Chapter 2

Our After Story: Swing Set



      Taehyung snaps out of his thoughts and gives Jimin a lazy glance and nod. His friend his fuming, annoyed. 


     "Y'know, Hyuk is the only one who listens to me. Even my MOTHER pays no attention to me" he faked sobbed. 




     Jimin pointed a dramatic hand to Taehyung's forehead. "AND you're my best friend. SO IT UP and pay attention to mee" 


     Taehyung looks up at his finger. "Huh?" 


     Jimin slaps his hand on his forehead. "Okay, FINE. What's up, Taehyung?" 


     "Hyun Jae moved away for a million years" 


      "Dude, by the end of break, my forehead is going to be red. SOMETHING INTERESTING" 


     Taehyung shrugged. "Maybe your love life will make me feel better" 


     Jimin's jaw dropped. "HEY IM TECHNICALLY OLDER THAN YOU" 


     "BESIDES I'm burden free because I don't have to worry about love" Jimin adds, dragging out the 'o' in love. 


     "Yet" he corrected.


     "I think I should start hanging out with Hyuk. What do you think?" 


     "Hyuk likes a girl. He's been going around for advice" Taehyung says bluntly.


     "WHAT ABOUT ME?!" 


     "No advice to offer" 




     "Sorry. But when are you gonna start dating? All you do is flirt" 


     Jimin shrugged. "Every time I have a flirtationship with a girl, they turn out to be not the right person, I guess" 


     You began to float into Taehyung's mind, so he zones out AGAIN. He's finally picked his major, and it was music. He's trying to transfer, with the support of you and Jimin. School is getting way too hard, and he want to give up. HOWEVER, he suddenly had a dream the night he gave up studying. 


     It was a dream where you were there, with him. The two of you owned a little music school together, and you taught art. It was a little to far into the future, as the two of you still had a long way to go. However, the dream had him studying at midnight. Despite being tired the next day, he went to class in the afternoon and aced it for the first time. 


     Taehyung ran to Jimin the next day, waving his test around while dancing. Despite how arrogant Jimin was, he was still a great listener. He knew that despite acting like a total douche, Jimin was actually pretty insecure. But, we'll get into that story another time. 


     The two boys were in the school's cafe during break. Jimin had a class, and Taehyung had a test to take soon. He found college better because he can now wear whatever he wanted. Today, he wore some jeans, a white tank top that's said 'MOTHERER' on it, and his button down tied around his waist. 


     Jimin gave him the tank top, and explained what the shirt meant after a week of wearing it. Taehyung glared at him, and covered up the rest if the day. Now, he just covers the f word up with tape. Jimin says he looks like dork like that, but it didn't really matter to him. 


     It's not like you were there to see him look stupid. 


     "--and Hyun Jae--"




     Jimin flinched at Taehyung suddenly attempting to climb the table. The bell rings, and Jimin gets up, pulled back down by Taehyung. 




     Jimin wrinkled his nose. "Dude, I was just saying, Hyun Jae has been doing not so good in school." 


     "WHAT WHY" 


     "Ask her. That's all I heard"


     Jimin runs off, and Taehyung groans loudly. You weren't able to reply back to his messages too often because of how busy you were. There weren't many tests, but homework turned out to be a large part of your grade. 


     You pulled all nighters and had to change your class times so that you had time to sleep. There were times when you'd send Taehyung pictures, but they were rare. Sometimes Jimin wonders how much Taehyung must really like you, because he's never worried. Never worried that you might be seeing someone else over there. Even Hyuk is blown away by how patiently Taehyung's waiting. 




     Taehyung aced another test, so he sends you pictures of it. For once, you answered back right away.


Hyun Jae <3


Awesome~~ glad you're studying hard! I'm working hard as well! 


Uh-uh. I heard you're slacking off. 






I love him and everything, but he has a big mouth. 


ㅋㅋㅋ what are you doing? 


Mmm.. Nothing. What about you? 


On my way back to me and Jimin's apartment. 


Hey, what would you say if I visited? 



     "What?" Taehyung mutters out loud, fishing out his keys. 


     He pushes the door open with a lot of effort because of the old door. The apartment was cheap but a little old. The floor boards creaked sometimes, and the door needs to be kicked open on some days. Nonetheless, the neighborhood was nice and it was close to the campus. Walking distance. 


     Instead of being greeted by their dog, Thunder, he finds the dog in someone's lap. That someone is you. 


     "SURPRISE!" You yelled, grinning. 


     Taehyung suddenly feels woozy. 



A/N: SUCH slow updating! I am so sorry! I'm doing this on my tablet and this is sooo hard to do! Plus this is a really short update, because I'm actually JUST starting high school lol. School . I'm not exactly popular, but in the middle(?) 

Did you enjoy my ramble about my personal life? 

Tell me about your life in school because it'd make me feel better that I'm not the only one lol. 

I'll be sure to update real soon, so PLEASE tell me what you think in the comments below~ 

-- Megz --

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Chapter 13: Hey I just wanted to point out that you posted chapter 10 twice. On chapter 9 and 10 theyre both the same chapter and are both labeled chapter 10. I just wanted to inform you because it also seems that you didn't know. Chapter 11 also seems to be missing as the latest chapter is labeled chapter 12 .^^
Chapter 13: Awee... This chapter was adorable!! I absolutely loved it!! ^~^
Chapter 8: that was the way too sweet awww i love the storyline please update soon authornim~~~
yehetynah #4
Chapter 8: that was so sweet.. hope you update more :)
Vtae84 #5
Chapter 8: That was deep and sweet..
luvkpop10 #6
Chapter 6: Ifkr how can I have a bias in bts? It took me a few Monthes to choose a bias lol I have 4 bias in bts
Chapter 3: nice chapter, author-nim! quite difficult to understand but ^.^
Chapter 2: The kid versions ARE SO BLIMMING CUTE
im happy that u do a sequel to one of my favorite stories [ friendly gesture ] ~
Chapter 1: SO GOOD ~ excited 4 next chapter!