
Longing *abandoned*

In a moment, everything can change
Feel the wind in your hair
For a minute, the world can wait
Let go of your yesterday


Ryeowook stepped out of the airport compounds and looked around.
Breathing in the fresh morning air, a smile on his face.
A brand new day, a brand new start.
" Kim Ryeowook Hwaiting! " he chanted repeatedly.
Ryeowook was determined to leave everything behind
And start afresh in the heart of japan.


Fly, open up the part of you that wants to hide away
You can shine, forget about everythng else
Because its your time, your time to shine.


On the streets of Tokyo, a peite man can be seen entering cafes every now and then
Only to come out minutes later with a dejected forlorn look gracing his delicate face.
Ryeowook had always wanted to be a performer.
Ever since his tiny little fingers touched the ivory keys of the piano.
He worked as a composer back when he was in Korea.
Never having the courage to perform, he stayed in the shadows.
He decided that it was his time to shine after years of being in the background;
What better time to fulfil his dream than now in Japan?


And when you're down and feel alone,
Just want to run away
Trust yourself and dont give up
You know yourself better than anyone else


Finding a job in a country where you can hardly speak the language is no easy task
Ryeowook was on the receiving end of weird and strange looks
 As he tried to navigate his way around with the korean language.
Numerous rejections later, Ryeowook felt like giving up.
Flipping through his file of music compositions, he reminded himself of his passion.
The passion to showcase his talent by him alone and no one else.
With that thought in his mind Ryeowook,filled with new found energy and determination,
entered a nearby cafe. A cafe which was filled with korean customers.


"Er..Konichiwa. My name is Ryeowook and im here to apply for the position of pianist? If the vacancy is still open that is..."
"You said your name is Ryeowook? By any chance,are you Kim Ryeowook?"
Ryeowook was surprised at the fact that the boss knew his full name. And that Korean language was used.
"Ye. Kim Ryeowook imnida."
"Well then you're hired. I've heard about you in Seoul. Welcome to the family boy." the burly manager said with a grin,offering a hand for Ryeowook to shake.
Ryeowook smiled. Finally, it was time to shine.


In a moment, everthing can change.

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jesyuchiha #1
Chapter 16: Siento que falta algo en nas lineas de vida de los cuatro... Espero saber algún día que pasa con ellos... Me encanto la historia! :)
CheonByeol #2
This was a wonderful story, I really liked that how you built if up from small pieces which could go on their own too, but together they form a complete oneness. Yesung's quite a bad guy, he's the reason of everyone's heart breaking, but if he wasn't straightforward woth Wookie, they wouldn't have returned, so after all I can't be angry at him. He was the key, thus he had to destroy something so that something else could be formed. I'm happy that in the end, Wook and Min found each other, they were meant for the other. Though, I agree with what they wrote before me: one of the threads isn't finished, I'd also like to see how Yesung succeeded in getting back Kyuhyun, or if he succeeded at all. Despite this, I really enjoyed reading, thanks for this touching story. :)
what about YeHyun :( glad for MinWook :P
MujaELFClouds #4
The final is Minwook :)<br />
it's really nice end ^^