Catching Feelings


Amber’s POV

It’s been a week now. A week since she transferred to my school. A week since she’s been driving me crazy. I thought that she would stop her quiet phase and start making friends, but she didn’t. It’s like she doesn’t care about having friends. Although she doesn’t talk to anybody, she’s been the main topic of gossip in the school. It’s unbelievable. She never spoke a word, yet everybody in the whole school has been talking to her.

Krystal Jung. That’s her full name. The girl with the looks of an angel but has a heart of ice. Well, that’s how the people at school has been describing her. All the guys are…well…were chasing after her, but they eventually gave up because she was uninterested and she wasn’t afraid to show it. All the girls are jealous, because come on, she’s perfect. That’s the power of the new girl.

I still can’t stop thinking about her though. I’m really considering going to see a therapist. But how would I describe the problem? Oh doctor, I can’t stop thinking about this girl at my school but she won’t talk to me. Is there a problem with me? Do you think I’m a weirdo? And then when I see her, I can’t help but to think, oh my gosh she looks so beautiful. Or how can somebody be this perfect? Or my favorite one so far, does she have a map? Because I keep getting lost in her eyes. I mean, it’s usual for a girl to say that about another girl right? Right?

I can’t believe she still won’t talk to me. I’ve been trying to get her to say something to me, but no. She won’t even acknowledge my presence. I’m not used to this kind of treatment. And honestly, it’s hurting my ego. It’s hurting my ego real bad.


“Hey Krystal. Do you have a pencil? I think somebody took mine.” I asked her nicely, not forgetting to give her a friendly smile. She looked at me for a quick second. I was sure that she was going to answer my question, but she just continued doing her work. Ego takes 30% damage.

“U-uh Krystal, do you mind helping me with number ten. I’m not really sure on how to use the formula.” I scratched my head, showing my confusion. I was expecting her to at least say yes or no, but she just ripped out a piece of paper out of her notebook and started writing on it. Then, she folded it into a square, tossed it on my desk, and continued working. I unfolded it and saw that it was the answer to number ten. “Thanks Krystal, I appreciate it.” I gave her a smile and waited for a reply, but it never came. Ego takes 50% damage.

“Here you go. I bought you a bottle of water because I thought you would be thirsty. Please accept it.” I put the bottle of water on the lunch table for her. She looked up from her book and glanced at the water bottle. She then closed the book, picked up the water bottle, swung her bag over her shoulder, and left without saying a word. Just like the other day. Rest in peace ego.

End of flashback

Like girl, why you have to be so rude? Just kidding, she’s still awesome in my eyes. The bell rings signaling the end of the class. Wow, it’s the end of class already. Maybe I should have paid attention. “Class, you will be given a quiz next class on the information you learned today. So hopefully, you were all paying attention.” The teacher reminded us as we were all trying to exit the classroom. Yeah, I should have definitely paid attention.

I started walking to my locker to put my stuff away when I felt somebody tap my shoulder and an arm swung over my shoulder. It was Onew and Jonghyun. “Hey Amber. Are you okay? You looked a little bit lost in class.” Onew asked me in a concerned tone. “Yeah dudette! Were you daydreaming?” Jonghyun asked while giving me a soft punch on my side.

“Yeah I’m fine. I just didn’t get enough sleep last night.” I gave them a smile to reassure them. It was technically true, because I stayed up all night thinking about…someone. “Okay then. But don’t forget that we’re always here for you whenever you need to talk.” Onew said and Jonghyun nodded to show his agreement. “Thanks guys.” I smiled and ruffled their hair. The three of us walk into the lunchroom together and take a seat at our usual table. We were still waiting for the rest of the group to come and join us.

“Oh, and by the way, did you know that the Krystal girl everyone’s talking about is number one in the whole grade? She’s a freaking genius. She even beat Ivy.” Jonghyun exclaimed. Can she get any more perfect?  “Yeah, and you know how Ivy is. Krystal better watch her back.” Onew said while shaking his head. Why do I not have a good feeling about this?

A couple of seconds later, Henry and Key come running into lunchroom. They were heaving and man they should start working out more. “G-guys, t-th-the new girl is getting beat up outside.” I stood up immediately and ran out of the lunchroom. I was met with the sight of Ivy and her two friends who were pulling Krystal’s hair and slapping her. Krystal was in a kneeling position and she was trying to shield herself from the attack.

“Do you know who I am? What I can do? How dare you take my number one position? Why don’t you just leave? Nobody likes you.” Ivy screamed at her while pulling her hair. I ran over to Krystal and wrapped my arms around her, shielding her from the attack. She smells really good. Amber, this is not the time to be thinking about that.

“What are you doing Amber? This is none of your business. It’s between me and that little piece of trash behind you.” Ivy screamed at me. “Well, it is my business when you start beating up and hurting one of my friends!” I yelled at her. “You should leave Ivy, you don’t want the principal to find out you were beating up somebody. You can get expelled, maybe even arrested.” And with that, she let out an angry puff and walked away with her crew.

I didn’t realize my arms were still wrapped around Krystal, so when she cleared , I immediately detached myself from her and took a couple of steps back. “Are you okay? Hurt anywhere?” I asked her. She had her head down, but when she heard my question, she looked up at me.

“I don’t need your help.” She said while giving me a glare with those cold eyes of her. You see, if somebody else said that to me, I probably would’ve gotten mad with that response. But no. I’m happy. I’m beyond ecstatic. Want to know why? Because Krystal finally said something to me. I haven’t been this happy since I won the basketball championship in middle school. I was so caught up in my excitement that I didn’t notice Krystal had already left while all of the students were still there staring at me. “Don’t you guys have somewhere to be?” I asked exasperatedly and they all just walked away.

And with that, I was left alone in the hallway. Still frozen in the same spot. Thinking about what just happened. How my eyes closed when the scent of her shampoo filled my nose. How my arms fit around her perfectly. How it felt like we were the only two people there and everything else felt nonexistent. How my heart was beating so fast and the feeling of the butterflies in my stomach.

Am I catching feelings for you Krystal Jung?

Thanks to everybody who read, subscribed, voted, and commented. It means a lot to me and it makes my day. I hope you guys enjoyed it and let me know what you guys think! See you all soon :) 

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Chapter 14: *serious clapping* Bravo Amber; getting those two to talk. Now I need an update about their conversation!!! THANK YOU!!! How about doing it with Amber as a moderator. It ends in a screaming fest from Krystal and she bolts!! Amber chases her, with Jessica hot on her heels, and ALMOST gets hit by a car running in the street after her, only to fall and hit her head; knocking her unconscious, bringing Krystal and Jessica together in trying to help heal Amber??
Chapter 14: Make the two sister fall for amber
Chapter 14: I want ramyun!!!
Chapter 13: okay *laffing*, I'm sorry Amber babe, but Krystal was right. you would have received a lamp to the head at best, a bullet to the chest at worst (I am armed and live alone, ya know!) if you had "broken into my house. you saw the window open, you should have sang out and let her know that it was just you, BUT it gave her a chance to care for you, so thanks for taking "one for the team...TEAM KRYBER!!! we love when she takes care of YOU for once!!!
TTheGrimReaper #5
Chapter 14: Poor Krystal. :( It's a good thing that Amber's there for her. Ooh I can sense Jessber in this fic. Hmm. I hope the sisters reunite soon. Thank you for the fic! :D Update soon! :D
Chapter 14: After watching the show "Jessica and Krystal" on MNET (shameful plug for the only....and I do mean THE ONLY channel I watch) I know those girls are very close. I love their relationship!!
Chapter 14: YAY!!! Amber can play "matchmaker" with the sisters!!!!! I like the way this is sounding, but something tells me there is a heart wrenching twist to this. Okay, I "bite".... BRING IT ON!!!! Update please and thank you!!!
Bo-Remi #8
Chapter 14: Happy to see this update. Hope Jungsis is okay. I love them.
chapter 14 : get well soon should drink some medicine.