
You're Special

The next few days are so full of practices and preparation for the last performance of the Rock Me Romeo play, and both Jongin and Taemin find themselves working so hard until they end up sleeping on any spaces available in the theater. After the success of the play's first performance, their website is filled with requests for more, and they can't just ignore opportunity like this, can they?


Since the first time Jongin listened to the puppy's voice (which he calls by the name Dodo), he has been sleeping so well that without it, he is sure he won't be sleeping peacefully at night. So it's not strange that the twenty two years old male brings Dodo to the theater, where he ended up with making the closet his personal sleeping chamber (with the occasional intrusion by Taemin).


After the last performance has ended perfectly, and the last actor has left the theater, Jongin starts to pack his things to bring home, not forgeting Dodo, placed carefully inside a goodie bag, and then he goes to search for his brother.


"Hyung? Are you here?" Jongin calls while peeking inside the rooms and walking around the place.


Taemin's voice answers his call from the office room with a yes of course I'm here you dummy and Jongin knocks and open the doors to find his twin still working with his laptop. He walks across the room and peeks from Taemin's shoulder, reading dialogues typed furiously by Taemin's fingers, probably for their next project.


"Hyung, why are you still working? It's already late, let's go home now," Jongin softly said while massaging Taemin's tense shoulder.


Taemin stop typing and smiled at his brother, looking tired but contented with today's event, "It's okay Jong, I just got an inspiration and I won't be able to sleep if I don't finish typing it all at once. Just go home and rest, I'll go home later."


"Okay hyung, remember to sleep though, I don't want to come back here in the morning and find you still in this position okay?" Jongin said.


As he starts to leave the room, suddenly Taemin jumps up from his seat and chase after his brother and told him to wait for a moment while he locks his office and preparing to go out.


"Uhh... What are you doing hyung?" Jongin asked, since he's pretty sure his brother just said to go home, and Taemin just pushes him out of the theater, locks the door, and motioned to Jongin to walk.


"Do you think I'll let you walk alone to the bus stop this late at night?" Jongin rolls his eyes at his overprotective hyung and just walks without complaining.


Their short walk is filled with small chatters, and Jongin stops by a small diner to order some supper and warm drink, and give it to his brother, which earns him a tight hug and a "Oh my gosh, I know you love me the most Jongin-ah" from Taemin, and they arrive at the empty bus stop.


"Okay, after this you should take bus number 22 to the subway station, understand? Don't take the wrong bus, please. Promise me or I'll be worried to death," Jongin sighs at his hyung and pushes him gently on his back.


"I know hyung, I take that bus everytime I come here, I won't take the wrong bus, I promise. Now go, or I'll be the one worrying now," Jongin said while smiling. Taemin smiles back and starts walking back to the theater, constantly looking behind his shoulder to make sure Jongin is still safe and sound in the bus stop.


The bus arrived while Jongin is lost in his thought, not even realizing that everyone else has already go inside the bus until a kind looking old woman taps his shoulder and asking him if he also wants to ride this bus. Thanking the woman with a grateful smile, Jongin goes in and finds an empty seat. I really need to stop thinking uselessly, Jongin thought while placing his stuffs between his legs and hugging his goodie bag to his chest. As soon as the bus starts its journey, Jongin drifts off to the dreamland, not realizing a dark haired, petite looking man that quietly changes his seat to the one beside Jongin's.




Jongin dreamed of him and Dodo, walking side to side peacefully, playing fetch and chasing each other in a beautiful flower field, when suddenly Dodo stops playing and slaps Jongin on his cheek and said "You should wake up now," with its sweet soft voice, and Jongin wakes up to find himself alone in the bus. He quickly get out and walks to the subway station, wondering why the voice in his dream feels so real.


Back in his apartment, he changes to something comfortable to sleep, and almost fall asleep without washing his face when he receives a text message from his brother.


From : Taenana Milk

Don't forget to wash up before sleeping Jong, and kiss Dodo goodnight for me, lol.


To : Taenana Milk

How in the world did you know I haven't wash up yet huh? Dodo said no thanks by the way.


From : Taenana Milk

Twin radar duh. Or maybe I can read your mind. I don't care about what Dodo said, just force kiss him if you must.


To : Taenana Milk

You're scaring me and Dodo, hyung D':

I'll go wash up now, good night, don't sleep too late hyung :).


From : Taenana Milk

Okeyyy, you too. Sleep like the dead, or I'll personally come and put you in a coma state myself.


Jongin chuckles at their conversation, places his phone beside his bed, and take Dodo out from the goodie bag when a piece of paper falls, probably slipped in between Dodo's paws and the voice recorder.


He picks up the paper and observes it, wondering where did it come from or when did someone have a chance to place it there. He flips the paper and finds a short handwritten message on it.


"How do you like the doll? Have a nice day.


p/s: You're special ;)"


Jongin widen his eyes as he read the message. He can't believe that he just met the owner of the voice that has been lulling him to sleep, the person who he really wants to meet, to tell how much his voice make him feels happy, and how Jongin falls in love with his smooth and beautiful voice. He also can't believe how unlucky he is that the meeting happened when he was asleep.


Feeling kind of disappointed, Jongin goes inside his blanket, grabs Dodo to hug it, and press the play button on the voice recorder, hoping that maybe the message can cheer him up again. He always play the messages in random, and today he feels that he can relate to the message chosen by the recorder.


"Hello again, my friend. Today must be tiring for you. A lot of things may have been disappointing, or even heartbreaking. I know that's not how you wish everything should be. I know that the result may not be satisfying. But try again, and try harder next time. If you don't get what you want now, never give up. I know one day you'll get what you deserve, so do your best and remember to take care. I don't know if this is a good night or a good morning, but I wish for the best for you. Have a good day and remember, you're special."


That night he dreamed about a lot of things. About unsuccessful meetings, begins with him bringing Dodo and flowers to places, waiting for the man to come, wishing to hear his voice directly from the man himself, and always end with Dodo looking at him with sad eyes and pats him on his back when the man never arrives. But he also dreamed about colliding with the faceless man in random places, exchanging smiles and awkward greetings, and it always end with the man or himself promising to meet again someday.



A/N : Hello :). It's a quick update right? Hehe. Thank you for subscribing and tell me what you think about this story in the comment^^…Btw i just edited some mistakes I've found in the previous chapter and foreword. The next chapter will be up next week. And I'm sorry for any formatting mistakes, I'll work on that when I have access to laptop or something better than my phone.


Fun fact : I thought A/N means After Note, like, a note after the story, lol.

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Chapter 6: Soo flufy, sweet n squishy...wish there is epilog when they become family
Awww ♡ so sweet and so cute ♡ I like !
Chapter 6: this is so cute though it's too short..thanks for sharing..hope you'll write more kaisoo's story authorshii kkk
Laysha7 #4
Chapter 6: Kaisoo is Love! :)
SoSquishy #5
Chapter 6: so sweet ~ Ayiiiie. Great story. Thanka author-nim <3 <3
DO_squishy_SOO94 #6
Chapter 6: yeay, a happy end! I'm so happy with the outcoming confession. My feels... Great story authornim!!