
The Father of My Child
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It was finally December in the year of 2013. Seulgi smiled brightly as she looked at the gift in her hands. She giggled while looking at the ring on her ring finger and slightly hummed walking her way back home. Some people gave her looks as she passed by mesmorizing her hand, but she didn't care one bit. I can't wait for Christmas. After months of saving, I finally got to afford this present. I hope Minwoo would love it, she thought. 

She wrapped her coat around her as she started getting more cold. She looked around her surroundings and slightly smiled. She saw families walking around in the park, and kids on the swings. It was just a normal day like everything else, and Seulgi loved it.

Seulgi suddenly stopped walking when she found a familiar figure.


She broke into a grin and was about to call him when she paused. Her grin slowly fell when she found another person. They were both facing each other, staring into each others eyes. Seulgi tilted her head in confusion and got a little closer to hear their coversation. 

"It's nice to see you, Minwoo."

"I would say the same, Hayoung."

"Remember what happened three years ago?"

"You left me for another guy," Minwoo said, with his eyes sadden.

Hayoung looked down guilty. "Yes.."

"So how is he? Is he nice? Does he treat you well? How long-"

"We broke up," Hayoung said.

Minwoo looked taken back. "I mean, I broke up with him," she confessed.

He furrowed his eyebrows and asked, "What?"

"I didn't have feelings for him," she admitted.

"Why?" Minwoo questioned, puzzled.

Hayoung closed her eyes before she responded, "Because I had feelings for you."





Seulgi cupped her hands to and looked at the shocking scene before her eyes. "What do you mean? If you still had feelings for me, then why did you break up with me?" Minwoo blurted out.

"I don't know. I just- I don't know." Seulgi gulped, looking between the two. Minwoo didn't like talking about his ex, she reminded herself. "But, I just wanna ask, do you still have feelings for me too?"

Seulgi's hand turned ice, frozen as she clutched on the gift. She quickly looked at her boyfriend, Minwoo who looked like he was trying to fight back. Calm down, calm down. He's going to say no, she reasurred herself.


That's when her heart dropped. That single word that can easily change peoples feelings. 

Hayoung looked surpised. "Really?" She asked in a tone of hope.

"Ever since you broke up with me, I couldn't stop thinking about you day and night. I always still loved you even when I had a girlfriend this whole entire time,"  Minwoo finally says, feeling good letting it all out. 

Seulgi couldn't stop trembling as she tried to hold back her tears from rising up her eyes. She dropped the present to the ground and still couldn't believe what just happened. 

"I-I was hoping..." Minwoo urged her to continue. "I wanna get back together." 

Seulgi started breathing heavily as she eyes plead for Minwoo to say no. "I-I don't know. I have a girlfriend," Minwoo said in dissapointment. "I don't want her to end up hurt."

"She doesn't have to know," Hayoung suggested.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive. Tomorrow we can meet up."

Minwoo smiled at the idea. "I'll like that. See you tomorrow at 7:00."

Hayoung turned pink. "I'll see you too." They both waved and turned around to go their seperate ways.

Seulgi stood there, that scene replaying over and over her head. Anger started building towards her body as they kept smiled at each other as they walk. Minwoo was too distracted waving at Hayoung to notice Seulgi was standing just a few feet away from him. When he faced to the front, his heart jumped when he found the person, who shouldn't have been there, in front of him.

"Seulgi, I-"


"You don't understand what it looks lik-"

"Oh, I do understand. Every part of it. Huh, I never knew you always had someone else in your heart," Seulgi said, raising her voice.

"It's not that. It's just I couldn't help it that I still had feelings for her, Seulgi," Minwoo tried to explain, but failed.

"If you still had feelings for her, then you shoudn' t have dated me." Minwoo took a step back at the tone of Seulgi's voice. Her voice was heartless, cold and it scared him.

"I didn't mean to love her," Minwoo defended. He suddenly wished he hadn't said that when she flinched at the word 'love' and gulped.

She looked at the ground, ignoring what he just said. "I bought you a ring for Christmas, hoping you'll love it since I've spent forever buying it. Too bad it's useless and worth nothing now, just like you." She continued to stare at the box on the ground. "I think it's better if we don't see each other anymore now that I won't have to be a burden to you two lovebirds." She pulled her ring off and threw it at him. "Here, take my ring. You could replace me with that girl. I hope you have a good life now that I'm gone."

Before Minwoo could say anything, Seulgi walked away. 

Suddenly there was a raindrop. Seulgi looked up in the sky, seeing dark clouds forming together. It started to drizzle as she covered herself. "Great. I forgot to bring an umbrella," she mumbled. Seulgi walked home, soaked in rain feeling the urge to cry.


When Seulgi got home, she was immediately greeted by her parents.

Her umma gasped, "Seulgi, what happened!?"

Seulgi shook her head like it as nothing. "I just forgot to bring an umbrella."

Her appa suddenly put in hand on her forehead. "You're heating up. You're getting sick."

"It's not like that. I'll be fine." Seulgi brushed past.

"What about your gift for Minwoo?"

Seulgi's eyes started watering again and she turned her back to go upstairs. "Um, I didn't have enough money," she lied, not wanting to talk about it.

"Oh, okay. Don't worry you'll get it soon, but right now, you need to get out of these clothes and I'll make you so-" before her umma can continue, she was interrupted.

"She's lying."

Seulgi's heart started increasing. She turned around to see he older brother, leaning on the wall, with his eyebrows raised. "I-" she was gonna respond, but he beat her to it.

"Seulgi, I know you're lying. Why don't you tell us the real truth," Yoongi said.

She closed her eyes, knowing she was caught caught. "Seulgi?" Her parents said, with concern.

She shook her head again. "Nothing."

Her parents gave her a concerning look. "Are you really sure?"

She gave a small smile. "Really. It doesn't matter. I promise."

"Seulgi," her brother warned.

She gave a big, fake grin. "I'm happy as always" she let out a small laughter "I'm gonna go to bed. I'm a little tired."

As she turned around again, her parents looked at each other, worried on what happened to their daughter.

"What happened to Minwoo?" Her older brother called out, still not believing anything she said.

She tighten her hands, feeling her nails digging into her skin that was about to shed blood. "Can you just stop!" She yelled out. Her parents took a step back while her brother, who was still leaning on the wall, remained calm. "I-I..it's nothing," she said through clenched teeth. Her breaths were getting heavy as the water from her eyes were fighting to let go.

It felt like hours as the family stood there silent, not wanting to anger her more. Her mom gently put her hand on her shoulder. "Darling, please tell us what's wrong."

She started shaking again. She faced them, tears finally spilling from her face, and yelled out. "I broke up wih Minwoo!" Her parents and brother took looked at each other, shocked on her answer. "He never loved me, he had someone else in his heart the whole entire time and I was clueless to notice," she said as her face was getting red. "I saw him and his ex-girlfriend in the park and they were planning to secretly date behind my back!" She cried while covering her face. 

She kept feeling the hot tears on her face as she kept mumbling, "How could I be so stupid." Her nose was red and her makeup kept smudging the more she kept crying. Seulgi looked at her family with her swollen, puffy eyes waiting for them to say something

Instead, she felt an embrace. Seulgi's mouth slightly opened. "Don't cry, sweetie. Don't cry over someone who isn't worth it," her umma said, while rubbing her back. "You're not stupid. You're the most smartest person I know. You're caring, beautiful, anything a guy can ask for. You always be yourself and I love you for that."

"Then how come Minwoo doesn't love me?" she asked, sniffling.

"Because he was too blind

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setirram08 #1
Chapter 20: i believe that you will continue this..i will patiently wait authornim?
lauranx #2
Chapter 20: honestly, don't blame yourself too much ): it's not like you didn't want to update, you just didn't know how to. Personally, I think you did a great job with this fanfic but if you want to improve it so that YOU like it, I can't wait to read it.
lauranx #3
Chapter 20: I was enjoying your story..why you didnt continue. I really want to know the ending . Jungkook n SooYoung...n Jungsu....
Loveviviann #5
Chapter 20: Love you <3
Chapter 20: It is okay.. j understand you...And I love you took ?
Chapter 18: I can't wait... anymore
cookyjy1331 #8
Chapter 19: When will you update the next chapt? ? I love this story so much
zeeee99 #9
Chapter 1: Im loving this storryyy
Chapter 19: waaa pla update soonnnn!! ??