Chapter 4

Our After Story: Swing Set

Life isn't as easy as you think. In stories and such, you'd expect to hear what you want to hear, isn't that right? Some might be reading Taehyung and I's story, expecting to hear our happy, fluffy story, right? Well, knowing Taehyung all this time, we weren't always the best of friends.


     I've shared bits of pieces of our life, but it wasn't always nice in the end.

     For example, we got in a huge fight when we were in high school that lasted for a few days, but it was different. I've been in fights with Jimin longer then a couple of days, and it was fine. Sure, say it's because we're cousins - practically siblings, so it was a normal fight. But, a first fight with your best friend is intense and unlike something I had ever incountered.


     We were both in the wrong, and we both agreed on this - even to this day. I can't say it was immature of us to fight about this, because I feel that way sometimes, but at the same time, the things we belived in our arguements - were... true. 


     Around this time, I was always sensitive because.. well - I went through many different dark times in high school, and nobody really understood - not even Taehyung. Boys - were the main problem. As a teenager, many things cross your mind, and having someone to lean on.. is important. 


     At this time, My hair was very short, and I liked it this way. 


     It wasn't popular, but unique and someone found it unique too - someone named Taemin.



     He was older - a year older then me, and I liked him... a lot. He felt the same way about me, and we knew about each others' feelings.. or so I was confident about. The only thing I was confident about, anyway.


     Taemin was a nice guy, and we'd walk home together, since my house was on the way, he offered to drop me off. We went by this schedule for a couple of months, and Taehyung would ask about him a lot. I would laugh, and smile through the webcam, telling him its the same. We liked each other, and it was too nervewracking to ask such questions. After all, we were still in the early ages of high school, and we wouldn't know what to do.


     He was a dancer - the youngest in the dance club at our school, and I'd come to a few competitions a few times after he shyly invited me one day while we walked. It was horrible - one day.


     Okay, sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself.


     It was championships, and Taemin was chosen as the last member in the round.  He was awesome, as always and he won just as I thought. He shot a grin in my direction, and we both blushed and looked away, butterflies in our stomachs. I didn't have a present for him, but decided to go with a congadulations and an embarrassing hug instead, right?


     Well, I slipped behind the backstage door, and walked down the hall to their meeting room - I guess you can call it. I bumped into a couple of members of the other team, and bowed sheepishly, telling them they did well. They scoffed, and told me they'd make a comeback. I didn't seem to know what the guy meant, but he was already leaving to keep up with his team.


     I tiptoed to the room, getting ready to surprise.


     I knew a couple members myself. 


     One, was Kim Jongin - known as Kai. I'd met him after mistaking him for Taemin one day, and we all got along pretty well, as he was pretty outgoing.


     Then, it happened. 


     "Hey, Taemin, that girl keeps hanging around you huh? Uh.. Han Hyun Jae, right?" I recongized him as a sunbae.

     "Eh, I wouldn't say--"

     "I mean, she's not that pretty."


     "You can have so many girls, I bet she's just annoying"

     Why isn't he saying anything?

     "Right.. she's real annoying" Taemin's voice said softly.


     Everything seemed freeze at that moment, until I heard Kai's voice. 


     "Taemin!" He shouted.

     "Hey, why you freaking over an ugly--" Sunbae went on until a  grunt was heard. I peaked, and noticed the sunbae on the floor, and Kai's eyes, crazy.

     "I see" I felt myself say softly.

     "Hyun Jae?" Taemin froze.


     I repeated myself until I couldn't seem to hear anything but the pounding music the staff didn't turn off yet. The music Taemin danced to that night.


     I came to my senses, Taemin in front of me, in the parking lot. It was raining, and he was shaking my shoulders repeating his apology over and over.


     "I'm sorry - i just.."


     "No need to apologize. You don't need to pick me up anymore."


     I left him, and walked home in the rain. I arrived home, Hyuk sleeping, and parents out. I my laptop, and Taehyung appeared on the screen. He grinned at me, and didn't seem to notice.


     Taehyung was always clueless when we were in high school. He was an oddball, and was always hyper, never understanding why others weren't as happy as he was. I was frustrated, and I saw why people got irritated by him on a bad day. Jimin told me he didn't like to hang out with Taehyung on these days, because Taehyung never really get on of those days. I was annoyed by that. 


     So, I yelled at him.


     Only then, did he notice my wet hair.


     I got angry, and so did he; there was screaming and shouting, with frustrated groans and childish mocking. Hyuk came in at the same time that I hung up the call.


     Our fight - like I said - went on for a couple of days. He apologized first, because he realized what went wrong. I never asked him what he meant, because I didn't want to know.



     Nevertheless, it was never smooth after that either, because we grew up together, and times are always going to be rough, no matter what age. 


     Looking at a knocked out Taehyung now, I'm sure we can get through it, no matter what.

Author's Note:



this is ulzzang/model, Baek su min

she is so pretty!!!!

and Taehyung is sooo cute













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Chapter 13: Hey I just wanted to point out that you posted chapter 10 twice. On chapter 9 and 10 theyre both the same chapter and are both labeled chapter 10. I just wanted to inform you because it also seems that you didn't know. Chapter 11 also seems to be missing as the latest chapter is labeled chapter 12 .^^
Chapter 13: Awee... This chapter was adorable!! I absolutely loved it!! ^~^
Chapter 8: that was the way too sweet awww i love the storyline please update soon authornim~~~
yehetynah #4
Chapter 8: that was so sweet.. hope you update more :)
Vtae84 #5
Chapter 8: That was deep and sweet..
luvkpop10 #6
Chapter 6: Ifkr how can I have a bias in bts? It took me a few Monthes to choose a bias lol I have 4 bias in bts
Chapter 3: nice chapter, author-nim! quite difficult to understand but ^.^
Chapter 2: The kid versions ARE SO BLIMMING CUTE
im happy that u do a sequel to one of my favorite stories [ friendly gesture ] ~
Chapter 1: SO GOOD ~ excited 4 next chapter!