The Outside World

DECEPTION: pieces of truth


                  Jaejoong was awaken by his appa's voice and some knocks on his door.

                  " Joongie, wake up you'll going to be late for school," Donghae called, knocking on the door of Jaejoong's room.

                  " Coming, Appa," realization dawned on Jaejoong. He's going to school. He's now free! He can now go outside the gates of his home.

                  Yunho, Changmin, Yoochun and Junsu already left so that they could prepare for school in their dormitory.

                   After an hour, Donghae walked Jaejoong towards the school. Jaejoong stared at everything with wonder. He was so surprised seeing so many people as they entered the buildings. Jaejoong never thought that there could be so many people in the outside world.

                  " Wow! The buildings are so tall, Appa," Jaejoong told his appa, gazing with wonder on the buildings of DongBang Academy . Donghae just smiled at his son's cuteness.

                  As Jaejoong and Donghae walked around the school, many students, mostly males, gazed at Jaejoong's beauty.

                  " Thats a boy?" asked a tall, handsome guy to his friend.

                  " Cant you see? She's a girl. Wow, she's so beautiful," answered the guy's friend.

                  " But.. Why is she wearing male uniform?" another guy asked again.

                  " Oh no!.. Maybe, she's a lesbian! No!! How can this be?!" the tall guy almost exclaimed.

                  " I guess not. She moves like a fine lady."

                  " Well, let's see."

                  " Oh! Oh!... She's walking into our classroom! She will be our classmate. I'll go inside now," the tall guy said then he dashed  towards the classroom where Jaejoong entered.

                   " Ok, Joongie. Appa have to go now. Be a good student. OK?"

                   " Yes, Appa. I'll behave," Joongie smiled at Donghae. The father kissed his son in the forehead before exiting the classroom.

                   Teacher Ryeo Wook entered the classroom. " Good morning, everyone. I guess, you have already noticed that you have a new classmate." He gestured to Jaejoong. " Please introduce yoursellf, Miss Kim."

                    Jaejoong  stood up, his face blushing. He stood in front of the class. " Umm… Teacher… "

                    The boys were all mesmerized by Jaejoong's beauty and extreme cuteness.

                    " Yes, Miss Kim?"

                    " Umm… I'm a boy," Jaejoong bowed his head.

                    " WHAT!!??" all the boys exclaimed in disappointment.

                    " Oww… I'm sorry, Mr. Kim. Please, do continue introducing yourself," Teacher Ryeo Wook said still surprised about Jaejoong's real gender.

                    " Umm… Hello, everyone," Jaejoong started, shyly.  " I'm Kim Jaejoong. Nice to meet you all." Jaejoong smiled and the boys were captivated again. The girls become somewhat jealous.

                    " Do you have any questions for Jaejoong-sshi? Anybody?" said Teacher Ryeo Wook.

                     A tall, model-like guy raised a hand.

                    " Yes?" Teacher Ryeo Wook acknowledged.

                    The guy stood up, beaming a perfect smile. " Will you marry me, Jaejoong-ah?"

                    " Hey!" Teacher Ryeo Wook objected. " That's not a getting-to-know-your-new-classmate question!"

                    Jaejoong blushed wildly at the question.

                   " Hangeng-sshi,  stop that," said a guy next to him.

                   " Ok.. Ok.. You can now sit down, Jaejoong-sshi," said Ryeo Wook. " before somebody asks another stupid question."

                   " He can sit down by my side, Teacher Ryeo Wook!" Hangeng presented.

                   " No." Ryeo Wook's eyes fell on a line of four empty chairs. " Aish!!. Why are those four late? Jaejoong-sshi, you can sit down beside that chair." Ryeo Wook pointed a chair beside an empty one.

                    Jaejoong sat down on the chair pointed by the teacher. Hangeng kept on staring at him Jaejoong don’t seem to notice. A few minutes later, as Ryeo Wook was lecturing about history, the door opened for four handsome, young guys.

                    " Sorry we're late, Teacher Ryeo Wook," Kim Junsu apologized.

                    " Yunho-ah took so long in fixing his hair," Yoochun reasoned out.

                    " Yah!! That's not true!!" Yunho protested.

                    " Ow!! Good morning, Jaejoong-ah!!" Changmin sat down on his seat beside Jaejoong as he greeted.

                    " Hello, Changmin-ah," Jaejoong smiled.

                    Yunho's ears ringed upon hearing Jaejoong's name and voice. " Joongie!! Good morning!!" He  almost flew towards Jaejoong.

                    " Good morning, Yunnie-ah," Jaejoong answered in a gentle voice.

                    Hangeng became very irritated with Yunho's closeness with Jaejoong.

                    " OK.. OK…Settle down all of you." Teacher Ryeo Wook said.

                    Yunho was about to go to his seat when he tripped on Hangeng's foot and fell flat on the floor. Hangeng seemed to broke his ankle in the process.

                    " Ouch!!! My head!!" whined Yunho.

                    " My foot!! !...." yelled  Hangeng.

                    " You!" Yunho pointed Hangeng. " You meant that to happen!"

                    " What!? It is you who's clumsy!!" Hangeng answered.

                    " Enough!! Both of you, go to the clinic and get yourself healed!!!" Ryeo Wook yelled, stunning the two fighting guys.

                    " Umm… Can I accompany them, Teacher Ryeo Wook?" Jaejoong raised a hand.

                    " Please do, Mr. Kim. They might kill each other outside," the teacher agreed.

                    Hangeng was trying hard to walk without any help but he badly sprained his ankle.

                    " Yunnie-ah, please help Hangeng -sshi walk," Jaejoong requested.

                    " He's fine, Joongie," Yunho declined.

                    " I'm fine, Jaejoong-sshi," said Hangeng.

                    " But… Ok.. I'll help you then," Jaejoong presented but Yunho butted in.

                    " I'll help him, Joongie. You cant carry him. His soooooo heavy for you," reasoned Yunho, taking Hangeng. Hangeng was vey annoyed.

                     " I guess, you two can be good friends," Jaejoong smiled, oblivious of the tension between the two men. " Umm.. Do you know where's the clinic, Yunnie-ah?"

                     " Nope."

                     " How about you, Hangeng-sshi?"

                     " Nope.. I don’t know, Jaejoong-sshi."

                     " Oh no.. We'll get lost. This school is so big," Jaejoong whined. " We should find someone to ask for directions."

                     The three were walking along the corridor when they saw some familiar guy.

                     " Hey!! Minho-sshi!!" Yunho called the guy.

                     " Oh… Good morning, Yunho-ah, Jaejoong-ah!" Minho smiled and waved his hand. " Hello there," he greeted Hangeng.

                     " Minho-sshi, what are you doing here? I thought you were working outside the campus" Jaejoong asked.

                     " Well, Jaejoong-ah. I have  work here," Minho said.

                     " Really?" Yunho butted in.

                     " I'm a guidance councilor here."

                     " Wow, Minho-sshi!" Jaejoong exclaimed in amazement. Even simple things amazed Jaejoong.

                     " Err… That's not really a big deal, Jaejoong-ah," Minho beamed a smile at Jaejoong. The smaller guy blushed. " Wait, Yunho. You have bruises on your head!!.. And this guy here! What's your name?"

                     " Hangeng. I'm Hangeng," they introduced, bowing.

                     " Hello, Hangeng-sshi.  We should take you two to the clinic!" Minho said, quite panic.

                     " Err.. Do you know where's the clinic, Minho-sshi?" Jaejoong asked.

                     " Of course! The guidance center and the clinic shares the healing garden. Lets go now." Minho helped Yunho in supporting Hangeng. " You're heavy," Minho laughed. Hangeng laughed too. Jaejoong and Yunho both chuckled.


                      After a few minutes, they arrived in front of a modern glass dome which houses the healing garden. The school clinic and the guidance center were inside the huge dome that seemed to cover at least four hectares.

                      " Whoah!! This building is huge!!" Yunho exclaimed, gazing the glass dome.

                      " I think, it’s the only modern building in the campus," Hangeng concluded.

                      " I cant believe the size of this building," exclaimed Jaejoong.

                      " OK.. Stop acting like tourists. Remember, we have bring Yunho-ah and Hangeng-sshi to the doctor," Minho reminded. They entered the dome. The automatic door opened for them and closed when they were already inside.

                       The dome was more magnificent inside. The dome houses the clinic, guidance center, and a wide, healing garden which was filled with beautiful but weird plants. Some plants danced to the sound of the splashing water in a nearby fountain. Some can sing with cute, tiny voices that added joy to the relaxing garden. Yunho's jaw dropped as he saw the clinic. It was a tree house on a huge tree. There's not much injured students today so the nurses were not busy. Minho bid goodbye to Jaejoong, Yunho and Hangeng.

                      Yoona the palace nurse and Taeyon were also helping in the clinic. Taeyon ran towards Jaejoong- very worried.

                      " Jaejoong-sshi!! What happened?" Taeyon almost exclaimed.

                      " I'm OK, Taeyon-ah. Its Yunho and Hangeng-sshi whose hurt. Please, take care of them," Jaejoong said.

                      " Don’t worry, Jaejoong-sshi. We'll take care of them," said Yoona, assisting Yunho and Hangeng to the doctor's office.

                      " I'll just wait here, Yunho, Hangeng-sshi," said Jaejoong, sitting on a bench.

                      " Joongie,  I'm afraid of doctors!" Yunho yelled, running to hug Jaejoong. Everyone was surprised seeing a muscular guy hugged Jaejoong like a small boy.

                      Jaejoong smiled and patted Yunho's hair like a mother would do to his son. " Its OK, Yunnie. The doctor wont hurt you. He will heal you."

                      " I know but… but the syringe hurts like hell!!"

                      " Aw… Yunnie.. Don’t act like a child," Jaejoong struggled not to laugh at Yunho's fear of doctors and syringes. " Come on. Man up."

                      " Awww…. Umma!" Yunho uttered again with eyes begging for help.

                      " Ok.. I'll come with you. Is that ok?"

                      Yunho nodded. Hangeng, Jaejoong and Yunho entered the doctor's office along with Yoona and Taeyon.


                      Jaejoong saw a guy sitting on a swivel chair with his back on them. He was talking to someone on the phone.

                      " Yes.. I understand.. Thank you.. Bye," said the guy. He put down the phone and turned to see who came into his office.

                      " Doctor Shine, these two boys are injured," said Yoona.

                      The doctor checked Yunho and Hangeng. He put two fingers over Yunho's bruise and immediately healed the bruise. Hangeng somehow  needs a cast to immobilize his feet but, overall, Doctor Shine already healed the wounds, it is only the bones that need to rejoin. The rejoining of the bones needs some time to be completed but much faster than normal healing.

                       " Thank you, Doctor Shine," said Jaejoong.

                       Doctor Shinneizelle Sachevelle or Shine, as his co-workers and nurses called him, was a slim guy  with a long, straight blonde hair. One could hardly tell if he's a guy or a girl. " That's my job. I'm glad to help you," the doctor beamed a smile and returned to his table to review some medical cases.

                       Jaejoong and Yunho left while Hangeng needed to stay for a while in the clinic.



                      Meanwhile, as Jaejoong, Yunho and Hangeng were away, Changmin, Yoochun and Junsu were just chit-chatting.

                      " I wonder if Yunho-hyung is fine," Changmin wondered.

                      " He'll be fine, Changmin-ah," assured Yoochun.

                      " But I doubt if Hangeng-sshi's ankle is OK," said Junsu.

                      " You're worried about him?" Yoochun grunted.

                      " Why? Are you jealous?" Junsu asked with an evil smirk.

                      " NO!!" Yoochun exclaimed. Everyone turned to look at him.

                      " OK, Yoochun-sshi. Since you're very active in this discussion, why don’t you tell us how ancient egyptians embalm their dead?" Ryeowook smirked with venom. Yoochun gulped his saliva.

                      Yoochun think about the question, searching his head of answer but , sadly, no answer came. " I'm.. I'm sorry, Teacher Ryeowook. I don’t know the answer."

                       " Of course you don’t know," said Ryeowook. Yoochun's eyes widened. " We haven't discussed that yet."

                       " WHAT!! Why did you asked me that question!?"

                       " Because you need something to wake you up! Why don’t you listen to my discussion!!?" Ryeowook was a bit annoyed.

                       " Err… Sorry, Teacher Ryeowook. I'm just worried about Yunho-ah," Yoochun admitted.

                       " Yoochun-sshi, I've never heard of anyone who died due to a bruise in the forehead," Ryeowook said sarcastically. " Lets continue with our lesson."


                       After a few minutes, Jaejoong and Yunho came.

                       " Oh, Jaejoong-sshi, Yunho-sshi. Where's Haengeng-sshi?" Ryeowook asked.

                       " The doctor says that he have to stay in the clinic for a while to enable his bones to rejoin. He will fully recover by lunch time, Teacher Ryeowook," Jaejonng answered.

                       " The doctor must be very good then. Rejoining bones are hard to do and he can do it in just a few hours," Ryeowook commented.

                       " He's also very pretty, Teacher Ryeowook, like my Joongie," said Yunho, hugging Jaejoong who blushed due to Yunho's action.

                      " Hmm… I heard that too. I think he will be your teacher in biology," said Ryeowook. " And stop being mushy in my class, Jung Yunho!!"

                      " Err… Teacher Ryeowook, you said that Doctor Shine's gonna' handle our biology class. Is that really true?" Jaejoong asked, sitting down.

                      " That's what I've heard," answered the teacher. The discussion becomes a gossip session.

                      " Shine? I though, he's a guy!" Yoochun butted in.

                      " Well, his full name is Shinneizelle Sachevelle. He's from Paris or somewhere in Europe," Ryeowook sat down on his chair in front of the class.

                      " Was he really pretty, Yunho-ah?" Junsu asked.

                      " Why are you calling a boy pretty, hyung?" Changmin asked Junsu.

                      " He's pretty," Yunho answered. " But my Joongie is still the most beautiful." He planted a kiss on the long-haired boy's cheek.

                      " Yah!! No PDA, please!!!!!" yelled Ryeowook. Changmin faked a gagging reflex upon seeing his hyungs' mushiness. Jaejoong's face was as red as a ripe tomato.

                      Everyone laughed at Ryeowook's reaction. A few minutes later, the bell rang  which was signaling the start of lunch break and end of the morning classes. It was already 11:45.



Haha… I'm having writer's block… sorry if my story is boring… I think, I'm not good at putting humor on my story and also, I'm not a sweet person so I'm having difficulties with the sweet parts……

Please do comment. I would really appreciate it…. Please be gentle when do comment…. (^_^)….. (^_^)









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yunjaemrcn #1
this is nice! :P love it!! ^^
new reader :D
Doctor_Shinneizelle #4
hhahaha...Yey!!!may Filipino na din!!!..hahah...... @ limeismything well.... all I can say is fire needs air to burn..hahaha. Jaejoong will discover who Yunho is....very soon..ahhahaha.. <br />
Thanks for all of your support!!!!... I hope that you'll continue to enjoy my story... haha
yjczae #5
YAY!!ganda ng story...hahaha excited n tuloy aq sa next update...update soon ha? <br />
colorspot #6
thank you for the update! yay they are going to meet soon!
Doctor_Shinneizelle #7
I'm glad you found my story interesting..^_^
Chiakisama #8
totally interested!!! update soon XD