Texts and Meeting

You're Special

From: Lovely Kyungsoo

hey :)


To: Lovely Kyungsoo

Hi hyung :D! How was your day?


From: Lovely Kyungsoo

It's 07.30 lol. My day hasn't start yet. What are you doing today?


To: Lovely Kyungsoo

Practicing for new choreo :)... Taemin-hyung said I'm starting to get lazy :'(


From: Lovely Kyungsoo

He's right >:)


Jongin's eyes widened at Kyungsoo's words, he starts to think of every moves he did wrong and how his skill must have reduced a lot if even Kyungsoo, whom he never met before, said so.




To: Lovely Kyungsoo

But you never see my dancing before D:


From: Lovely Kyungsoo

Took you long enough to notice xD... Invite me to your studio! I want to see you dance!


From: Lovely Kyungsoo

I just wanna meet you actually :3


Jongin squeals when he received the text message. Actually, he squeals at every text messages he received from Kyungsoo before replying to any of them, so it's considered a normal reaction for him (others try to make him stops the text-squeals-text back cycle though).


To: Lovely Kyungsoo

I want to meet you too :)... I don't know when I have free time though :(.


From: Lovely Kyungsoo

If the mountain won't come to Muhammad then Muhammad must go to the mountain. Are you going to practice for the whole day?


Jongin thinks for a moment (yay!) before replying. He's actually on his way to the dance studio now. There are no one in sight, not even Taemin, because Jongin likes to dance alone and gain new idea before teaching the others, and he can't achieve that without complete silent (except for the music).


To: Lovely Kyungsoo

Yeah hyung. So what are you doing today? :o


There's no reply for a few minutes, so Jongin thinks maybe Kyungsoo is busy or already starts working and editing books in his office because he always reply fast. He once asked Kyungsoo how can he replied a message so fast, Jongin squeals five times in less than a minute. "I type and think faster when I'm interested in the topic" has been the reply and Taemin had to flicks Jongin's forehead everytime he suddenly smile or squeals (Oh my god, he's interested in the topic. The topic is us. He's interested in us!) to stop him.


Do you want to build a snowman?

Come on let's go and--


Jongin picks up his phone immediately when he sees Lovely Kyungsoo is calling on the screen. Kyungsoo rarely calls him, and he's usually too shy to call first. He tries to calm his breathing to a slower rate and bear himself for the upcoming surpressed squeals and stutters that always happen in every calls.


"He, Hello Hyungsoo-kyung?"


A hearty laugh can be heard over the sound of Jongin's apologizes and Jongin is grateful that Kyungsoo can't see how red his face is right now or he'll . Maybe even calls him strawberry flavoured chocolate or something (Jongin doesn't mind though).


"Why are you so cute Jongin-ah~ haha," Kyungsoo said. Jongin thought that Kyungsoo's voice is more quiet today, but maybe it's only his phone acting up or something.


"I'm not cute," Jongin whines, earning another laugh from Kyungsoo, "Why are you calling me hyung?"


"Did I disturbed your practice? I'm sorry," Kyungsoo said, faking a dejected tone and waits for Jongin reply in amusement.


"No! Hyung you didn't disturb me at all, wait, hyung? Hello...? Hyung?" Jongin panics when he doesn't any reply, and he tries to get a respond from his hyung.


"Hello? Hello hello? Hyung? Hello?"




Jongin turns his body so fast that he almost turns a full circle when he heard someone replied behind him, and he squeals before he can stop himself.




Kyungsoo stands in front of the open door with a wide smile, showing his pinkish, heart-shaped lips. He wears casual clothing, a comfortable black t-shirt with black pants just right above his knees, and black converse shoes. He carries black laptop bag and a black plastic bag with one hand, and his phone on the other.


Kyungsoo walks further inside the dance studio, trips on a stray towel on the floor and falls right into Jongin's embrace (and heart). Jongin wraps his hands around Kyungsoo's waist to help him, secretly fainting inside his head because of how close Kyungsoo is and how small and perfect his body is for cuddling and everything else that comes after that.


"Hyung, I'm so happy to meet you!" Jongin reluctantly loosen his hold on Kyungsoo's waist and giving him a smile back.


"Yeah, me too. I never knew you're this y so close, I would have come earlier if I know," 


Kyungsoo promptly shuts his mouth up with his hand and said "I'm sorry, I tend to just say anything that's on my mind."


"It's okay, I'm glad that you find me y anyway," Jongin said, which earns another smile that makes Jongin melts. He doesn't know why, but with Kyungsoo, he become less shy and sometimes he even blurts out whatever is on his mind. The first time it happened he was so surprised by the fact that he didn't think before he speak that he dropped his phone. Now, he's used to it, even though he's still stuttering and squealing (and fainting when he's done), and he likes it, especially when his spontaneous words makes Kyungsoo laughs or smile.


Kyungsoo actually blushed at Jongin respond, so he clears his throat and said "I bought some food for you. You can have some later at lunch."


Jongin nods happily and takes the plastic back and laptop bag from Kyungsoo and put it in the corner, not realizing Kyungsoo surprised but delighted expression when he did that. To be honest, Kyungsoo never had someone that takes care of him. He never had a boyfriend or girlfriend. Maybe, Kyungsoo thinks, it's because of his unfortunate ability to speak without thinking. That's why he chose a job that doesn't need too much human interaction. He can just do it in the comfort of his own home.


Jongin's voice snapped him out of his thoughts and he turns his attention to his Jongin, or soon-to-be-his Jongin to be more exact.


"Are you planning to do your job here hyung? You're not coming to only give me food right?" Jongin asked with a hopeful voice, the kind of voice a child uses to ask for something, and Kyungsoo feels like a doting mother or something everytime Jongin use it. He just can't help but gives what he asked for.


"I'll be working here if you don't mind then," Kyungsoo said.


"Then we can eat lunch together later!" Jongin exclaimed and Kyungsoo smile at him. Partly because he's happy with the idea of having his first lunch together with Jongin, and also enjoying how hard Jongin tries not to blush everytime Kyungsoo smiles.


"It's a date then?" Kyungsoo teasingly asked.


"It's a date."


A/N: Thank you so much for everyone who reads, subscribes, upvote and comments! I love y'all! This story is getting closer to end, and I hope you like it enough to stay (If I have mistakes please point that out for me!).


I also took part in a contest (link in the foreword). I'm going back to my hometown this weekend so I'll try to write faster before I go. Maybe I can update this week or next week.


Thanks all^^


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Chapter 6: Soo flufy, sweet n squishy...wish there is epilog when they become family
Awww ♡ so sweet and so cute ♡ I like !
Chapter 6: this is so cute though it's too short..thanks for sharing..hope you'll write more kaisoo's story authorshii kkk
Laysha7 #4
Chapter 6: Kaisoo is Love! :)
SoSquishy #5
Chapter 6: so sweet ~ Ayiiiie. Great story. Thanka author-nim <3 <3
DO_squishy_SOO94 #6
Chapter 6: yeay, a happy end! I'm so happy with the outcoming confession. My feels... Great story authornim!!