Back Story..

Dangerous Boy

Minho's P.O.V~

I wake up to my alarm clock blaring me in the face. I groan and roll over in my bed a couple times before opening my eyes and rubbing them. I sit up and yawn, then continue to sludge over to the bathroom, my feet shuffling the whole way. I turn on the cold water and splash my face with it a couple times. "Aigoo... I always hate mornings..." I then brush my teeth, and hair, then go back into my bedroom to change. When i am finished, i go into the kitchen and look in the fridge, pulling out a couple of ingredients for breakfast, deciding on eggs, fresh spinach, bell peppers, and some sasuage. I love to cook healthy. I pull out a pan and begin dicing the peppers, and spinach, before mixing them into the eggs and cooking 3 omletes on the stove. I get another pan and start cooking the sasuage. By the time im finished i can hear Onew and Jonghyun already shuffling into the kitchen like bloodhounds on a mission. "Good morning~" i say, cutely and grant them a little smile. I almost laugh at the sight before me. Jonghyun's hair is sticking up in every wich way, while Onew looks spic and span as usual. Onew wraps his arms around me and hugs me "Good morning Minho!!!" hes so enthusiastic...


I put our plates along with three glasses of orange juice and coffee, at the table. The coffee for the hangovers.. We all sit down and begin eating a little quietly. Onew speaks up. "Hey.. Minho.. Im sorry i made you go last night. It was my fault you got all beat up." I shake my head furiously. "No no, Onew, it was fun for a while. It was that Taemin dude that had a stick up his ." I give him a weak smile and take a drink out of my coffee and groaning. My head is killing me. "I think i over did it a bit with the uh.. 'zombie brains' though." I give a small giggle, watching Onew smile a bit in response. "Yah, Sorry about that too" He ruffles my hair and smiles playfully. Out of nowhere JJong speaks up "Yah, Minho, Are you sure you are alright? I mean... He kissed you.. He could have done a lot worse.. im glad we got to you before that.." He looks a little sollum. "Aish Jonghyun, im fine i promise. He might have been skinny.. but he is a lot stronger then he looks.. Plus we all know i dont drink and i had a little too much. I could barely control myself." Jong gives me a half assed smile and goes back to eating his food. 


When we are all finished, and the dishes are washed, all of us ready, we all head to the car. We get in and start the car, Jonghyun puts it in reverse and starts to back up, but slams on the breaks when we hear a loud screetching noise coming from the car. We all make a puzzled look and get out of the car, staring at the cause of the noise. "What the !? Who did this to our car!?, i swear if i find out that the little from the club did this ill-" I interupt Jonghyun, fearing the next couple words. "Yah! Jonghyun! We have no proof it was him. Besides, how would he know where we live hmm?" I put a voice of reason. I may have a bone to pick with the boy but i couldnt accept that he would do this. Who could be this devious? "Onew, can you call Sunny and have her pick us up? We need to get new tires." Onew just shakes his head and calls her immediatly. 20 minutes later we are in her car and on the way to the autoparts store.


Taemin's P.O.V~

Sitting on the floor of the dance studio, my lungs heaving, sweat dripping down my back, i begin to laugh. "I wonder if they saw it yet.. or if they are so angry! i can imagine the looks on their faces." I take a drink out of my water bottle, and stand up. I play a song and start practicing my dancing again. This seems to be the only way for me to relieve stress anymore. No one knows i come here. I have no friends. No family. Because i hate people. People are lowly scum. Trash, waiting to be taken out. Im 19. Im a high school drop out, i left home when i was 16, my dad was an abusive alcoholic and my mom long gone. I found a job as a stripper at a club when i was 17. One night i saw a big man in a business suit come in, with a camera and a big file in his hands. He was a scout. No ing way. At a strip club? He saw me on stage and when i got off he came up to me and asked me if i wanted a job. A job as a performer at a night club he was opening up. He said i had potential, he wanted to hear me sing because he already knew that i could dance. So he pulls me into another room and asks me to sing a song. I begin quickly, not a hesitation in my soul. "Why so serious? Romeo and Juliet, It’s not a, ah, sad love story, Everything will be alright, You’re a love story maniac, Who knows about the “inevitable happy ending" The man in the suit smiles, and holds out his hand. I take it and smile widely. Finally ill be something. 


A year and a half later, the night club opens, its called Danger. Im the star performer, singing a song composed by me, called danger, and dancing amazingly on stage, everyones eyes always peeled on me. Everyone wanted me. So i began taking. I began useing that to my advantage, and i started sleeping around. Useing people. Because after all, they are all scum. I cant even count how many hearts ive broken on two hands. I cant count how many ities ive stolen, or minds ive torn apart. Because there has been so many, besides, its not like i care. I forget about them after a couple days anyway. The song ends and i grab my stuff, and walk outside, going to my car. As im walking up to it i see that my headlight is out.. ".." I get in my car and head to the nearest parts store. 


At the parts store~


I walk in and quickly go to the aisle with the headlight replacements. An Aisle over i hear a familiar voice, or rather 3 familiar voices... "Ugh im so mad that we have to spend all this money because of some stupid brat. Who the slashes tires anymore!?" That sounded like the one who got me in the face... that little , i lean over and look carefully down at the other aisle. "Jonghyun calm down, it doesnt matter anymore. It happened. What are you going to do, dont let it get to you. Thats obviously what that person wanted." Minho. "." They all turn and look in my direction, my eyes going really wide, and i pull my head back quickly. I really hope they didnt see me.. 


I wait carefull until they get what they need and leave. Then i get my items, and head out to the parking lot. I put my key in my car door and turn it right, unlocking it.....






sorry once again, one for the late chapter, and two because its so short again.. >.< forgive me? at least you get to see somewhat into taemins past. And as to why hes such an . 




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Chapter 11: I like this so far~ waiting for the next update!!
jesselee #2
Chapter 9: Haha confused jong is funny
Chapter 5: Damnit now I feel sorry for Taemin
Chapter 4: I like dangerous Taemin... hahaha. Although there seems to be more to the story. It seems as though Taemin knows him.
jesselee #5
Chapter 3: Tae is an
Chapter 3: whoa. bad boy taemin is really dangerous...
leetalki #8
Chapter 1: omg,that was amazing! i've never thought that taemin can be so aggressive! please update soon (: