
The Checklist
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Bora picked up Miyoung, Sehun and Hyoyeon at their campus so they could go home together for one weekend to celebrate Taeyong's birthday together. Bora asked Miyoung if she could bring Kris but Miyoung refused because it's supposed to be Taeyong's day and also, secretly because she had plans of meeting anyone because of Sehun.

"Shotgun!" Hyoyeon yelled. Miyoung and Sehun looked at each other, smiling, knowing that they'll be sitting next to each other at the back.

"Sure." Miyoung said. "I don't mind. I'll probably be sleeping the whole ride anyways. I studied the whole day."

"Me too, I just finished track practice." Sehun smiled.

"Are you two seriously going to sleep the whole ride? Am I a chauffer?" Bora asked.

"Since Hyoyeon's riding the passenger's seat, her responsibility entails talking to you the whole time." Miyoung said cheekily as she hooked her arm into Sehun's and leaned her head on his arm.

Bora rolled her eyes and started to drive.


(Three hours later)

"Wake up sleepyheads. We're here. You better wipe your drools." Hyoyeon said as she playfully threw a throw blanket on their faces.

When the two ladies in front stepped out of the car, Sehun gently touched Miyoung's cheek to wake her up. "Jagi, we're here." he whispered.

Miyoung slowly opened her eyes and stretched out her arms. "I want to sleep more..." 

"You shouldn't. I'll go to your house as soon as I can, okay?" he said as he used his palm to help fix her hair.


Miyoung nodded and walked to her house. As she walked through the door, she noticed that Taeyong had already set up the tables and chairs at their backyard while Wendy was helping out Mrs. Hwang with the food and drinks.

"Mom!" Miyoung yelled as she entered their house.

"Omo... Myongie is home." said Mrs. Hwang as she hugged her daughter. "Are you tired from your trip?"

"I'm okay. I slept almost the whole drive." she smiled. "What did you cook? I'm ready for dinner."

Mrs. Hwang pouted as Taeyong requested that parents were not allowed to join his party. "You enjoy your dinner that I prepared."

Miyoung, together with Wendy, laughed at her mom being dramatic. "Don't worry, Mom. We'll have a family lunch tomorrow with Oppa and Tyong before I leave. Tomorrow's his official birthday anyways."

"Yonghwa went on a trip with Seohyun. He's always out on weekends." she complained.

"Really? Alright then... it's going to be fine mom, Myong and Tyong will be with you tomorrow."

"Miyoung, I know I keep telling that you and Taeyong are twins that are three years apart but remember you are older and he's still not an adult okay? No alcohol." Mrs. Hwang reminded her. 

"Come on, Mom. Not even a little? It's his birthday and we're just at home. He's going to be upset. It's only like months before the New Year's anyways so it's no big deal." Miyoung complained.

"Fine! Fine! Just a little, okay?! Just be careful. I don't want your friends' parents to come at us saying we're being irresponsible."

"Don't worry, mom. I'll watch over them." she assured her while Wendy giggled thinking it would be Bora who would probably watch over them.

Mrs. Hwang patted her shoulder and asked her to help Wendy in taking out the food to their backyard. "Don't be too noisy either. Neighbors might complain."

Miyoung nodded as she carried the food platter and followed Wendy out.


Seulgi rushed Hyoyeon into getting ready because she was excited to go next door and pick up Sehun and Bora so they could walk together. To her disappointment, it was only Bora that joined them since Sehun had already gone to the Hwangs' residence.

"It's sad what happened to you guys and Hansol." Bora sighed.

"Yeah..." Seulgi pouted.

"Don't worry, next time we see him... This nonsense ends." Hyoyeon said.

When they arrived, Sehun had already sat beside between Miyoung and Wendy followed by Taeyong and Tao. Seulgi had no choice but to sit beside Tao and then Hyoyeon and Bora. She just took comfort that Sehun was sitting right in front of her despite the big table between them.

True enough, few drinks later, it was Bora who was watching the younger ones' drinks. They were all laughing and having fun playing drinking card games so she insisted on the young ones only half a shot instead of full especially when Tao and Seulgi's cheeks have started turning red.

During Taeyong's turn, he drew a card that states that he shouldn't stop dancing until it was his turn again which earned a huge laughter from the group.

Wendy drew a card that states that she has to imitate someone from the group so she picked the easiest. She stood up and copied Taeyong's dance moves which earned more laughs. "Tyong!" Miyoung answered correctly and picked Hyoyeon to drink.

Sehun drew a card that states he had to make the person beside him laugh within thirty seconds. He immediately looked at Miyoung and grinned as he raised his index fingers. "Sehunnie, no." Miyoung cried, knowing what he'll do. Sehun tickled her sides and Miyoung tried to hold it in but gave up and laughed within five seconds.

Miyoung drew a card that states that the person after her (Bora) can ask her anything and she has to answer truthfully or else she has to drink. Bora smiled and thought carefully what to ask her. She glanced around and when she saw Hyoyeon, she immediately knew what to ask. "Okay... Myong, between Kris and Luhan, who do you think is better?" she smirked. "I can just drink, right?" Miyoung asked and immediately downed a shot of soju.

Bora pouted and drew a card that states that everyone should name a color and whoever buckles has to drink. After a few rounds of naming colors, finally, Miyoung lost track so she had to drink another shot.

Hyoyeon drew a card that states she could ask anyone a question and that person has to answer truthfully or else that person had to drink. She looked at everyone, even at Taeyong who seemed tired from dancing until her eyes reached Sehun. "Sehun..." she smiled. "When are you going to introduce us to your girlfriend?" she asked, shocking everyone. Seulgi felt the world stopped spinning as she awaited Sehun's answer.

Taeyong: *stops dancing* You have a girlfriend?

Sehun: Tyong stopped dancing, drink! *Taeyong drank a shot and sat down*

Tao: Yah Sehun, answer the question. *laughs*

Sehun: Girlfriend? *Miyoung took a sip of her beer, trying to act casually*

Hyoyeon: Not yet? Your date last time, remember?

Bora: Oh Sehun, how come you never told me when I asked you at Bulgogi House?

Miyoung: *realizes what Hyoyeon was asking about* Wow... our Sehunnie has a girlfriend? *puts arm around Sehun's shoulder*

Sehun: *smiles widely at Miyoung* No I don't...

Wendy: Who is she? Come on, Sehuna... what's her name?

Miyoung: Yeah. Who is she, Sehun? *pinches his cheeks*

Bora: Yes, what's her name? Maybe Miyoung knows her?

Sehun: No... she's just someone I went out with...

Taeyong: Wow! How come you never told us?!

Sehun: *shrugs* What's to tell?

Hyoyeon: Miyoung, you didn't know?

Miyoung: How would I know? He didn't even say her name. He's so busy but it's not really a surprise if a girl went out with him, right? Look at him. *holds his face* Our Sehunnie is so good looking and sweet, any girl would be lucky to be with him.

Sehun: *holds Miyoung's hands* Yah Myong noona is drunk?

Miyoung: Guys... look at Sehunnie, he's so cute. *continues to * Right?

Bora: Of course! He's my brother. He grew up really well. So, how come you never introduced us to her?

Sehun: It was over. *Seulgi finally lets out a sigh of relief*

Hyoyeon: Why?

Sehun: It didn't work out. 

Miyoung: Don't worry Sehunnie, if that girl left you, she's stupid. * Sehun's hair gently, making him look at her*

Sehun: Myong... are you drunk? *holds her face and giggles*

Miyoung: No... *laughs* I do need to go to the toilet. *leaves the table with Bora*


Seulgi felt the dist

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Chapter 18: Oh no things are getting too complicated for Miyoung lol
Chapter 13: I’m still rooting for Sehun but man you need to step up your game!

Anyway great updates!
Chapter 11: This is crazy I can’t believe you updated! I’ve read the whole thing from the start, I laughed, I gasped, I felt sad, lol. Thanks for the update
orangejuseu #4
Chapter 7: Hunfany all the way! Please keep update and hwaiting^^
lattaeyong #5
Chapter 2: I actually ship Seulgi and TY but.... wendy will do owo
beasdgfhjkl #6
Chapter 7: I'm loving this! Hahaha HUNFANY SHIPPER HERE!
NCT_MarkLee #7
Authornim.. Where are you???
Chapter 7: Sehun jealous...
I like this chapter
Kris and luhan in this chapter too..
NCT_MarkLee #9
Chapter 7: I like when sehun jealous
Chapter 7: Please make lufany/krisfany moment and make sehun jealous more hahah love this story