Chapter Four- Umma is Gone

DECEPTION: pieces of truth


 Yoochun rushed towards the gate of the palace where Jaejoong lived, begging the guards for help. " Help me!...My friends!!..They need help.. Please, help me!"

                                  " Where are they?" one of the guards worriedly asked.

                                  Yoochun lead them to where his friends were. They brought them into the palace. Jaejoong worriedly meet them.

                                  " Junsu-ah!.." Jaejoong rushed towards the unconscious Junsu. " What happened to them?" the silvery-blonde boy asked Yoochun who just stared at him with wide eyes.

                                  Yoochun was mesmerized by Jaejoong's beauty that he was stunned for a moment. He was brought back to reality when Jaejoong tapped his arm. He told Jaejoong everything that had happened as the three wounded were being cured by Yoona-the palace nurse  . Jaejoong was sad but Jaejoong did not felt any animosity towards his cousin's attackers.

                                 " If I were you, Jaejoong-sshi, I would have tried to get those punks and punish them myself," said Yoochun, gritting his teeth.

                                " Yoochun-sshi, they do deserve to be punished but it is the task of the school to discipline the students. I cannot involve myself in matters under the jurisdiction of the school. Let's just let the authorities do their job, Yoochun-sshi," Jaejoong explained calmly, sitting down on a chair beside Junsu's bed.

                                " I understand, Jaejoong-sshi."

                                " Please, don’t be so formal to me, Yoochun-sshi."

                                " Only if you're not too formal with me, Jaejoong-shi," said Yoochun, he tried to use his charm ability on Jaejoong but he was surprised that Jaejoong was not affected at all.

                                " OK, Yoochun-ah," Jaejoong chuckled cutely.

                                She's so cute..but why cant I use my charm ability on her? Why is she not affected? Does she have an ability to negate the effect of any ability? I'm curious. Yoochun thinked.

                                " Yoochun-ah, I think you should rest. You've experienced mental trauma. You can lay on the bed next to Junsu-ah's bed," offered Jaejoong.

                                " I really think so, Jaejoong-ah," agreed Yoochun, walking towards the bed next to Junsu's.

                                " I'll play a song on my flute. I hope the music helps you relax and sleep peacefully."

                                Jaejoong played a soothing song that lulled Yoochun to sleep faster than he wanted.



                               Yunho fell in a very deep sleep after he have fought the punks that hurt Junsu and Changmin. His vision became blurry then dark.

                               The spiky-haired boy woke up, feeling the cold floor on his cheeks. He knew it was a dream but he cant help to be amazed about how his dream seemed so real. He walked along a dark corridor he could see a faint light coming from what seems to be a small torch at the far end.

                               " Where am I?" Yunho said to himself as he continue to walk.

                               After a few minutes, he reached the source of light. I was a ray of sunlight, pouring from the keyhole of a door. Yunho opened the door and found himself on the balcony of a castle overlooking a huge, medieval city. A man took at the edge of the balcony with his back on Yunho.

                              The man has spiky, chestnut-brown hair. He was partly covered with a golden armor of intricate craftsmanship. A crown of fire blazed upon his head. He turned to face Yunho. The boy was shocked to see the man's face. He's like an older version of Yunho. The guy was about 25 years old.

                              " I have been waiting for you to awaken your power, Yunho," the guy said in a brotherly manner. His crimson eyes met Yunho's.

                              " Who are you? How come you know my name?" yunho asked, bewildered. He stepped back a bit.

                              " I am you. I am who you are a thousand years ago," said the guy.

                              " What do you mean?"

                              " I am the Fire god, Yunho. And you are my reincarnated form.  We are one. My power is your power. My memories are your memories," the guy said

                              The Fire god opened his palm, a crystal hovered. It was a transparent crystals but it housed a small flame inside it. He walked closer to Yunho. " Its time for you to return back to who you really are, Yunho. You must fully wake up your ability. The awakening of the goddess of dark Ether is drawing near. Jaejoong will need you when that time comes." The crystal burst into flames and entered Yunho's forehead and with this he opened his eyes.

                               " Where am I?" Yunho uttered as he sat on the bed. He recalled everything that happened in his dream. The flood of a thousand years of memories almost made him dizzy, then, he remembered Jaejoong's face. All he wanted to do was to see Jaejoong. He got up and walked out of the room in hurried steps.

                               Jaejoong went to the rose garden to play a song on his flute. The song was slow, melancholic and calming, yet, you could feel that there is an underlying note of sorrow. He don’t know what was the title of the song nor who composed it. The song just unfolded in his mind like he has always played it.

                               Jaejoong was so worried about the guy named Yunho, as if, Yunho was such an

important person for him. Jaejoong just shrugged his worries off, thinking that it was nonsense.

                               As Jaejoong was deep into the sound of his music a voice called his name. A voice his heart, soul and mind wanted to hear for reasons he, himself don’t know. A voice more melodic than the sound of his flute. The voice he have loved and longed to hear.

                               " Jae..Jaejoong…."

                               Jaejoong stopped playing and turned to the direction where the voice came from. His eyes widened to see Yunho standing a few meters from him. Yunho laid out his right hand and a crystal appeared and hovered upon his palm. Jaejoong reached his hand into the crystal. The triangle on Yunho's palms began to glow with reddish light as a triangle with a horizontal line across it began to glow with a golden light on Jaejoong's forehead.

                              Light began to engulf both Yunho and Jaejoong as they come closer together. The wind began to grow stronger as the light began to form a tower towards the darkening sky.

                              " Jaejoong… Goddess of Air… " said Yunho in a soft tune. The crystal broke into thousands of shards that scattered everywhere. Light began to subside as an impending darkness sets in.

                             Jaejoong's eyes became all black. His skin was paler than ever. He let out an evil laugh that could send chills down the spine of anyone who  could hear.

                             "It's been a while since I last saw the world," Jaejoong said in a haunting, malevolent voice of a woman.

                             " What's happening? Yunho-ah? Jaejoong-ah?" screamed Yoochun.

                             " Well. It's been a long time since I've used my power. I need a practice," Jaejoong said.

                             " Who are you? You are not Jaejoong. Get out of her body now!" Yunho commanded, a crown of flames began to form on his head as a pair of fire wings grew on his back.

                             " What a great surprise. The god of  fire is here. Have I thwarted you? You were expecting Jaejoong to remember everything, don’t you? I used to love you, Yunho but you rejected me for Jaejoong!!" Jaejoong laughed in a sinister manner. " Maybe I could use this guy here as a practicing dummy." Jaejoong pointed Yoochun and made him hover in mid-air.

                             " Jaejoong-ah, what are you doing!! Put me down!" yelled Yoochun.

                             " So you used his body against me, Seulgi?" asked Yunho, . He knew that someone was using Jaejoong's body that's why he don’t want to use force on him. He don’t want to hurt Jaejoong in the process.

                             Jaejoong was about to kill Yoochun by removing all oxygen in his lungs when, suddenly, a huge seal in the form of a clock appeared beneath him then time stopped. Jaejoong cant move.

                             " What!?.. No!.. Time disruption…..Sungmin..Sungmin's here!" Jaejoong yelled in his mind as he froze upon the seal.

                             Yoochun fell on the ground with a thud. He guy helped him stand up. The guy has a large clock that hovered upon his palm.

                            " You are safe now," the guy said to Yoochun.

                            " What is happening to Jaejoong-ah? Why is he acting strange?" Yoochun asked, terrified.

                            " Someone is using Jaejoong's body and his abilities," answered the guy in a soft tune. " Yunho!"

                            Yunho looked at the guy and immediately recognized the one who called as if they have known each other before. " Sungmin. Thanks for your help."

                            " The other gods are coming. We have to stop Seulgi from using Jaejoong."

                            " I knew it! Seulgi tricked us. Damn her!," exclaimed Yunho.

                            " She was resurrected along with Jaejoong's memories. That's her curse on Jaejoong. When Jaejoong's memories fully return, she will then be resurrected and occupy Jaejoong's body. Jaejoong will be sealed in return."

                            " This cant be happening."

                            "Here they come," said Sungmin in a still soft voice.

                            Three beings appeared out of nowhere in front of Yunho, Sungmin and Yoochun.

                            " Jaejoong!! " yelled Donghae, one of the three beings that appeared.

                            " Calm down, Donghae-sshi," said Kangin, patting Donghae's back.

                            " That cursed goddess of Dark Aether. That Seulgi!!!!.. She tricked us! How dare her use my son's body for her schemes!!.." Donghae shouted again, almost histerical. He love Jaejoong as his son very much. His wife comforted him.

                           " We have to remove Dark Aether from Jaejoong. We still have ten minutes to do so," said Sunmin, looking at his clock, which hands were not moving.

                          " I'll seal her  in another dimension and I need you to increase the gravity of that dimension, Kangin. Sungmin, I want you to stop the time inside the dimension that I will make. I'll have that Dark Aether suffer for all eternity," Donghae said, hatred was in his voice and so in his eyes.

                           Jaejoong just hovered in mid-air like an evil goddess, dark aura was all over him.

                           Donghae was about to rip a dimension to imprison the goddess of Dark Aether when Sunny stopped him from doing so.

                          " Don’t do it, Honey," said Sunny, holding Donghae's hand.

                          " Why, Sunny?"

                          " Jaejoong and the goddess are physically bound to each other. Time, space and gravity cannot rip them apart, Honey," said Sunny in a pained voice.

                          " But… "

                          " I will rip the connection between them. I will distort reality to create a gap between their existence.. But then, I will have to absorb Dark Aether's existence and merge it into mine."

                          " But , Sunny. You cant sacrifice yourself," Donghae disagreed with Sunny's idea.

                          " There must be another way," Sungmin said.

                          " Sunny-sshi, I will take your place then. Bind the Dark Aether with me and, Donghae-sshi,   continue your plan," Yunho presented, determined to sacrifice himself for Jaejoong's sake.

                          " Eight minutes more," Sungmin said.

                          " No, Yunho-sshi. I wont do that. Jaejoong is my son too that is why I'm doing this." Sunny faced Jaejoong and spread her arms. Jaejoong began to scream as dark auras began to exit his mouth, eyes and nose. The dark auras began to flew into Sunny .

                          " No!!...Curse you all!!!... I shall avenge myself and make you all suffer!!..... My servants will not rest until Jaejoong is dead and when he's dead, I shall have his body and rule all life on to the ends of the earth!!... No one can stop me!!!" Jaejoong yelled and he lost consciousness as all the dark aura was absorbed by Sunny.

                          " Do it, Honey. There is no more time," Sunny said to Donghae.

                          " But…. Sunny, I cant do it," Donghae answered, tears rushing down his cheeks.

                          " Do it, Donghae!!" Sunny commanded.

                          " If I do it , you wont be reincarnated!"

                          " This is my decision, Honey. Please, for Jaejoong's sake, do it."

                          Donghae, with an aching heart, created a portal that slowly absorbed Sunny. Sungmin casted a seal that stopped the time inside the dimension while Kangin increased the gravity into a level that could crush a normal person.

                          " Honey, tell Jaejoong that Umma will miss him. I'll be right back as soon as I can," said Sunny, smiling yet tears run down her pinkish  cheeks. She knew that she might not escape from the created dimension.

                          " SUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....." Donghae yelled as Sunny was absorbed into the dimension he created. He cant bear the though of losing Sunny forever. He rushed to Jaejoong and hugged him very tight. Jaejoong was Sunny's treasure, her beloved, her legacy.


                           Yunho helped Donghae put Jaejoong on his bed. Sungmin and Kangin consoled Donghae and vowed to protect Jaejoong from the goddess of Dark Aether's servants that may try to bring her back.

                           Yunho watched over Jaejoong as the long-haired boy lay sleeping. Yoochun stayed by Junsu and Changmin's room.

                           Jaejoong lay sleeping, oblivious of the fact that his Umma sacrificed herself for his sake.

                          " Joongie…." Yunho whispered to Jaejoong as he kissed Jaejoong's forehead.



I'm back!!!...I'm soooooo soooooo BACK…. Sorry if I took forever to update. I have sooooo many exams and journals to make. I'm really sorry…. T_T…… Well, Jaejoong's memories are back too.. Seulgi's the main antagonist and I think you now why…ahahaha…..Sorry if I was so late in updating….dont hate me please!!!.... Oh well, enjoy this chappie!!! lots!!!



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yunjaemrcn #1
this is nice! :P love it!! ^^
new reader :D
Doctor_Shinneizelle #4
hhahaha...Yey!!!may Filipino na din!!!..hahah...... @ limeismything well.... all I can say is fire needs air to burn..hahaha. Jaejoong will discover who Yunho is....very soon..ahhahaha.. <br />
Thanks for all of your support!!!!... I hope that you'll continue to enjoy my story... haha
yjczae #5
YAY!!ganda ng story...hahaha excited n tuloy aq sa next update...update soon ha? <br />
colorspot #6
thank you for the update! yay they are going to meet soon!
Doctor_Shinneizelle #7
I'm glad you found my story interesting..^_^
Chiakisama #8
totally interested!!! update soon XD