Chapter 7

Anyone But You

Wait, wait. WHAT DID SHE JUST SAY? Did she just say I have…a….BABY INSIDE OF ME? She is kidding me right? Is this April 1st? No? Someone wake me up!

“OH.MY.GOD” I heard Jiyong exclaim, as he moved back from my seat. “This is a mistake right? I mean this has to be a mistake, right?” I let out an awkward laugh trying get ahold of the situation. “I mean nothing weird has happened to me. So this has to be a mistake.” I sorted it yes. Yes it makes perfect sense. Really, nothing weird has happened except puking. Puking could be of any reason. Right? However, I dreaded that I knew the answer. But maybe, just maybe, she would just recheck and realize it’s a mistake.

“It’s not” She assured me, giving a glance at the report. Crap. I shot Jiyong a worried look. What do I do? Whose baby is this? I haven’t slept with Dean for over 3 month. The last one I ‘accidentally’ slept with was Jiyong.

“I SLEPT WITH A PREGNANT WOMAN?” Jiyong screamed, freaking out. Was I pregnant at that time as well? Oh my god this is so confusing. “YOU JUST RUINED MY HISTORY” He pointed an accusing finger at me. “HOLD UP! HOLD!” I got up, walking up to him, pointing back at him. “Hey, this could be your child!”

“Is not!” He denied. “Then did you use protection?” I folded my arms as I shot him back. “YES…no…?” He questioned himself as he answered. “OH MY GOD YOU DIDN’T USE A !” I screamed at him. “WHO DOESN’T USE A WHEN THEY SLEEP WITH STRANGERS?!” Jiyong is no joke. Like seriously who does that?

“HEY! Don’t put the blame on me. You didn’t remind me!” he accused me. I didn’t remind him? I scoffed at his statement. “I WAS DRUNK!” I exclaimed. I don’t remember sleeping with this guy, how the hell would I remember to ask him to use protection? “SO WAS I!” He shot back. Point taken.

Wait…I really don’t remember sleeping with him. Neither does Jiyong nor Xin. So there is a possibility I didn’t actually sleep with him but just slept with him…, for god knows what reason. So that means…it’s DEAN’S? NO. NO. Worried, I stopped the argument and turned to Dr.Gummy.

“How long has it been?” I muttered to her. Checking the report she answered, “3 weeks, nearly a month.” 3 weeks? As far as I remember, I haven’t slept with Dean for over 3 months. And it’s been almost a month since I got to know Jiyong. So that concludes to…

“SO THIS IS YOUR BABY!” I poked him, raising my voice once again. “Wha-? That could be that guy’s baby too!” He denied again. “I haven’t slept with him for 3 months! And, It’s going to be month since I met you!”

“Nononono. Just try to think back. Maybe you slept with another guy who you met at the club.” He grabbed my shoulders trying to come to a conclusion. Did he just…Oh my god. He is making me sound like a ! “ARE YOU IMPLYING THAT I’M A WHO JUST SLEEPS WITH RANDOM GUYS? I WOULDN’T HAVE EVEN SLEPT WITH YOU IF IT WASN’T FOR YOU!” Offended, I screamed louder.


I heard the nurse in the room gasp. Oops. Language. BUT HEY BLAME JIYONG.

“THAT WOULDN’T HAVE HAPPENED IF YOU WERENT WEARING SUCH AN APPEALING CLOTHING THAT NIGHT! AND ALSO IT’S YOUR FAULT TO GO WITH ‘I am not weak, I can handle alcohol. Let’s play one-shot” Jiyong imitated me in a very not so me-ish way.

“WELL THAT WOULDN’T HAVE HAPPENED IF YOU WERENT OUTSIDE WITNESSING ME SHEDDING TEARS!” I shot back. Shedding tears? I replayed the words in my head. What was I? Shakespeare the second?


“OH SO NOW THIS MY FAULT? I-“ I was about to continue when Dr.Gummy interrupted us. “Ehem…” causing us to scream at her in union. “WHAT?” Oops. Realizing we just screamed disrespectfully, we bowed a ‘Sorry’. With a sigh, she suggested “You know abortion is an option right?”

Abortion? ... Yes, I am freaking out because I have a baby inside of me with someone I don’t really like or love. And I’m just 23! I wanted to experience more of life…not have a baby. Not that I hate babies, but I’m definitely not ready for this! However, this is abortion we are talking about. Killing a baby. No matter what, I can’t kill this poor thing. Moreover it’s my baby! My first ever baby. I don’t wanna lose it.

We both quieted down for a moment. “NO! NO ONE is taking my baby away” Jiyong startled us all. What is up with him? What is he being so sensitive about? He could politely decline no. Anyways he is right. I don’t want my baby being taken away either. “I don’t want to go for an abortion” I joined him, explaining to Dr.Gummy. “I was just suggesting because it seemed like you both didn’t like the idea.” She sighed. “Unique couple you are. Either people leave with happy faces or sad faces. But never had an argument took place in this room” She laughed.

Couple? That would be the last thing we would be. “Uh…we are not a couple” I corrected her. “Oh” She seemed dumb founded. “Well, I wish you the best then” She handed over the report. “Don’t worry. I’ll be checking upon you for the next 8 months” “Kamsahamnida” We thanked her.

“Aish” I screamed in frustration as I got out. “Yah. You think you are think you are the only who will suffer?” Jiyong rest his hand on his hips. “Yes! We are talking about a baby! Inside of me! For 9 freaking months! I have to deal with body changes and . So basically yes” I shot back at him, causing him to scoff at me. “Yah. Because of that I would have to deal with your mood swings. And trust me your mood swings are far worse than any woman. I will also have to deal with your whines. So technically I will be suffering the most; emotionally!” He pointed out and started walked away.

“YAH!” I screamed at him to stop, but instead I got weird stares from the patients outside. Chaerin-ah this is a hospital. Not your home. Bowing a ‘Sorry’ at them, I ran after Jiyong and stopped him from front. “FINE! If you can’t deal with this, I will look after the baby! And you are not getting anywhere near my child!” I turned around and walked away to the exit. Is my mood swings that bad? No, it’s not. He is just testing my temper.

I was stopped when Jiyong grabbed my wrist and turned me around to face him. “It’s my child as well! I get to see my child. You are not taking my child away from me!” If he decides to be an then I really would. “Watch me!” I stuck my tongue out at him and proceeded to walk towards his car. Wait. Why am I going in his car? He don’t deserve for me to sit in the car with him. I stopped at the thought and walked to the other way.

“Yah! Where are you going?” I heard him call. “I’m not going with you” I called back as I kept walking. “It would be hard to get a cab you know!” He called back. No it’s not. I can surely get a cab. Jerk. Jerk. I muttered on every step.

On reaching the road, I flailed my arms to stop a cab as they came in sight. Unfortunately they decided to just pass by. Stop it, God dammit. I see many cabs! But either they are taken or just pass by like an . Oh how the universe loves me. “Told you” Jiyong approached to the side way in his car. I rolled my eyes and completely ignored the fact that he is waiting for me to get on. Just watch me. I’m gonna get a cab and then go.

I moved under to the bus stop stand to get shade as I wait for an empty cab to pass by. “Chaerin-ah. Get in” He called through the window. Ignore. Ignore. I didn’t even look at him. “Aish. Just get in already!” He got frustrated. Now is he is getting frustrated? More reasons to not get in, I am not going. I folded my arms as I kept looking around.

“Can you please get in?” He asked; politely this time. Nop. Nop. I continued to ignore when a kid walked up to Jiyong’s car and took me by surprise. “Ajusshi. Are you by chance a ert?” Ajusshi? ert? I couldn’t help but burst in laughter. I don’t know where this kid came from but damn I love him already. “Ye?” Jiyong looked at him in surprise.

“Don’t ask random girl to hop into to your car. She is ignoring you” The kid explained as on his lollipop is his hand. I chuckled. This kid is my hero.

“Ah. No. She is a friend” Jiyong smiled awkwardly at him. Dammit. I should have told the kid that he is a stalker. The kid nodded an ‘I-see’ and continued. “Then you should get down and apologize to her. Your girlfriend looks mad. So you should have done something wrong” Okay. This kid has more sense than Jiyong has. And he is completely right. Except for the girlfriend part. Good, this is my chance.

I nudged his car from my heel, “Yes, Get out and apologize” with a smirk. Heaving a frustrated sigh, Jiyong got out and got down on the kid’s level. “Ajusshi didn’t do anything. This ajumma is just being mad for no reason” He explained. I scoffed. There is no way the kid is going to believe that? Right?

“Is it true, noona?” the kid turned to me. “Yah. Noona? She is an Ajmuma!" Jiyong butted in. AJUMMA? I AM JUST 23! I shot Jiyong an offended look. “But she looks like a noona” The kid seemed confused. Hah! I am just loving this kid more and more. “And I look like an Ajusshi?” Jiyong asked; offended to get a nod in response. Jiyong let out a loud exhale.

“It’s not true. This Ajusshi is going to make me suffer.” I told the kid. “This noona is already making me suffer for no reason” Jiyong cut in. ‘”HE PUT A LIFE INSIDE OF ME!” I raised my voice a bit higher as I explained to the kid. “SHE MADE ME DO THAT!” and so did he raise his voice.






“YAH!” our argument got cut off by a third person who was now walking towards us; furious. “WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING AT MY CHILD?! GO FIX YOUR OWN COUPLE PROBLEMS BY YOURSELF! DON’T INVOLVE AN INNOCENT CHILD IN IT” The lady screamed at us and dragged the boy away from us; and into the hospital.

Why were we even explaining to the kid as if we were in some court? We both blankly stared at them as they went. “We are gonna be very bad parents” I muttered. “Very” Jiyong mumbled back still staring into the space.

“Look, I’m sorry. Now can we go?” Snapping back to life; he took my hand and squeezed it. Wha-? I- He is- Well…if he is saying sorry in such a way then I guess I’ll go. “Fine” I sighed and walked over to the car.

“You know you could have left me and gone?” I asked as I got in. “You think I didn’t think about that? I just don’t want to get killed by your mom and dad”, He drove off. What? So he didn’t go because of that? And here I thought he didn’t go because he cared about me. “Jerk” I mumbled, leaning in towards the window.

“I didn’t even get to know the kid’s name.” I pouted. “Why? Because he was on your side?” Jiyong chuckled. “Yes” I nodded. That lady took my baby away.

The silence got broken down when my phone started to ring. ‘Mom’ read the display screen. Oh great. Heaving a sigh I took the phone.

“So how was it? Was it cancer? Was it arthritis? Was it a fracture? Is it curable? Is it not? How long would it take? Did they give any medicine? Pills? Apply-on gel? “Her desperate questions flew into my ears as soon as I picked it up. Good lord.

“Mom…” I stopped her. I then heard her take several breathes to calm down. Yes she needs to calm down. “So what’s going to happen to you?” She asked; calmly.

“Well…Let’s see” I started shifting my position to Jiyong, to let him know what’s going to happen to me as well. “I will be gaining weight, I might get not like certain smells, I might wake up in the middle of the night and eat lasagna, I will be nauseous and if I do drink alcohol, I might end up in hospital” I smiled sarcastically at Jiyong, as he pretended not to hear me.

“Woah. What kind of a sickness is that?” She asked; confused. Really now? Does she really not know? Did she not give birth to two kids? “Mom…” I spoke in all serious. “It’s pregnancy, in case you haven’t ever gone through it”

“WHAT?” Finally she gets it.

“Yes mom. I know I am not responsible enough to handle a kid, and that I did a very bad mistake on getting drunk too much and-“, I apologized before she could scold me. I don’t wanna hear it so I might as well apologize before.


Hold on. What? Fantastic? “OMMA!” I whined. Seriously. I am in a major crisis where my parents should be mad for an irresponsible child to get in to this mess but instead she is happy? Why isn’t she scolding me? WHERE IS MY MOM? BRING HER BACK.

“Mom. I.AM.PREGNANT.” I clearly laid out the words in such a way she could understand this time. “I KNOW!” She exclaimed. “MOM!” “So whose baby is it? Jiyong’s?“ Her excitement grew.

“Yes” I admitted with a frown. “YES! I am so proud of you, Chaerin-ah. Do tell Jiyong that he did a good job! I am going to be a grandma, YES!” She hung up before I could reply. Proud of me? Jiyong did a good job? I scoffed as I put down the phone.

“Mom?” Jiyong asked. I nodded. “She wants me to tell you that you did a good job”. “Ah. I really did a good job, huh?” He nudged me. “Sure, you did an adorable job” I pinched his cheeks. “Ouch” He mocked a hurt. Our laughs got cut by when Jiyong’s phone rang.

He shot me a worried look as he read the screen display. “It’s your dad” DAD? Mom told him? ALREADY? Oh god no. “Put him on speaker” I leaned in towards Jiyong. He pressed the speaker button on the car to hear “YOU BOTH. MY OFFICE. NOW” and cut.

Oh . “He is not gonna kill me, is he?” He turned to me.  With a sigh, I got back to my seat. Hopefully not.

“So now you are pregnant?” Dad questioned us as we both sat across him; my mom standing next to his chair. I nodded lightly. He ruffled his hair in frustration. “YAH! YOU ARE BABY YOURSELF! HOW ARE YOU GOING TO TAKE CARE OF ANOTHER BABY?” Does he not think that I am not worried? “APPA! I KNOW!” I whined.

“And you Jiyong, don’t you know how to control your own ?” Mum and I couldn’t help but let out a chuckle. I could see Jiyong’s face getting red from the corner of my eye. Awe, He is so adorable. “And you young lady, is not any better!’ Dad turned to me. “Why do you have to be so fertile?” WHA-?

“You wouldn’t have been able to control either” Jiyong muttered under his breathe. Unluckily loud enough to be heard by my dad. “YAH! WHAT DID YOU SAY?” Dad got up with his slipper in his hands. Crap, is he gonna hit Jiyong? We both jumped and moved back as dad got closer to us.

“Come here” Dad chased Jiyong, with murder in his eyes. They ran several rounds before Jiyong got this fabulous idea of hiding behind me. I am not his god damn shield. I looked in front to see dad slowly moving closer. . . MOM, DO SOMETHING! Wait…

“DAD! BABY!” I pointed to my stomach, causing him to realize that he really can’t hit me. Taking in a deep breathe he dropped the slipper down and slipped into it. “Right.” He agreed as he sat back on his seat.

“This is still not going to work” He mumbled. “You both are getting married.” WHAT?

“NO!” We disagreed in union. I am not marrying him! “Yoebo!” Mom joined in. Oh now she knows to help? “Which century are you living in?” she massaged my dad’s shoulder to calm his anger down. “I just don’t want my grandchild to have steps moms and dads” Dad pouted. Oh my god he is acting all cutesy in front of my mom. Oh god. Jiyong awkwardly looks around.

“So you are okay with the baby?” I leaned in forward. He did acknowledge the baby right? “I- I jus-“ Dad stuttered and coughed awkwardly. “I’m just looking out for you” He cleared his throat. Sure. “Children these days have kids without even marrying. It’s normal! Don’t be such an old fashioned dad now, okay?” Mom winked at us.  

“Fine” He mumbled.

“WELL WELL. Looks like I’m going to be an aunt soon” Minzy walked in to the room. She knows too? I turned to see her running towards me. “Let me!” She excitedly got down and started talking to my stomach. “There you are. Yes this is your Aunt! Gitchee-Gitchee-Goo” She used aegyo. I haven’t seen her like this, oh god!

“Yah! Stop it” I lightly pushed her head away, causing her to laugh. “OPPA! Congratz!” She hugged Jiyong. Woah. Look at that! She doesn’t wish me that, but she wishes Jiyong? Such a lovely sister I got.

“Well anyways, just know that we are here for you” Mom smiled at me and Jiyong as she wrapped her arms around Minzy and dad. I smiled at back. It’s nice to have a family. “Yeah and If you need anything, you can come to me Jiyong” Dad mumbled. He cares. I chuckled.

We both got out to be greeted by the rest of us. Wow. News sure do travel fast. All I could see was smiling faces plastered on them. I’m glad, I’ll have them as well.

“Congratz Cha-ah” Xin leaned in towards me for hug. I was about to return the hug when Jiyong got in between us causing Xin to end up hugging Jiyong. “Thanks man” Jiyong patted his head. I scoffed at his action. That was supposed to be my hug! No, don’t tell me, my baby’s daddy is going gay for Xin. No. Just No.

Bom grabbed me closer to her and whispered. “Yah, Is it Dean’s?” I shook my head, thanking god. I really don’t know what I would have done if this turned out to be his. I saw her sigh in relief. She feels the same.

“Wah, Our Chaerin has grown up pretty well huh?” Teddy hyung hugged me. “Can I be the god father?” Seungri raised his hand. “Yah, I bet you don’t know about being one”, Kush oppa slightly wacked him on the back. “But it sounds cool!” Seungri whined. Him? As my baby’s godfather? No. I love Seungri but NO.

“This is happy news! Why don’t we go celebrate tonight?” Daesung oppa tousled my hair. “YES! To the club! Tonight!” Seungri wooed. CLUB? Which part of the news didn’t they get? I am pregnant for goodness sake. “Club?” Jiyong raised his brow at Seungri. “Look, look.  We can all just sit down and chat. And instead of alcohol, there are fresh drinks you know. Plus, she doesn’t even have bump yet” Seungri explained. HE CAN TALK SENSE. WOW.

But this is THE club, we are talking about. Dean. I looked at both Xin and Bom to see them nod; assuring me it’s gonna be fine. Yes. They are there. There is no way Dean can harm me with the whole gang there. I shoudn’t be worried.

“Fine” I agreed. The first trimester is probably the one days I can live normally. So I should make use of it. “No dancing for you though” Jiyong warned me. Ugh. Okay okay Grandpa. I rolled my eyes at him. “So till then let’s work on the album?” Teddy hyung suggested. Nodding, we all walked to the studio.


I drooled as I kept staring at the alcoholic drink placed on the table. Wasn’t this supposed to be a non-alcoholic drink chat up? I don’t how but as soon as we shared our laughs and so on everyone started drinking. I glanced at the dance floor to see Dara unnie, Bom unnie, Tabi, Seungri and Daesung oppa dancing like there is no tomorrow. I sighed. I want to go on the dance floor too. And I want to drink. Just a sip.

I shot Jiyong; who was sitting next to me a pitiful look. He has to fall for this. I pouted. “No” was his answer. “Just a teeny tiny sip” I begged. “No means No” He shook his head and drank the only hope I had left to drink. “YAH!” That was supposed to be mine! “You are not drinking” He shot me his death glare.

Aish. I looked down to my stomach and spoke loudly so that Jiyong could hear. “Your appa is so mean!” He scoffed. “You omma is trying to kill you” He spoke to my tummy. “YAH!” I slapped his arm. “I AM NOT TRYING TO KILL MY BABY. I JUST WANT A SIP” I cried.

“You are not getting a sip!” He shot back. I scoffed and got up. He is being an . It’s not so wrong to drink a sip. Is it? I don’t care. I am not staying with this mean jerk. I walked out from the V.V.I.P area and made my way to the bar. “YAH YOU DARE DRINK AND I WILL TELL YOUR DAD” I heard him yell. Whatever.

Tucking a strain of my hair back, I tapped on the bar to get Mario’s attention. “CL!” He greeted me over the bar with a cheek on cheek kiss. “Hi” I smiled. “What can I get for you?” Mario asked. “That Mario special you made the other day? That one.” He nodded. “Why aren’t you drinking alcoholic drinks now?” he wandered. “Ah. That? I need to take care of the mini me” I patted my stomach.

He gasped in surprise as he got it. “OH MY GOD!” I nodded with a bright smile. Weird to say but I feel like this is the first I feel really happy announcing it. I mean, it’s my own baby. I am going to have my own baby. It’s beautiful to think about despite the hardships I will have to go through. “Congratulation girl!” He hugged over the table. “Thank you”

“So it’s Dean?” He nudged me. Dean. The word made my smile disappear in 1 second. “I’m sorry, I just guessed” He apologized as he saw my reaction. I shook my head, bring back my smile. “It’s fine. We are over” I seated myself on the stool.

“Oh. Plenty of better fishes in the sea” He reminded with a wink. Yeah. Plenty of better people in the world out there, that’s definitely better than Dean. Why did I have to come across him and fall in love? I hate him. I hate him to death but I miss the times we were happy together. I nodded at Mario.

“Well then Mario’s very special drink coming right up” He snapped his fingers and got to work. I spaced out as I looked around the bar; old memories taking over me.

The Memory. 

“Usual!” I exclaimed as I happily twirled the stool as soon as I got on. “Someone’s happy” Mario laughed. “Obviously” I bragged. “Finally you got to DJ here, huh?” Mario chuckled as he proceeded with making my drink. “Shh” I shushed him. He cannot speak a word about this. “You didn’t get the permission!” He rested his hand on his hips as he looked at me with a disappointed face.

“You think dad would ever let me? It’s been 3 years already! I think it’s about time he starts moving on” I defended. Like seriously! “She is your aunt honey. Your dad’s little sister. How can he ever forget or move on?” He continued making the drink.

“But why am I getting the disadvantage of this? I didn’t ask my aunt to DJ and attract bad guys and then run away with them” I scoffed. “Your dad is just scared that it might happen to you as well. He wouldn’t want his little daughter to run away with a drug addict guy and cut all ties with the family” He passed me the drink. “I’m the eldest though” I laughed. “Not what I meant” He rolled his eyes jokingly.

“Can you please tell all the staffs here not to tell my dad that I did DJ here?” I begged. Last thing I want him to find out is me DJ-ing in my father’s own club. “Sure thing cupcakes” He assured me. “Thanks I owe you” I fist knocked him.

“Well then enjoy your drink” He smiled and moved on with getting people their drink. I sighed as I tapped on my drink. I feel guilty. But I have been DJ-ing for some other clubs. It’s more of a hobby I enjoy. Maybe dad will be fine with it. I smiled as I thought of positive things.

“CL!” Jay joined me. “You would not believe it, Enzino hyung just said you are welcome anytime to DJ here! Of course that being a secret to your dad” He shook me. WHAT? A few minutes ago he was black mailing me saying he would tell my dad and that I cannot DJ here no matter what. And I had to beg so much just to let me DJ only for tonight. But this is great!

“CHINCHA!” I squealed and hurray-ed, completely forgetting about the drink I had in my hand. “CL!” Jay screamed to stop me from splashing it but then it was too late. I turned around to see a man drenched with my drink. Oops. I quickly got and did a 90 degree bow. “Jwe song ham ni da”

What do I do? What do I do? I grabbed a tissue on the bar stand and took a moment to think about whether I should help him in wiping the stains or not. Oh whatever. I slowly started wiping it off only to be stopped by him with his hands. “You know that’s not going to work without water?” He chuckled. He is not mad? I was surprised to see him smiling even after I completely drenched him. And hey, he is cute! Unknowingly, I got lost in his eyes. The eyes of Dean. 

“Your drink?”

I was snapped back to earth when Mario passed me the drink. “Thanks” I smiled. “Spacing out huh?” Mario joked and went to the other side. I sighed as I took a sip. Who would have ever thought then, that I would never get to see that same smile after a while?

I was about to take another sip when I felt hand grip on my shoulder. I froze. Dean? DEAN IS BACK? I shot a panic look at Mario but he is turning the other side. He can’t see me. Where is Xin? Where is Bom unnie? Is this the end?

No. you can do this Chaerin. Just hit him on the face and make a run for it. Without any hesitation, I turned around and punched him in the face with all my might.


I looked down to see the victim lying on the floor. OH CRAP. Jiyong whined as he rolled both side in pain. “Chaerin-ah” Taeyang who came with Jiyong, looked at me; amazed. “I didn’t mean that” I explained to Taeyang. “YAH! HELP ME!” Jiyong flailed his arms up. Oh right. Jiyong is still on the floor.

“Are you okay?” I kneeled down to see how bad it was. BLOOD. There was a cut on his face and he was bleeding. YIKES. Am I really good at hitting? “Tissue!” I asked Taeyang to get me one; he nodded. “Why did you surprise me like that?!” I screamed at him. That was honestly scary! “Your ring!” He winced in pain. Oh right. I look at the huge sharp and edgy ring on me. So that made the cut.

“And YAH! I called you but you couldn’t hear” He replied placing his hand on the cut. “Don’t touch there!” I hit him. “DON’T HIT ME AGAIN!’ He cried. Oops. Sorry.

I helped him get up and made him sit on the stool. As Taeyang passed me some ice cubes and tissues, I carefully wiped the blood off and applied some ice on the cut.

“Mario, got a plaster?” I called; still focusing on applying the cube. “Here” He passed me one. After reassuring the cut’s clean, I pasted the plaster on the cut. “There you go" I said as I placed the used tissues on the bar stand.

“I am NEVER approaching you from the back again.” Jiyong frowned as he tapped on the plaster. “You just don’t know how to approach in the right way” I rolled my eyes. “Chaerin’s got some move, huh?” Taeyang laughed proudly as he threw his hands over my shoulder. I smiled shyly.

“Argh” I screamed in boredom. Like there is nothing I can do here! The first few hours were fun and we celebrated it. But now everyone’s still partying and I’m stuck here with this nagging grandpa. I looked left to see Jiyong playing with his phone. Guess he didn’t notice my scream of frustration.

I leaned in closer and screamed louder into his ears. “ARGH!” “WHAT?” He glared at me. “I am bored. Can’t I dance a little?” I pouted. “No!” I rolled my eyes. “Did you know dancing while pregnant is actually good?” I crossed my legs on the couch. “Still a No” He replied, playing with his phone. “UGH” I leaned back. He doesn’t understand! I am bored!

To my surprise, he grabbed my wrist and got up. “Are we going to dance?” I asked, all excited. Did he finally think of giving me a chance? Without any word, he dragged me to the dance floor. YES! He is so kind!

Hold on. Why isn’t he stopping? He dragged me through the dance floor and towards the exit. SO THIS IS WHERE HE IS GOING? “Yah!” I screamed in disappointment. “I don’t wanna go home!” I cried as we got out. “And who said you are going home?” Jiyong smirked.

“You are not gonna kidnap, are you?” I gasped. “That would be the last thing I would want to do” He rolled his eyes and dragged me to his car. “Seriously! With your nagging, who could handle you?”

I gasped. How dare he?! “I do NOT nag! I SO not NAG!” He just shook his head in dismissal.

“Hop in” He said as he went round the car to get in. Is he not going to even open the door for me? Oh wait. I totally forgot he is not a gentleman. Without bothering to argue about it, I hopped in. “Where are we going?” I asked. “Up for a ride?” He smiled.

“Wah, there are so many stars” I looked up through the front window of the car as Jiyong stopped in a very peaceful looking yet deserted area.

“Pretty isn’t it?” Jiyong leaned back on his seat. Nodding a yes I made myself comfortable on the seat and joined him in star gazing. So peaceful. It’s been a long day. I sighed. I am having a baby. A baby. God, I am not sure if I can even look after my own baby. I am going to be a mess. I am going to make such a mess. I smiled at the thought of me babysitting my cousin back in the days. I did terrible. I was terrible. And I am guessing I will be terrible.

“You know once I had to babysit my cousin because my aunt had to go somewhere.” I started shifting a little on my seat to face Jiyong. I have no idea why but I feel like sharing this. Jiyong turned his attention from the stars to me. “It was such a mess. I didn’t know what to cook, I fed her the wrong food, and I didn’t know how to put on a diaper. I lost my cousin in the house for a while even” I laughed as I recalled the old memory. “You lost her?” Jiyong gasped. “Kind of. I went to clean up the kitchen and went back to find out she wasn’t in her usual place. I searched the entire house and found her under the bed. So I had to bath her since there were some dusts. And I got a call from my aunt a few days later saying she got sick because I bathed her in cold water” I laughed awkwardly in to the silence.

Jiyong took my hands into his, “You really don’t have to be scared you know?”

My eyes shot to him and then to our linked hands. “I’m not scared…” I muttered.

He gave me a sarcastic look at that. Thinks he knows me, does he? Well, I will show him. So what if I’m scared? It’s just this once. “Fine. Maybe a bit. Just a bit”

“A bit?” He chuckled.

“Teensy bit” I held onto my argument.

“All right. You don’t need to be even a teensy bit scared” He rephrased what he had said earlier. He then squeezed my hand a bit. A bit. Teensy bit.

“And honestly, you are one of the coolest girl I know” He said. Wait…Is this the first he is saying something nice to me? OH GOD THE WORLD IS ENDING!

“And you are one of the most annoying jerk I know” I grinned, causing him to let go of my hand on the spot with a “Thanks a lot”

After a few seconds later, he spoke. “But really, I’ll make sure you become the best mom ever” He assured me. Do I ruin this moment as well? No. So instead I smiled back. I really appreciated him for saying that.

“Let’s get you home then?” He said, adjusting his seat.

I lightly patted my stomach before opening the door to the studio. I was feeling crazy happy which is weird considering the fact that yesterday was one bizarre day for me. And Jiyong. Never forget the daddy. Wow, he really is going to be a daddy! , we’re both going to rise a child! I don’t think I’ll ever get used to this.

“Hey mommy” Seungri greeted me as I came in. I smiled and turned to face the baby’s daddy. He glanced at me once and then went back to his work. Seriously! Why does he have to be such a jerk? I mean, I AM carrying his child! Have been for so long! The least he could do is throw in a “Goodmorning Chaerin” But noooo…. With a sigh I made way to my desk. Honestly, I didn’t feel like working today.

“I don’t feel like working today” I told the room as a whole.

“Tough luck. You just have to” Jiyong replied. I glared at him. Not that he knew or anything, with his back to me. It made me feel a whole lot better though. Probably should just avoid people like Jiyong. Where is Xin anyway?

“Tabi! Where is Xin?” He didn’t reply. The reason? His gaze was solely fixed on Bom unnie. I almost sigh.

“Oye!” I threw a paper ball at him.

“What?” He snapped.

“Tabi…” Jiyong called him. Well, he will just have to wait. I am talking to Tabi right now.

“Chaerin dongsaeng-ah” Hah! He used Dongsaeng! I smiled brightly at him. “Where’s Xin?”

“Sick leave” Seungri, Bom unnie, Kush, Taeyang said along with Tabi. Now they all answer? I almost rolled my eyes. Seriously, what kind of people am I associating myself with? They were like bumbling baboons.

“Well this day just keeps getting better and better, doesn’t it?” I said sarcastically.

“Why Chaerin?” Jiyong turned to me, his one brow arched perfectly. “Are you missing him?” Of course I am! That’s the only reason I asked! Duh!

“Yes” I replied in an obvious sort of way. He got red in the face before muttering gibberish and leaving the room in a hurry. It’s official. Jiyong is an alien from another planet. Normal people just don’t behave the way he does. Holy, my baby would be a half-alien!

I turned to face Taeyang who was staring at the door. The same door through which Jiyong had just left. An amused smile on his face.

“What is up with Mr. I-have-diarrhoea-so-I-must-leave-immediately-after-a-douchy-comment-and-a-mean-glare-at-Chaerin?”

“Mr…Diarrhea?” Taeyang asked.

“No one would leave like that if not for that”

Taeyang laughed at that. His amused smile brightening. “You’re really one of a kind, aren’t you?” Now he notice me?? When I am pregnant with his best friend’s child? This is a very, very, weird group. 

“Probably because of all of that sausages he ate for breakfast” He suggested. Sausages? Something stirred in me and a feeling of nausea washed over me. Oh. . Double double !

“No one will mention sausages EVER AGAIN” I shouted to the room as a whole before leaving the room in a hurry. The contents of my stomach begging to be let out. Well you will just have to wait.

Jiyong was waiting around the washroom with an annoyed expression on his face.

“You and your diarrhea will just have to wait” I said pointing a finger at him.

“My…what? I don’t have diarrhea!” He said, his annoyed expression replaced by a confused one.

“Well we made a joke. And Taeyang mentioned-”GULP “-sausages. And apparently even the name makes me nauseous. SO MOVE!” I screamed the last part.

“Sausages. Got it” Jiyong nodded, still making no move to get out of the way.

“You’re making it worse! You…dumb…dumb person” Great! Nausea makes me lose my ability to insult people.

“Move! I need to go in!” I begged.

“There is someone already there” Oh . . For the life of me I didn’t understand why my father designed the floor such that there was only ONE washroom on it.

What I’m feeling must be evident on my face as Jiyong got a horrified look on his.

“No no no!” He screamed as I belched out everything that had been begging me to come out. No no no!!!


“Sorry….?” I mumbled. ! Make that double. Or triple. How about to the infinity? Damn it.

I looked at Jiyong who was, covered in my vomit and was throwing daggers at me from his eyes. Crap crap crap.

“It’s your baby’s doing….” I said as a last hope to direct his anger away from me. 

Even if it was towards the baby. His eyes narrowed at me, “Don’t blame the baby” Great.

The door to the washroom opened and out walked our mutual enemy, not that we knew him or anything. Still he blocked my entry to the washroom; hence our enemy. I rushed towards the sink and rinsed my mouth. From the mirror I could see Jiyong wrinkling his nose as he looked down at his ruined shirt.

“Give it to the laundry” I told him. Bad move. He glared at my back. “This is your fault”

“Well go. Wash it” I shoo-ed him. Thank god that Dad thought of a laundry room. With all the dancers roaming around here, laundry room was mandatory. More so now that the boss’s daughter is pregnant and has a habit of spewing anyone within the vicinity.

“Chaerin!!” I heard him call. Oh, has he already left?

“Whatt?” I called back, not sure that the laundry room and the washroom being next to each other is a blessing or curse.

“How do you do this…thing?” He asked. What thing? I slowly made my way towards the laundry room. There, standing in the middle of the room was a shirtless Jiyong, his shirt in one hand and scratching his head with the other. That thing just happened to be the washing machine.

“You just do the thing” I mumbled not really sure myself. Bom unnie does my laundry.

“What…thing?” He turned to me. I walked towards him and stared at the menacing machine. “Let’s…see”

“You don’t know either, do you?” He asked exasperated. I scoffed but then relented. “Yeah. Give it to me” I snatched the shirt from his hand and then made my way towards the machine.

“Let’s see…” I dropped the shirt inside it. “What next?”

“Uhmm…water?” Jiyong suggested. Good idea. Good boy, Jiyong.

“Right” I said adding water.

“We’ll need to wash it with something. Detergent” I grinned, happy that I came up with something. Jiyong took the detergent from the shelf brought it over. “How much?”

“Start pouring. A little more. More. A little more” I said as he continued to pour it in.

“It’s over” Jiyong said shaking the now empty bag in front of my eyes.

“Uh…yea. That should be enough” I mumbled weakly. “You think?” He replied sarcastically. Oh well…

“Bom unnie put something else along with it” I said remembering. “What?” I shrugged as I made my way towards the shelf. The first thing that caught my eyes were bleach. Sounds familiar. “Found it” I told Jiyong. I then went back with it and poured some, ok maybe a little more than some, of it in with the rest.

“What is that?” Jiyong took the bottle from me. “BLEACH?” I nodded.

“Oh…I have a bad feeling about this” He said moving to sit on the bench, a sickened expression his face.

I went to sit beside him, “Everything would be fine. Trust me”

And so we waited. Him, putting all his trust on my laundry skills. It wasn’t long before bubbles started coming out of the machine.

“I don’t think that’s supposed to do that” He mumbled. I wasn’t so sure either.

We walked towards it to see the machine bubbling with foam.

“You put too much detergent in it” Jiyong accused me.

“It’s still washing” I returned back.

Dear god, the bubbles were too much. Some were able to get free and started floating in the air above us. The smell was pleasantly heavenly.

I took a handful of foam and giggled giddily. Jiyong’s scowl deepened. “Oh relax! You’re such a party pooper”

“Am not”

“Are too”

“Am not”

I blew the foam in his direction in retaliation.

“Aish! Chaerin!” He grabbed some of the foam and threw it at me.

So he wants to play dirty, doesn’t he? I’ll show him dirty. Except that we are playing with the single thing that is used to clean every dirt. So using the word, ‘dirty’ for this is kind of ironic, really. Another glob of foam hit me.

Oh get your mind in the game, Chae!

I growled at him before taking foam using both hands. I then moved towards him with all my might, intent purely on to get him wet. Wait…that sounded bad.

 I splashed my palms on his bare-chest. . He wasn’t wearing a shirt. Damn it. I could feel his packs rippling under them as he moved to remove my hands.

He finally succeeded. He then made to take another handful of it when we heard someone cough from the doorway.

We both looked in the direction guiltily. There, standing in the doorway was a staff.

“What?” Jiyong asked.

“I’m the laundry man” He said as a way of introduction.

“Where have you been all this time?” Jiyong asked, shoving me away. “She made a mess of things” He said pointing at me.

“Hey!” I said offended. “I did not” I turned towards the staff.

“That’s…ok miss. I’ll wash and give you your shirt back” He said as a way of dismissal.

That went well.

I started to move out of the door when Jiyong grabbed my hand. “You’re coming with me” He demanded before dragging me away with him.

Did I say that that went well?

He took me to a room I have never been in before. “Where are we?” I asked him. “My lounge”

“Your lounge?” I asked. He nodded while he took out his phone.

My father gave his own lounge? Are you kidding me? Does the universe hate me that much? I don’t get my own lounge but nooooo Mr. I-am-too-good-for-studio get his LOUNGE. Talk about unfair.

“Yeah Hello” Jiyong said. I turned to see him on the phone with someone.

“How are you?” An adorable lit his face. Who was he on the phone with?

“Listen. I got a girl pregnant” WHAT? Is that the way to break the news to…whoever it is?

“She’s driving me crazy! Give some advice” Wow, thanks.

 “Here” He shoved the phone on my hand. 

“You are absolutely crazy. And not the good kind” I whispered taking hold of the phone. “Hello?”

I heard a girl chuckle on the other end of the line. “Yes. My brother gets crazy sometimes. And not the good kind” She said. Great, so I don’t even know to whisper now. Pregnancy…

“You’re his sister?” I asked.

“The one and only” I heard her say. She seemed nice. Genuinely happy even. How can she be related to something sour as Jiyong?

“So…you’re his girlfriend?” Why can’t he explain everything to her and then give me the phone. Assface.


“Wife?!” She asked alarmed.

“NO! I’m..uh..his..?” What am I?  I gestured Jiyong to come. He made a face at me before doing so.

“Who am I?” I asked. I heard his sister laugh on the other side of the line. Whisper, Chae!!!

“Chaerin?” He answered. I facepalmed. “Who am I to you?”

“A big meanie who can’t get enough of bullying me” I kicked him in the shin. “Your sister wants to know” I mumbled ignoring his yelp of pain.

“You’re my…” He stopped. Seriously, what are we??

“I’m his baby’s mom!” I said infuriated.

“Alright” I could still hear laughter in her voice.

“So what advice do you want?”

“I don’t know” I replied turning to face Jiyong. “What advice?”

“Everything” He muttered. “The woman puked on me and didn’t even know how to do laundry!” He said loud enough for his sister to hear. AH! The nerve!!!

“That is not true! Well yes but…but…”

“But when nausea hits you just can’t control it” His sister answered for me. “Yeah” I mumbled.

“Are you eating healthily?”

“I guess”

“What did you have for breakfast?”

“Oh just coffee. Mocha with double cream and no sugar. With whipped cream on top” I grinned thinking  of my heavenly coffee.

“Oh nooo. No coffee during pregnancy!”


“No!” I turned my sad eyes to Jiyong. He raised his brow in response. “No coffee” I mumbled to him. He sighed. No coffee is bad for everyone.

“Try drinking milk. I know, it’s bad. Believe me! But all for the baby hm?”


“What your name, baby’s mama?”

“Chaerin Lee”

“Well Chae, you have to think in terms of the baby now. You do eat fruits and vegetables right?” I groaned in response. “Well start to” She chuckled.

“I don’t know anything about the baby!” I said sitting on Jiyong’s chair. He came to stand behind me, his hands resting on the back of the chair.

“Babies are adorable really. Hard to handle though. You have to be mature…although I can’t see that happening between the two of you”

“Be mature” I turned around and told Jiyong. “Mature? Right” He nodded.

“Share your duties among one another. Parents who live separately must not make the child feel as if they are lacking the love of one parent” She explained.

“We need to love the baby equally” I told Jiyong. “Even if we live separately”, “Love, right” He nodded.

“Oh and while you’re pregnant, don’t take the liberty to live the life that you have been living. You have a baby living inside of you. Take things slowly and don’t be too hard on yourself”

“Don’t bully me” I told Jiyong. He was about to nod but then what I said sunk in. He then remained like that in that confused state. “It’s for the baby!” I almost scream. He slowly nodded, still unsure. Oh for heaven’s sake! 

I heard his sister laugh. “I will send you all the books that I have on pregnancy with me right now” Oh. Odd that she has pregnancy books lying around. But really, who am I to judge? Maybe that’s how normal women lived.

“Thank you. That would be great”

“I’ll tell the rest when we meet next month when you guys come over here. And you are coming here” We are?


“Cmon Chae! I need a female companion when I give birth to my second baby!” Oh that’s why she had pregnancy books lying around. Makes sense…

“That’s so great! Wow congratulations!” I said smiling up at Jiyong. He was going to be an uncle. Well...again.

“of course we will go there” I said having my mind already made up.

Jiyong arched his eyebrow at me. “We are going to meet her!” I said grinning at him. “She’s giving birth next month”

“Yes. I know” He gave me an amused smile.

“We are living in Sydney” I heard her say.

“SYDNEY!!” I said jumping up. “Sydney!!!” latching on Jiyong’s arm, continuing my excited jumps. He shook his head at my immature behavior. “Be mature” He reminded me. Right.

“Yes. We would like to go to Sidney and visit you” I said trying to sound mature. “Unnie…?” , what was her name?

“Dami” Both Jiyong and his sister said in union.

“Dami unnie! I’ll see you next month!”

“I sure hope so” She said ending our borderline awkward conversation. I gave the phone to Jiyong and smiled up at him.

“Her, I like” I said.

Jiyong opened his mouth to reply when there was a knock on the door. It was the laundry man with Jiyong’s shirt.

“It’s…a bit different from how it’s used to be” He mumbled handing Jiyong the folded up shirt. He unraveled the shirt and gave an almighty yelp. Even I had to flinch.

There was a big white blotch on the centre of the shirt and several other small ones splattering the dark blue shirt.

“What the hell did you do?” He asked the laundry man.

“It would seem that someone had added bleach on it” Oh crap. I moved a few steps back beyond Jiyong’s reach.

“CHAERIN!!” He screamed!

“ARGH” I whined as I rolled over to the other end of the bed. I am hungry. But I just ate. And I can’t be bothered to cook. If I ask Bom unnie to cook for me again, she is surely going flip her . I sighed. I shall just starve to death. “AISH!” I rolled back and laid on starfish position. “FOOD” I screamed into the bed. Food. Glorious Food.

Then it clicked me. Jiyong. The one and only hope. Grabbing the phone quickly, I dialed Jiyong. “What do you want?” His cold greeting hit me. “Nice greeting” I answered sarcastically. “I know. So what’s up?” He asked. I should take this chance. This is the only chance. “I am hungry.” “Go make something” He replied. Not quite how I was expecting it to go. He is supposed to come here with food.

“YAH! Your sister told me that I should eat if I ever do get hungry. Because If not it can be really bad for the baby.” I lied. Well not a total lie.

“So go make something”

“That’s too much work! Pregnant women shouldn’t work that much”

“Then Bom noona?”

“She just slept”

“Then order something”

OKAY I GIVE UP. This guy has no clue whatsoever. He is hopeless. I have no hope left now. “NEVERMIND!” I screamed into the phone and was about to hang up when he laughed, “I am kidding. I have some vegetables and stuff. How about I cook for you?”

Him? Cooking for me? JIYONG IS GOING TO COOK? This is definitely worth to watch. Plus this is food we are talking about. “Sure” I tried my best to not sound excited. “Okay, then I’m going to pick you up now” And he hung up. Wait, so we are going to his place? I have to dress up? NOOO. I am already lazy enough to get up, how the hell does he expect me to get dressed.

But I get to go to his place on the bright side. I mean I have never seen his place. And as a mother of our child I need to see it. To check whether it’s baby-livable. Oh well. Then I guess I’m going.

“Really?” He raised a brow at me I got in to his car. “What?” “Couldn’t you dress up a little bit even?” He looked down at me. Yes. I was too lazy to get dressed. So I just wrapped a purple silk robe around me; with a pair of tank top and short that I had been wearing underneath.

“I don’t have anyone to impress here” I looked around. I really dont. Now do I? He sighed. “Okay then” and he zoomed off.

I stayed curled up in his sofa while I watched him cook in the kitchen. The first thing that I did after coming here was give this house a once-over. Chae-livable? Check. Baby-livable? Double check. He was pretty clean for such a jerk.

“You know” I started when I got bored of just watching him. I needed to talk, dammit.

“Dami unnie said that whenever I felt the urge to do something I should just do it” Seriously, the lies just keep rolling off of my tongue so easily.

“Is that so?” Jiyong glanced at me pausing what he was doing; chopping of carrots. Yuck!

“Yuh”, “So what do you want to do now?” I thought about it long and hard. “I want to eat ice cream. Chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream” I grinned. “AND get a free massage!”

“I’m not giving you any massage” Jiyong shot me a weirded-out look, completely ignoring my hint on ice creams. Oh well…A girl can hope.

I went back to staring at him. He took the cauliflowers off from the cooker before placing them in another pot. Really, what is he trying to cook?!

“So…” He began. “What else did my sweet sister tell you?”

“She told me that the dada always have to listen to mama. And will always have to do whatever she wants and make her happy. Otherwise there we might get a bad baby”

“Really?” He turned to me, his face twisted in what could only be agony. Gotcha.


I heard a phone buzz next to me. Whose phone is it? “You got a message” I told Jiyong”

“What does it say?” He called. Ooh he doesn't have a lock. 

“It’s from your dad? It says, “We need to talk”” He mmm-ed. Come to think of it, I haven't really seen or heard anything about his dad or family. Oh well. I guess he is a closed book.

I backed out of that chat log when I saw his previous message. It was from Xin. With an evil smirk, I opened it and read the conversation.

Jiyong had sent the first message. “Should I be happy or not?”

Xin’s answer confused me. “Tell her” 

Sorry for the late update Y-Y Enjoyed it? :D


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Chapter 20: I'm still hereeee for an update, please i beg you
suchant2 #2
This is 2018 and i'm still waiting T_T
addy88 #3
Chapter 20: Im still reading this in 2018 after few years
suchant2 #4
Chapter 19: I've been reading this over and over again T.T
Do you know how much i love this story? Please update, don't leave us hanging...
suchant2 #5
Please update this..
Pheana #6
Chapter 20: Omg please update soon and please don't end it yet
Yongchaee82 #7
Chapter 20: Omg please update this TT
Yongchaee82 #8
Chapter 19: Omg I really really love this story so much why did I just find out this? ><' omg both character Jiyong and Chaerin are so dumb sometimes but they're so cute this story is so good Please update please please
suchant2 #9
Hi..! How are you? Please update soon. Thank you. 。^‿^。
Update pleasee :'( i'm still waiting