, Chaerin glanced at Park Bom who glanced back at her.

“ hum. It could be”, she bit her bottop lip slightly berfore stood up and walked to the door.

“Come one we must going to this place”

“ Okay Miss!”

                                  It didn’t need too much time until they arrived at its place. It was so big black building with so much woman or men with black suits. And to make it difficult they seemed like they were nice person.

“ do you thik this is the right place?”, Chaerin asked.

“ ne. I believe this is the right place but why everyone looked so nice?”

“ ne. But don’t fall to their appearance. May they are looks so kind outside but inside they are evils”, Chaerin released her seat belt.

“ okay mooma”, Bom joked as she wanted to get out but chaerin grabbed her wrist and stopped her.

   Bom’s head turned to facing Chaerin, “what?”

“before you go out you need it Unnie”, Chaerin gave Bom something that making her doll eyes rounded.

“ A small gun?!”, she yelled.

“ shht Unnie! Don’t so loudly!”

                   Bom covered with her palms, “Oh sorry” she said. “But why we shoud bring this thing?”, she asked.

“ to save our life Unnie”, Chaerin Sighed “you know how brutally they are don’t you?”

“ ehm I know”, Bom’s face began to pale when she remembered about her parents incident. Chaerin who realized her worry patted her shoulder slightly.

“ Don’t worry Bommie. I am here with you. Dara also said if we were in trouble then just press the help button on our watch. Okay?”, She showed bom a so warm smile.

       Bom nodded and smiled back, “Thanks Chae”, she hugged her so bestfriend before hide her small gun and got out from the car. She realized when she and Chae got out from the car 60% from those black suits person glanced at them as if they were hiding about something.

“ keep calm Unnie. Don’t make any weird movements”, Bom could hear Chaerin whispered from her small comunication tool.

                Bom hummed to tell Chaerin if she understood. Few hours after with tired body they were laying on the soft grass not far from the building. They were already gather information and roaming around to there and here looking for something that could be useful. and the results were declared if it was still 50% chance of this building was one of the Black Tie headquarters.

“ I am thirsty”, Bom grumbled.

“ thirsty? I think I bring few mineral bottles inside the car. You want me to get it for us or we can go back-“

“ I still need check about something. If you don’t mind can you get it for me Chae-ah?”, bom interrupted her.

“ okay boss!”, Chae joked before jogging away.



            Park Bom’s POV


“okay boss!”, Chaerin joked before she was jogging away. I couldn’t help but giggled at her react.

                                  I laying back on the so soft gass. It even felt like my love pinky blanket. I closed my eyes and feeling the wind hit my body slowly, making me felt more comfort than before.

              I could hear a smile thump near me and stood up to position of sitting opened my eyes to see a OH-MY-GOD-YOU-LOOK-SO-HANDSOME boy sat in front of me. He was so tall and had so cool eyes. He wore a white shirt and long black pants.

“ am I disturbing you?”, he asked.

“ no you don’t”, I gave him a small smile before raised my eyebrows “may I help You?”.

         He chuckled as if I said something funny, and I didn’t. I furrowed my eyebrows and he stopped his chuckled. His so sharp eyes looked at mine as he smirked.

“ I just want to know the one who laying on my sweety grass and found if its you”, he said.

“ Oh sorry”, I gasped, trying to stood up but I had been stopped by him.

“ it’s okay. Just sit back”, The cool man smiled, a smile that more looked like a smirk. I didn’t know why but I feel like he was hiding about something.

                    I sat back and began to feel uncomfortable,

“ may I know your name?”, he asked. I just silent as I looked at him.

                  As if he knew what I was thinking about he showed a awkward smile, “ no need to worry. I just wondering who is the one i just meet”. He said it, making me to feel guilty.

“ ukh sorry. Its okay if you want to know who i am, I am Bom. Bom from Park Bom”, I introduced my self and bowed slightly. Then I thought about a great idea, might I could use him to help me to know about that ‘might be’ Blacktie building to make it easier for me. I smiled widely “and you?”.

“ Just call me top”, he answered, the winds making his black hair messier.

“ top?”, I couldn’t help but chuckled. What the funny name!.

“ is my name so weird?”, he asked.

“ oh no, it isn’t”, I shook my head with a guilty look. “sorry”

“no problem”, he smiled again. I didn’t know why but I felt like his smile just a force.

                      I wanted to ask him about the blacktie things but suddenly my so small comunnication tool on, I could hear Chaerin’s voice. ‘Unnie sorry but I couldn’t find the mineral bottles. Oh Unnie I am so tired can we just go home now?’

          I sighed in dissapointment,

“what’s wrong?”, top asked me. I forced a smile before stood up.

“ sorry top but I must go now. Uhm it’s okay for me to have a meet with you tomorrow or next time?”, I asked with a red tint on my cheeks.

           I could see him smirked a little then he nodded, “of course. I am here from three until seven”

                                      I nodded before said good bye to him and walked away. I grumbled when I thought Oh god really, I just need a few minutes to get the answers that might be so important if Chaerin didn't call me!.





                                 I saw her walked away with a grumble. I smirked. She wanted to meet me tomorrow it means I was success. Oh Come on Seunghyun, when you ever failed to make a girl has a crush on you huh. Never right?. So like I said before its so easy for me to clear this girl. She was so cute, y and beautiful but she was so unlucky because she has to deal with me. Heh. Poor baby girl. 



" I hope this is better........"

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Chapter 8: top's banana at the end makes me so done with my life XD
robertahappy #2
I luv stories like these >.<, but i'm not good at writting them. This is really interesting :))))
Omg Bom..i thought you are the excited one,,but you sleep..LOL!!
hmm,i bet the man is!lol
kwonarra #4
woah.. i bet that's jiyong right?? :D
ahhh gbom moment soon!!! >< ><
is top know who is park bom??
and who kill bom's parent?? top or top's parents ekekkekek... :D
i hope you can get time to update >< ><
GBOM! I'm actually a Daragon, but in this story, GO GBOM! kekeke
Update soon please! <3
gjie2cute #6
I love this so much
icegirl #7
oo i like the concept of the story ! cant wait to read wats next! i also hope its a gbom ending :D hehehe, anyways good luck with school and everything :)
GBom Hwaiting!! :)