Found You

You're Special

After the first almost encounter with the man, Jongin is determined to find him as soon as possible. Everytime he has a free time he goes to visit the exhibition, the bus stop, and he tries not to sleep when he ride the bus. Sadly, even after doing it for days, he still can't find him. Maybe he just doesn't like to talk a lot, Jongin thought, since his only method to identify the man is to listen closely when someone he doesn't recognize speak.


Today, with his brother's help, he find himself inside the office of Treasure Exhibition's owner, a Chinese gentleman who called himself Lay.


"Hello sweety, you must be Jongin?" Lay smiled and ushers Jongin to sit on the chair in front of his desk, while he himself sits on the one opposite to Jongin's.


"Yes, thanks for agreeing to meet me. I'm sorry if I've waste your precious time and it's just to ask you question and not something business related, and I.. I--" Jongin stutters and he feels so dumb. Usually he's not that talkative, and when he is he just says what's on his mind, and it's usually useless stuff anyway.


Lay laughs and tried to comfort him, thinking how Jongin sounds so different from his brother even though they are twin.


After Jongin has calmed down, he starts to describe his situation, hoping that Lay can help him to find the man.


"So can you tell me who submitted the doll to your exhibition? Please?"


Lay sighs and softly said "I'm sorry dear, but what you are asking me right now is a confidential information, I can't answer that."


Jongin looks like he is going to cry right after Lay finished speaking, so he quickly continued "But I can give you some clues if you want?"


Jongin brighten up at his words and nods happily, making Lay chuckles at his behaviour. "Okay, so I'll give you three chances to ask, but you can't protest my way of answering your questions. What's your first question?"


"What's his name?"


Lay grins and said "You should ask him directly for stuff like this. Next."


Jongin widen his eyes "That's not even an answer!"


"You can't protest my answers. Next."


Jongin huffs and carefully asked his second question, "Can you describes him? In detail, like his face, height, fashion."


"Hm... He is shorter than you, very pale, has round eyes and cute lips. The last time we met, which is when he gave me that doll, he has black hair. A perfect boyfriend material for you." Lay teased, enjoying how Jongin turns red and starts blabbering that no he's not searching for a boyfriend he just wants to find and befriend him or something.


"Okay," Lay said,"Now it's your last chance."


"How can I find him?" Jongin soon regretted his choice of words when he sees the playful glint in Lay's eyes.


"I actually know where you can find him, but since you didn't ask me that, I'll tell you how you can find him." Lay thinks for a moment.


"You said you are mesmerized by the voice right? Then go to its source. Deep inside it you'll find the answer."


"That's all?" Jongin looks at Lay with confused face, "But I don't get it!"


"I'm sure you will understand what I mean soon! Okay then, bye sweety!"


Still confused, he decides to go back home. Maybe tonight he can inspects Dodo. Since Lay said something about the source, maybe he meant go home and dissects Dodo? Jongin cringes at that thought, not wanting to do any damage to Dodo or the voice recorder.




The twin decide to inspect Dodo's body. Taemin even brought his magnifier, a set of fingerprint toolkit and a mini x-ray scanner because "You'll never know when you'll need this."


"Why in the world do you have all of this hyung?" Jongin questioned while he lays on his stomach on his bed.


"Well, one day we might need it. Now let's start, we don't have all night you know."


So they begin. They start from Dodo's head to toe, checking every fur (Taemin's suggestion) and dusting its glass eyes to check for fingerprints (still Taemin's) and found nothing.


"Geez, this is so frustating," Jongin pouts.


"Don't give up yet Jong, there's only the voice recorder left," Taemin cheerfully said while packing his fingerprint toolkit, realizing that even if they found a fingerprint they still don't have anything to match them with.


Jongin reachs to the voice recorder and pulls it around a little to check its outer part. When he also found nothing he opens it and his breath hitches.


"Hyung! There's something written inside!"


It turns out to be a blog address, so Jongin quickly opens his laptop and typed it in his address bar. Both of them wait nervously as the browser loads what looks like a very simple themed blog, maybe for book reviewer or editor, since most of the entries is about latest book release and writing advices. Jongin scrolls to the bottom and finds a profile link. He clicks it and this time he feels like he wants to scream and jump around, because in it there's a very fine picture of a man, a perfect boyfriend material, Lay words echoes in his head, and yes he is. Handsomely looking at the camera, the man sits gracefully on his chair and beside him, on the table, there's a sign with Do Kyungsoo, Head Editor written neatly on it.


"See how he leans his upon his chair! O that I were a cushion upon that chair, that I might touch that !" Taemin praised while giving himself a high five for quoting Shakesprears-hyung words with perfection.


Jongin fake gagged at his hyung's words, but his eyes can't stop coming back to the glorious in the picture.


"Now that you found him, and look, you can even send him private message through his blog, you know what you're going to do right?"


Jongin shifts his attention from the and starts thinking until Taemin snaps his finger to take Jongin back to current world, and even with his thinking, Jongin still look confused.


Taemin cries silently as he watches his sad excuse of a brother struggling with such a simple question, or at least he thinks it's a simple question, and flicks his brother on the forehead.


"Ow hyung! What was that for?"


"I'm just trying to make you smarter Jong. Seriously, just be a man and send him a message, probably with your picture and phone number. Ask him to meet, date, confess, kiss. And you live happily ever after!" Taemin declares.


"But I don't think I have the courage to do that," Jongin shyly said, "I'll just ruin it, he might think I'm a stalker hyung, and--- Ow! hyung!"


"Methink'st thou art a general offence and every man should beat thee! I never raised you to be such a coward Jong!"


"But you never raised me?" Jongin questioned. He feels slightly sad and guilty since his brother only go full shakespeares on him when he acts really bad or wrong.


"That's not the point Jongin-ah," Taemin said while rubbing his twin's forehead, feeling kind of guilty too after flicking him twice,"I'm just saying that after all the effort of searching you must take all the risks and contact him when you get the chance."


"But what if he hates me?" Jongin can't imagine how sad he will be if that's the case.


"Then he's the one at fault, and you should forget about him. Or make him like you. I know you can, you're adorable like me, handsome and talented. If I'm not me I would probably falls for you. Ew though, since I'm me. Ew."


"I don't need the image of you falling for me hyung," Jongin finally cheered up. He opens the private message option and stares at it. "What am I supposed to write?"


Taemin thinks for a while and said "How about what I said earlier?"


Jongin snorts "You mean about the ? He'll block me hyung!"


"Well, then write about how you are a fanboy to his voice, that you owns Dodo. And ask him for a date!"


Jongin rolls his eyes at his brother suggestions, but he do agree with the fanboy and Dodo parts. He's not brave enough to write it like that, so he opts to write a simpler and hopefully, a more acceptable version (no hyung, i can't mention his no matter how glorious it looks).


"Hello, I know this is kind of stalkerish and all, but I'm the owner of the puppy doll that you previously own. Or maybe you made it? What I know is that you're the owner of the encouraging voice inside the voice recorder. I confirmed it (I'm not a stalker, please believe me).


I'm Kim Jongin, I bought Dodo (that's what I called the puppy doll, by the way) and I really, really love your voice. I don't want to sound more creepy than this, but I believed we have met before. Do you remember when you slipped a small note to my goodie bag (and yes I like the doll, thank you for asking)? I don't mind if you don't remember.


Do you think we can be friend? maybe we can talk or chat? Here is my number if you want. It's okay to reject, I don't want to burden you with my unwanted presence if that really is the case. Okay. Have a nice day?


p/s : You're special too, to me :)"


"How about that?" Jongin nervously asks, fingers hovering on the mouse. One part of him just want to click send and hide in the safety of his blanket until the man replies, and the other part want to erase all of it and hire a professional writer to rewrite it later.


Taemin says nothing and just click send, surprising Jongin who's still waiting for his approval.


However before he can think of a word to say, there's a new message notification. He eagerly (and scaredly) opens the message, and he fainted.


"Hello too. You found me. No you didn't sound like a stalker. You sound cute (and Dodo is an adorable name). I guess you already know this, but hi, I'm Do Kyungsoo. Let's be friend Jongin-ah. Have a good dream. And remember, you are special ;)."



A/N : I started with no idea and ended up with the longest chapter I've ever write (fail, lol). I used two Shakespeares quotes here (the other one is an insult though). Here is the original quote for the other one "See how she leans her cheek upon her hand! O that I were a glove upon that hand, that I might touch that cheek!". I did not alter the insult haha.


Thank you for my reader and subscriber, hope you like this update^^!


And thank you Parkchanchan for accepting this fanfic on your ♣︎ Kaisoo Recommendation List ♣︎ ! Everyone looking for Kaisoo can check it out!


Next chapter will be updated next week. Have a good day^^!


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Chapter 6: Soo flufy, sweet n squishy...wish there is epilog when they become family
Awww ♡ so sweet and so cute ♡ I like !
Chapter 6: this is so cute though it's too short..thanks for sharing..hope you'll write more kaisoo's story authorshii kkk
Laysha7 #4
Chapter 6: Kaisoo is Love! :)
SoSquishy #5
Chapter 6: so sweet ~ Ayiiiie. Great story. Thanka author-nim <3 <3
DO_squishy_SOO94 #6
Chapter 6: yeay, a happy end! I'm so happy with the outcoming confession. My feels... Great story authornim!!