The Third Chapter

Dragon's Mate [용의 반려]
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THE thrid CHAPTER Dragon's Mate [용의 반려] Copyright © justifyEXO & 테리안 2014 All Rights Reserved.       Luhan stopped in front of the principal's office and lightly knocked on the door.   "Come in," a voice called from the inside.   The voice that casually answered, as if it had already known that we had arrived, made me tense up in nervousness. The first thing that caught my eye upon my entrance, was a crytal name plate, engraved with the letters 'Kim Soohyun'. The man kept his back turned toward us, and stared out the window despite the sound of the door opening, until he finally turned his head.   "Welcome Luhan, and miss Lee Haeun," the man said.   I stared blankly at the mad who softly smiled and spoke my name. As I mumbled under my breath while staring at the man, Luhan frowned and covered my eyes.   "...Stop staring," he said. "You're making me jealous."   Luhan's truthful words made my face grow hot, until I moved my steps toward the seat that the man was offering to me. Soohyun smiled as he saw Luhan sit right next to Haeun, and began to speak.   "First off, I'd like to apoligize for the fact that our student, Luhan, has retained you on his own," he said. "N-no, it's alright...I wasn't really offended..."   I waved my hand to show him that I was really alright, but my expression quickly turned dark, and my head hung low, when Soohyun continued on his words.   "Your parents..." he began, "I heard that they were unfortunately murdered by a serial killer. I'd like to let you know that the killer has been caught, and our people have already done the job of cremating your parents' bodies. Normally, we would have needed your confirmation, but because we could not leave the crime scene exposed as such, we carried on without doing so. "   The man expressed his sincere apologies and smiled lightly, until I asked a question that followed his words.   "...Where parents been placed?" "They have been placed in a columbarium not too far from here. When you have the time, it would be best for you to pay them a visit," he said. "...Is that so?" I answered with a shaky voice.    Luhan watched me with eyes of worry as my voice shook with tears, but soon averted his gaze down to the floor when I continued on with my words.   "...I'm sure they left peacefully, right?" I asked. "I think I'm a terrible daughter until the very end. They died because of me, but I wasn't even able to see them go..."   I lifted my hand to wipe away the tear that was rolling down my face, but the warm hands that grazed me face, weren't mine.   "...Don't cry," Luhan whispered with eyes full of tears. "If you're sad...then I am as well."   As I watched Luhan furrow his brows and wipe away my tears, I remembered Minseok's words.   "A dragon and his retained woman can share minds with each other."   Hit with a realization, I tried my best to think happy thoughts. I could see Luhan was clearly going through some trouble, experiencing this strange sensation of feelings for the first time, but soon, my attention was brought back to the man who had begun to speak.   "You are not to blame for this incident, miss Haeun," he said. "Excuse me?" "You were just extremely unfortunate that day, and your parents, as well, will not blame you," he paused before continuing. "They worried about you even at the steps of death, Haeun." "How do you...know..." I asked with confusion. "Because my power is the ability to read minds," he explained, as he watched my eyes grow with disbelief. "The act of putting my hands on a deceased body, is an act of rude behavior, but for you, Haeun, I momentarily took a glimpse of your parents' memory." "...Power," I repeated. As I pondered upon the word, I quickly turned my attention to Luhan, and asked, " you, Luhan, have powers too?" "Yes," Luhan answered.   Luhan smiled as he saw my eyes sparkle with amazement. He waved his hands in the air, and when he did so, a cup that hand been on the coffee table rose into thin air, and gently landed onto my hands.   "Our student, Luhan's ability is psychokinesis, or more commonly known as telekinesis," the man said. "...Telekinesis?" I repeated. "Yes. Like you have just witnessed, he can lift up a range of very small objects, to large ships."   It was marvelous, but to me, who had lived a normal life up until now, it was all surreal. I questioned if I would be able to continue my life here, when I wasn't able to believe things I had just witnessed with my own eyes. I let out a sigh, and nodded my head to the man's words that followed.   "Starting tomorrow, your official classes will start, so you will have to live in our dorms starting today, but..." the man paused as if there were some complications. "You are the only female in our school, so you will be alone. Will that be alright?" "...I'm...the only female?" "Yes, it is the first time in which a student here has retained, and there are no dragons that are born as females," the man explained. "Oh, well, it's alright," I smiled. "I'm already used to being alone anyway..." "Very well," he nodded. "Miss Haeun, you may go up to the dorms first...and Luhan?"   Luhan furrowed his eyebrows as the man calling his name, stopped him from walking out with me.   "I would like to have a word with you, so please remain with me, Luhan," the man said. "...But Haeun," Luhan mumbled. "Don't worry, I'll have Jongin Haeun."   As soon as his words came out of his mouth, the door opened. Luhan's attention turned in that direction, but he did clearly did not look too happy upon seeing who was at the door.   "You called, principal?" "Ah, yes, Jongin, you're right on time. I would like you to miss Haeun here, to the dormitories."  "...Haeun?" the one named Jongin repeated.   Seeing a female for the first time, Jongin took multiple glances at me and Luhan, until he finally let out a smile and spoke.   "Alright...I got it," he said. "So I just have to take her to the dorms, yes?"   As Soohyun nodded to Jongin's question, Jongin walked over to me and grabbed my hand, causing Luhan to tense up and frown.   "Kai," Luhan said. "If you try to do anything, I won't forgive you."   To Luhan's warning, Jongin let out a light chuckle and answered.   "Yes, yes, of course. How could I ever do that to you?"    With an unexplainable smile on one, and the awkward pulling of hair on the other, both Jongin and I soon walked out, and disappeared past the doorway.                                                             "You don't look too happy, Luhan," Soohyun lightly joked.   Luhan had been looking at the doorway, even long after Jongin and Haeun had gone, with a frown engraved onto his face. As Luhan remain silent an
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guesealyssa #1
Chapter 15: this story is daebak!!!! please update soon :) hwaiting author-nim ♥
Chapter 15: Oooo it's getting exciting!!
Chocoholic_Exo-L #3
Chapter 15: Omg I'm fangirling so much. I love stories like this, fantasy ftw! Also... Hunhan star in this <33333 ^.^
Please update soon~
Misstwilightfan1416 #4
Chapter 15: Yay an update^^
candyschmidt #5
Chapter 14: Great story so far with awesome characters :)
Can't wait for more!
tokki58 #6
Chapter 14: Omg this story is great!*^* Keep it up and update soon❤️
pastelpalettes #7
Chapter 13: Love this story, please do update! :)
Chapter 10: dammit I WANT MORE CHAPTER WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY boy i am rooting for all of them (is that bad? lol xD)
Chapter 10: Who will she get with? So many people that likes her!!!