Chapter 10

He's Dating The Gangster
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" So how's the date hyung? " Youngjae pipes up as soon as they settled in the couch with Yugyeom nodding his head eagerly, to indicate he wants to know, too.


Mark who yawns for the second time within a minute  sat in front of them and gave them a light shrug  causing the two to grumble.


 " Hyung,  just because you got your first date with Jinyoung doesn't mean you can keep a secret from us! " Youngjae says glaring at the older.


" I'm not keeping any secret from you two "  Mark stated shortly, eyes still blurry from sleep. He had been thinking about Jinyoung from the moment he laid his back on his bed  till 4am  and obviously didn't get enough sleep and when he finally fall asleep, Youngjae and Yugyeom decided to barged in his room and interrupted his late sleep. As much as he wants to kick them out of his room, he refrained himself from doing so.


" Said the person who doesn't even want to talk about his first ever date! " Yugyeom snorted  rolling his eyes and put emphasis to the last three words



" You two stop accusing me when  all you did was following me and Jinyoung in our first ever official  date! " The two gasp comically after the accusation. 


" Hyung... "


" Don't even try to deny it cause I saw you two. You're not being subtle you know. Thank god Jinyoung didn't saw you, cause if you he did you two are dead.. "


" Hyung you know we love you " The two said,  simultaneously dropping on their knees to apologize


" Don't give me that 'puppy hyung' face of yours"


 " Hyung, Sorry for following you.. we  just want to make sure everything's alright and perfect for your first date.  Actually we prepared everything incased you need our help so we could provide you whatever you needed " 


" I know.. That explains how the blanket got there. Thank you but next time I suggest you to be more careful " 






Jinyoung was in the process of getting ready for school when his Woo hyung calls for him for breakfast. " Hyung give me two more minutes! " He shouts as he fixed his uniform. Brushing his hair and taking a good look at his reflection in the mirror " Should I apply some lip balm?  " He asked himself and pursed his lips before them to check if it was as soft as how it look



" I think you should stay away from the mirror now or else you'd be late for school" Someone speaks from behind startling him.


" Oh my god.. Hyung, you startled me " He pouts as he nearly drop  the lip balm out of his grip.


" Only because you were too busy doing weird things. " 


" It's not weird to appreciate my lips hyung "


" Whatever. Stop checking yourself out. Mark's here,  so c'mon don't keep your boyfriend waiting "  Wooyoung ushered and left the room before he could mutter " He's not my boyfriend"



Jinyoung head to the dining table whilst grumbling under his breath. His hyung didn't give him a chance to clear the real status between him and Mark. Sure he agreed to go on a date with Mark but that doesn't mean they are boyfriends now. 


 " Good morning Jinyoungie " Mark greets him with a sweet smile plastered on his angelic face.  Jinyoung tried to look up to give him a proper greeting, but instantly looks down and mumble a shy " Morning, too... Mark " before sitting down


" Mark stop making him flustered " Wooyoung nags playfully as he leans his head over Nichkhun's shoulder.


 " Babe that couldn’t be help. If Jinyoung would act like that everytime I greet him, I'd do the same. He's cute just like someone I love, that is you.  " Jinyoung and Mark chuckled as they noticed how Wooyoung's cheeks turns red


" Ugh.. Khun stop embarrassing me in front of them " Wooyoung hits Nichkhun's chest and the latter laughs heartily and kissed him on the lips causing Jinyoung to blush and turned his attention to his food. 


The sight brought him back to the night where his lips were pressed against Mark's. It brought the memory of Mark stealing his first kiss and suddenly he felt like he wants to burst at the memory despite of his burning cheeks, cause it infuriates him. He despise the fact that his first kiss was stolen. 


On their way to the school. Jinyoung had manage to calm himself from the memory. He tried to think other things and surprisingly,  it only works when he thought about their date. 


The date was beyond what he imagined as his first date. It felt nice and something new.  The safety he felt during the movie viewing was unexpected because despite of him having fear over watching that particular movie,  he had manage to finish the whole movie without freaking out.   

 How dis he managed to last? 

Well it's clear that Mark's presence next to him did a miracle to him to last and it's shocking, because not even his Woo hyung could comfort him to watch zombie movies, but with Mark? it only took the latter to bring him to the movie theatre and he's there willing to try it no matter how scared he was.  



The star gazing in the park was something he didn't expect to experience before.  The night was clear w

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moonchildern #1
Chapter 4: oohh jinyoungie is afraid of zombies how cuteee |´∀`●)
Chapter 14: I hope you would comeback ; - ; I really love your story
markjin18 #3
Chapter 14: <3<3<3
Chapter 14: PLS UPDATE ; A ;
Aauboo #5
Its so interesting..
When will u update??
Im waiting
Yes please take ur time and rest well but i really miss youㅋㅋㅋ
ilove23 #7

esthieIgot7 #8
Chapter 14: yay!! Markjin is finally together!! ^^
Thank you for the update!
Chapter 14: oooohhhhh this is so beautiful they make up , i realy hoped they will make out but this is better now markjin are together
Chapter 14: Finally boyfriend markjin♡♡