Chapter 9

Anyone But You

Warning: Contains mature content...(for some people? o.o)










I stood; frozen. Completely unsure whether I should push him and shake him to make him snap out of it, or whether I should just let him be for the time and then kill him later when he is sober. I mean WHO DOES THIS? I know I can be attractive at times or maybe just all the time…but YOU.DON’T.JUST.SAY.I.LOVE.YOU.OUT.OF.THE.BLUE!

I mean we haven’t even known each other that much for him to just blurt ‘I love you’ just like that! He could have said;

‘Chaerin-ah, I think I’m falling you’


‘Chaerin-ah. You are really pretty’


‘I like you’


‘I think I like you…like a lot’


‘Don’t do this to me, Chaerin-ah’

WAIT. WHY THE HELL AM I CREATING CONFESSIONS FOR HIM! He should have researched this on his own!

Calm down Chaerin. Breathe in Breathe out. I took a deep breath and exhaled; calming myself down. Okay now.  How do I reject him, politely? I don’t like him, right? Yes. I don’t.  But why is heart beating so fast? Duh, because he said it out of the blue.  Yes. That’s why. Okay so what do I tell him?


Oh right. I was supposed to do this politely. Keep your head straight Chaerin-ah. Okay then, how about I go, ‘I’m sorry. You deserve better. There are plenty of other chicks in the farm. I’m sure you’ll find the right one’

YES! Now that is how you do it politely! I was about to speak, when I realized that he is drunk. He probably won’t even remember my answer. God. Poor child. Why does he have to fall for me? Out of the 7 billion people in the world? I need to stop being charming so that I won’t break innocent people’s heart.

OH MY GOD. Is it just me or did I realize it too late that I’m a little self-obsessed? Little… God. Chaerin. What makes you think that he was confessing to you? Maybe he saw you as another girl and then confessed.

Yes. Mature-me, come out. Come out.

Dumb. Dumb. God What the hell was I thinking. It’s normal for him to be drunk and confess to another girl for as he has a lot of girls he sleeps with. I think. Not that I know of. But yeah, he seems lonely. So he probably does that. But damn. I am curious as to which girl could make Jiyong behave like this?

“I love you” He whispered again.

Oh right. He is still hugging me. Can he stop saying I love you?! It’s giving me a weird feeling! Should I get him off me?

But he is having a bad time. Let him be for a while. I sighed before slowly patting on his back. There, there. It’s alright. I meant to say.

“I love you”

OH MY GOD STOP! I cried on the inside. Don’t do this to meee! Stop making me tingle! It’s alright Chaerin-ah. Hang in there.

Pat. Pat.

It was then when he spat the name that took me by surprise.


PAT! I accidently slammed on his back…real hard. He said….XIN? Did he just confess to XIN? HOLY MOTHER OF CUPCAKES!

I just…cannot.

I pulled him off me and shook him like crazy. “YAH!!”

Did he confess to me thinking I was a guy?!!

“YAH! DID YOU SEE ME AS A GUY?” I cried; shaking him. “I AM NOT XIN!” I know he is drunk. BUT HE CAN’T DIFFERENTIATE BETWEEEN A GIRL AND A GUY? I don’t know what I am so mad and surprised about; the fact that he just confessed to a guy (Xin of all person) or about the fact that he can’t differentiate between a man and woman!

I stopped shaking him, took his hands and placed them on my…s. “S! YOU SEE? I.AM.NOT.A.GUY” I screamed in such way he wakes up and realizes it.

And I cannot believe I just did that.

“mm?…Chaerin?” He slowly opened his eyes. Oh now he knows to clearly open up? I almost scoffed at his late action. He looked at me and then narrowed his eyes as he lowered his eyes.

Right. I was still holding his hands; on my s. Realizing, I roughly pushed away his hands back to him. “Ow” He yelped.

“What were you just doing?” He smirked; his eyes still on verge of closing. “Don’t misunderstand! I was proving something to you” I frowned.

“Proving what? That you have small ones?” He chuckled; rubbing his eyes. I scoffed. He is so blind. I do not have small ones. “Wanna drink?” He asked moving towards the couch.

Oh no, he is NOT drinking anymore. “That’s enough for tonight” I blocked his way. “Please?” He lowered my hand. Why is he so freaking depressed?

OH RIGHT. He just confessed to XIN! Why didn’t I see this coming? I mean they hang out all the time. “Why are you being like this?” I asked raising my hand back to 90 degree so that it blocks his way. “You really wanna know?” He whispered bending towards me. Unsure, I slightly nodded.  I do want to know.

“Well…it’s because…” He started whispering.



“JUST FREAKING SAY IT ALREADY!” I screamed at him. I mean I’m dying out of curiosity and he is just teasing me. What happened with Xin? Did he reject him? IS this why he is acting like this? I completely understand him though. Xin, I mean.

Why would someone confess their love to their own guy best friend after this long? And who the hell would want to be with…this? I honestly don’t have any problem with him being gay but…not Xin! I mean…c’mon! I could never look at them the same way again. I cried a little on the inside.

“Beeee….caaause” He dragged his answer before falling towards me; asleep. I yelped as I caught him. God. Honestly, I had no idea I could catch him with that speed. Making him lean on me, I tried waking up, “Yah! Get up! You can’t fall asleep!”…Well not now at least. How the hell do I take care of a drunkard?

Not a single response. “Aish!” I mumbled in frustration as I struggled to drag him to the couch. Dumping him on to the couch, I scolded “Yah. You need to lose some weight!” “So freaking heavy!” I growled as I massaged the shoulder he clung on. Why am I even scolding him? It’s not like he can hear?

Heaving a sigh, I positioned Jiyong in such a way that his hands and feet weren’t hanging out from the couch. God he can be such a baby at these times. It’s so weird…and new. I then cleaned up the coffee table before I seated myself on the arm of the couch that Jiyong’s head was pointing to. “Poor kid” I muttered as I his blonde hair.

Honestly, I don’t know what I am feeling. I mean I just found out that he is…gay? Is that for real? Someone please tell me it’s not. I am not against Homouals. It’s just that…it can’t be Jiyong. I don’t know why but it just can’t. And Xin too.

Was this the reason why he was all gloomy the first time we met? I mean Xin was trying to hit on a girl. Was this the reason why he didn’t like the idea of us accidentally sleeping with other? Was this the reason why he acts all weird whenever Xin and I are together? Was this the reason why—

SHUT UP CHAERIN. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING! I shook my head distracting me from the useless thoughts. I should be happy! I mean c’mon. He found his…love? And the way he says it, just makes it really look like he is in love.

Doesn’t he feel a bit attracted to me?


WHAT THE ARE YOU THINKING!? I need to go. Because clearly, staring at Jiyong isn’t helping. I am going crazy. Yes. I’m going crazy because I saw a guy drunk. It’s simple. Yes. I need to leave. Optimistic, I got up. Why did I even come here?

Oh yes. Right. My bag. Giving the room a quick scan, my eyes landed on my bag which was on the chair that I first sat on. Oh good. I should get going now. Hanging the bag on my shoulder, I dimmed the lights and closed myself out from Jiyong’s lounge.

Bom unnie is probably worried. Keeping the thought in me, I got into the elevator. Jiyong is going to be all right, right? GOD JIYONG AGAIN?? Wasn’t I trying to keep Bom unnie in my mind?

He is going to be okay…right? He is alone.

YES CHAERIN-AH. He is going to be fine. It’s not like he is a kid.

But what if he wakes up and gets drunk again?

Well…then let him.

OH god. I am having a conversation with myself. How lame can I get? I smacked my head as I got off the elevator and walked up to the car.

Is he really going to be fine?

OH MY GOD.  It’s official. I have got the worry-about-Jiyong disease. I threw my bag roughly on the first seat before I got in and started the engine.

Is he….

THAT IS IT! Frustrated; I grabbed the phone form my bag and sent a quick text to Xin.

‘Jiyong is drunk in his lounge. Go check on him.’

Wow. I sound a lot calm and cool like this. Not even a second later, I found myself sending Xin another text.


Well…at least he knows I am serious. Throwing the phone aside, I placed both my hands on the car steering wheel and sighed. I feel so much better now.

“Unnie, mianhe. I got late” I explained getting into the house to see her curling up on the couch; enjoying the TV show. “Oh…” She said as if she forgot that I was not home. “You weren’t worried about me?! A tad?” I asked; mocking a hurt expression as I closed the door behind me.

Really! I just went to fetch my bag, and I spent almost an hour there. How can she not be worried! “Chae, you went to Jiyong. Obviously, I wouldn’t worry” She defended. “That idiot was drunk.” I rolled my eyes. “How can a drunkard take care of me or…protect me?” I walked towards the couch.

“Drunk? Why?” She asked; very curious.

Why? He confessed…to a guy!

The thought of it already makes me gloomy. Should I tell her? Maybe Jiyong doesn’t want to reveal yet. I wouldn’t have even known if it wasn’t for my lovely bag.

“…I don’t feel like talking about it right now. I am going to sleep. Nights” I quickly brushed her off and walked into my room.

I need sleep. I am feeling weird. Yes, that’s the only thing I need at the moment. Plus I have to wake up early tomorrow for work. Closing my door, I walked towards the closet to grab a Pajama when my eyes caught attention on the baby clothing that was in the closet. With a smile, I took it out and stared it.

“It’s beautiful” I let out a mumble. Just how adorable would a baby…correction; my baby would look in this. Awe.

My baby…


Jiyong’s baby…

OH MY GOD WE ARE HAVING A BABY! AND AND MY BABY’S DAD IS GAY? HOW THE DO YOU EXPECT ME TO EXPLAIN THAT TO THE KID! So do I buy the child an’ I-love-my-mommy-and-two-daddies’ shirt?! Why didn’t this hit me sooner? I would have shaken him to reality then.

“Argh” I screamed in frustration as I threw the baby cloth back in. This night is just so screwed up. I just need to sleep away. Grabbing a what-ever pajama, I changed in; ready to sleep the night off.

“Yo, Mummy” I accidentally ran into Seungri who was in a rush to leave. “Where are you going?” I called out. “Girl problem” He called back; running down the stairs. I couldn’t help but smile a bit as I got in. I don’t know but that was just cute. Seungri running to solve a problem…and that with a girl? Maybe he can be sweet. Damn Jiyong’s friends are so unpredictable.

“What you are smiling for?”

I literally froze as the familiar voice hit me.  Did…he…just….TALK TO ME? JIYONG ACTUALLY SAID A WORD TO ME? IN THE MORNING? WOAH!

Throwing my bags on the chair, I rushed towards him. “Are you okay? Are you sick?” I asked; worried as I placed my palm on his forehead. “What?” He pulled back. “Where the hell did you get that idea from?” He asked.

“Well…I am just surprised you actually said a word to me…’in the morning’” I quoted. “Yeah. Jiyong. That was new.” Kush spoke; agreeing. Hah! “I do speak…in the morning…to her” He said unsurely. Oh forget it. I shook my head and asked, “Someone had a good time with Vodka last night, huh?”

“You had Vodka!” Kush gasped. “…Yea…I did” He answered Kush and turned back to me, “And how do you know?”

“Shouldn’t you be thanking me? I had to take care of your drunken ” I rolled my eyes. “Oh…” He looked dumbfounded. “You got drunk?!  You should have told me! I was having a bad day” Kush pouted as he went back to playing with his phone.

“Bad day?” We both asked in union. Come to think of it, Kush really doesn’t talk much. I sometimes forget that he is there. “Ah…Not much. Just ‘My girl’” He brushed us off.

Okay clearly Jiyong’s friends need some girl advice. I feel they are screwing it up…real bad.

“Oh” we both nodded.

“Back to you, why were you there last night?” Jiyong cleared his throat as he turned to face me. “I went to get my bag but someone was drunk” I answered; folding my arms. “But I’m pretty sure Xin took care of me because he was there when I woke up” Jiyong raised an eyebrow.

Xin was there till morning? So they kissed and made up? Well isn’t that great? Woohoo His gay life is working out just fine. There is no room…for anyone.

“Speak of the devil” Jiyong gestured to the door; snapping me back to earth. I turned around to see Xin. Wow. We were just talking about him and he appears. Looks like someone going to live long. Oh screw superstitions. They are both dying if they did it. Though I find them cute, the thought of it just makes want to puke.

“Chaerin!” He hugged me happily. Oh my god. Don’t do that Xin. Not in front of Jiyong! He might kill me. Just as I was about to return the hug awkwardly, Jiyong pulled us apart. “Did you remember to take your clothes from the lounge?” He asked Xin.

HOLY CRAP. THEY SLEPT TOGETHER LAST NIGHT. Oh my god. I regret calling Xin to go check up on him. My baby’s dad…slept…with a guy. Well he should have waited at least for me to explain to the baby that his dad might sleep with another man!

But wait…

That still doesn’t change anything. I mean whether he did sleep or not doesn’t change the fact he will sleep with a guy. And that wouldn’t be any different? Why did that make any sense to me a minute ago? Oh lord. I don’t know even know what the hell I am thinking. I’ll just shut it.

“Yeah I took them” Xin nodded. “Xin! Haven’t seen you in a while!” Lydia unnie screamed as soon as she got into the studio; following Teddy hyung. “Annyeong!” He greeted them. “You are gonna help us out today then” Teddy hyung chuckled sitting on his chair. “Don’t I always? Even though I don’t belong here” Xin grinned.

“What do you mean ‘don’t belong here’. You do belong here” Tabi mocked a whack on his back. “Aish… this kid”, Xin imitated to throw a punch at him for hitting him causing the rest of us to laugh in awe.

“Well then let’s do this!” Kush exclaimed.

“Jiyong, what can I do to help?” Xin asked Jiyong; throwing his hand over Jiyong’s shoulder. I couldn’t help but stare at them. Half of me was very uncomfortable with it and the other half; very okay with it. I mean now that I think about it, they do look cute. Just look at them. Argh. Its official I’m shipping these two. What do I call this? Xinyoung? Well it doesn’t sound that bad.

“I know” I said to Jiyong when I made sure that everyone had left the studio for their break. “Know what?” Jiyong shot me a confused look as he piled up the files on the table. “Hey it’s okay to like someone” I slowly walked over to him. “Like who? I don’t like anyone” Jiyong asked; still focusing on the files.

“I just want you to know that I am here for you. And that if anything goes wrong, you can always open up to me. The world and the society may not be on your side but I am” I gave a pitiful look as I spat out the emotional words. Is that emotional? It works fine for me.

“What the hell did I tell you when I was drunk?” Jiyong stopped his work and shot me a worried and crazy look. “You really want to know?” I imitated him in a husky voice.

“Uh…what are you doing?” Jiyong arched an eyebrow. Right. He doesn’t remember what he did. Idiot. “Never mind that” I shook my head, lazy to explain the whole thing. “It’s okay if you have feelings for Xin” I gave him a sympathetic pat.

“WHAT?” Was his only response.

“It’s okay, it’s okay. I won’t tell anyone” I shushed him. “I don’t have feelings for Xin!” He exclaimed removing my hand from his mouth.

Huh? He doesn’t? This is not cool! My ship just sunk. And it hasn’t even been a day since I started shipping it! This is not fair!

But why do I feel glad at some point?

“Wait…so you didn’t mean the ‘I love you’ to Xin?” I asked. “I DID WHAT?” His eyes widened. “Yeah. You were like I love you…I love you…I love you…Xin” I explained to him still unsure of what’s happening now. So he doesn’t like Xin? Then why did he say Xin?

“I call out to Xin a lot when I’m drunk. I’m pretty sure I called for Xin for some other reason. There are plenty of other women I think about” He rolled his eyes. HAH! So I was right? He has plenty of other women. I narrowed my eyes at him. “I still don’t believe you. How do you know you call that?”

“Everyone knows” He raised his cheeks. “He knows all m problems. So I have this tendency on calling him for help” He explained.

Okay…that’s believable. “Fine. Then you better stop these other women game because your baby is here” I pointed to my tummy and continued, “won’t like it.” Now would it? I mean c’mon if the child was to grow up and his/her classmates finds out and asks, what would my baby say? ‘Oh yeah, meet my dad’s 10th girlfriend’ I cannot let that happen.  “I’ll see to that” He winked at me before leaving the room.

“YAH!” I screamed loud enough for him to hear.

It’s been a week and I have been experiencing very weird things for a while. And by ‘very’ I really do mean very. I get these…tingling feelings…beneath my navel. And now I have developed this habit of just staring at Jiyong’s lips. And when he touches me, it just gets worse. I don’t what the hell happened. But this doesn’t happen when I look at Xin, Taeyang oppa or anyone else. It’s almost as if Jiyong had cast a spell on me. I don’t know but I’m pretty sure it’s the baby staring at its daddy’s lips from my eyes. I mean who wouldn’t want to see their daddy; even when its life has not been given yet.

Can that even happen? It could right? Oh god. I regret not choosing science as my main stream now. Maybe I should go see Gummy unnie. I feel like it’s starting to get worse day by day. Does pregnancy do this to you?

“Annyeong!” A cheerful voice greeted us, distracting our work. “Noona” Tabi stood up heading over to Dara unnie who was carrying a handful of bags. “What’s all that?” Seungri asked; following Tabi. “Thank you” She smiled at Tabi and Seungri who took a few bags from her.

“Guys, guys! Remember the audition? I got to go to the second round!” She exclaimed happily as she placed the bags on the coffee table. “Woo!” We all cheered. “That’s great!” I stopped my work and sat right beside her on the couch. “And these are?” Lydia unnie dug in to the bags. “Since I am really happy, I got you all snacks!” She took out some and laid in on the table.

“I sure am hungry. Why don’t we all take a break and eat these from the lovely lady?” Teddy hyung pushed himself towards the table in his chair. “Yeah. I guess” Jiyong agreed and we all gathered around the table for some snacks.

“And this is for you Chaerin” Dara unnie took out a banana and passed it to me. “Greeat” I mumbled sarcastically as I took it from her. Like couldn’t she come up with another healthier fruit? Out of all them, a freaking a banana? And especially these days? 

“Mmm. This is great” Jiyong said; munching a butter cake. Oh them lips. Without knowing, I found myself staring at his lips…again. They were slightly pink in color, not to the point where it makes him gay. No, it was more…peachy. Right. That didn’t make it sound gay at all, Chae! Whatever, that luscious lips was just to die for. HOLD IT! Did I just describe Jiyong’s lips as ‘luscious’? Holy !

A bit of frosting on the butter cake smeared on his lips. Oh how I wanted to kiss them away….

What the hell is wrong with me? Realization hit, I looked away from him. Focus Chaerin focus. “Yeah. It’s really good. Where did you get it?” Taeyang oppa asked. Oh look. Taeyang oppa is eating. And there is his lips. Maybe if I really focus on them; I might start craving for his lips instead of Jiyong’s. Yes. That could work.

Heaving a small sigh, I secretly stared at Taeyang oppa’s lips.

Stare. Stare. Stare.

C’mon hormones. Race up! Do something! I’m staring at a hot guy’s lips! Get worked up at least! I switched off the whole world around me and focused on his lips. His lips look soft as well. Very…normal. Like lips. Of course it would look like lips! They are lips.

Yep. Nothing was happening. I tried to scowl at Jiyong and instead found myself staring at those damning lips again.

“Chae?” I heard Lydia call me. I turned to smile at her and found her looking at me with a peculiar expression on her face.

“What?” I asked.

“What are you doing?” She asked. It was then that I realized what I had been doing. Oh dear god. All these time, time spent on drooling over Jiyong’s lips, I had been the banana that was given to me. the banana. the BANANA. Someone dig a hole for me for I am just about to die out of shame.

“I..uh..” Good, stammer away Chae! I shot a panicked look at Jiyong. He had one eyebrow arched as he too stared at me. “It’s a banana” I mumbled. EXACTLY! It’s a banana! You don’t a banana!

“That’s what you do with ‘bananas’?” Asked Dara, a smirk on her face. Holy crap.

“Girl you need to get laid” Lydia said chuckling. Jiyong choked on his drink as understanding dawned on his face. He looked at me; his face in flames. I decided to ignore their comments and his reaction as I peeled it off. I then made a move to eat it. Just before I closed my mouth over it, I glanced over to Jiyong; purely instinctual. Jiyong coughed before excusing himself and leaving the table. Leaving the room. Well…that went well!

“Ms. Chaerin”

“That’s me” I waved a little before getting up from my seat. Yeap. That’s right. I’m here, in the hospital to get a cure for this weird disease. “Oh. Chaerin-shi” Gummy unnie greeted me. “Annyeonhaseyo” I bowed and sat in front of her.

“What brings you here? Because I’m sure it’s a little too early for a checkup” She looked at a report and then looked at me. “Uh…” I cleared my throat. How do I explain it to her? Crap. Chaerin, you should have researched on this.


“You…?” She stared at me; waiting for me to continue.

“There are times that…I…um…”

I need a dictionary! Like right now! What do I say? How do I say? I did google for synonyms on this! Why the hell can’t I remember any! ARGH!

 God I can’t believe I’m going to say this.

“GET ” I squealed as quickly spat out the word; closing my eyes. This is so embarrassing. What’s her reaction? Does she think I’m crazy or is she mad at me for this? Help mee.

It was then when I heard her chuckle. She is not mad? I slightly opened my eyes to see her still chuckling. Yeap. She thinks I’m crazy. “I came here for the stupidest thing, didn’t I?” I asked; still having this tiny hope of her thinking that I am not crazy.

“Actually…No, but”

Great. A ‘but’ had to in.

“But you are the first person to come to me about this”

“Why?” I asked.

“Because this is completely natural. Some people have a rather active drive when they are pregnant. For others it’s close to non-existent. It differs from person to person and it definitely isn’t something to worry about”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. People do like have to when they get pregnant” Oh dear lord.

“And it’s normal?” Isn’t it just utterly weird?


I cannot believe I came for this. I sighed as I got out from the room. So this is natural? Basically meaning, that this would all eventually go away. Phew. Hang in there Chaerin-ah. Chaerin hormones Hwaiting! I cheered.

I was about to take my leave when I got a phone call.

‘Dad’ Dad? Why is he calling? It’s almost night.

“Appa?” I talked in. “Ah. Chaerin-ah. Klartz Restaurant in 1 hour. No more delaying. Okay bye” He hung up. I couldn’t even a get a say in this! No more delaying? He has been delaying the family dinner for a week and now he just randomly pop it out just like that. Not happy with the whole situation; I ringed my dad.

“Yea?” He asked.

“Appa! You don’t just blurt out things and then hang up on your daughter! Where’s my say in this?!” I cried as I walked out to the road from the hospital.

“Why do you get to have a say in this? Minzy didn’t.”

“But still. Just listen to me. I can’t go in an hour! I am not even ready yet! And god knows how long I will have to wait for a cab to get here” I hovered around for an empty taxi. God this damn road needs empty taxis.

“What about Bom? She can pick you up”

“She is spending ‘quality time’ with her brother, Daesung oppa”

“I see. Then ask Jiyong”

The name got me Goosebumps. “Uh…no need! Look I got myself a taxi Woohoo! Bye appa!” I hung up. The last thing I need to do right now is be with Jiyong alone. And that in a two seated car!

My phone rang yet again.


“Don’t you dare move from that spot!” Dad’s scary warning hit me. What? WHY!

“Jiyong is on his way to pick you up”


“APPA! I told you I got a cab. I’m on my way!” He cannot do this to me! Please no. “Darling, you need to do much better than that on lying to your dad... or lying to anyone in particular in that situation” I could almost hear him roll his eyes.

“I wasn’t lying!” I lied…again.

“Firstly, you should have been in a quite place to say that you are in car because when you are inside a car, you don’t hear the breeze and the nature sounds” He explained clearly. Is he really giving a lecture on how to lie now?

“Dad….” I spoke in such way that he gets what’s I’m thinking. “…I’m just saying” He defended. “And you need to stop going around in random taxis. What if you get kidnapped with my grandchild?” Dad growled. “Dad…I have been traveling in cabs for like 7 years already! Now you are concerned?” More like he loves his to-be grandchild more than me.

“It’s not my fault, you decided to move out and to not live on me. I could have gotten you a private driver but no, you refused”

“Yes! That’s because I wanted to earn my own money and spend it my way!” I defended myself.

“Except your clothes” He reminded me. Yes. The clothes I fall in love with are branded expensive ones. And I cannot not buy it. We had a deal on where he spends money on my clothes and on me on special occasions.  Well I guess that’s exception.

“Well now it’s different. You are carrying my grandchild! No more excuse! See you at the restaurant. Bye!”

ARGH! What a dad I have.

‘Incoming call; Jiyong’

“What?” I asked; totally annoyed at the fact I am going to be seeing him. “….uhm…Where are you?” he asked, curious. “Huh?” I asked back. Didn’t he know where I was? “I just realized that your dad didn’t tell me where you were, and I don’t know what made me drive to your house” He said.

Oh right. I didn’t tell dad where I was. Haha. Serves you all right. “You really don’t need to pick me up. I can take a cab.”

“Yea sure. In like 3 hours!” He said sarcastically. “Just tell me where you are” he said after a few seconds. Should I tell him? I mean the poor guy drove around without knowing where I was.

Admit it Chaerin, some part of you want him to come pick you up.


Please Chaerin, you can’t lie to Chaerin. Great. My inner Chaerin is being y.

“I…am at the Seoul National university Hospital” I mumbled. “Hospital?! What the hell are you doing there?” He raised his voice.

“Look can we have this talk in the car? I need to go there in an hour” I brushed it off.

“Ah. Alright”

“In case you are worrying, I came to meet a friend” I lied before hanging up.

A few minutes of arguing why I had to go to hospital with Jiyong, I reached the restaurant just in time to see dad, mom and Minzy walk up to the entrance. “Oh Unnie! You really did reach here on time” Minzy exclaimed happily as Jiyong and I walked up to them.

“Yeah…LOOKING LIKE A FREAK!” Dad finished the sentence in anger as he scanned me from head to toe. “This is what you get when you ask me to come in an hour!” I shot a valid argument.

“Honey. You are going to embarrass me like that in there” He folded his arms. “Yah. Enough of your nagging. I knew this would happen.” Mom stepped forward and hand me a bag. “Go change”

“What’s this?” I looked in to see a black colored clothing. I’m guessing this is a dress. Oh look it’s from Dolce and Gabbana. Yes! “See there is a reason why she is your mom” Dad wrapped his hand around mom’s waist with a touched look.

Go change? Where the hell do I change? On the road?” I asked sarcastically. “How about you go in and change?” Minzy suggested. “OH no. she is not stepping in like that” Dad disagreed. “How about Jiyong’s car?” Mom asked.

“YE?” Jiyong and I asked in surprise. “We can guard the car, just change quickly” Mom grabbed me up to his car. “Would you mind?” She asked before opening the door and pushing me in. Oh yes. Do everything first and then ask. “Ye?...ah. No” Jiyong shook his head quickly. Does he have any other choice?

“Jiyong, drive it to the car park” Mom suggested as she grabbed Minzy walked towards the car park. “Okay” He nodded and got in. “This is why I asked you not to come” I said as he drove in to the park nearby. “Who wouldn’t want to miss your parent’s entertaining moments” He grinned before he parked.

“Okay, now change. We’ll be staying here” Mom opened the door and closed it after saying it. God! If I knew this was to happen I would have gotten ready and come. But I cannot come in an hour! I would take at least 2 hours to get ready for that. If I could I would have taken my time but dad has this strict rule on getting into a place as a whole. Apparently because that’s what a Family is. And he finds it utterly disrespectful to walk in late because it shows how not enthusiastic you are. Unless you are in a very very emergency state. ‘DAD’ I sighed as I got in to the black laced-arm dress after changing almost everything in to the new ones she bought.

“I’m done” I said getting out handing over the bag consisting of the old outfit I was wearing to mom. “Wah. It totally fits!” Minzy turned me around to see it. I my hair as I was turned around to be stopped right in the direction of Jiyong. He smirked as he looked at me and then at my mini puffy dress. 

DON’T.LOOK.AT.ME.LIKE.THAT. I wanted to scream at him. “So what do you think?” I acted normal as I showed my dress off to him. “It…looks okay” He narrowed his eyes at the dress. OKAY? JUST AN OKAY? Why was I even expecting him to compliment me? I rolled my eyes at his response.

“Chaerin-ah” Mom called as she ran up to me with a bottle of perfume in her hand. Oh Chanel 09. She did a quick spray on me causing me and Jiyong to cough on the strong smell. “Well then let’s go?” Mom asked putting the perfume back into her hand bag. I nodded a yes.

“Then I’ll be going. Goodnight Mrs. Lee” Jiyong did a 90 degree bow to my mom. “Oh nonono. You are coming with us” Mom stopped him. WHAT?

“WHAT?” We asked in union. I shot a PLEASE-NO look. I’ve seen enough of him for today and god knows what I would do to him later. “Why are you both surprised? He is family now! And plus he is dressed perfectly fine. You are coming with us” Mom dragged him to the entrance.

“YAH! Do something!” I screamed at Minzy. “What am I supposed to do?!” she asked; hurt. Completely unhappy I walked out from the car park with Minzy and towards the entrance. “Yeobo he is coming with us” I heard mom. Dad nodded without any hesitation.


“Your foods” The waiters greeted us with a smile as they placed our orders on the table. “Enjoy” They bowed and disappeared. “Don’t be shy, dig in Jiyong” mom smiled at him. Shy? Please. And DOES HE HAVE TO SIT NEXT TO ME? All thanks to mom.

“Wah, It’s been so long since we all sat down like this” Minzy chuckled before taking a bite. “Yeah” we all agreed. Well except Jiyong that is. I leaned towards him and whispered. “Just enjoy your meal don’t pay attention to what we might talk about here” Well that is in case he feels left out with our family stuff.

“So Jiyong do you wanna know about Chaerin’s childhood?” Mom asked. WHAT? “Mom! This was supposed to be a family dinner where we discuss family stuff not my childhood!” SERIOUSLY!

“I would love to” Jiyong grinned. “There was this one time Chaerin-“ Mom started. Okay they are completely ignoring my presence. “-went up on stage to get award” she cracked up before she could even finish it. Minzy joined her as well. God. No. Not that. “OMMA!” I cried. “Oh that” Dad chuckled reminiscing the memory.

“What what?” Jiyong seemed interested to know more. “She…she…went to the bathroom right before that and…and…” Mom managed to spill some through her laughing. “And I got the award. End of story!” I finished it for her and dug into my meal. “She ended up going up to the stage with a part of her dress tucked into her underwear” Dad finished it chuckling.


Jiyong cracked in laughter and joined in with the rest as they started laughing more as soon as dad finished. I want to hide. That was the one of the worst memories I have. And I didn’t want it to be found out by anyone else. Especially Kwon Jiyong.

“Do…you happen to have a picture of it?” Jiyong asked, placing his hands on his stomach; tired from laughing. He wants to see a picture of that? NO. I’m glad it’s in my precious album where nobody can see it; except my family of course. “I happen to…actually” Dad took out his phone.


“YOU DO?” Mom asked; recovering from laughter. “Yeah, I scanned it and got it onto my phone. It’s one of the adorable pictures of her” Dad smiled going through his phone. “ANDWAE!” I got up and tried to grab his phone away from him. Luck not being on my side, dad took that opportunity to trick my eyes and throw the phone to Jiyong. How could you even do that to your phone dad!

“YAH!”  I turned to Jiyong to take it but…too late. The embarrassing picture of me was revealed. Yes it had to be on a graduation where photographers had to capture the precious moments. “You look so adorable like that” Jiyong laughed as he stared at the picture. “Let me see again!” Minzy flailed her arms asking for the phone.

Is this even a family dinner? More like let’s-gang-up-on-Chaerin dinner. I sat down grumpily. “Aww. Half flashing Chaerin is mad?” Jiyong pinched my cheeks. “I’m so glad something like didn’t happen to me” Minzy laughed looking at the picture.

“Well at least I didn’t get caught using a boy’s toilet by my own crush!” I shot back. “Hey!” Minzy got offended. “That’s true. Her crush thought she was a boy disguising as a girl and avoided her for the rest of her secondary school” Mom laughed hard again. But this time with me joining in. “Ouch” Jiyong mocked a hurt before he joined us; laughing. I glanced at Jiyong laughing and something felt different. He really is enjoying this. I haven’t seen him laugh hard like this. A smile spread across my face.

“She always dressed like a tomboy before” Dad chuckled. “And all she did was guy stuff. I was more than proud of her those days” Dad smiled at the thought. “Yeah, because you wanted a boy so bad” Mom rolled her eyes.

“He’d get in to the bed every night and have this y voice that goes ‘Let’s make a boy tonight’” Mom imitated him. “I do not speak like that” Dad cleared his thought. “Oh please honey” Mom tousled his hair. We chuckled at dad’s awkwardness. “He did that for a month. And I kept refusing after we got Minzy.” Mom explained to Jiyong. “If not, I’d have a hundred of daughters by now” Mom said sarcastically. “Hey. I love my girls though okay” Dad defended himself. OMG GUYS!! STOP IT! STOP IT! WE DO NOT WANT TO KNOW ABOUT YOUR LIFE!

 “We love you too dad” Minzy and I chuckled as we responded in union. “Well let’s eat. I’m sure the food has cooled down a lot by now” Dad took the folk and twirled it in to the pile of fried noodles he had ordered.

We had been eating in silence when I felt Jiyong lightly shove my leg underneath the table. I looked at him and saw him try very hard not to laugh aloud. He wants to play dirty doesn’t he? I repaid him the favor and nudged his legs. It wasn’t long before we had started a foot fight without anyone knowing. I only wished it remained like that; innocent and not tainted by my hormonal needs. His leg touches were getting the better of me.

I wasn’t aware when I had gone from light pokes to caresses and when I realized it was already too late. The thing was, I had no intention of stopping. It made my hormones happy.

My feet ran up his legs to reach his calf before I went back down. I then repeated the same action.

“Chaerin…”Jiyong mumbled. Hmm? I looked up at him and saw that he was staring at her in an oddly peculiar way. Not awkwardly but definitely peculiar. I have to stop this. Stop caressing him. I couldn’t.

Then I felt his feet move a little and…ohh my! He was mimicking my action. He was me. Well his legs were. We both had gone oddly silent but it didn’t seem as if my parents or Minzy had realized it. We weren’t fighting now. Our legs were being intimate with each other now. They were flirting with each other. That sounded so wrong but I really have no other way to describe it. The feelings it evoked…oh the feelings it evoked…

I have to leave. I can’t stay close to him and do this and not want to do something I’ll regret later.

“Excuse me” I whispered before making my way to the bar at the front. All the while I did so, I felt Jiyong’s eyes boring holes in my back. Oh Chae….

Did…did that guy just passed his wife an alcoholic drink!?! And that to a very pregnant wife? Is he freaking stupid! Without wasting another second, I found myself marching towards the guy in anger.

“YOU!” I screamed at him. “Are you insane?! Can’t you see that she is pregnant? Do you want your wife to end up in the hospital?!” I showered a bunch of questions at him. He looked at me shocked and so did the pregnant lady.

“Um…Miss? It’s…” The lady tried to calm me down.

“She may crave it for it but that doesn’t you could just give out the drink like that!” I cut her off. “If you wanted to take your wife to a date then go and sit at the table there! Not in a freaking bar!” I scolded him before turning to the lady.

“It’s okay. I totally understand on how much you crave for it but you shouldn’t accept it though your irresponsible husband gives it. If he didn’t know it that much then he is definitely not worth it” I placed my hand on her shoulder giving her a pitiful look.

Seriously what kind of people doesn’t know that? Okay maybe alcohol’s not that bad but c’mon she has a bum! And did I just indirect mean that Jiyong is worth it? I mean he did stop me from drinking it. People should be like that. And not like…this. I gave a judgmental look at the guy who is still staring at me.

“Miss-“She tried to interrupt me again; the drink still on her hands.

“And you need some researching to do! Or book reading would help if you want this baby to be born healthily.” I pointed an accusing finger at him.


“Uh. Babe. Is everything alright here?” I stopped when I saw a man approach the pregnant lady and pulled her in close to him. He then took the drink from and he took a sip as he looked at me and the guy who I was screaming at.

“…yeah” The lady said with an awkward smile. “I’ve got us a table. Let’s go” The man said before taking her by the hands; away from us.

Did the man just ‘babe’ her? Oh crap. Wait so this guy is not that lady’s husband? And she just took the drink so that her ‘real’ husband could drink. OH MY GOD. I gave out the creepiest smile I could give to the guy I was still pointing my finger at. I looked around to see strangers’ eyes on me. Were they watching the whole drama? . What the did I just do?

The guy arched an eyebrow with a smirk and then let out a chuckle. “I really should read a book on this” He smiled. Yikes. With an awful face I turned my face the other way to not look at him; but I ended up facing Jiyong who was shaking his head; he was few paces away from me. Double Yikes.

“I’ll drop her” Jiyong said coming to stand beside me. My father shot him an appreciative look at him. I rolled my eyes. Seriously? The guy needs to say one prince charmingly kind of thing and everyone is drooling over him. So…pathetic.

“That’s…Ow!” Jiyong squeezed my hand tightly when I tried to protest.

“Get in the car Chaerin” He said. After another eye roll and wave to my parents and Minzy, I got in the passenger seat of Jiyong’s car.

“That was nice” He said starting the car. “Yes. It has been reported to do that when someone who is not family joins a family dinner” I replied.

“You wound me” I snorted. As if anyone ever could wound the great Jiyong, Kwon Jiyong.

“You’re pathetic” I said just to say something. Not that he was. He was actually pretty gentlemanly, well…if you ignore the whole leg incident. I mean….arrrgh! Even the thought of the leg incident makes my toes curl.

“Says the woman who just blew a poor guy’s head off thinking that he was getting her drunk” He snickered. Oh god…why does he have to remind me of that? I buried my head in my hands with a groan. “Don’t remind me” I mumbled.

“What was that?” He asked, the jerk that he was.

“She was pregnant! And if he had actually been giving her alcohol then my argument would have been valid”

“But…he was not” He pointed out the obvious. I swung my hand to slap him. Unfortunately he wasn’t paying that much attention to his driving, and my light, very very light, puch got the car swirling as he lost control for just a second. He managed to get ahold of it just as easily.

“Jesus Chae!” He cried looking at me. I shot him ‘I-am-guilty-but-I-am-cute-so-forgive-me” look. Not sure if he really understood that that’s what the look meant though. He shook his head as he grabbed the wheels more strongly.

“You’re just a walking disaster aren’t you?”

“I’m not walking” I protested, however weak that protest may have been. He then looked at me and then smiled. That smile soon turned into a chuckle. Stupid, arrogant, weird person.

When he reached my house I turned to face him. “Thanks” Why was I thanking him? He looked at me strangely, more strange than he does normally. He then nodded slowly and realizing that that was my cue to leave, opened the door to leave. That look had brought back all those pregnancy hormones back with a heady rush and I found it difficult to walk. You can do it Chae! Just 7 months and 2 and a half weeks to go. Then I’ll be done with these hormones.

“Wait” I heard Jiyong call. He was outside the car, one hand going through his hair, unsure of what to do. I turned to face him and arched a perfect eyebrow. He slowly walked towards me; the look in his eyes creepily similar to that when he was drunk that night.

“You forgot your bag” He mumbled handling the bag to me. Only he didn’t leave his hand after he did that. The feel of his hand on mine, brought the similar feelings I felt when we had the leg fight-turn-caress session.

“Well…”I cleared my throat. That came out way too huskier than I had intended.  What was he doing here? Should I do something? Maybe he was waiting for me to say ‘goodnight’ Yes. I probably should. Kiss him. My hormonal induced fangirl inside of me screamed. No, I won’t. I told her. Kiss him kiss him. Why should I? Because that’s why he’s here. Kiss him, or I swear I’ll kiss him myself. Fine. But just one kiss. I gave in. Seriously if people realized what was going on in my head, I’d be thrown into an asylum.

With the intention of giving him a peck on his pink pink lips, I stepped towards him. Kiss and goodnight. Kiss and goodnight. I moved in for the kill, which was terrible timing really, because Jiyong had wound his arms around me closing me in. He was hugging me; with me awkwardly plastered to his chest. Well…this is uncomfortable. How does one feel when one gets rewarded with a hug when one was aiming for a kiss? Bloody horrible, that’s what.

Due to my appalling position, Jiyong had no choice but to place a small kiss on top of my head. I bet my hairs were all over his face. Instead of pushing me away though, he nuzzled me closer. Still nuzzling, he adjusted me so that I was more comfortably cocooned in his arms. He then kissed his way down to my neck, a low hum in the back of his throat.

The barely-there desire that I had been feeling all these weeks shot through me like a broken faucet sprouting out water. Ok…maybe not the best example.

My arms came around him and I nudged closer to him. We stayed like that for a while not really ready to let go. Why weren’t we letting go? I wanted to say something but I just couldn’t find my voice. Ah…I had read about it in stories. So people actually do lose their voice in these kinds of situations? I will ponder about that later as Jiyong had moved from nuzzling my neck to the insides of me ears. Unable to control it, I let out a moan as pleasure coursed through me. The hot pit inside of me, burned double fold and unconsciously I leaned into him. He moved his face away a little and looked into my eyes. I stared back, deep breathes making my serious gaze not-so-serious.

He then gently rubbed his nose against mine and I whimpered a little. How can such a small action bring about such an intense reaction from me? Sighing, Jiyong touched his forehead to mine. OMG OMG IT’S A FOREEAD TOUCH! The inner fangirl within me screamed. I shushed her.

“Goodnight, Chae” He murmured. I still haven’t found my voice so I just nodded slightly.

He quickly let go of me and walked towards his car. He drove away without even a mere glance back at me.

WHAT THE ING HELL WAS THAT?! WHAT THE WHAT THE JUST WHAT THE!? I rushed back inside and banged the door close with a thud. I then marched towards Bom Unnie’s room.

“I’M IN LUST WITH JIYONG!” I screamed as soon as I opened the door.

“Well it’s about ti- WAIT WHAT?” She asked.

“LUST. IN LUST WITH HIM. JIYONG” Oh my god oh my god! I must have done something incredibly wrong for God to punish me like this.

“Lust? Are you sure it’s not love?” Why would it be love?

“Of course not!”, “Aaaaarghhhh Bom Unnie what am I supposed to do?”

“What happened?” She asked.

“It’s been sometimes since I’ve…been feeling stuff…” I mumbled.

“Feeling stuff?”

“Yeah… tingly…shivery…” Bom stared at me as I had gone crazy. I probably have. “Especially when Jiyongs is there. Or when he looks at me or touches me or anything. I just wanna….jump his bones?” I ended the last part in a question. How normal is this?

“You’re…you’re telling me that…you’re ?” There’s that word.

“…..yeeeeyyyysss!” I cried before tumbling on her bed in a fit of tears. “Why am I crying?!” I screamed into the pillow.

“Well pregnancy…”, “I HATE PREGNANCY!” I declared. Bom unnie shushed me as she gently patted my head; I was still crying like a maniac. I hate pregnancy and its hormones.

“Tell you what? You’ll go see your doctor and ask her about these…feelings. She will know what to do”

“I already did!!!”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” She asked, shocked.

“Because it’s embarrassing!” I mumbled. It really is.

Yes. I didn’t go. No. I couldn’t go to work yesterday. I just can’t face Jiyong. We didn’t clear out what happened the other night. It was a complete mistake. My hormones were racing. They are to be blame. Oh god oh god. I want to skip today as well. But then it’s going to create such a fuss with my dad and them thinking I’m really sick. Please, please god. Don’t let Jiyong come to work today. I prayed as I leaned back on the taxi seat; on my way to the company.

“Mommyyyyyy~” I got my usual greeting by Seungri. Crap. Jiyong. He is here. What do I do? What do I say? Do I greet him? No maybe he is thinking how it’s a mistake as well. Either that or I’m a really crazy. “Annyeong!” I greeted to everyone happily. Play it cool Chaerin. Play it cool.

“What are you so pumped up about?” Teddy hyung asked. “Nothing. I just greeted you all” I said mocking a slam on Jiyong’s back. Yes. Act it like it never happened. “What the-“, he growled in pain. Okay maybe that was a little hard. Nervousness taking over.

“So what did you all do yesterday?” I asked; completely ignoring Jiyong. “We started on the second last track” Kush announced. “Awesome! Let’s start!”  I hit Jiyong again…accidentally this time. I don’t know why I keep hitting him but it just releases some of my nervousness with it. Sorry Jiyong.

Just do it, Chae. A lot of people do it. Everyone does it. Except for you. OK, here goes nothing.

I searched google in my tab and waited until it loaded. Right. Just search. It’s alright. With shaking hands I started typing on the search bar.

Small s that helps you in just one second

I want to get this over with. As soon as the results came my eyes popped out.

The woman who can't stop ing - Boing

What?! WHAAAAT? Are you kidding me? Are you serious? What the hell is Boing Boing? I closed that window and opened another one. I typed.

but good that doesn’t make you want to vomit

I hope the Boing Boing thing doesn’t come up again. This time the result was worse.

Cameron Diaz denies having with Drew Barrymore

Good to know…good to know. Seriously how does one search for this? I am so done with this. None of this is giving me the satisfaction that I need. I know what would. Ahhh! But why him? Anyone but him.

Chaerin-ah. Just do it. What was worse that could happen? Nothing, right? I mean the man knows me better than I know myself. I mean…kind of. Well he knows all the embarrassing bits anyway.

“Bom unnie! I’m going. Don’t wait up” I called as I grabbed my coat and my bag. I am so doing this.

“OK” I heard her call back. Without giving myself the chance to back out I closed the door to my house and made way to the road.

“TAXI!” The first passing cab swished by without even a glance. . Doesn’t he understand that there are some people who’s just so hot for some action? Of course he doesn’t.

I tried for a Taxi again. Only after my third try only did one Taxi stop. Thanking the lord and the stars above I got in on it.  This was the first time that I would go to his house. And that too was for THIS. You are pathetic Chaerin. This is bad. SO bad. But you need this. Right. Yes. I do. I need it. Its for the baby really. Baby needs action. Urrgghhh! NEVER think like that! Why was my mind such a mental disappointment in every way?

When the cab stopped in front of his house I got out on shaky legs.

“Here” I gave the driver his money. With a smile he drove off. There are some good people in this world after all.

All right. Go in. Do your best. Tell him what you want. I got in the lift. me. me. me.

No…that was bad. Who says that anyway?

Do…me? No. Ew.

I was still not ready when the lift door opened. Just a few more steps and I’ll be inside his apartment. I walked up to his door. So what really should I say? I knocked on the door still thinking. He opened almost instantly. ! I wasn’t ready. I panicked and my eyes bulged out. Sweat beads formed on my forehead. Great, Chae-ah. Real y.

“Chaerin?” He asked, confused. Of course I have never come to meet him in his apartment. This must be new to him.

“I did everything I could. This was my last resort!” I said as I got inside the apartment.

“Did I ask you to come in?” He asked, confused, as he closed the door behind him. He really needs to stop getting confused.

“This is. No. I’ve never done anything like this before. It’s so hard. Everything tingles. Everywhere tingles. Do you understand?” I dumped the coat and bag on his chair.

“Not sure if I do”

“Do you know that I even searched?” I started ing my shirt. His eyes widened at that. “I did. I really did. But nothing worked. And frankly the search results . And oh god my pure internet history is tainted with now” I cried as I removed the shirt. I was now clad in only my jeans and undershirt.

“?” He eyes bulged out. “What are you doing?”

“I’m so sorry! I never really did want to drag you into this. But you’re the one that’s got my…juices flowing…”

“Juices flowing?” Jiyong repeated.  

“It’s so difficult to stay in one room with you and have all these…pent up energy. I know this might make me seem like a and all…” I removed my undershirt. “But I’m not. Help me” I finally gave myself the space to breathe.

“Chaerin-ah this is…what are you?” He stammered.

“Help me” I unbuckled my jeans. “Help me” I let go of it and it slid down my thighs. The heat just beneath my belly button roared in anticipation as his gaze fell on them.

“Help me or I swear to go-” Jiyong cut me as he pulled me into his embrace and caught my lips in a kiss. I groaned into his mouth.

“This is crazy” He murmured in-between the kisses. Of course it was. I grasped my hand into his hair and pulled him closer still. He obediently followed and then dragged me towards…somewhere. I was too far gone to care. My knees buckled when I hit something.

I forced myself to stop kissing him for a while, wanting to see what it was; his bed. Jiyong’s lips immediately attached to my neck and he on it. That would definitely leave a mark. I groaned and my eye lids shut as I snuggled closer. His hands, which had been resting on my waist till now moved upwards to rest on my bra strap. It swished through it and he opened the strap in just nanoseconds. If I was in my right mind I would have given a sarcastic comment on how easily he could do it. This time though, I just gave him an appreciative moan and tore open his shirt.

Jiyong grazed his lips on my shoulder before at it. The sensation brought me so very close to the edge. “jiy…” I mumbled. He groaned as he pulled both of us on to the bed. The weight of him getting senses even headier. This was….He his way to my bra strand and made move to remove it. With his teeth. Oh my god!

I waited for him to come back, needed for him to come back and kiss me again. “Kiss me” I mumbled. Jiyong let out a low groan as he moved back to me; my bra removed and forgotten on the floor. He embraced me, chest to chest; the feeling overwhelming me.

His hand went to my chest and I moaned as he squeezed it. “Jiy-”

His mouth left mine and moved to my ear lobes. With a carefully controlled motioned, he swirled his tongue across my ear lobes. The fire within me rumbled and my hand went to his jeans.

“Remove it” I whimpered, already on it. Jiyong’s other hand helped me in it. The jeans soon joined my bra on the floor. I felt him rubbing against my underwear and was unable to stop the tremor that ran down through me. I was also unable to stop me from moving to his touch; craving him. I mumbled out a plea, wanting to do more than this. Much much more.

“Please” I said again grabbing him fiercely by his hair and bringing his hooded eyes to mine.

“Are you sure?” He asked, his voice barely restraint. I nodded and pulled him down for a kiss. He kissed back before slithering down on me; kissing me all the while. A surge of pleasure ran down me as I felt him my navel. I cried out as the pleasure swept my senses away. Shivers formed around his kiss and he them away.

His hand danced its way to one of the knot on my and with a single flick, he untied it. He then repeated the same for the other end. Despite how much I was craving for this, he actually doing this gave me pause. I mean…what if he don’t like it? What if he stops this whole thing?

I waited, not daring to breathe as he took in the sight of me without any barrier. It may have lasted minutes or hours; time did not seem of essence, before he moved to lay on top of me again. What I was feeling must have been evident on my face because he swooped in for a deep kiss.

“You’re beautiful” He mumbled. “So very beautiful” His hand reached between my legs. “Chaerin-ah” He moaned, his face buried within the dip of my neck. Instincts made me move in accord to him, the hum in my throat a low rumble.

It was then when we heard it. The sound of key chains. Jiyong’s hand stilled on me. His mouth, which had been softly biting the tip of my shoulder stopped its pleasurable onslaught.

“Jiyong…?” I asked, a little breathless. “Is that the sound of keys?”

“. Dad?!” He panicked and quickly disengaging himself from my embrace. Dad? HIS DAD?!??? I hastily scrambled away from Jiyong and stood up the bed in a flurry of activity. My haste, making me hit something very hard.

“Ow” Jiyong cried. I gasped as I realized that I had hit him. My gasp turned into a cry of despair as I realized exactly where I had hit him. “Sorry!” I whispered.

“Go!” He whisper-screamed, still holding on his ‘little dragon’.

“Bathroom!” He said shoving a bed sheet at me. Wrapping it around me, I ran to his bathroom and straight to the bath tub. I didn’t rest until I had successfully dragged the shower curtain; hiding me.

“Appa” I heard jiyong say before the sound of a door closing blurred the rest of his sentence.

What are you doing Chaerin?! Was this a good idea? Of course not. He can’t be my one night stand! He’s the baby’s father! I can’t be friends with benefits with him either! That’s just weird. And this is not? Oh hell!

Where the hell is Jiyong anyway? Slinking down on the tub, I adjusted myself until I was in a comfortable position. As comfortable as it can be.

I’ll just rest till he comes back.


His body was so warm, so welcoming. I nestled in his arms and sighed. The gentle sway of his - wait what? Gentle sway? Why was he gently swaying? I opened my eyes and realized that Jiyong was carrying me back to the room; back to the bed. He carefully laid me down on the bed before following suit.

“Hey sleepy head” He murmured with a smile when he saw my barely-opened eyes. I slept? Why would one sleep after coming to an apartment for ? Only you, Chae. Only you. 

“I didn’t plan on sleeping” I mumbled drowsily.

“I know” Jiyong dragged me to him and enveloped me in his embrace. He then softly gave a kiss on my shoulders, “Goodnight, Chae”

“Sorry my seduction skills are a little rusted. Never did seduce anyone before” I dragged my hands across his torso and ending up on his cheeks. He turned his face and kissed the inside of my palm, “You’re seduction was fine”

“I don’t do this, you know. Coming to an apartment, demanding ” He nodded, kissing my fingers at a time.

“It’s just a one night thing” Resolve building within me; I told him.

He stopped his light teasing on my fingers and stared into my eyes, very intimately. “All right” He smiled before pulling me even closer than I had been before.

“Sleep, Cherry” Cherry…I liked that name…

His smell. His warmth. His bed. Bed. BED. HIS BED? I opened my eyes as the events of last night hit me with a blinding force. Holy ! I spent the night at Jiyong’s! I searched the room quickly and noted that he wasn’t there. Oh well…Rolling over I grabbed his pillow and clutched it to my chest. His heady scent still clung to it. I saw it then. The note.

Rise and Shine!!

You’re snoring. I’m going.

Ps: Breakfast is on the table.

           Eat something.

So much for romance. Not that I needed romance. No thank you. I rolled out of bed and made way to his bathroom. After all the necessities were fulfilled, I opened his closet and took out one of his shirt. I wore it and then moved towards the kitchen smiling as I saw that he had made juice and toast for me. It wasn’t much but it was something. Specially coming from Jiyong.

I drank a sip from the juice before taking a bite from the toast. The butter melted in my mouth and I sighed in gratitude. I was just about to take the next bite when I heard the keys rattle again. Then the door opened.

“Jiyong? It’s Appa!” A voice called. HIS DAD? AGAIN?

I opened my mouth to take a bite cautiously and waited silently hoping for Jiyong’s dad to just open up and leave. He didn’t. He came and stood at the kitchen doorway. I forgot that I was holding onto the toast; the same toast from which I had been about to take a bit from.

The shock of seeing him made me munch the bread; the rest of it falling to the plate.

This. NO.



His dad owns SM. OHOHOHOH O:

I really hope you are enjoying this. *Hugs and squeezes all of you* <3 

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Are you guuuys still heeere? For an updaate?


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Chapter 20: I'm still hereeee for an update, please i beg you
suchant2 #2
This is 2018 and i'm still waiting T_T
addy88 #3
Chapter 20: Im still reading this in 2018 after few years
suchant2 #4
Chapter 19: I've been reading this over and over again T.T
Do you know how much i love this story? Please update, don't leave us hanging...
suchant2 #5
Please update this..
Pheana #6
Chapter 20: Omg please update soon and please don't end it yet
Yongchaee82 #7
Chapter 20: Omg please update this TT
Yongchaee82 #8
Chapter 19: Omg I really really love this story so much why did I just find out this? ><' omg both character Jiyong and Chaerin are so dumb sometimes but they're so cute this story is so good Please update please please
suchant2 #9
Hi..! How are you? Please update soon. Thank you. 。^‿^。
Update pleasee :'( i'm still waiting