Chapter 7

He's Dating The Gangster
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Jinyoung is not a vampire. Not a ghost  but a shadow. A shadow  that breaks through the darkness of Mark's mind.   Nothing's special about him. But that was only  in the corner of Mark's mind when he first saw him.  



He thought the latter was just like some ordinary boy.  But  soon that thought vanished.  Sure nothing special about him at first glance, but when you look at him, you'll realize he's different from others.




 His nose was beautifully carved. Lips were full yet, embraced by natural color of pink. His cheeks are chubby and firm. He has many assets, specially those bright and expressive eyes. When he smile, there are cute lines forming around it.


Mark noticed his dark hair as well. It looks so soft, it always tempt Mark to run his fingers through it. Jinyoung's fluffy. 


Beside those features, Jinyoung has a soft and gentle voice, like a voice of an angel. Mark thinks, Jinyoung's an angel in disguise that was sent from above to change someone like him. 



Different, indeed cause he  makes Mark feel so excited by just his mere presence. He makes Mark heart beat uncontrollaby fast like it never did before.  No one ever had  such effect on him except, Jinyoung. No one ever made his heart flutter like the butterflies in his stomach, but jinyoung. His flowery and sweet smile, so calm and peaceful. Jinyoung's different in special way.  



If only he knew, Jinyoung would be this special to him, he  would have avoid giving him such   bad impression.


He knew how people view him as a bad boy and he definitely doesn't want Jinyoung to see him like that. He's  the person they don't want to messed with. Everyone's scared of him,  but despite of bieng badass most of  the students  still find him cool and admired him for that and his look. That fact doesn't help though, not a bit for  he doesn't give a damn  care about what other people's thinking. But, Jinyoung's different. He's  different.


 The way Jinyoung look at him at the very beginning  doesn't fit to one of those admiration or fear that he usually get. It was pure wonder and curiosity from a stranger like he was silently asking who was Mark? And that made the latter blood boild, cause how come he doesn't know Mark Tuan? You don't have to use google to know who Mark Tuan is.


Does he lives under the rock? Mark didn't consider that cause  no one's live under the rock! Mark is not stupid to even consider the mere thoughts of it. It pissed him  off and it  urged him to  kick  a chair towards the latter  cause why would he care?


 Usually he  doesn't even bother to think about other people. He only get furious when people stared at him, but why was he suddenly furious just because someone doesn't recognised  him?


His  action  startled everyone, specially the group of people around the boy. Probably his friends, who dragged the dumbfounded  boy away from the crowd.


As  the boy was being dragged out, Mark managed to locked eyes with him ( which he wished he didn't )  cause the  moment their eyes met, Mark sees trouble ahead



Indeed trouble.


 Mark stayed awake at night thinking about him. Thinking about those  eyes that showed pure innocence and life. He woke up with the same image in his mind. 


 The next time he met the boy was when he was having a nap in his favourite place in the school. The garden. He was almost in his dreamland when a soft and melodic voice break through his ears. It was beyond good to be his lullaby,  but Mark refused to fall asleep.  He wanted to know who was the person behind that beautiful voice.  


It's him.

 Mark thought as he slowly took his steps closer to the boy who was still on his own  world under the huge tree.  Every little step was count till he was face to face with the boy. His eyes scanned the boy's face first.


 Long eye lashes.  


Firm cheeks.


 Cute pointy nose and pink full lips. 



 Even with his eyes closed,  he's beautiful! 


Mark didn't realized how closed his face was to the other till the boy open his eyes.  The  boy literally squeak  upon seeing him. Quickly getting up just to bump his head against Mark. But both were seemed to unfazed at the pain  as the boy clumsily ran away while Mark was still in daze. Mark blink his daze away and cursed at himself after.  he's definitely in trouble. The boy probably think he's creepy.


The probability of the boy thinking he was creepy was eliminate.  Though it doesn't meant anything good neither.  It was far worse than being creepy. As trouble maker,  everyone still  thinks Mark's cool. But not, Jinyoung. Jinyoung  was scared of him  and he couldn't do something about that.

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moonchildern #1
Chapter 4: oohh jinyoungie is afraid of zombies how cuteee |´∀`●)
Chapter 14: I hope you would comeback ; - ; I really love your story
markjin18 #3
Chapter 14: <3<3<3
Chapter 14: PLS UPDATE ; A ;
Aauboo #5
Its so interesting..
When will u update??
Im waiting
Yes please take ur time and rest well but i really miss youㅋㅋㅋ
ilove23 #7

esthieIgot7 #8
Chapter 14: yay!! Markjin is finally together!! ^^
Thank you for the update!
Chapter 14: oooohhhhh this is so beautiful they make up , i realy hoped they will make out but this is better now markjin are together
Chapter 14: Finally boyfriend markjin♡♡