Chapter 1

Our After Story: Swing Set

   The first time the two of you met was when you were both 9 years old, while your little brother was 6. 

     Taehyung has heard of you before, so your name around the household was no stranger. After Jimin came back from Busan as a vacation, he'd show all the drawings and the pictures he took. Once in awhile, Taehyung would see a neater drawing or photo in the pile. When he'd question it, Jimin would exclaim it was his cousin who drew it. 
     One late night, Taehyung and Jimin sat in the basement of the apartment complex. It was their little hideout where they would play games and draw. 
     Jimin would often take the home phone just in case his mom called or something. It's not like it was unusual for her to call, but when she did call this time, he heard crying on the other end. 
     "Mom?!" Jimin called in alarm. Taehyung raised an eyebrow asking what was going on. Jimin put the phone on speaker and laid on his stomach. 
     "Ah, Jimin-ah, Hyun Jae and Sanghyuk are here" his mom said rather tiredly. 
     Jimin hung up, pulling Taehyung and their stuff up stairs to find you and Sanghyuk there. 
     Sanghyuk was exactly how Taehyung had expected the kid to be. As described, when the little boy would start to cry, he would try his hardest to up the tears. But, it would result in more tears dropping. He wore some pajamas with a T-Rex on it and held an old Barney plush. 
     You, on the other hand was the exact opposite. Taehyung wasn't close to many girls as a kid, so you were different from the ones at his school. You were more mysterious and it was hard for him to come to a conclusion about you. Jimin was always excited to see you, but Taehyung expected you to be more happy and fun. 
     Here, you sat at the kitchen table with a cup of milk, and stared at it. 
     "What's going on?" Jimin asked, marching into the kitchen, Taehyung standing at the door. 
     Mrs. Park smiled, "They're sleeping over as well" 
     "Sorry" you said quietly, a worried look on your face. 
     "Aye~ stop saying that. The two of you are practically my kids. All 4 of you! And I'm happy about that" Mrs. Park said sweetly. 
     Your little brother rubbed his eyes cutely, "4?" He questioned, shuffling to sit with his sister. 
     As if she had just remembered, Mrs. Park looked back to see Taehyung looking afraid and hesitant. She ushered the boy to the kitchen, and introduced Taehyung to the two of you. 
     "Ah! You're the one Jimin Hyung was talking about" Sanghyuk said rather excitedly. 
     Taehyung found the younger a lot easier to talk to because of how fascinated he looked. Jimin had told him about how much Sanghyuk idolized him, and he thought it was absolutely ridiculous. I mean, who idolizes Jimin? 
     "Yeah, I'm Taehyung. Sanghyuk, right?" Taehyung smiled. 
     Sanghyuk's eyes lit up at that moment, and Jimin chuckles. 
     "Hyuk" you said, appearing next to him. 
     "Oh, Noona, do you want to play with--" 
     "No. I'll just take our stuff to the guest room. Or do you want to spend the night with Jimin and Taehyung?" You said. 
     You sounded rather tired and really mature. The way you spoke reminded him of parents a bit, so he raised an eyebrow. 
     Hyuk bit his lip, contemplating it in his head. "I'll go with the hyungs" 
     Taehyung notices a little spark of disappointment in your eyes, but when he looks around, he realized Hyuk didn't seem to notice. 
     He's staring too much, because you notice right away. You didn't say anything but raise your eyebrows and nod as if acknowledging him. 
     "You guys can go play" you said half heartedly. Again, Hyuk didn't seem to notice the bitter tone in your voice and ran off, tugging Jimin with him. 
     Taehyung was about to run off as well, but hesitated. He turned and looked at you. "Do you want to come?" 
     Your eyes widen. It were as if you were never offered this kind of thing, yet Hyuk had just offered. You stepped forward slightly, about to take up that offer, but your shoulders deflated and you looked at your feet. 
     "No. I'll be fine--HEY!" 
     Taehyung ignored your answer and pulled you to the door, following the other two boys to the basement. 
     "So, this Taehyung guy" 
     You raised your eyebrows. "Yeah?" 
     You flushed and slapped your friends thigh in embarrassment and turned away. Your roommate, Mei, was a little too straightforward about these things. 
     "Well he didn't have time to just ask me out.." 
     "Hmm... Well he better do it over the break before Taylor asks you" 
     Taylor was this guy that went to your academy. He was a nice guy and he was Japanese with a fourth of Caucasian. He was cute, but every time you thought about him dating-wise, Taehyung would pop up. 
     "Besides, he has this off and on with Miu. I don't want to be some rebound" you added, trying to get her off the Taehyung incident. 
     "Right. Because you have this Taehyung waiting back home" 
     You glare at her and sigh, zipping up your suitcase. It was officially summer break, which meant you had a whole month in Korea to visit. You wanted to make it a surprise, however. 
     She had her own boyfriend, so she was like the girl everyone came for advice. Your friendship with her didn't start out smoothly because of your bad Japanese. Well, it wasn't like you had bad Japanese, but when you spoke the language, you'd get shaky and nervous. 
     She got annoyed at your goody-goody personality which you were totally unaware of. The two of you just never spoke, and she assumed you were playing the pretty and dumb act to get guys. She assumed it because of how high your Japanese grade was, but you'd become flustered when someone asked you a question. In the end, any guy in the class found you cute. 
     Of course, Mei wasn't the only one to think these things, because half the girls in the dorm thought that. It was until on the 3rd week of school, that a piece of paper was thrown to you. 'WANNABE!' it read. Your eyes widened and you didn't know what to do, but you'd have a feeling you knew who it was. 
     Everyone had their pens up and scribbling down notes but Mei and a few of her friends who were snickering. She was glaring at you and your innocent look. You were obviously furious. 
     That afternoon, the two of you arrived at the dorm at the same time. There was no need to confirm it, because she threw the first punch, aiming for your face. You weren't able to move in time, and it brushed your cheek. You kicked her in the stomach, and she fell. 
     It went on until some girls bursted in, pulling the two of you apart. You ended up with a bruised lip, sprained ankle, and a big bruise on your cheek. Mei had a split lip, bruised arm and stomach. You weren't suspended (thankfully), but got off with a warning since the dorm advisor wasn't there, but her TA (who was friends with Mei), was there. 
     The other girls called you two crazy when you saw each other the next morning and bursted out laughing. The TA decided not to switch around roommates after how close the two of you got. 
     "What if he got a girlfriend?!" You squeak. 
     Mei made a face. "Dude. I think you should lay off the Korean drama" 
     "Call me when you land, okay?" She adds and gives you a hug. 
     You sighed, trying not to think of the worst scenarios. However, you can't help but let the unsettling thoughts haunt you the whole night. 




A/N: Sorry I updated so late, but this is that first chapter! Too short? Tell me what you think and I'm open to any criticism. I might not update all the time, because I have other stories (that you should also check out) 


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Chapter 13: Hey I just wanted to point out that you posted chapter 10 twice. On chapter 9 and 10 theyre both the same chapter and are both labeled chapter 10. I just wanted to inform you because it also seems that you didn't know. Chapter 11 also seems to be missing as the latest chapter is labeled chapter 12 .^^
Chapter 13: Awee... This chapter was adorable!! I absolutely loved it!! ^~^
Chapter 8: that was the way too sweet awww i love the storyline please update soon authornim~~~
yehetynah #4
Chapter 8: that was so sweet.. hope you update more :)
Vtae84 #5
Chapter 8: That was deep and sweet..
luvkpop10 #6
Chapter 6: Ifkr how can I have a bias in bts? It took me a few Monthes to choose a bias lol I have 4 bias in bts
Chapter 3: nice chapter, author-nim! quite difficult to understand but ^.^
Chapter 2: The kid versions ARE SO BLIMMING CUTE
im happy that u do a sequel to one of my favorite stories [ friendly gesture ] ~
Chapter 1: SO GOOD ~ excited 4 next chapter!