Chapter Two - The Goddess' Curse

DECEPTION: pieces of truth


 "Hyung! Hyung! Wake up! You'll going to be late!" Changmin's voice sounded outside Yunho's room along with knocks, waking the handsome boy up. He slept late last night thinking of the girl. Her big, doe eyes seemed to beg for mercy, for sympathy. Yunho couldn’t stop thinking about her.

                                  " Coming, Changmin-ah," Yunho said loudly, yawning as he jumped out of the bed and into the bathroom.

                                  " After almost thirty minutes, Yunho burst out of his room and met Changmin in the living room. He noticed two other boys with Changmin when he arrived.

                                  " Sorry, Changmin-ah. I've over slept."

                                  " It's OK, Hyung. We still got an hour before classes starts," Changmin said with mouth full of cookies. " By the way, meet Kim Junsu-hyung and Park Yoochun-hyung. You haven't met them last night because they arrived rather late."

                                  " Nice to meet you, Junsu-sshi, Yoochun-sshi. I'm Jung Yunho," Yunho bowed 90 degrees.

                                  " Quit the formality, Yunnie-ah. We're roommates," Junsu said in a shrill voice.

                                  " Yup. The dolphin's right, Yunho-ah. Don’t get too formal," Yoochun supplied, putting a hand on Yunho's shoulder.

                                  " Yah!!.. Park Yoochun, why did you call me dolphin," Junsu's high-pitched voice filled the air. He threw a pillow at Yoochun which hit him on the face.

                                  " Ouch!!.. Why did you do that?" Yoochun darted his glare at Junsu. Yunho and Changmin just laughed at them.

                                  " You just called me dolphin!!"

                                  " Why are you so angry?... Would you prefer being called a duck?" Yoochun teased, smirking evilly at Junsu. Junsu looked like he was about to kill someone. " Oh no.. I think I have to run now."

                                  " Park Yoochun!!!... Come here!!.. I'll skin you alive!!" Junsu yelled as he ran after Yoochun who were still teasing him.

                                  " Quack. Quack. Quack!!" yelled Yoochun as he ran away from a very angry Junsu. Yoochun's laugh makes Junsu angrier, in addition, Yoochun flapped his arms like a duck. Yunho  looked at them with amusement.

                                  " They're always like that, Hyung," Changmin said, taking a bite on the last cookie. "Just let them be."

                                   Yunho looked at Changmin with a serious expression. " Changmin-ah, Junsu-ah is a Kim, right?" Yunho returned his eyes to Junsu and Yoochun as they fight like cats and dogs.

                                  " Yup," answered Changmin with mouth full of cookies.

                                  " Is he related to the Kims that live in the palace?"

                                  " Yup."

                                  " Last night, Changmin-ah. I saw her," Yunho slowly said.

                                  " You saw who, Yunnie-ah?" Junsu butted-in, hitting Yoochun with a throw pillow.

                                  " The daughter of the head of the Kim family," Yunho answered.

                                  "Ah.. You mean, the daughter of the principal," Yoochun cut. He was hit again by a throw pillow coming from Junsu.

                                  " Err? The head of the Kim family is the principal?"

                                  " Yes, he is," Changmin, Junsu and Yoochun chorused.

                                  " Yunho-hyung saw your cousin last night, Junsu-hyung," Changmin told Junsu.

                                  " Ah… She's Jaejoong-sshi, Yunnie-ah. I only saw her once before and believe me, if only I'm not her cousin, I could have courted her," Junsu's statement received a laugh from Yoochun. " What's with you, Park Yoochun?"Junsu seemed to release fumes from his ears and nostrils.

                                  " You wanted to court her? I think she don’t want a dolphin for a boyfriend," Yoochun hugged his tummy as he laughed his heart out.

                                  " Park Yoochun!!....Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!......................." Junsu screamed. Yoochun had been pushed by an unseen force straight into the wall behind him. Yunho and Changmin covered their ears. Junsu's voice was like a knife that pierced their eardrums and echoed inside their brain. The sound was painful.

                                  After a minute, Junsu stopped screaming. Almost all the things in the room were already broken. The glass windows were all shattered and Yoochun sat with his back leaning on the wall behind him. He was shocked.

                                  " Whoa," that was all Yoochun could say.

                                  Junsu stormed out of the room. Yunho and Changmin watched him walk away. Their hands were still covering their ears.

                                   " What happened? Junsu-ah just screamed and…….everything was destroyed?" Yunho said, recovering from the shock that the event caused to him.

                                   " Sonic scream," answered Changmin.

                                   " That was the most powerful scream ever," Yoochun said, standing up shakily, fixing his clothes . " Maybe I've gone too far in teasing Junsu." Yoochun laughed weakly.

                                   " I think you should say sorry, Yoochun-ah," an advice from Yunho.

                                   " Yeah.. I think so," Yoochun answered Yunho, he sat down on the sofa.

                                   " Let Junsu-ah cool down first before apologizing, Yoochun-hyung," Changmin added. " I think we should eat our breakfast now," the youngest said to the two hyungs.

                                   " What about the room? It's all destroyed," Yunho reminded.

                                   " The repair people will take care of everything. Let's go, Hyung. I'm hungry," Changmin answered, making his way to the door.

                                   " You're still hungry?" Yunho asked, as he followed Changmin out of the room. Yoochun was behind Yunho.

                                   " Little Minnie's always like that, Yunho-ah. He have a lot of stomachs," Yoochun joked.

                                   " Yah!. What do you mean by that, Hyung?" the youngest argued.

                                   " Nothing. Let's have breakfast," Yoochun defended himself. A scream from Junsu was enough for today.

                                   " I wonder what's for breakfast," Yunho butted in, preventing any more quarrel.

                                    The three head down to the cafeteria to eat. Junsu was nowhere to be seen.



                                    Who is he? I've never seen him before but why do I fee like I've known him all my life? Why do I feel like this?  These questions haunted Jaejoong in his sleep. The memories of their first meeting followed him inside his dream.  He could see the boy who looked at him from the balcony last night but the boy was older and taller. He's body was muscular and was partly covered by a golden armor with red gems. He was crowned with a golden crown that was shaped like fire. A huge red gem was set on top of the crown. Jeajoong could see a small tongue of fire burning inside the gem. The handsome boy has spiky hair and crimson eyes which were so intimidating. Jaejoong could feel the weight of the boy's stares.  He's like a god, shinning in glory and awe-inspiring to behold. Jaejoong could see the sun rising behind the spiky-haired boy.

                                    Jaejoong was surprised when the boy extended his hand to him and said in a melodious and loving manner, " My love."

                                    The scene melted into a new scene where Jaejoong stood in front of a huge mirror that towered into the sky. The whole surroundings was bight but the mirror was black, reflecting darkness but Jaejoong knew it was a mirror because he could see his reflection.

                                    " You have finally come," a voice behind Jaejoong sounded. He turned around to see who it was but all he could see was a vast grassland and no one else.

                                    " You have finally come, Jaejoong. I've been waiting for you," the voice sounded again. Jaejoong returned his gaze on the mirror and there he saw a young lady beside his reflection.

                                    The lady was like an older version of him. They almost have the same face. She has long, silvery-blonde hair the reaches down to the floor. A flowing white gown covered her smooth, perfectly radiant skin. Her eyes were extremely blue  and reflects loneliness.

                                    " Who are you?" Jaejoong asked.

                                    " I'm the Air goddess," her voice was haunting but very beautiful.

                                    " What..What do you want from me?"

                                    " I'm here to warn you about the curse the goddess of the dark Ether casted on you."

                                    " Curse?"

                                    " She will wake up soon. Be strong and do not let her fulfill her evil will. Jaejoong, stop her……"

                                    " But-but I don’t know what you are talking about?"

                                    " Jaejoong, if you cant stop her…… one can." With these words, the mirror shattered into millions of shards. The surroundings became dark. Jaejoong could see nothing. Out of the blue, a sinister laugh of a woman echoed from every direction. The laugh was frightening and one could tell that it came from an evil person.

                                    With the memories of the dream still fresh in his mind, Jaejoong woke up breathing fast as sweat covered his body.




                                     Jaejoong  took a bath, dressed up in a kimono ( like he always do) and proceeded to the dining hall where his Umma and Appa were waiting for him.

                                     " Good morning, Joongie dear," Sunny, Jaejoong's mother, greeted.

                                     " How's your sleep, Joongie?" Donghae, Jaejoong's father, asked.

                                     " Good morning, Umma, Appa. I had a nice sleep last night," Jaejoong answered sitting opposite his umma.

                                     " Joongie dear, appa and umma have to leave today for an important matter. Will you be fine here without us?" Sunny said to her son.

                                     " I'm fine, Umma. I'm already old enough to look after myself," jaejoong beamed a small smile. " I'm even old enough to get outside the house," he reduced his voice into a whisper as he said the last words. He bowed his head down.

                                     " Joongie, we've already talked about this," Donghae lovingly said.

                                     " But Appa."

                                     " Joongie," Donghae's voice become serious and authoritative.

                                     " Honey, don’t be so hard on Joongie," Sunny put her hand on her husband's arm.

                                     " I'm sorry, Joongie but…. I just cant let you," and with this, Donghae left the table. He wore a pained expression. He don’t want to hurt Jaejoon but he have no choice.

                                     " Joongie, finish your breakfast.  Ok? I'll talk to your Appa about this," Sunny said to her son before he followed Donghae.

                                     Jaejoong finished his breakfast and went to see his parents leave before proceeding to his private lessons but the things that the Air goddess said to him kept echoing inside his brain.

                                     I'm here to warn you about the curse that the goddess of dark Ether casted on you  These words kept on repeating in his memory. " The goddess of dark Ether? Who is she? What curse did she casted on me? I need someone who knows something about this." Jaejoong said to himself.  " But who?"

                                       Jaejoong tried to ask his teachers about the goddess of dark Ether but none of them knew who she was. Lunch time came. Taeyon came to Jaejoong to inform him that a cousin of him wanted to see him.

                                      " Please, let him in, Taeyon-ah," said Jaejoong to Taeyon.

                                      Moments passed, Taeyon returned bringing with her a young boy, about Jaejoong's age. He was a bit shy to Jaejoong.

                                      " Junsu-ah!!.. I'm glad you've came to visit me. It's been two months since I first and last saw you," Jaejoong excitedly said, hugging Junsu.

                                      Junsu felt like he was the luckiest man in the world. " Jaejoong-sshi, how are you?"

                                      " Don’t be so formal, Junsu-ah. I'm fine. Thanks for visiting me."

                                      " It's ok, Jaejoong-sshi…..I mean..Jaejoong-ah," Junsu shyly said, scratching his not-itchy head. His cheeks were shaded with red.

                                      " Junsu-ah, are you sick? You're face seems so red," Jaejoong put the back of his palm on Junsu's forehead, checking the temperature. " You don’t seem to have a fever."

                                      " Ah.. Yah.. Its nothing, Jaejoong-ah. Really."

                                      " Are you sure, Junsu-ah? We have medications here."

                                      " Its nothing really, Jaejoong-ah."

                                      " OK then, Junsu-ah."

                                       God, she's so thoughtful, hospitable, kind and beautiful!!.... She's my type!! Junsu screamed in his head. He felt like he can soar. I would like to court her!!,,  Then realization came.  But we are cousins. NO!!!!!!!!...... God is punishing me by making me Jaejoong-ah's cousin… Why fate is so cruel to me?!

                                      " Junsu-ah, is there something wrong with my face?"

                                      " Ah.. Nothing, Jaejoong-ah… Your face is perfect," Junsu abruptly replied. Jaejoong's voice knocked him back to reality.

                                      " Junsu-ah, can I ask you something?"

                                      " Sure, Jaejoong-ah. Anything."

                                      " Do you know something about the goddess of dark Ether?"

                                      " Goddess of dark Ether? Hmmmm…." Junsu scratched his head, hoping that it would make his brain remember any." Sorry, Jaejoong-ah but I don’t know anything about the goddess of dark Ether."

                                      " It's ok, Junsu-ah."

                                      " But I know someone who might know the answer."

                                      " Really, Junsu-ah?"

                                      " Minnie-ah. He's name is Minnie-ah..I mean, Changmin-ah."

                                      " Can I talk to him? I have a lot of questions."

                                      " Sure, Jaejoong-ah. Maybe I can bring him here later. Is it OK to your parents?"

                                      " They're on a business trip abroad. I'll talk to them later."

                                      " Just give me a call if Uncle and Auntie consented, Jaejoong-ah."

                                      " Thank you, Junsu-ah. Would you like some cake? I baked them myself," Said Jaejoong.

                                      " I would love to, Jaejoong-ah!"

                                      Jaejoong ushered Junsu into the dining hall where they've eaten the cake that Jaejoong, himself, baked. They talked about lots of things including Junsu's roommates: Yoochun, Changmin and Yunho.  It was already two in the afternoon when Junsu left for school.



Another chappie….haha..

More and more things are being revealed about Jaejoong..

Sorry for being so  late.. Gomen, minna. Hope you could enjoy this chap….. :-]













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yunjaemrcn #1
this is nice! :P love it!! ^^
new reader :D
Doctor_Shinneizelle #4
hhahaha...Yey!!!may Filipino na din!!!..hahah...... @ limeismything well.... all I can say is fire needs air to burn..hahaha. Jaejoong will discover who Yunho is....very soon..ahhahaha.. <br />
Thanks for all of your support!!!!... I hope that you'll continue to enjoy my story... haha
yjczae #5
YAY!!ganda ng story...hahaha excited n tuloy aq sa next update...update soon ha? <br />
colorspot #6
thank you for the update! yay they are going to meet soon!
Doctor_Shinneizelle #7
I'm glad you found my story interesting..^_^
Chiakisama #8
totally interested!!! update soon XD