
Hidden Behind The Mask

Oh Sehun

The Cold Guy

cr ; tumblr.



The dinner was served at the dining hall on 7 pm sharp. Students came down one by one, stomach growling to be filled. Same goes to The Ace. The group went in the place in line, the five of them, chattering, smiling. Sehun was nowhere to be found. The menu that night was kind of heavy so Soo Bin and Nana went to take their seat at their table, dieting they say. Oh I forget, cheerleaders, right? Chae Min shook her head slightly and she got into the line, lining up patiently just to take a tray of food. She sighed. She never liked the idea of lining up. So when Luhan called her to get in front, she willingly strode in to the front line. Unluckily, a pair of leg suddenly stucked out making Chae Min incidentally tripped onto them. Could guess what happens next? She felt herself came in contact with something hard. The floor. 


The students around her laughing at her fall. She gritted her teeth, embarassed. "Chae Min-ah , are you okay?" Luhan reached out his hand to help her get up. Instead, Chae Min stood up herself. Luahn awkwardly put down his hand back and then Chanyeol stepped in front, realising the commotion. "Whose freaking leg makes my Chae Min fall?!" he was practically screaming. He looked one by one. "Is it you?" he pointed to a blonde shoulder-length hair girl. The other behind her is a kind of a short girl. The blondie girl just smirked. "It's me. Wae? She's the one who trip over my leg. Not my fault" the girl cockily said. She even glared at Chae Min secretly and too bad, Chae didn't realise it. Or I might say, choose to ignore it. 


"CHAE MIN-AH, ARE YOU HURT?" Soo Bin hollered and Nana dusted of her knees and checked if there was an injury. "Soo Bin, I'm okay, really" That blondie saw them with annoyance. Nana looked up to her.


"Are you on my team?" Nana questioned towards the girl and she slowly nodded, hiding her fear. "What's your name?" Silence. "I'm asking you, what's your name blondie?" Silence. "Hers is Minah. Lee Minah" The short girl behind her said and immediately the blondie glared at her making she went to the back some more, hiding. Guess that's shortie is a bully's target, huh? By this Lee Minah, really? Nana thought, annoyed."Minah is it? Too bad I, no, we call Chae Min, Chae Min-ah. It's the ame pronounciation with you. What to do? let just give you a new name, huh?" Soo Bin said making the blondie-Minah-looked up, shocked. "What new name?" She asked, confused.


The students who're seeing this little fight gasped. They knew about this thing, All too well. A name change by The Ace means a name for the rest of your highschool days. All the name that stuck were particularly a humiliation. For instance, there was someone named Chen, a chinese. He beat Luhan on the soccer game between class  coincidentally and Luhan's team chained him afterwards. Yeah, chained him. Chanyeol who heard the rumours made fun of him and named him ChainChen. Humiliating much, huh? So the whole school started to call Chen by that name until one day, Chen decided to quit. He's the bully's target, afterall.


The Ace wasn't bad. Their fans were. Oh yes, of course, Luhan didn't join or even knew about this chaining Chen whatsoever nor The Ace. They just loved to make fun of people. That's that. And the new target is the school's bully, Lee Minah, what a shocking.


"Minah, Minah. Minah. Bully. Bullys. Uhm.. No..Burry, Cause Koreans are too l-lisp, let just call her bury. Means hiding in english. Some brat like her should just be disappeared, huh? Do you guys agree?!!!" Chanyeol mockingly screamed right in front of her face. The crowd cheered. "Bury Minah" They chanted. Chae Min took a hold of Chanyeol's arm. She held it tight. Minah's face had become red. She took a step backward. two. three. And she ran out of the dining hall. "Who says she can mess up with an Ace, huh?" Nana blew out her bangs and high-fived Soo Bin. They laughed. 


While for Chae Min, even a single part of her didn't enjoy this. She pitied Minah. She felt bad. She felt too childish. She's mad at herself. Chae Min had never love to make a big fuss over nonsense thing. Things like this should just ended by saying a simple sorry and all. She knew Minah really wanted her to fall but she didn't even hurt. Others were making it like she's dying or stuff. She shook Chanyeol's arm slightly, wanting his attention. "Waeyo?" Chanyeol asked, puzzled to see Chae Min's face half-angry half-sad.


"Stop it. It's not good, okay?" She whispered, almost like pleading. Chanyeol stared at her face awhile before giving her a big, warm smile of him. He shooed the crowd and the chanting stopped immediately.


"Sorry. I think I went overboard" He ruffled her hair but Chae Min didn't smile back. 


"Yes you are"


"Sorry again, okay? Chae, don't you think you're like an angel sometime. Too good to be true." 


And too fake to be true. Nevertheless, she finally returnned Chanyeol a small smile and they took their food. While walking, Chae Min suddenly caught Kyungsoo staring, at her. Directly at her. There was disappointment in his eyes. Chae Min felt guilty all of a sudden but she continued looking, as in reading him. "What you looking at Chae?" Luhan waved his hand in front of her face. "Ani, it's nothing" She smiled and turned away from Kyungsoo but she caught what Kyungsoo's mouthing the next thing.


"Where are you, Kang Chae Min?"


She swallowed, hard.




Sehun walked along the school's hallway, alone, passing through classes by classes. He looked around, making sure no one's following him. He knocked on to a door. It said "PRINCIPAL OFFICE".


"Come in" a deep, serious tone of voice hinted from inside. "What bussiness do you have with me in this late perioud of time?" He asked coldly. Surely he's not interested in hearing anything from that old man's mouth.


"It's about your brother"


"Since when I have a brother?" 


"Since before and I would appreciate it if you just sit and listen, please" Sehun groaned but he took a seat despite.


"He's coming out in 2 months' time" Sehun face changed but he kept the straight face of him after a second.


"It's better if he just rot there" He nonchalantly said. "Or better he should just die" He chuckled. Mr. principal slammed down his files, rage burning.






Silence. Heaved sigh. Silence. 


"Sehun, appa was really sorry. But it took me a long time to build this school. I'm sorry. You have to understand me too. Now, we could live wealthily, right? No worry about money or shelter. We don't have to live in fear anymore. Just forget the past, okay?" Principal - Mr. Han Seok - Sehun's father calmly said. Sehun eased his anger down. He took a deep breath.


"Just don't expecct me to befriend with him" He pulled the door knob.


"And no one should know you're my father"




"And Sehun, please look over Chae Min nicely, okay?"  


"Yeah, fine. Whatever" Sehun said before slammed the door shut. Mr Han Seok took out his phone and dialled a number. Within seconds, the call had been answered.











"Chae Min's fine. Don't worry, okay? Just take care of your health. She would be sad if she knew you sick"


 "I won't tell her, I promise"










(..               )

//Just ignore me. I am having a side effect of finishing tests//



"Everything is a side effect of dying"



p/s :: Do shower this story some lurves, olay? XD

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lkimgirl #1
Chapter 4: Looking forward for this story. Very interesting
I love your story. Keep updating~~~
chainchen #3
I think chae Min has some doble triple quadriplet split personality. agagagagaga XD
kaybab #4
asdfghjkl i hope she solves her problem with do and be nice like before again
nawrrr #5
update soon author-nim~~~~``
nawrrr #6
grrrr... but i do want her with kyungsoo tho