
The Father of My Child
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It has been one year since Sooyoung and Jungkook started becoming bestfriends. The two has gotten even more close, obviously with a 'bit' of bickering now and then. 

Sophomore year quickly flew by and came junior year. It was in the middle of Winter where all students huddled up together for warmth during the freezing, ice, cold weather with their uniforms that can no longer be seen under those scarves, coats, and mittens.

School was the same everyday. Nothing still had changed since junior year had started. As usual, students would rush out of their classes, going upstairs or down to their next destination, wanting the urge to go home already.

Sooyoung hated the Winter. She wasn't a fan of it at all. She didn't like how she would keep getting sick once a week, always sneezing with tissues scattered around her room, her grumpy attitude when she's ill, and her red nose that was easily noticeable as if she was the red nose reindeer. She groaned thinking about it as she wrote notes down on her green spiral notebook. Oh, the thought of it made her sigh as she has to face it every year. With the same thought as always, Sooyoung hopes the Winter will be over soon.

When it was lunch, Sooyoung quickly exited the classroom. She arrived in the cafeteria with loud chattering and noises as normal. She looked around when someone caught her attention, Jungkook. He smiled at her like he was waiting for her the whole entire time. She smiled back and walked towards him.

"No screaming fangirls today?" Sooyoung teased, while sliding into the seat next to him.

Jungkook shaked his head. "Nope. Not today."

"Thank goodness. Now my ears don't have to bleed today."

Her best friend rolled his eyes and changed the subject. "You seem to be a little honest today," he admitted.

Sooyoung raised an eyebrow. "Aren't I always honest?"

Jungkook looked at her innocently. "No."

She lightly hit him before taking a sip from her water bottle. "Just so you know, I'm always honest."

Jungkook took a bite out his sandwich. "Yeah, right," he says, like he doesn't agree with her.

Sooyoung glared at him. "Is there a problem?" She argued.

The 16 year old shrugged. "I never said I had a problem."

"You didn't have to say it. It was written all over your face."

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't," he mocked her, earning another hit. He gently touched his arm where she slapped him. "Ow! That hurts!" He complained. 

It was Sooyoung's turn to shrug. "Not my fault."

Jungkook narrowed his eyes at his best friend who was eating her chips. "You sure are grumpy today," he confessed slowly.

She blinked at him. "And?"

He inspected her as he looked to the top of her head to the bottom of her shoes. Sooyoung slightly blushed at his movement and slapped him harder. Jungkook groaned and glared at the girl. "What was that for!?"

"For being an idiot."

Jungkook snorted. "Please. I'm unique."

"You wish," she mumbled, which earned herself a scowl.

Ignoring what she said, Jungkook continued to observe her. Sooyoung noticed him after being silent for a few moments. "What?"

Jungkook just stared at her like he was debating whether or not he should tell her. "Nothing." He gave her a sweet smile and proceeded to eat his lunch. 

Sooyoung crossed her arms. "What do you mean, 'nothing'? Tell me!"

"Like I said, 'nothing.'"

"You're so stubborn."

"You're more stubborn."

"No, you are!"

"No, you are!"

"Keep dreaming, little boy."

"First of all, I'm not dreaming, and second of all, I'm taller than you," he defended.

"Well, I'm older!"


The two best friends turned around with their backs facing each other, both arms crossed. Jungkook, being the sneaky one, again observed Sooyoung. Sooyoung glowered at him when she caught him again for the third time. "Why do you keep looking at me like that!?" she asked, irritated.

"I was just wondering..."

"Wondering about what?!"

 There was a pause of silence when he finally answered, "Wow, that makes sense now."

Sooyoung grabbed her hair. "What makes sense now?"

Being persistent as he was, he replied. "Never mind. It's not important."

"Just tell me!" Sooyoung half-yelled, receiving looks. 

Jungkook took a deep breath. "Sooyoung, it's fine. I think I understand why you're like this."

Sooyoung looked dumbfounded as if she was slapped with a frying pan. "What?" Was all that came out of . "And it's noona to you!" She added on.

"You don't have to be embarrassed. I get it. It's a part of a female life or whatever." Sooyoung was definitely not understanding what this child was saying. She gave him a stupid look and waited for him to go on. He looked around before leaning down to whisper. He motioned her to bend down, which made her roll her eyes. "You're on your period, aren't you?"

That was when hell broke lose when Sooyoung slapped the back of Jungkook's head, creating a loud noice that echoed through the room. Luckily, no one didn't pay attention to it.  "Stop hitting me!" Jungkook whined.

"You dummy! How could you think I'm on my period!?" She harshly whispered to him.

Jungkook rubbed the back of his head where she hit him. "Well, you were showing all the signs, so I just thought-"

"Oh my goodness, Jungkook!"

Jungkook lips pressed into a thin line when he realised something. "Wait a minute. This doesn't make sense. If your attitude is always like this, then that means you'll be on your period everyday.."

Sooyoung strained her hands from harming the child any farther. "For your information, my attitude is always not like this! Second, my period doesn't come until two weeks!" 

"Well, dang. If your attitude is normally this grumpy then think about it when your period comes." Jungkook swiftly scooted away, so his best friend wouldn't dare to send him to the hospital.

Sooyoung rubbed her temples. "I'll admit I am grumpy-"

"So you finally admit it-"


With a puzzled look his face, he asked, "What do you mean?"

Sooyoung sighed. "It's Winter."

"What about Winter?"

"I always get grumpy when Winter arrives."

"Is it because you always get sick?"

Sooyoung gave him an astonished look. "How did you know?"

"Don't you remember you got really sick last year, that you didn't attend school for almost two weeks?"

Now that he mentioned it, Sooyoung finally remembered that she did miss school for about two weeks. "Yeah..You remember?"

Her bestfriend gave her a look like she was crazy. "Of course I remember! I was worried sick!"  (No pun intended...) "I remember not being able to sleep every night when you weren't at school. Everyday afterschool, I would stop by your house. Your mom didn't let me in because she was afraid I'll get sick."

Sooyoung looked at him with a stunned expression. His confession seemed to make her cheeks tinted with red. She was amazed on how he recalled so much from last year, especially the little things. He was worried about me, she kept repeating in her head. It warmed her heart, thinking how concerned he was when she wasn't able to answer his calls or test messages. She suddenly felt guilty, not being able to communicate with him for half a month.

She gave a warm smile. "Well, let's hope I won't get too sick this year," she joked.

Jungkook gave her a warning glare. "You better not."

"Not my fault I hate Winter."

"I don't think Winter is that bad. It's pretty fun with the snow and all."

"Not when you get a cold from it," Sooyoung muttered under her breath.

Jungkook sticked out his tongue. "That's just because you're weak."

Sooyoung gasped, "I'm not weak!"

"Tell that to your body.."

Sooyong chuckled while sticking her tongue at him. "Meanie."

"I'm not being a 'meanie,' I'm just telling the truth."

"Well you're bad at it," she says, while throwing her plastic wrap that she rolled up and threw it at him.

Jungkook flipped his hair. "I'm an expert at telling the truth."

They both laughed. "Keep telling yourself that."

Their laughing

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setirram08 #1
Chapter 20: i believe that you will continue this..i will patiently wait authornim?
lauranx #2
Chapter 20: honestly, don't blame yourself too much ): it's not like you didn't want to update, you just didn't know how to. Personally, I think you did a great job with this fanfic but if you want to improve it so that YOU like it, I can't wait to read it.
lauranx #3
Chapter 20: I was enjoying your story..why you didnt continue. I really want to know the ending . Jungkook n SooYoung...n Jungsu....
Loveviviann #5
Chapter 20: Love you <3
Chapter 20: It is okay.. j understand you...And I love you took ?
Chapter 18: I can't wait... anymore
cookyjy1331 #8
Chapter 19: When will you update the next chapt? ? I love this story so much
zeeee99 #9
Chapter 1: Im loving this storryyy
Chapter 19: waaa pla update soonnnn!! ??