The Exhibition

You're Special

Jongin slowly wake up from a deep dreamless sleep, feeling well rested and accomplished after a hectic day of preparation and nervewrecking time of observing the audiences reaction last night.


A smile adorn his lips as he remember the success they achieve and all the positive feedbacks and reviews on their website. Hopefully it can increase their fame and make their next play go smoother than the previous ones.


Thinking about the next play, Jongin then remembered that last night Taemin got the idea to combine traditional stories with modern dance, and of course as a good brother and professional choreographer, Jongin starts to think of all the moves that can be incorporated to ancient South Korea legends. Not an easy task, especially since his brain is still in the process of warming up and he is not a morning person by nature and---


"Stop thinking Jong, you know your brain can't handle anything in the morning," Taemin shouted from his office across from where Jongin fell asleep last night, which is a closet, by the way.


Jongin open his eyes to search for his brother and he's greeted by the closet's darkness, so he just shouted back, "Hyung, stop reading my mind for a second and tell me that I still have five hours to sleep."


"More like an hour before the exhibition starts, so get your lazy up and take a shower before I put you into the washing machine myself."


Jongin quickly stand up and walk out of the closet, and before he have a chance to do anything else, he hears his brother teasing voice,


"Look who just came out of the closet."


Jongin can only sighs quietly and go to take a shower, preparing himself for the exhibition and hopes that he can find something unique and interesting to buy later.




They arrive at the Treasure Exhibition and see that the place is quite crowded. A lot of people from Heyri also come to check out the exhibition and most of them turn their attention to the handsome twin that just arrive. Being a shy person, Jongin can only awkwardly nods and greets anybody who approaches him first, while Taemin, being a social butterfly and all, goes to greet all the people and soon he is surrounded by all his acquaintances.


Jongin don't really know what to do, wait for his brother to finish his conversation and just stand like one of the objects on display, or just go and walk around without his brother. After unnecessarily thinking for a long time, he decides that his brother won't finish soon, so he starts to walk and look around at the displayed objects.


The exhibition is separated into small spaces, with around six to twelve objects displayed in each room. All the displayed objects are inside a glass box with a small sign for description and price attached just below the glass box. Jongin wander around from room to room, appreciating how the decoration seems to connect with most of the displayed objects inside it.


Without realizing, he already went to all of the rooms except for one, and when he slowly walk inside it, he finds himself in a small room, smaller than the others, decorated like a play room for little children with pastel colored wallpaper, carpet as soft as baby's blanket, and a faint sound of lullaby from the speaker above.


he starts to look around and only find six objects on display.


"So that's why this room is so small," Jongin thought. As far as he can see, all the objects are toys. Somehow his eyes is drawn to the only doll in the room.


"What a cute doll," Jongin thought while he observes the displayed puppy doll. The doll has chocolate colored fur, and it wears a navy blue sweater with tiny parrot prints. On top of its tiny head, there is a knitted hat with matching color with the sweater. Hazel colored glass eyes stare back at Jongin, and he notices that the puppy holds a small voice recorder with its paws, and he curiously read the sign for the display.


"How do you know that somebody is special? Nobody knows.

Do you want to feel special? No? Okay.

The lonely me inside this blocks of living space, where no one knows about their surrounding.

I, of course, want to be special.

I don't know how. I don't know when.

Maybe you are the same.

Maybe you are lonely without anyone to love.

For a same fated buddy, I created this doll to accompany you in your days,

And hopefully, if lady luck is on our side, we will both be happy with our lives.

In the end only a single soul can make another one feels special, so go and find the one for you."


Somehow Jongin feels like he just read a note from a person so similar with him, a loner that hopes to find love, to live the desired life of happily ever after, and he wonders why the owner of this doll says that this puppy doll can make someone feels special, because come on, from the first glance the doll looks like something a toddler would carry around in his arms, and he know that cuddly dolls like those can help fight loneliness, but again, if he wants to find out how it will make him feels special, he probably have to stop thinking and quickly decide to buy it or not, but how much is the price? How about the opportunity cost if the dolls failed to make him feels special? What will his brother say if he bring home toys? He's twenty two and instead of bringing girls home he bring a doll and oh my God---


"Sir, would you like to buy that doll? Or maybe you want to try and hold it first?" the girl wearing the exhibition's uniform approaches Jongin and shakes him out of his thought.

Jongin blinks and then he realized he must have looked so weird standing in front of a doll for a few minutes, pondering whether to buy it or not.


"I'll buy it."




That night Jongin places the little puppy doll on his night stand, lie down comfortably on his bed, and press the play button on its voice recorder.

Soon a smooth, melodic voice of a man fills the room with a simple yet sweet message,


"Hello, So this must be the first time you press play. I don't know what's happening in your life, I don't know who you are, but I know you did your best for everything today. Have a good rest, sleep peacefully, and remember, you're special."


Somehow, after listening to the sweet words, Jongin no longer feel sad and lonely in his room.


That night, his sleep was filled with dreams about him, dolls, and a faceless boy with smooth, melodic voice.


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Chapter 6: Soo flufy, sweet n squishy...wish there is epilog when they become family
Awww ♡ so sweet and so cute ♡ I like !
Chapter 6: this is so cute though it's too short..thanks for sharing..hope you'll write more kaisoo's story authorshii kkk
Laysha7 #4
Chapter 6: Kaisoo is Love! :)
SoSquishy #5
Chapter 6: so sweet ~ Ayiiiie. Great story. Thanka author-nim <3 <3
DO_squishy_SOO94 #6
Chapter 6: yeay, a happy end! I'm so happy with the outcoming confession. My feels... Great story authornim!!