Happy moment


Happy moment 

Yuri's POV

Taeyeon had given birth a cute baby named Wu Jessica last week. Kris, Mom and I were very happy. I was not so sure about Taeyeon though. I thought she'd be happy too. I also want to feel that feeling too. But, who knows? Something unexpected can happen at sometime unexpectedly.


It's 6.00 in the morning. I don't know myself why I woke up so early. I looked at my sleeping husband. He had become a little thinner, beause of Jessica.. But, he told me that he also wanted a child with me.

I remembered his words. "Yuri-ah. Isn't Jessie cute?"
" Yes. She's like a doll," I had replied.
"Now, I have the most beautiful daughter in the world. I want the most handsome son in the world. Can you help me?"
"Okay... I wish I can."

He's like a fallen angel.. I leaned forward and planted a kiss on his cheek. Yifan slowly opened his eyes. "You are up!" He was going to hug me. At the same time, I felt a nuisance in my stomach. I struggled to free from his embrace instantly, ran to the washroom and cleared my stomach which made my eyes teary. He stepped after me and patted my back softly. "Are you ok?" He asked by handing me a glass of water.

I smiled bac, "Yes. May be I ate something funny. And it's not-" I couldn't end my conversation as I wanted to vomit again.

I knew he was worried . And, I was now on the bed of the Royal hospital. I saw Doctor Nam come into the room. He's the Wu family's doctor, a part of the royal family. He has a 2 year old son named Nam Woohyun who had already been engaged with our Jessica. Is it funny, right? But it's royal life.

After doing his regular checks, the doctor smiled slowly, "Congratulations, your highness. You're three weeks pregnant."

" Really? I hope it's a son" Kris said while hugging me tightly. "Me too," I replied. 

Suddenly, Woohyun came into the room crying. A frazzled looking nurse came after him a few secodns later.

"Ohh! What's happening? Woohyunie!! Tell Appa." Doctor Nam said as he held Woohyun in his arms.

"Appa! Woohyunie want to eat mango pudding but the ugly Noona didn't let Woohyunie eat. She stole Woohyunie's food.  Aeh...... Aeh........... Hate.... Her....... I want..... Mine..... Back ..... Uee...... Uee....." He was still cute when he cried. Kris and I couldn't stop smiling .

Dr. Nam asked the nurse, "Why didn't you let him eat?"
"D-doctor, your son has an allergy to mango. If he eats, he will have a severe stomachache," she replied. It was a little weird that his own dad didn't know that. But, Doctor Nam's wife was dead after Woohyun was born and he was a really busy doctor. Woohyun was only taken care by the nurses at hospital and care takers at home .

Dr. Nam said, "Aww.. Sorry I don't know that."

The older nurse who looked like the head of the nurses came into the room, "You should know it, Dr. Nam. You have to know it. You must know it. He's your only son. I've told you that Woohyun has an allergy to mango. But, you just don't remember.. I told you when Woohyun was hospitalized because he had stomachache because you fed him a mango juice. Take care of him, son. I know you can."
Dr. Nam bowed to that nurse, "Neh."

Woohyun was still crying in Dr. Nam's arm and stopped crying when Yifan took him from his dad. He was playing with Yifan's hair.

Dr. Nam said, "Woohyun-ah. Appa is sorry, ok? But don't play with the King's hair. This uncle is the king, you know?"

Woohyun seemed confused and he stared at Yifan, "Appa. It's impossible. This uncle's hair is too short. Kings have long hairs in story books. I don't believe it." He then kept playing with Yifan's hair. Yifan looked at Woohyun and smiled  "Are you hungry?"


"Should we go and eat something ? "

"Let's go!" Woohyun cheered.



It had been three months that I'm pregnant. I felt craving a lot of craving these days. I knew that I always want to eat. I ate three cups of yoghurt while watching TV. I went shopping a lot with Yifan to buy food. I don't know why but I really wanted to eat junk food, street food and the food sold with discounts at normal super market, not the food that royal family's servants prepared.

Yifan looked at me with a worried expression, "Yuri-ah. You shouldn't eat so much. You have eaten many things. Since morning, you've eaten two plates of dumplings, seafood noodle, kimchi soup, bibimbap, hot chocolate, beet steak, Ice-cream, sesame porridge, salad, orange juice, mango pudding, pancake and banana milk. If you are eating like that, you will have a stomachache and diarrhea. Do you get it?"

"But, Yifan. It's not me. It's the baby. I'll stop after eating this cup?" I pouted. "Do you wanna try this?" I asked him, spooning a scoop of yoghurt.

"I don't like that aloe flavor," Yifan deadpanned.

"But there's a strawberry flavor in the fridge." He then went to the fridge and took two cups of yoghurts. (There's a fridge in our bedroom since I'm pregnant.)

"It's delicious, right?" I asked.

"Yes. Where did you buy it ?" Yifan asked while eating the dessert.

"I just bought it from supermarket.. Yum... From the stall with the 50% discount."

He ate all the yoghurts. He rubbed my tummy, "Aegi-ya. Omma is getting fat. How can appa lift her in a bridal style? She's too heavy," He teased. I then retorted, "Ya! I'm not that heavy!"

Afterwards, he paid attention to the movie again. The movie ended around 11:30 pm and we were going to sleep. I threw myself onto the bed. 'Please don't be like this, sweetie. You are not the only one."
"Okay! Okay! Lets sleep," I replied.

He was about to lay down on the bed when he said, "Aishh... You sleep first, sweetie. I think I have a stomachache and I need to go to the washroom." He left after saying that and I watched him run hurriedly. "Uh.. Okay! Good night!" I shouted. I think I fell asleep before he came back. 

I woke up around 1 am as I felt thirsty. I took the jar from the table next to our bed and poured water into the glass. As I was drinking, Yifan woke up ,"What are you doing Honey?" He rubbed his eyes."Drinking water."

" Arasso," Yifan replied. Suddenly, he left the bed and walked away. "Where are you going?!" I shouted. Yes I really don't know where's he going in this time. "RESTROOM!" Then I heard the door slamm.

I blinked my eyes worriedly and went to sleep again. Yes. I only know to sleep and eat since I'm preganant. I feel asleep soundly as soon as I closed my eyes.

I thought I was dreaming.. Dreaming a garden full of flowers.
It was beautiful.I felt I was trembling as someone shook my shoulders. "Yuri-ah!! Wake up! Wake up. Please."

I jolted awake from my dreams. "Yifan, why are you calling my name? I'm dreaming." Then I opened my eyes and saw Yifan who's sitting beside me leaning his back to the pillow. "Yuri, do you have any medicine?" I was about to say to call the maids but I remembered that I told the maids not to come to our room when we're asleep since I don't like too many people caring about me.

"What happened?" I asked weirdly. "Ah... I have a stomachache. I think it's because of the yoghurt. I couldn't sleep after coming back from rest room cause it aches too much," Yifan said while rubbing his stomach. "Got it. I'll help you find the medicine." I got up from the bed." Yifan got up as well, but I held him back, "Yifan, I'll find it. You can rest."

He nodded with a painful expression, "I need to go to rest room."

I took the first aid box and looked through the pills. I saw a packet writing "For Stomachache". But there was no pills inside. I wondered why. Suddenly, I remembered why. I took these pills when I had my periods. 

I always suffer that stomachache when I have my periods. But, did I take all the pills. I tried searching for another one but I couldn't. Damn.

Yifan went out from restroom. "Did you find it?" He asked, lying on the bed lifelessly. "Sorry honey. I couldn't find any. Is it that bad?"

He nodded, "I have diarrhea. Maybe it's because of the yoghurt." He then rubbed his stomach.

Diarrhea?! Now he has it. He said I'll have a diarrhea but now he...

"It's impossible. I ate yoghurt too but I'm fine," I said.

"You're right.. Did I eat something funny? I don't know. Anyway, thanks... You can sleep now," he said in a tired voice.

"I don't want to sleep now. I'll watch TV. "

Yifan didn't reply but instead leapt off the bed and ran towards the washroom.

AGAIN??? On my god!!

A few minutes, he sat on the couch next to me. "Aish....." he started.

"How many cups of yoghurt did you eat? Two, right?" I asked.

"No. I ate four.. I ate another two cups when you were brushing your teeth. Excuse me. I've to go again." He ran to the restroom.

Oh.My.God. Is it really that bad?!


That night was really a nightmare. Yifan ended up going to the rest room about eight times.

In the morning, Dr. Nam came into our room after I had phoned him. "What happened? Did you eat something funny?" He asked.

" I ..... Don't .... Know," Yifan muttered.

"Check the food that he ate." He told the maids. I did not suspect my yoghurt. But I took a half eaten cup from the fridge and saw, "EXP: November 12."

Then I looked at the calendar. It was November 16.

"What the heck??" I cursed and threw the cup to the trash can.



...photo credit to owner.. I don't own it!!.

Enjoy it!! Double update!!
 - lizzyivy// also thanks eLement13 for helping Mel 

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Chapter 7: Hoho they are now in modern era right? Wow they have migrated to such places in their life? I have never went once. Yeay finally Myungyeon! They seems all clicked even though that was the first time they meet. A good beginning! So did Taehyun know that Myungsoo was L?
Lovekpopu #2
Chapter 6: Myungyeon ^^ update soon xoxo
Chapter 6: it's already sixth chapter but there is no sign of Myungyeon. a glimpse of L then he disappear. when will Jiyeon make her appearance?
Hildegarda #4
Chapter 6: update soon :-)
Chapter 6: Wow you skip one generation and yeolli's wife is hyunaaaa.It will be better if its hyunseung whatever what happens to L.Updare Soon!!!
Chapter 5: Hey thats awsome.I read this story from ch 1 to 5 just now thats why i cant give my feedback to you.So about that taeyeon i have no feeling for her and thats great coz she give birth a baby girl and for yuri i feel happy.I hope in the future that taeyeon and her daughter will not give problems to my yuri.I hate tiffany a little bit bcoz she only care about herself.
Lizzyivy #7
I'll update soon
Stay tuned
Sounds interesting haha. Do update ^^
This time myungyeon yes.So are you going to write 3 stories.Hwaiting.