Chapter 8

Anyone But You

“Tell her”

Tell her? Tell who? And what is Jiyong so unsure about being happy or sad? Stop Chaerin. You shouldn’t let these stuffs bother you. Why I am even bothered? Right. Because it’s making me curious. Should I ask him? Yes I should. It’s not so wrong to clarify your doubt, now is it? But wait, I did invade his privacy without telling him. You were supposed to check just one message, Chaerin-ah! I scolded myself on the inside.

But, but it’s really making me curious. What is happening in his life? Except getting a baby. I am curious. Now that I think about, I know nothing about Jiyong; except the fact that he is a jerk, a jerk and a jerk. I need to improve my vocabulary! Oh and that he is going to be a daddy. MY baby’s daddy! So I have the right to ask. But if I do ask he is surely to flip. God make up your freaking mind Chaerin-ah!

Shaking my head, I put his down; finally deciding on which question to ask. “So… you have a dad?” Real smooth Chaerin. Of course he has a dad you idiot. His didn’t just materialize from out of thin air! I face palmed myself on the inside. “No. I was born without one” He answered sarcastically. “I meant, I’ve never heard you talk about him. In fact I’ve never heard you talk about your family” I made my point. “I don’t see any reason why I should tell you any of that” He chuckled with a smirk. Did I mention that He’s a jerk?

“Yah. You think I had a reason to let you see or know about my family?” I scoffed. “Well, that was just coincidence, wasn’t it?” He replied; still focusing on cooking. “Exactly! It’s just not fair that you happened to know about my stuff” I whined as I got up to walk towards table.  “I’m just trying to balance that.” I leaned on the table; facing him.

“Alright” He stopped his work and leaned on the table towards me and continued, “I have a mom, dad and a sister. My mom is alive, so is my dad. And so is my sister as you know. Happy?” He pulled back and continued with the preparation. I really didn’t need that answer. “I am just glad, the grandparents are alive then, because that was all I needed to know” I rolled my eyes, as sarcasm left my mouth. “You are welcome” He smirked.

Fine. Don’t tell me. It’s not like I wanted to know about his life anyway. Okay, maybe by a little bit. But I really don’t care about his life. “What did your guy say?” He asked. My guy? “Huh?” I mumbled; confused. “The fling. Did you tell him about…what’s going to happen to you?” He raised an eyebrow. Oh, is he talking about Dean? Dean…I am definitely not telling him about this. I can’t and I don’t want to see him. Ever.

“I don’t see any reason why I should tell you” I flipped her back; turning around to sit on the dining chair. I heard him chuckle. Honestly, who does he think he is? He doesn’t answer my questions but he expects me to answer his? Don’t kid me.

“Is it done yet?” I whined with a yawn; as I rested my head on the dining table. He says he knows how to cook but he is taking forever! He didn’t even let me help him. I am getting bored, I need my sleep. “I’m done, I’m done” I heard him. Yes!! Finally! Motivated; I brought myself to get up ready to eat the hell out of whatever he is making.

“Ja!” He exclaimed as he placed the pot on the center of the table; right from the stove. I took a second to inhale the mouthwatering smell before I peeked on how it looked like.

“What the hell is this?” I asked as I stared into the not-so-appeal-looking soup. “It’s a soup” He said as he placed the bowls in front us before seating himself across me. “No ” I sounded surprised. It’s a soup? Of course I know it’s a soup! I meant what the hell did he do to it?

“I thought you knew how to cook” I shot a betrayed look at him. I actually felt tears gathering beneath my eye balls. I have never felt such sadness in my entire life. “I do!” He defended. “Trust me, the taste is great. I just need to work on the appearance a little bit” he shrugged his shoulders. Just a little bit? No. You need to work on it more than that. It looked like mud paste mixed with acid rain then washed down with normal water. Am I even making sense?

Should I try this? I don’t know. But he did go through the trouble of making this. I might as well appreciate his effort. “I’m trusting you on this. If I die, you’re not getting the baby” I shot a death glare at him before I dipped in the spoon into the pot to get a sip. This better be good. And god bless me if it isn’t.

This is…WOW! I mean WOAH! Like WOAH WOAH. This actually tastes good. The vegetables that he had put in it just melted into my mouth. “Mmmmm!” I moaned involuntarily, not bothering about the fact that it might sound a bit ual. I mean come on, behind the mud paste was probably one of the best vegetable soups ever to be born…wait...can soups be born? What is pregnancy doing to me?

“I told you!” He pointed out. “Fine. Fine. I’ve learnt my lesson.” I gave in; causing him to smirk as if he is the best. Dream on Hon.

“Goodnight then” He said as I hopped out from his car. “Nights” I waved a bye to him before I unlocked the gate. Dragging my feet, I walked up to the door and slipped out from my sneakers. God. So damn sleepy. I glanced at my watch. 1:54 AM. It read.  It’s late.

I clicked the door open to hear a surprise gasp from the familiar person. Lights are all out. I switched on the lights to see Bom unnie stare at me surprised with a mouthful of corn in . “Unnie!” I cried. “Yah. Where are coming from at this hour?” she managed to speak with all the corn in ; changing the subject. “Unnie!” I cried again, walking towards her; closing the door behind me. “Just one” She pouted as she lifted her index finger to me. Just one? I glanced at the bin near her. 3 eaten corns lay inside it. I then looked back her. She should think before lying.

“Unnie, that’s enough. This is your 6th corn!” I snatched the corn away from her. “I’m hungry.” She cried. “I’ll get you milk” I threw the corn into the bin. “YAH! THERE WAS SO MUCH LEFT!” She flailed her arms at me. “Your gym instructor has asked me to look over this.” I got up; grabbing the bin to the kitchen. “But but…Corns…” I felt her pout at me from all the way there. “That’s not going to work on me” I replied, emptying the bin into the Kitchen trash can.

“Ugh” I heard her gave up. “You won’t cut down weight at this rate” I washed my hands and turned to her. “Psh. Says the one who is going to look like a humpty dumpty in few months” she mumbled to herself. “YAH! I heard that!” I pointed at her; offended. I am not going to look like a humpty dumpty, now am I? No way.

Oh my god I’m going to look like a humpty dumpty.

“Any who, where did you just come from?” She narrowed her eyes at me. “Jiyong’s house. Why?” I opened the refrigerator. Water, Water. I need water. Grabbing a water bottle, I poured a glass full of water. “At this time?” She widened her eyes. “Well, you see. I was hungry and I called Jiyong to get me some food but instead he took me to his house and cooked for me.” I explained before taking a sip. “Unnie. You wouldn’t believe it but he is pretty good at cooking” I told her; still fascinated by it. Minus how it looks like.

“And what did you guys do?” She smirked. Is she fantasizing right now? God no. “We just ate” I broke it to her. “Just that?” She narrowed her eyes. Oh my god. No. Don’t tell me she is thinking weirdly of us. “Yes” I nodded. “Reeeeeeeally?” She smirked. Good gracious.

“Unnie!” I cried. Okay this topic is boring, weird and so many other things. “Whaaat? You guys are always together. Don’t blame me if you start falling for him” She said just as I took another sip. Couldn’t she find a better timing? I chocked on water on the thought of it. “Ah Unnie!” I managed to cry louder through the coughing.

“I love you too” She blew a kiss into the air. I gestured a block to reject her air kiss. Drinking the rest of water, I said as I put back the water bottle into the refrigerator, “I’m going to sleep. And you need sleep too because clearly you are going crazy” I waved a lazy bye to her before walking towards the hallway. “Good Night Chaerin-ah!” I heard her chuckle.

I heaved a sigh into the air as I stared at the ceiling. Yeap. That’s right. It’s 5 am and here I am. Wide, wide awake. I heaved another sigh of frustration. I slept at 2 something AM and now I’m awake. I want to sleep. I need sleep! With the hope of falling back to sleep, I rolled over.

Ugh. Not working. Curse you Kwon Jiyong. I might as well get up because rolling over is not helping me. I swear to god, I’m going to show him one day how precious sleep is.

“Mommy is early these days, huh?” Seungri greeted me as Bom unnie and I stepped into to the studio. “Yeah, because someone had this marvelous idea of waking me up with 15 alarm clocks for a week” I smiled, sarcastically at Jiyong who was pretending as if he had never seen me enter. What the hell is up with him every morning? Ignoring me like he has never ever talked to me. This studio turns him into a creep. I thought I saw him smile that silent secret smile that mature people are so good at.

“You should be thankful to him instead, now that at least you are punctual” Teddy hyung grinned. “Agreed” Bom unnie joined. “Oh, I am” I gritted my teeth at Jiyong; still no reaction. Whatever.

“So we are going to work on the 5th track today?” Kush walked in with a cappuccino in his hands. I drooled at the sight. I want some. I sighed on realizing what Dami unnie had said. “Yeap” Teddy hyung nodded. “Where’s Lydia?” he asked.

“She’s on her way” Tabi answered. “So let’s start?” Taeyang clasped his hands together; getting up. “Yeah” Jiyong answered. Well would you look at that? He can give a reaction to Taeyang oppa but not to me. Maybe I scare him, just at mornings. Despite my annoyance, I smiled at the thought.

“I was thinking we could use Daesung’s voice in the background” Jiyong explained. “Yeah, I think that’s be great” Kush agreed as well a nod from everyone else; well except me that is.  It is actually a great idea, but I just felt giving no reaction to him. An eye for eye. Not that he noticed or anything. I hope he did.

“Cool, so we will work on the track first and then call him here when we need to record” Teddy hyung sorted out. “Where is he anyway?” Tabi asked. “Oh, he is in the vocal training session here” Bom unnie answered. Aww, they talked. In a mature way. I couldn’t help but spread a smile a across my face. Jiyong shot me a crazy look. NOW HE KNOWS TO REACT? And to something as trivial as THAT?

“I’ll help Chaerin and Lydia with lyrics, this time as well” Bom unnie volunteered. She helped us with the lyrics in some other tracks as well. Well she really doesn’t have anything to do except practicing until we do the recording. I’m glad she volunteered to fit with us.

“Sure” Teddy hyung gave permission. “Well then. For this track, I thought we could include this” Teddy hyung scooted over to the piano and started to play a piece.

“Aaish” Daesung groaned as he fell on the couch; all worn out. I pity him. I mean the poor guy was asked to repeat the same verse for almost half an hour. All thanks to Everything-should-be-perfect Jiyong. “Since its break, I’ll take my leave” Jiyong said getting up. “Why? Where are you going?” Seungri asked. Yeah. Where is he going? I mean he usually doesn’t leave the studio even if it’s break. Is he going to ‘Tell her’? Whoever she is.

“I need to meet someone” He grabbed his bag, and walked out from the studio. So it’s someone important? Maybe it’s his mom. Stop Chaerin-ah. This is none of your business. I shook my head to get the thought off my mind. I grabbed my phone and sent a text to Xin.

‘Xin. Gwenchana?’

I sighed. I wonder if he is doing okay. I mean it’s been two days since I’ve last seen him. If I ask Xin, he might tell me about this ‘Tell her’. Great. So my intention to send that text to Xin was to ask him about this. God. Chaerin. What’s wrong with you? I was becoming obsessed. And over some text message to Jiyong? Talk about creepy!

“Chaerin” I was distracted when I heard my name being called. I looked up to see Taeyang oppa smiling down to me. “I’m going to grab a drink. Wanna come?” He asked. Drink. Yes. I’m hungry. I need something. “Sure” I nodded; getting up from my seat. “Unnie, I’ll be back” I told Lydia unnie and Bom unnie who was still trying to focus on the lyrics. They nodded in return.

“How are you feeling so far?” Taeyang oppa asked, as he turned to me with the drink. Not much has happened to me yet. Just a few pukes. “Good, actually. Haven’t seen a change so far” I grinned. “If you need anything or any help. Don’t hesitate to ring me” He nudged me. “Thanks” I smiled. “So how’s stuff wi-“ I was about to continue when my phone started ringing. “Hold on” I excused myself from him. He gestured a go-ahead.

‘Mom’ read


the screen display.

“Mom?” I picked up. “Chaerin-ah” I heard her desperate cry. “What happened?” I asked; worried as I turned away from Taeyang oppa. “Your dad…” She started.

“Dad? What did he do?”

“He just gave out the wrong CD to the customer. He gave the CD that had all the recording of Bom’s album.”

“WHAT? Call him then! I mean the customer”

“About that…he is not picking up. And apparently he has this official previewing of the track today with his boss. So he came to pick up the original CD.”

But instead my dad gave the wrong CD. God. At this rate, Bom unnie’s tracks are going to be leaked.

“AH APPA!” I cried in.

“Now what do we do?”

What do we do? “I’ll talk to the others and think of a way” I hung up.

“Oppa. Urgent!” I grabbed Taeyang oppa without wasting anymore second and ran up to the studio.


“Unnie!” Minzy’s voice hit me as soon as I picked up.

“I heard. Come to the studio” I told her before hanging up.

“Now what do we do?” Kush scratched his head. “We got the address and the company, right? Let’s go and explain it to him?” Teddy hyung suggested. Everyone agreed. “Before it’s too late. Go” Tabi said. “We three will go” Teddy hyung pointed to Kush and Bom unnie. “Alright. Go fast then!” I literally pushed them out from the studio.

“Let’s wait for them” Seungri said, falling on to the couch. “I’m glad we take addresses and their personal details” I sighed. If not, how would we even find this person?

Bored; we all lay on the couch and chairs, waiting for them to get back. It was when the door clicked open, we all got up; thinking they got back. “Dara noona” Tabi mumbled as we all stared at Dara unnie who looked completely worn out from crying. Her eyes liner faded and her nose pink as a pig.

“Unnie” I muttered, walking towards her. “What happened? Are you okay?” I scanned her from head to toe. Did she fall? Did someone hit her?

“I lost the part” she broke into tears. Her acting? Wasn’t she selected? What happened? I needed to ask so much but instead I hugged her. I could hear the rest walking towards us. “It’s alright” I whispered, patting her back.

“Why don’t you sit and tell us what happened?” I pulled her out from the hug; guiding her to the couch. “Just…just one mistake…and I…I was out”, She spoke; sobbing. “But weren’t selected as a main part?” Tabi got furious. “I was.  But they said my acting was bad today and that they didn’t need people like me…So I got fired.” She wiped her tears.

“What the !” Tabi exclaimed. Taeyang calmed him. Who the hell do they think they are? “Unnie, You don’t need them. They are screwed up. I’m pretty sure there are other companies, who are willing to look after their actresses better. “I hugged her. “Yeah. They are just bunch of s who thinks they are so mighty to fire someone just like that” Lydia unnie seated herself on the other side; next to Dara unnie.

“It’s going to be fine, noona. You can always try for another audition. You still have a chance” Seungri joined. “You are always welcome here to waste your time if you got nothing” Taeyang chuckled. With that Dara unnie smiled. “But you know I really am thankful for them?” She smiled.

“Why?!” We all screamed in union. You just got fired for a lame reason unnie! Why are you thankful for them?! “Because they brought me here; to you guys” She wiped her snot away. Oh. I’m glad too. I smiled back.

“It’s Teddy” Lydia unnie announced after reading her screen display. We all turned to her. Did they get it? Is everything alright now? “Hello?” She picked up; putting him on speaker.

“We just reached here and his wife said that he just left. She doesn’t know where he went but apparently he went to give out something which I’m assuming is the CD. We’ve gone to the company but seems like he didn’t arrive yet. ” Teddy hyung’s voice carried to us.


“Now what do we?” He asked.

“What do you mean what do we do? WE FIND HIM! Keep Kush oppa there in case he goes to the company. And you, Hyung go around the area with Bom unnie, maybe he is still in the neighborhood. We are going there as well. Just keep going round. Ask dad if he by chance knows what he looks like.”

“OH alright. I did. I know how he looks like. He did come to the studio once. He is from Cube Ent. So I do remember him. Your dad said he was wearing a checkered shirt today. He is thin and around 6 ft. Oh and he wears glasses. So you guys check as well.”

“His hair?” Tabi asked.

“He is bald”

“Then I guess, it’s easy.” Minzy mumbled.

“Okay then. Hwaiting!” He said before he hung up.

“What are we waiting for? Let’s go Let’s go!” I screamed; as I grabbed my bag and followed everyone out from the studio.

“Get into cars and just rush over to the area Teddy hyung texted.” I called out as we got into cars. “I’m taking Minzy” Taeyang called as he opened the door for Minzy to get in. Lydia unnie got into Daesung oppa’s car while Dara unnie got into Tabi’s. I’m glad they all have cars. “Try different routes” I called before hopping into Seungri’s car.

“Chae!” Seungri said as he backed the car into the driveway. “BUCKLE UP!” I had just enough time to put on my seatbelt before we were off down the road, faster than a road runner whose was caught on fire.

“AAAAAARGGGGHHHHHH!” I screamed as the motion set me flying and my head whirling.

“Why do you want to kill us?” I screamed at him, my eyes not leaving the road.

“We have to go there fast!” Was Seungri’s reply.

“Yes yes. We will go fast. AS GHOST!” Apparently fear makes a pregnant girl very sarcastic.

“We won’t die” He said dismissing me.

I screamed and shut my eyes as a huge bus flurried past me. This was death. I was going to die. Before telling my mom and dad and Minzy and Bom unnie how much I love them. Without getting to see my baby. And for what? FOR A CD!!! Where’s the justice in that?

“If I die, I will kill you!” I shouted at him.

“We are not going to die”

“My baby!” I cried, not bothering to listen to him. “Aish! Jiyong will kill you too!” I said and then squealed as he went through a very narrow opening between two vehicles. “I’m going to call Jiyong and tell him that we are going to die” I took out my phone and dialed Jiyong’s number.

“Good idea” Seungri said. Doesn’t he understand? Jiyong will kill him.

“What is it Chaerin? I’m busy” Jiyong answered. Unfortunately for me, Seungri had decided to do one of his risky turns and I ended up shrieking to the phone. “Stop shouting like a crow, woman”

“Hah! I do NOT shout like a crow!” I said, insulted.

“Why did you call me Chae?” He said ignoring my outburst.

“I’m going to die. With your baby still inside me. You won’t see me again. You’ll end up killing Seungri” I dramatized the whole situation.

“Not this again” He sounded tired. “What’s that sound?” When he heard the sound of our car narrowly missing the collision with a van. “That’s Seungri trying to kill us” I told him exasperated.

“Where are you?”, “On the road”

Seriously, it feels like I’m talking to 12 year old instead of a, what’s-his-age, old.

“Give that to me” Seungri said before grabbing the phone from my hand. Now he was driving for what felt like 200 miles per hour AND talking on the phone. I don’t even dare think about the number of rules he must be breaking.

As I prayed for God to save my life, I heard Seungri tell Jiyong what had happened and where we were going.

“Ok. Where are you?” He asked and then, “I’ll be there in a minute” Then he cut the phone.

“Oye!” I shouted pissed off when he did that. “I called him!”

“You will see the love of your life soon, don’t worry”

“Stop the car while I just go and barf” I said sarcastically, put off by the thought. Love of my life and him? You have got to be kidding me.

“Really?” He asked shooting me a panicked look, clearly taking me seriously.

“No! Eyes on the road!” I cried. “That was me being sarcastic!”

“Stop being sarcastic”

“I can’t help it!”

The car screeched to a stop. I turned to ask Seungri the reason for stopping when I saw that we had stopped in front of a fancy hotel. Standing in front the door, glaring at us, was none other than Jiyong! I smirked, feeling happy for the first time, seeing him. 

“Just wait and watch” I told Seungri. “He will kill you”

Jiyong walked towards the car heatedly. Angry. Very very angry. He opened my door and glared down at me.


Why is he shouting at me? “Why are you shouting at me?!!” My jaw dropped open.

“Get out!”

“I will not!”

“Go sit in the back!” He folded his arms in his midriff. “I will not sit there alone” I mimicked his action.

“Both of you! Sit in the back” Seungri ordered. After shooting Seungri a death glare Jiyong went and sat in the back. I followed suit.

“Why did you shout at me?” I asked again, sitting down comfortably.

“Have you gone complete nutters? Going on a death ride when you’re pregnant with my child?”

“Well I’m sorry, I had no idea I was driving with a maniac!”

“HEY!” Seungri shouted from the front.

“Shut up!” We both barked at him.

“We are in a hurry! Of course he will drive recklessly!” He then moved forward and smacked Seungri on his head. “You should have driven slowly when you’re carrying a pregnant lady in your car”

I grinned when he called me a lady. “Could hurt the baby” He mumbled. He then threw an arm over my shoulder and pulled me closer. “What?” I tried to untangle myself from his death grip. “I’m keeping you as still as possible” Was his reply. And that’s how we stayed for the rest of the ride until when Seungri stopped again; with me enclosed in his embrace. I kept pinching him to make him loose his hold on me.

“Where are we?” I asked when we stopped. I felt Jiyong shrug. ”I’ll check” Seungri said before leaving.

I pushed Jiyong away. “I’ll go with him” I told him opening the door. “I really don’t think that you should do that” He said slowly.

“Yeah? Well…tough luck” I said before shutting the door behind me. I moved towards the door Seungri had gone to and opened it. What greeted me was the sound of groans, moans and pounds slamming against one another. My eyes widened at the sight in front of me.

“Oh yeaaa” I covered my eyes before rushing back towards the car. Upon reaching I grabbed open the door and jumped in. Jiyong sniggered. “Don’t!” I warned him.
We were waiting when Seungri come back to the car, slightly less traumatized than me.

“That was…uh…” Seungri said after sitting inside the car and starting the car engine.

“A e’s haven” Jiyong finished for him.

“Yeah” Seungri agreed. “Oh god!” I cried and this time, I voluntarily moved towards Jiyong. He opened his arm for me to hide myself in him.

It was around 15 minutes later or so when I got a call. Jiyong picked it up.

“Yeah?... Ok” He cut the phone, his voice had hardened considerably. “That was Taeyang. They found the person who took the CD. He had given it to the head of SM company.” Ohh! SM was my dad’s company’s rival. This was bad.

“What do we do?” Seungri asked.

“We are all going to SM company”

We reached there in record time, although considering Seungri’s driving…I really shouldn’t have been surprised. The others were waiting for us.

“You all go in. I’ll wait outside” Jiyong said when everyone had gathered together. I turned to face him; has he gone nuts?


“I don’t want to go in there”

“Too bad” I said not bothering to hide my annoyance. Why is he acting like a jerk again?


“No!” I turned to face him. “You can’t always be selfish! Bom Unnie needs us. Our company needs us. You’re gonna get your in there and demand for it!” He stared at me for quite a while before relenting. Why is he so against going inside the office? After shooting him a slightly irritated look I followed Taeyang inside the building.

He went to the reception and asked for a meeting with the Head of the company.

She asked many questions from him before even thinking of setting a meeting with her boss.

“Please wait”

So we waited. We waited for a whole of 30 minutes, Minzy had fallen asleep inTaeyang’s shoulder, before the lady made an appearance again. “Please follow me” She said before starting to walk again. We all stood up to do follow her.

Jiyong shot me a pleading look. Oh, he will just have to come…  

“Let them in” We heard Lee Soo-man command through the phone. Oh thank god. Following one by one, each of us entered the room. Damn this room is Huge compared to my dad’s room.

“Yes?” He asked; as he looked at each of us while sitting on his ‘throne’. “We um accidentally gave out a wrong CD to a person, so we are just trying to take it back. Apparently, you were the last to receive the CD from Cube company.” Teddy hyung explained.

“Ah! You mean this?” He took out a CD and flailed it. “I think, yes” Teddy hyung answered. “So you are saying that you want this back?” He asked. Good lord, which part of Teddy hyung’s explanation didn’t he get? I rolled my eyes at his useless question.

“Yes, Sir” Teddy hyung mumbled. Sir? Why is he calling him ‘Sir’? He is not that mighty apart from the fact that he runs the richest company here; well my dad’s being the second. Of course I don’t like him for he is my dad’s competitor.

“Uh-oh. What do I do? I like these tracks better than the old one” He mocked a gasp. I couldn’t help but scoff aloud. This guy is no joke. “Are you asking for these tracks now?” I asked; rudely. I mean he has no right own them just because it’s to his liking. Plus it’s our hard work for Bom unnie’s album. He can’t just take it like that.

“Bingo” He clicked his tongue along with a wink at me. Ugh. I stepped a little forward and did the exact gasp he did a few minute ago “Uh-oh. What do I do? We can’t give you that”. “Chaerin-ah!” I heard Teddy hyung’s whisper warning me to stop. I don’t care if I’m being rude but he is acting rude too.

Lee Soo-man looked at me in shock for a while and then let a smirk take him over. “And why would that be?” He got up; walking towards me with the CD in his hand. “We all know who got the most power, mm?” He bent down towards me eye level.  “I don’t care if you got the most power, give it back” I gestured him to hand it over.

“If you really liked it, we could make better tracks and submit it to you” Teddy hyung got in between me and Lee Soo-man. He looked at Teddy hyung and then back at me. “Aniyo. I just want this one” He smirked. God what the hell is wrong with him! If I could I would beat the smirks out of him.

“It’s okay Chaerin-ah. We can always make new or better ones” I heard Bom unnie talk to me from behind. “NO!” I objected. “We spent hours on this. We put our hearts into this! And he can’t just take it like that!” I turned back to Bom unnie. “And that too for FREE?” I turned back to Lee Soo-man with a disappointed face. Picking on the enemy’s weakest points and getting what you want with no money spent.

“The original tracks were for Cube. Not for you. You can’t just threaten them like that and get it!” I raised my voice a bit higher. “Chaerin-ah!” Teddy hyung nudged me. “We could sue you for that, you know?” I ignored Teddy hyung’s nudge. “What evidence have you got that I threatened them or not. I could have paid since I’m a man who would never run out money” He folded his arms. Oh my god. Such a brag. And dammit I don’t have any evidence.

“If you could threaten like that, we could do that too” I smirked. “But we wouldn’t do that, now would we?” Teddy hyung glared at me. “We would” I smiled at Teddy hyung and then back to Lee Soo-man. “If you don’t give back our CD, I…” Genius Chaerin. You don’t even know what to threaten with. Lee Soo-man waited for me to continue. “I will steal all your money” Smooth. Real smooth Chaerin. “I will also tell your daughters and sons that you cheated on their mom”  Oh god. What the am I saying?

“Chaerin! That’s enough” Jiyong raised his voice and dragged me out from the room. “YAH! I am not done!” I screamed as I got dragged off. “You think such threatens would work?” He asked as he rested his hands on his hips. “It’s still worth a try!” I cried. “Wait, so you were just saying those stuff randomly? There was no rumor like that?” He asked; interested. “Of course not! I just made it up. But who knows, he might have done that as well. I’m just guessing” I mumbled before taking a 180 degree turn to go back in; only to be stopped by Jiyong. “You are not going in” He warned me.

“You can’t let him take the CD!”

“We can find a better way than your idiotic threatens” He shot back. “What the hell were you even thinking?” He scolded me. “Save it!” I covered his mouth. “I was not in a position to think. He is just…such a jerk!” I folded my arms.

Our conversation got cut off when the rest of the people came out from the room; with an uncertain look on their face. I sighed. “We didn’t get it back, now did we?” With still the same face on; Teddy hyung showed me the CD in his hand.

Wait. WE GOT IT? “Wh…why is giving us that?” I stuttered from shock. “We don’t know. All he said was that your threats were amusing” “And that he would like to meet you sometime” Taeyang completed. It worked? The threat worked?!! YES! And No I am not meeting up with him. What makes him think I’ll meet him? Oh well.

“Idiotic threatens work….apparently” I smiled proudly at Jiyong; as he stood in shock as well.

“He gave it? Just like that?” Dad asked; shocked as he sat on his chair. We all nodded. “Wow” was his only response. After digesting the information, he spoke “You’ve work hard. You may leave” He told them. And with that, they all left.

“Ehem” I cleared my thought as I turned back to dad. “What?” My dad pretended not to know. Really? He put me through and that and nothing?! “Yoebo, you are supposed to say something to her?” Mom reminded him as she sat on the couch. Trying his best to look cool; he apologized, “Sorry”

Finally. “You were supposed to say that to all of us, you know?” I sat next to mom. Damn if I was the one who accidentally gave out the CD, I wouldn’t be alive at this moment. “Yes, sorry” He focused on his work.

This is my chance.

“Appa, if you are really sorry then you should treat us. Don’t you think so?” I got up and walked towards him. “mm…I’ll think about it” He mumbled. “And a huge treat for me only since I was the one who got the CD from Lee Soo-man “ I hugged him. “Pleaaase?” I pouted. I need a treat. When was the last time he treated me to a dinner?

“Fine, fine” He patted me on the head; asking to let go of him already. “Yattaa!” I screamed in happiness. “Hey, what about mee?” Mom whined. “I was the one who gave birth to that fantastic daughter of yours” She felt left out. “Yes, a treat for mommy as well” He nodded and smiled at mom. “Minzy?” Mom asked. “God. OKAY then, a family dinner. HAPPY?” He gave up. “YES!” mom and I exclaimed.

Ding Dong. Ding Dong.

I groaned as I pressed the pillow onto my ears. It’s a weekend. Leave me alone! This is why I never wanted to fix the doorbell. If only Bom unnie was here. She had to have singing classes at this time.

Ding Dong.

“ARGH!” I screamed in frustration before getting up. I’m trying to sleep even though it’s 9 am! And who visits at 9 AM! Curious I opened the door slightly to see the most unexpected guest at this hour.

“Mom. Minzy” I mumbled, opening the door wider. What are they doing here? At this hour that is. “Don’t worry we are not here to turn this place upside down” Minzy assured before stepping in. Oh yes. The last time, they were here they created a mess in order to cook something. Not that they don’t know how to cook. Just that they are not very good at doing things…neatly.

“I doubt that” I narrowed my eyes at the plastic bags they were carrying; closing the door behind. “We realized how we haven’t actually got to congratulate you on your pregnancy” Mom said, placing the bags on the dining table. “At 9 in the morning?” I asked; rolling my eyes.

“Honey, early to bed, early to rise, makes a pregnant women healthy and it’s no lies” Mom cupped my cheek. I scoffed. Lies! “And where did you take that from? Darwin’s theory?” I asked; sarcastically. She glared at me and went back to help Minzy with taking out the things from the bag.

“What did you guys bring anyway?” I asked walking towards the dining table; curious. “Tada!” Minzy took out a piece of cloth and showed it to me.




“YAH!” I screamed in offence. “Don’t scream at me. Mom picked it” Minzy defended herself. BUT BUT STILL… WHAT THE HELL! I stood in shock as I stared at the piece of lace clothing that was hanging from Minzy’s hands. A red see through lingerie teddy with two starfish covering the area. This is just so weird.

“MOM!” I finally managed to cry. “Shh” she hushed me. “I’m doing this for your benefit. And I’m pretty sure Jiyong would love red” Mom said, as she proudly assessed the lingerie. GOD NO! “Mom! I don’t need….this” I whined as I disgustedly shook the lingerie. Not that I hate it. It’s gorgeous and very y. But I won’t be needing this. Plus even if I did, I could buy it on my own.

“You will need it. Mark my words” Mom smiled. “Right” I rolled my eyes. “Plus this could give a boost to your with Jiyong.” She started. “MOM!” I cut her off. “We are not in any kind of relationship. We are just friends!-“ Did I just say friends?...Are we friends? “This just happened as you know” I pointed to my stomach, finishing.

She stood there and stared at me for a while before sarcastically responding me, “Sure”. “I am serious! Tell her Minzy” I ask Minzy for help.

“I…honestly…don’t know anything”

I scoffed. Look at her trying to back off from taking sides! What a lovely sister I got. “Thanks” I rolled my eyes.

“Hon, Friends just don’t lay on top of each other and just stare for no reason” She smiled, totally not believing what I said. Oh that. The time she walked in on us. “OMO UNNIE! THAT HAPPENED?” Minzy squealed; as she fan-girled on the dining chair. “That was an accident!” I cleared it for them. It really was. He tripped and he fell on top of me. And we were just….surprised.

“Well the word ‘accident’ pretty sure exists a lot in your dictionary.” She gestured a quote on the word ‘Accident’ “Ugh!” I let out a small frustration before digging into the bags they brought. Why don’t they believe me!

Vegetable, fruits, Juice packets, milk packets… Did they just buy out a whole super market? Well I’m glad, I at least don’t have to go grocery shopping for another month. “Unnie! Unnie!” I looked up to Minzy’s call. “Check this out” She grabbed another bag to her side and dug in. Don’t tell me it’s one of those again.

“Look!” She took out another piece of clothing and showed it to me. A tiny baby clothing. “HOLD UP! ISN’T THIS A LITTLE TOO FAST? I MEAN I’M JUST ONE MONTH AND 1 WEEK!” I freaked out. Calm down Chaerin. Calm down. It’s just one clothe. Oh god Oh god. I stared at it as I felt all the responsibilities of a parent squelched me. “Unnie. It’s just one clothe” Minzy looked creeped out from me freaking out.

“Chaerin-ah. You okay?” Mom got worried. “Yea. I’m…I’m just saying it’s …it’s too soon to buy all that” I spoke, recovering from the freak out. “I just came across this adorable clothing. I couldn’t help but buy it. Its limited edition by the way” Minzy gave an all-teeth smile. “I can’t wait to see my little guppy in this” She the clothing on her cheek.

“Guppy?” Where the hell did she come up with that name? “Yeap. I’m going to call my niece/nephew ‘Guppy’” She chuckled. I couldn’t help but chuckle a bit as well. Guppy. The clothing really does look adorable. I can’t believe I’m saying this but I wonder how my baby would look in that. Obviously, adorable. I smiled.

“Looks cute right? I’m glad this is a uni clothing” Mom said, grabbing it from Minzy. “Yah, save this” She threw the clothing to me; clearly knowing that I would reject if she had passed me it. “Fine” I muttered, pretending I have no other choice. Well I really don’t, do I? But I really do want to keep this adorable clothing.

“And take this too” Mom threw the lingerie at me. “Uh, no thanks” I threw it back to mom. “Fine, looks like Jiyong prefers nothing” Mom shrugged her shoulder. OH MY GOD! “MOM!” I cried. “Minzy, you want it?” She turned to Minzy, ignoring my cry. “I don’t have anyone to show off to” she shook her head sadly. “Ah. Okay then. I’ll take this” She shoved the lingerie into her bag. “Your dad won’t be able to resist me” She chuckled.

“MOM!” Minzy and I cried. That really was unnecessary!

I sighed as I fell on to the bed. It’s been a long day. I haven’t hung out with mom and Minzy alone for a long time. I’m glad they left today after cleaning the kitchen perfectly; because they didn’t want me to do hard work. I should just pretend to be pregnant every time they come here to cook or something. Massaging the back of my neck, I slowly reach out to my phone. I haven’t got time to check my phone the whole day.

‘1 new message’ Read the notification.

Who is it? Jiyong? Well obviously. I mean he hasn’t seen me this whole day. He obviously missed the great me. Who wouldn’t miss this? Grinning, I quickly unlocked the phone. To my disappointment, it wasn’t Jiyong who texted but Xin. Oh well.

‘Doing a lot better. Hopefully, I’ll be meeting with you all soon. How’s things for you?’

Aww. See Xin cares. This is how Jiyong should be acting as well. God. Why am I even expecting him to act this sweet.

‘Same old same old. Not bad. See you soon xoxo’

I replied with a smile plastered on my face. But it was not too late when I realized Jiyong hadn’t sent me a text or called me to see how I was doing. I mean c’mon! I am carrying his child! Does he have no sense of being a tad gentleman? He is not going to text me? Fine! I won’t either. I threw the phone aside.

Get some sleep Chaerin-ah. But wait it’s just 7 pm…Ugh who cares. Sleep. ‘Early to bed, early to rise makes a pregnant woman healthy and it’s no lies’ I reminded myself. God why the hell am I even saying this non-existent proverb? Yeap, I’m lacking sleep. SLEEP! I closed my eyes ready to drift off to dreamland.

“What the did I just do?” I mumbled as I stared at my phone’s screen display. DON’T SEND IT! MAKE IT STOP. MAKE IT STAHP! I hastily pressed on the message to stop sending it but…too late.

‘Message sent’

HOLY CRAP. “AISH!” I cried; getting up and seating myself on the bed. You were supposed to sleep CHAERIN-AH! Not take back the phone and ‘accidentally’ send a text to Jiyong! You were supposed to ignore him! ARGH!

My self-scolding was cut off when a notification arrived to my phone. He replied? Okay take your time Chaerin-ah. Make him wait. I calmed myself with deep breathes. Wait…why the am I doing this? Just text him like you don’t give a !


REALLY? THAT WAS IT? I just asked him what he is doing. I’m not mad that he answered it but he is such a conversation killer! Either that or he at texting. He could have asked me what I was doing but noooo.


Hmph! I can be conversation killer too you know. Beep. Another text came in. Oh he replied to that?

‘Why? What do you want?’

Um…I don’t know some attention from my baby’s dad!?

‘Why? Are you going to get me what I want?’ I asked.

‘Would I have any other choice?’

WAH! I scoffed at his response and sent back a text.



‘Really, tell me what is it that you want? So I can drop it by when I go home’

Go home? He is not home? In this weekend?

‘Where are you?’

‘At my lounge, trying to relax in my space’

I released another scoff. Yah! ‘My lounge’ Such a brag. For his information. It’s not ‘His’ lounge. It belongs to my dad. So technically, it belongs to me as well. Wait…he is in the lounge? Alone? An idea clicked into my head. With a huge grin, I replied.

‘K. And Nop. I don’t want anything.’

“What the are you all doing here?!” Jiyong exclaimed as he opened the door to see all of us; Me, Minzy, Dara unnie, Kush oppa, Teddy hyung, Lydia unnie, Seungri, Tabi, Daesung oppa, Bom unnie and Taeyang oppa.

“Someone got himself a lounge and didn’t tell us” Tabi squeezed himself; and the rest of us following him. Jiyong tried his best to stop them but it’s 11 against 1. I was about go in last when Jiyong grabbed by the arm pulled me in towards him, “You told them?” He gritted his teeth.

“Uh yea?” I don’t see any reason not to.

“You were supposed to keep this a secret!”

I was? “I was?” I asked him. “I told you before we left this lounge last time” He glared at me. “YAH!” I pushed him away from me. “Stop being such a loner. And enjoy with your friends, it’s better than being alone”

“Ah, so you did this because you found out that I was trying to relax on my own?” He nodded, getting the point. “You know me so well” I mocked a touched expression. Before he could say more, I ran in; with him following me behind.

“C’mon Jiyong! It’s a weekend. Have some fuuun~” Tabi did his Bingu dance. Oh god. There it is. “Got the wine. Bring some glasses Jiyong” Lydia unnie asked. “Just one hour and you are all gone!” Jiyong growled.

Ah. I missed this. Annoyed Jiyong. Worth to see any second of my day. Grinning, I sat on chair to feel something under me. Feels like a book. Tilting a bit I took it out.

‘Baby incoming’

Baby incoming? He said he was reading. Was he reading this? A smile spread across my face. He really does care. Is he the mom here or what? Because the thought of reading a pregnancy book haven’t ever occurred to me. Yet Jiyong, here is reading them.

Without letting him know that I know about this, I hid the book behind my back. He better thank me for this in case he doesn’t want to get teased for reading these books now.

“Alright. Let’s have some fun” Kush woo-ed, raising the wine glass.


I was enjoying the scene when I got nudged by someone. I looked right to see Jiyong holding a glass of milk for me. I chuckled at his reaction. He was passing me the drink as he kept looking away from me. With a smile, I grabbed the drink from him, mumbling a thank you.

“Guys! Guys!” Dara unnie caught all our attention. “I have got an audition tomorrow! Yaay!” She screamed happily. “Chincha?!” We all asked in union. That’s great! I mean she just lost her job yet she got another chance on the same day! She sure does work hard.

“So then this is for Dara noona to hopefully succeed in the audition tomorrow” Seungri raised the glassed. I raised my milk glass along with everyone; following Seungri.  

“Out, out, out, out, out, out” Jiyong kept repeating as he threw each one of us out. Well not literally. We might have stayed a little too long than we promised. 1 hour? We took 3 hours. And the furious Jiyong couldn’t take no more so decided to push out everyone so that he can rest in peace like how he planned.

Screeeeech!  Bom Unnie pressed the brake pedal bringing the car to a halt all too soon. Seriously, why was I getting inside cars with maniacs who do not know how to drive? I glared at her as I made move to open the door.

“Tonight was fun huh?” Bom Unnie said, not noticing my glare. “Even Tabi seems almost bearable” I hid my grin behind my hand as I walked up to her.

“Take your key Chae” She said, waiting for me to open the door. It was then that I remembered that I didn’t have my bag with me. After moving back to the car, I opened the door. My bag wasn’t there either.

“Aish! I don’t have my bag!” I cried. “Maybe you kept it in Jiyong’s lounge” Bom supplied.

Maybe. “I’ll go and get it” I said.  “Your car, Bom unnie?” She threw her car keys at me and then proceeded to take the extra key under the welcome mat on our door.  

I fastened my seat belt and started my car. I will drive slowly. Not like Seungri and Bom Unnie! My driving would be perfect. I smiled as I put my car in reverse. Boom. It went and hit the wall. Well…maybe not perfect. There is a reason why I don’t drive after all.

I reached my office within 20 minutes, I was driving slowly!, and pressed the button for the lift. It was another 5 minutes before I was in front of Jiyong’s Lounge. Pushing open the door I burst inside.

He was sitting on the floor, with a vodka bottle in his hand. His posture was very defensive with his shoulders closed in on him. One hand was fussing through his hair while the other lay lazily on his bent knee. His other leg was stretched in front of him.

“Jiyong?” I asked unsure; never having seem him like this before.

He lifted his head slowly and stared right at me. I lifted my hand in a ‘what’s going on’ gesture. He then stood up, swaying on his feet. He was drunk!!! Within the small time that he got inbetween me going home and come back, he had gone and got himself drunk!

I resisted the urge to reprimand him as I walk to him. His sway was so out of focus that he was dangerously close to falling.

“Easy!” I said, lifting a hand to steady him.

He looked into my eyes then; bloodshot eyes into my beautifully clear eyes. He staggered towards me, still staring into mine. After he closed the small gap between us, he lifted his hand and wrapped them softly around my waist. With just that same amount of tenderness, he buried his head in the dip of my neck. He then sighed and the shivers of it sent goosebumps spreading across my body, down my spine.

I was just about to ask him about his behaviors when he gripped me a little tightly and softly kissed the part of my neck exposed to him. He then rubbed his nose gently along the spot.

“I love you” He whispered into my ears.

Well? Hope you enjoyed it ^-^. What do you think is going to happen next? xD  
<3 :D 

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Chapter 20: I'm still hereeee for an update, please i beg you
suchant2 #2
This is 2018 and i'm still waiting T_T
addy88 #3
Chapter 20: Im still reading this in 2018 after few years
suchant2 #4
Chapter 19: I've been reading this over and over again T.T
Do you know how much i love this story? Please update, don't leave us hanging...
suchant2 #5
Please update this..
Pheana #6
Chapter 20: Omg please update soon and please don't end it yet
Yongchaee82 #7
Chapter 20: Omg please update this TT
Yongchaee82 #8
Chapter 19: Omg I really really love this story so much why did I just find out this? ><' omg both character Jiyong and Chaerin are so dumb sometimes but they're so cute this story is so good Please update please please
suchant2 #9
Hi..! How are you? Please update soon. Thank you. 。^‿^。
Update pleasee :'( i'm still waiting