Chapter 8

Our After Story: Swing Set

Chapter 8

H  Y  U  N    J  A  E  



I realized that being in a long distant relationship is harder than I probably imagined.


    I imagine it being harder because Taehyung might be totally fine with it because...he’s Taehyung and he wouldn’t think about it, I think. He tends think everything would work out, but relationships are a lot of work. One night, I had a dream where I was back in Japan and he was in Korea - and we were having this big fight, but I forgot what about. He apologized after silence for what seemed like a few minutes. I took a deep breath and forgave him. We both reached out, but…


we realized we were apart.


    Tonight, I’m going to sleepover at their apartment because Jimin got drunk at a party and one of his friends were going to let him stay over. Tae invited me over to keep him company, and I thought he was scared or something, but then when I got there, he suggested to watch ‘The Grudge’.


    I started for the door.


    I could tell he’s pouting, and he starts whining and runs and wraps his arms around my waist, dragging me towards the couch. He definitely got stronger. I make a big fuss, but I give in anyway because he gives me a bowl of popcorn and made me a strawberry smoothie, so that sort of makes it up. He cheers like a little kid when I shrink into the pillows and wrap myself in a couple of pillows in defeat, but I don’t want to admit I gave in, so I act mad, and I don’t say anything. He laughs, and it makes me wrinkle my nose.


    Tae reached over to rub something on my nose, and it causes me to sit up and whine.


    “That’s what you get for getting mad at me~” he laughs and reaches over to grab a handful of popcorn.


I realized it was whipcream, and wiped it off with a napkin. Then, I snuggled back into the blankets and tell him to turn the movie on with reluctance. Tae, Jimin, and I have watched this movie the moment Jimin snuck the CD from uncle’s box of movies. We were supposed to be 17 to be able to watch it, but when auntie and uncle left us at home for their date night, we were 12 years old and I was scarred for life. I had a lot of nightmares and it made the boys feel bad that they made me watch it, and they better have felt sorry…




They’re love for horror movies only grew bigger and they started liking action movies too. Basically, any movie I don’t find very happy, they love to watch. Back in highschool, we’d always play rock, paper, scissors to pick the movies, and I finally won and made them watch a ‘chick flick’, but they ended up liking it more than I did which I found very amusing.


    Tae does turn it on and continues to watch with excitement. I like watching his reactions - which are adorable. He’s always shouting what’s going to come next - like the pop ups and yelling to the characters to watch out, even though they can’t hear him. Tae laughs at the stupid moments while complaining, like the stupid mistakes the characters make, because they’ll be found easily.


    I don’t laugh at what he’s laughing at, but again, because he’s adorable. In the middle of the movie and his shouting, I can’t help but lean over and kiss him on the cheek. When I turn back, I pretend to watch the movie. I could feel his stare, but I expected him to stare and turn back to watch, but I don’t hear him yelling anymore, which makes me wonder if I did something wrong..


    I snuggled into the warm blankets, self conscious under his eyes, but then I hear and feel the dip in the pillows under his weight. I felt his hand cup my cheek, and he pushes my face towards him. And then he pressed his lips against mine.


For a long time, we kissed.


    Our kiss was long and when I kissed back, I felt a little self conscious and awkward, so I slowly leaned back, awkwardly trying to tell him I at kissing. However, he doesn’t seem to think so, because I could feel his iron like hand hold mines, and I feel my face heats up as he kisses me again.


Long story short, Tae and I kiss until the credits show on the screen, and I pushed him off with a nervous giggle.


    “That was a great movie” he teases and leans back, and I retaliate with a punch to his stomach. Of course, he wheezes, but he turns off the TV and grabs some popcorn, stuffing it in his mouth.


    “EEW” I whined, heading into their kitchen for a midnight snack. He follows me, wrapping his arms around my waist as I grabbed for the dukbokki I bought that were shaped like stars and hearts.


    He hummed, and for awhile, we stayed like this, peacefully. I didn’t want it to end, but I knew it would be soon, and it worried me. Tae must’ve felt my body stiffen, because he craned his neck to look at me, nuzzling my neck.


    “What’s wrong?” He says this real soft and warm while I poured the chili sauce into the pan.


    “We can’t do this later.” I said, and it causes silence on his part.


    He can’t say anything back to this or anything. I don’t expect him to, but what did I expect him to do? Break up with me? No - not that… maybe reassure me somehow. I wanted to know that we’re still going to be together, I guess. I didn’t want to bring down his happy mood, but I wanted to know this.


    Tae spoke after a few moments of me watching the dukbokki slowly start to cook.


    “No, we won’t be, in a few months, I guess. But do you seriously think I’m that stupid? Come on, let’s spend more time just being happy. Hmm?” He nuzzled into my neck again and I giggled, trying to stop him, because it seriously tickles.


    Tae gets off after a while after I threatened to burn him because our midnight snack was now done! He’s happy to eat - not even getting the plates, so we’re just eating out of a big bowl I poured it into. We sit and eat for awhile, spending most of that time laughing and he tried to wipe the sauce off the corner of my lips with his fingers, but ended up smudging even more onto my cheek, so I have to get a few baby wipes for him, because he is like a baby.


    His eyes lit up after we put the dishes away and I claimed I was tired.


    “Let’s make a fort!”


    I changed into his sweats and his hoodie, but when I walk out of the bathroom, he’s trying not to laugh, making me flush with embarrassment. Why? I do this all the time.


    He patted my head with this big rectangular smile. “You’re so cute, Jae.”


    I shook him off, blushing. “So? Are we going to make a fort or what?”


We made a fort!


...until he fell on top of it.


    “Yah! That was so much work and you ruined it!” I huffed, but he pulls me and I fall forward into his chest.


    “So? It’s comfy, right?”


    “...Yeah…” I say this quietly.


    “That’s why I did it.”


    He looks down at me again, and for a moment, I’m sure he’s gonna make another short joke about me, but he leans down and gives me a little peck on the forehead.


    I flushed, digging my face into his warm chest with a smile. I wish we can stay like this forever.


He’s the best.






    “I couldn’t kiss you on the lips ‘cause you’re too short.”


    “...Get offa me.” I deadpanned.


    “Oh c’mon! Jae! Wait! Jae!”


    “Don’t touch me!”


    “It was a joke!”


    “I am not that short!” I grumbled as he pinned me down.


    Tae hugged me like I was a pillow.


    “Yes, yes.” He says in Japanese - probably the only Japanese he knows. “Sorry, but I’m your boyfriend, so you have to forgive me.”


    I rolled my eyes, but he says three words that makes me stiffen.


    “I love you…”


    I flushed. What do I do? What do I say? Oh wait - why am I panicking??


    “I love...juice.”


    His jaw dropped and I burst out laughing, but he adjusts his wrists to my waist and starts poking and ticking me until my eyes watered.


    “Okay! Okay! I love you too!” I shrieked.


    He’s looming over me now, about to stand up but froze in that awkward position, looking down at me. “Mean it?”


I realize now, that he’s super serious. Like, he was really afraid I wouldn’t reply to him or something. I see the worried look in his eyes, the scared eyes I see a lot, and I realized he needed the reassurance too. I smiled and reached up to run a hand through his hair, and he shuddered, the most vulnerable I’ve ever seen him.


    “I love you. A lot.”


    I pull on his collar so that he slumps forward enough so that I can get a small peck in, but he deepens it. Our kisses always feel romantic - like in the movies. But they weren’t for entertainment. They were for us.


I love him.


I smile into his chest just thinking about it.


I love Kim Taehyung.



Hello my pretties ~ 

As you can tell, I am back with this story (FINALLY) 

However, I'm sad to say I might be a little late with updates (FORGIVE ME) because of school and after school sports. I'm going to try to keep up with at least an update a week, so please be patient for them! Thank you!!




-- Author Megan --

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Chapter 13: Hey I just wanted to point out that you posted chapter 10 twice. On chapter 9 and 10 theyre both the same chapter and are both labeled chapter 10. I just wanted to inform you because it also seems that you didn't know. Chapter 11 also seems to be missing as the latest chapter is labeled chapter 12 .^^
Chapter 13: Awee... This chapter was adorable!! I absolutely loved it!! ^~^
Chapter 8: that was the way too sweet awww i love the storyline please update soon authornim~~~
yehetynah #4
Chapter 8: that was so sweet.. hope you update more :)
Vtae84 #5
Chapter 8: That was deep and sweet..
luvkpop10 #6
Chapter 6: Ifkr how can I have a bias in bts? It took me a few Monthes to choose a bias lol I have 4 bias in bts
Chapter 3: nice chapter, author-nim! quite difficult to understand but ^.^
Chapter 2: The kid versions ARE SO BLIMMING CUTE
im happy that u do a sequel to one of my favorite stories [ friendly gesture ] ~
Chapter 1: SO GOOD ~ excited 4 next chapter!