Fallin' for you

Longing *abandoned*

"Sungie-ah, could you drive me to work? And then maybe stay for my performance?"
Jongwoon looked at the smaller man,resisted the aching urge to touch his lips and smiled.
"Of course Ryeowook. I'll be honoured to." he said, making the other blush a lovely shade of colour.
"I'll drive you to the ends of the end of the world,just say the word and i'll do it." Jongwoon whispered to himself as Ryeowook skipped off to the bathroom.


i dont know but i think i may be fallin' for you
Dropping so quickly
Maybe I should keep this to myself
Waiting till' i know you better.


Stirring his black coffee while gazing into space,
Jongwoon's memory went back to a week back when he first spoke to Ryeowook.
He had found out then and there that he was talking to the man who Kyuhyun was so in love with.
The man who had indirectly brought him so much heartbreak.
He had said his name was Yesung. He wasnt lying, he was just not telling Ryeowook everything.
He felt a connection with the man and he didnt want his identity to ruin anything.


I am trying not to tell you
I'm scared of what you'll say
So i'm hiding what i'm feeling
But i'm tired of holding this inside my head.


Jongwoon didnt understand. He loved Kyuhyun, he was sure of it.
In fact, he still wanted his dongsaeng in his bed at night.
So why was he having all these feelings for another man?
Why was he falling for Ryeowook?


I've been spending all my time
just thinking about you
I dont know what to do,
I think im falling for you


Ryeowook couldnt be more different when compared to Kyuhyun, Jongwoon mused.
One was smoldering black fire, the other was sunshine and rainbow unicorns.
Kyuhyun always kept things to himself. Ryeowook on the other hand
was immensely open about himself, despite only having met Yesung mere days ago.
Jongwoon simply couldnt understand how those two could have loved one another.
Then again, he didnt understand alot of things.
Like why he couldnt bring himself to dislike Ryeowook.


As i'm standing here and you hold my hand
Pull me towards you
And we start to dance
All around us,i see nobody
Here in silence,its just you and me.


" Yesung, lets dance. I love this song,come on." Ryeowook had grinned.
And Jongwoon saw why he couldnt hate him.
Ryeowook was also a victim.
Ryeowook was never in the wrong in the first place.


Oh I just cant take it
My heart is racing
i think im falling from you.


Hands on the slender waist,
Ryeowook's head on his shoulders,
Jongwoon decided that he didn't want to hide anymore.
"Ryeowook,i have something to tell you."


Oh yea,im falling for you.


" My name is Jongwoon and i think i like you."


He watched as the boy starred and gasp in surprise.
"You're Jongwoon? Then where's Kyuhyun? Why arent you with him?"
Jongwoon didnt say anything. He wasnt able to.
"Yah! I'm talking to you. Aish, just book two tickets back to Korea. Hurry!! "
"Two...? Two tickets? But why? "
Ryeowook rolled his eyes at Jongwoon and said gently
"Because you need to be with Kyu right now. He must be in a mess
And I have to get back too. i left my heart in korea." 
Ryeowook smiled,shocking Jongwoon even more when he snatched the phone over.
"Arent you still in love with Kyuhyun?"
Ryeowook simply looked up and gave a soft smile.


"Sungmin hyung, i'm coming home."


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jesyuchiha #1
Chapter 16: Siento que falta algo en nas lineas de vida de los cuatro... Espero saber algún día que pasa con ellos... Me encanto la historia! :)
CheonByeol #2
This was a wonderful story, I really liked that how you built if up from small pieces which could go on their own too, but together they form a complete oneness. Yesung's quite a bad guy, he's the reason of everyone's heart breaking, but if he wasn't straightforward woth Wookie, they wouldn't have returned, so after all I can't be angry at him. He was the key, thus he had to destroy something so that something else could be formed. I'm happy that in the end, Wook and Min found each other, they were meant for the other. Though, I agree with what they wrote before me: one of the threads isn't finished, I'd also like to see how Yesung succeeded in getting back Kyuhyun, or if he succeeded at all. Despite this, I really enjoyed reading, thanks for this touching story. :)
what about YeHyun :( glad for MinWook :P
MujaELFClouds #4
The final is Minwook :)<br />
it's really nice end ^^