
Longing *abandoned*

Little change of the heart,little light in the dark
Little hope that you just might find your way out
Cuz you've been hiding for days,wasted and wasting away
But I've got a little hope today you'll face your fears.


Ryeowook looked at his plane ticket to Japan.
A one-way ticket. He wasnt planning on returning.
Until he heard Sungmin's song the day before.


"How did i fall in love with you."  his hyung had sang.
Sungmin hadnt said who the song was dedicated to,
but Ryeowook knew, in his heart of hearts
that it was meant for him. Him and no one else.


He grinned at the very first memory he had of Sungmin.
He had pushed his hyung down and refused to be his girlfriend.
It wasnt as if he didnt like Sungmin, it was because of the fact that he got mistaken for a girl.
By the very same boy who he has been closely observing whenever both were at the playground.
The humiliation had been too much. 
 At eight years of age, Ryeowook found girls stupid.


They became close friends ever since. He remembered clearly, on thier tenth friendship anniversary,
Sungmin had prepared his favourite sweet combined with his favourite scent.
Chocolate and mint.
He had felt eyes starring at his back when he talked to Kyuhyun.
And he had grinned at the fact that his hyung was constantly looking at him.


When he layed on the bed in Sungmin's guest room,
he tried wondering life without the boy in the next room.
His mind went blank and he smiled because he knew that no matter what happened,
His hyung would always be there for him.


Sungmin congratulated him when Kyuhyun confessed. Sungmin was there when Kyuhyun left him broken.
Sungmin had always been there.
Sungmin confessed with a song the day before.
Ryeowook had felt something stir in his heart.
And for the first time he thought that perhaps,just perhaps,Kyuhyun's departure was a good thing.


Ryeowook looked at his ticket again and he sighed when a name entered his mind.
Cho Kyuhyun.
He still couldnt believe that Kyuhyun betrayed him that way.
The man was the reason for Ryeowook's ticket.
"I'm sorry Sungmin hyung. I have to go." he mumbled to himself.


Get up and go
Take a chance and be strong
Or you could spend your whole life holding on
Dont look back just go
Take a breath move along
Or you could spend your whole life holding on.


Ryeowook glanced at his watch,took a deep breath and smiled.
Looking around, he whispered, "Goodbye Korea."
Picking up his luggage, he strode forwards with his head held high.


Believe the tunnel can end, believe your body can mend
Yeah I know you can make it through because I believe in you
So lets go put up a fight, lets go make everthing alright.
Go on and take a shot, go give it all you got.


Looking as the plane took off, Sungmin wrote on the glass window.   
"Kim Ryeowook Hwaiting. Hyung will be with you.
Always have and always will."


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jesyuchiha #1
Chapter 16: Siento que falta algo en nas lineas de vida de los cuatro... Espero saber algún día que pasa con ellos... Me encanto la historia! :)
CheonByeol #2
This was a wonderful story, I really liked that how you built if up from small pieces which could go on their own too, but together they form a complete oneness. Yesung's quite a bad guy, he's the reason of everyone's heart breaking, but if he wasn't straightforward woth Wookie, they wouldn't have returned, so after all I can't be angry at him. He was the key, thus he had to destroy something so that something else could be formed. I'm happy that in the end, Wook and Min found each other, they were meant for the other. Though, I agree with what they wrote before me: one of the threads isn't finished, I'd also like to see how Yesung succeeded in getting back Kyuhyun, or if he succeeded at all. Despite this, I really enjoyed reading, thanks for this touching story. :)
what about YeHyun :( glad for MinWook :P
MujaELFClouds #4
The final is Minwook :)<br />
it's really nice end ^^