Chapter 6

Anyone But You

“Surprised, aren’t you?” Minzy asked as we sat at a table in the cafeteria.

Surprised? Hell yeah, I am surprised. I mean hugging Jiyong, who I don’t know how she met, is quite surprising.

“What are you doing here?” I brushed away the thoughts and got back on the main topic.

“Well, you wanted me to come, so here I am. Tada!” She smiled brightly and quickly drank a sip from her drink, avoiding my eye contact.

“Minzy” I glared at her.

She came here because I wanted to? Yeah right. The last time I begged her to come with me, she didn’t. And now she is here because I asked her to come here which, dare I mention, was a long time back? I’m not buying this, Minzy.

Taking a few minutes, she then shook her head giving in, “I am not going back”.

“Louis?” I asked, finally understanding. She nodded lightly.

Louis André, the love of her life. The one who she chose over me. The one and only reason why she decided to stay back.

“Oh honey” I took her hands over the table and squeezed. “It’s gonna be alright” I caressed her hands. She nodded in appreciation. She smiled as she dabbed at her eyes.

“What happened to your hair by the way?” I changed the subject. She had black short hair the last time I saw her and now it’s…red and long. Very ariel-ish. You know, in little mermaid. Yeah, that.

“Remember you wanted me to grow my hair? I decided to give it a shot” She chuckled, her hair.

She looks more elegant and lady like now. Oh, how my baby has grown. Just 5 years, and she has completely changed.  

“Pretty?” she laughed. “Very” I answered chuckling.

“MINZY-AH!” Our conversation got interrupted by an excited Teddy hyung who was now running over to us. “Oh Teddy oppa!” She got up to hug him as soon as he reached our table.

“You are back!” He squeezed her. “Yes I am” Minzy laughed.

“So how was France?” Teddy hyung joined us. “It was so boring and depressing because I kept missing you so much” Minzy faked a cry.

“Look at this kid picking up her sister’s over dramatic personality” Teddy hyung playfully pushed her head away. I scoffed. “I am not over dramatic” Am I? No.

“Sure honey” Teddy hyung joked.

“Ah!” It hit me. “Please don’t tell me you are planning to stay at my house” I pointed a Don’t-you-dare finger at Minzy. If she were to stay with me, my head would literally blow every minute I walk in to my room. Don’t get me wrong, I love my sister but she is just a little too messy. And I cannot stand ‘Messy’.

“Don’t worry; I am staying at Dad’s. I cannot stand your naggings” Minzy stuck her tongue out. Good, because I cannot be bothered to nag at her.

“God, you sisters” Teddy hyung ruffled our hairs, and waved a bye for he has to go somewhere.

“Met dad?” I asked sipping a drink from my apple mojito. Minzy let out a squeal. “Oops. Not yet”. I was about to nag at her when she interrupted, “I wanted to see my lovely sister first”

Suurrrrrre. You wanted to see me so bad that you were hugging Jiyong. Right. Jiyong. How does she know him again? How does she know him so well, to be hugging him and to get a kiss on the forehead?

 I opened my mouth to ask when she cut me yet again. “Crap. Dad found out” she screeched looking at her phone screen. “Gotta go then. Catch you later unnie!” she grabbed her drink and ran.

Wha-? How could she do this to me? This was supposed to a sisterly hangout. And now she ditches me? I feel the love Minzy. I feel the love. Rolling my eyes, I sipped on the rest of my drink.


Good lord. Startled, I looked back to voice of distraction, to see Tabi standing behind. What is he up to?

“Lonely much?” He asked chuckling as he seated across me.

“Jobless much?” I shot back. I mean he had to be jobless enough to greet me with a Boo while he could have gone with ‘Hi’.

“Yes, actually” He stretched himself on the chair. I knew it! “What do you want?” I asked, bored.

“Bom noona” He replied without hesitation. WHAT?


“I am serious. Her beauty makes the morning sun look like the dull glimmer of the moon.” Tabi cupped his face – a dreamy look on them- resting his hands on the table. Hold on. Let me just puke at the cheesy line he just used. I gestured a puking face at him, causing him to laugh.

“If you are really thinking of getting her, don’t ever think about using a cheesy line on her” I warned him as we got up, ready to go back into the studio.

“That’s the only advice I get?” Tabi complained. That was plenty! I mean, I know I at relationship advice but that was a good one. Was that not enough? Plus I am not even love guru. He better find his own way. I looked at him in disappointment in return.


“Figure it out yourself”

“Thanks a lot” Tabi rolled his eyes.  You are welcome.

“Oh here they are” Lydia unnie welcome Tabi and I, as we got into the studio. “What happened? Did we miss something?” Tabi asked as we both looked at everyone who looked like they were waiting for us; minus Jiyong, who is still working on his own. Jerk.

“We got a project!” Kush oppa filled in. “A solo album. We get to release a solo album!”

A solo album? Wow. That is great! I mean all we did was produce tracks and sell them, and now we are allowed to release a solo album? That’s huge progress.

 “Chincha!” I screamed in excitement. Teddy hyung nodded, a proud smile on his face.

“So we decided it would be Bom’s solo album” Seungri curled his arms around Bom unnie’s neck and gathered her close. Yes! Bom unnie is finally getting to show off her talent. I hooray-ed and then turned to see Tabi, glaring at Seungri. Oh look, is someone jealous?

I turn to Seungri, to see him smirking at Tabi. Seungri knows what he was doing. Ah well, if Tabi kills him it’ll be all Seungri’s fault.

“That’s great!” I went up to Bom unnie and pushed Seungri away lightly. Tabi better be thankful for this. This is the least I can do for him. 

“Well what are we waiting for? Let’s start on this!” Teddy hyung exclaimed, all excited.

“Pizza boy is here” Seungri announced as he opened the door, made his way back to the couch. After a good three hours of working, we all decided to rest with some pizza.

WDOIFDOAKS” I was about to scream at him but then lost my words for it. He had just went up to the door, opened it and is now coming back, empty handed! He could have taken the pizza at least. I can’t believe I have to deal with such idiots every day. Grumping, I got up from the couch to pay the Pizza boy and take the pizza from him.

Placing on the coffee table, everybody gathered to grab a bite. I squished in between Bom and Teddy oppa, while Jiyong sat the opposite of me; still ignoring. Who cares? I can play the ignore card on him as well.

Tabi shot me a look as to whether he could hit on Bom unnie now. I shook my head. She just finished recording. Cut her some slack. Unfortunately Tabi disagreed as he nodded his head again; believing it’s the right time. I shook my head. No Tabi. No.

“Bom noona, did you just fart?” He asked.


Frozen, everybody looked over at Tabi and then Bom; Seungri’s pizza slipping down on to the box as he stood in shock. Daesung oppa sniffed his nose to sense any weird smell.

Oh god. I face-palmed.

My eyes landed on Jiyong, whose mouth was open and was staring at Tabi as if he had sprouted another head. He then slowly turned to me and raised his eyebrows as if asking, “What the hell?” I shook my head at him sympathetically. Tabi was just hopeless. I tried to tell him through our sudden power of telepathy.

Offended, Bom unnie shot him “NO!”

I could see regret in Tabi’s face. Is this how you hit on people? WHO THE HELL USES THAT? Wondering whether, he should continue the rest or not, he finally finished the rest. Still questioning his actions.

“Because you just blew me away?” He let out an awkward laugh.

Please, god. Help this poor man. I shook my head praying. Lydia unnie whacked his head. “YAH!” “Hey, I’m sorry; it’s a very famous funny line. She was supposed to laugh. In fact, everyone was supposed to!” He defended himself. Well, now that I think about it, of course it is funny, but this is Bom unnie we are talking about!

Bom unnie scoffed, before she got up and left the studio. I gestured Tabi to go after her. “Brother-in-law, you must go apologize now” Daesung oppa teased. And so the rest agreed.  Heaving a sigh, he decided to follow her.

“So…” Taeyang started after Tabi left. “So…” I continued. Okay someone talk! Taeyang oppa just gave his best shot to start a conversation and no one’s cooperating. Talk about friendship.

“I met Minzy today” Jiyong spoke.

“MINZY?” everyone gasped.

Oh crap. I forgot to tell them. But hey, why is he telling them that? She is my sister! Not his!

“That was supposed to be my job! Not yours! She is my sister!” I complained to him, disappointed.

“God, do we ever go through a day without hearing an argument?” Teddy hyung sighed. Don’t blame me. As long as Jiyong is here, I will feel the need to argue against him. I was hoping for him to shoot back at him, but instead he just ignored.

Is he okay? Is he sick? I mean why isn’t he arguing back? One possible explanation, he is sick. Very sick. Could it be fever? Does fever make you not wanna talk? Or maybe he is just being an again. Who knows what’s going on in that mind?

“Minzy is really back?” Daesung oppa shook me. I forgot he is here. Oh well. “Yeap” I nodded. “YES!” He screamed happily. He must happier than me. I mean he was dying to see her and now she is here.

“Excuse me, while I go see my lovely lady” Daesung jumped and left. I smiled at the thought of how their reconciling would exactly go. Daesung oppa would just be hugging her to death while Minzy would be trying her best to look okay; despite his loveable tight hugs. I wonder if he still likes her. The news of her and Louis was devastating to Daesung oppa. But that was like six to seven years ago. I guess he is over it.

“So are we waiting for Bom to get back or are we continuing without her?” Kush asked as he ate the last piece of pizza.

“She has done a lot, let her be. Let’s start now” Jiyong got up, ready to work his off again.

“I guess I’m going then, as well” Teddy hyung spoke as he took his bag and hung it on his shoulder. I nodded turning to him.

“Are you sure you both are gonna be okay?” He gestured to the two of us; me and Jiyong who were left in the studio. Are we? Of course. It’s not like we would talk or anything since all we did was ignore each other this whole day. I nodded.

“Okay, then. Don’t fight” He grinned before the leaving the room, leaving both of us alone. Turning back to my work, I continued. Not a single glance at him. Let him be. I don’t care. And he didn’t either. We both kept working, without uttering a single word. Ha. So peaceful. Very calm. Tranquil. Serene. Stop using synonyms Chae!

But why does he know Minzy? Did he sleep with her as well? What am I thinking? Let it go, Chaerin. Let it go~ I sang a little on the inside.

Let her go, Let her go

She’s grown up with no flaw

Let him go, Let him go

He’s anyway such a bore

And I don’t care

What they’re going to do

Let their ‘bang’ rang on

don’t bother me anyway


Don’t bother about such stuff. And why did I say I could work overtime? If only I knew he was staying. I would have backed off but I don’t wanna be the first to do that now. That’s like almost like saying he won. I don’t even know for what he is winning, but he isn’t going to the be the one that’s gonna win. It’s going to me.

Brushing away the thought, I concentrated on the work again.

Should I ask him? Maybe they met before? Did they possibly have a thing? Is he going to sleep with her? Maybe they slept before? Is that why Louis and she broke up? Did she comeback to him now that Louis is gone?

SHUT UP CHAERIN. I scolded myself. Stop thinking about useless stuff. Shaking my head, I got up. Maybe working while standing might help. Heaving a breathe I started on the work again, this time standing and pacing up and down. Jiyong face took on a confused look as he saw me stand.

So do I ask him? But won’t I sound like a jealous ? I am not jealous alright! I’m just being a concerned elder sister. I don’t want Minzy to date this jerk. Moreover I don’t want be in-laws with this guy. Not in this life.

“Ehem ehem” I cleared my throat, unnecessarily loud. No response.

“Ehen ehem” I saw jiyong arch an eyebrow but still there was no response. So I walked up to, bend down a little aaand – “EHEM EHEM”

Jiyong jumped out of his chair. “What?” He demanded. He dare get angry? At me?!

I huffed out my chest, “You’re ignoring me”

Jiyong’s eyes shifted to my chest as I did that. “Stop checking out my…my lady parts!” I demanded.

“Yeah” He scratched the back of his neck as looked away.

“Answer!” I demanded. “What?”

Really, was he really this stupid? Can’t he keep ahold of his thoughts for a single minute?

“You’re ignoring me” I repeated. This man was testing my patience.

He sat down slightly flustered and opened his mouth to answer. He dare get flustered?

“Now you listen Mr. Kwon Jiyong! No one, and I mean no one ignores me and lives to tell the story. Well, except for you. Do you know that 9 out of 10 people hates being ignored?” I asked.

“And the other 1-” He started.

“And don’t even get me started on you and my sister!” I said slamming my hands down on his table and leaning forward towards him. His eyes again shifted to my chest. “Stop checking out my stuff” I smacked the top of his head.

“You’re disgusting, do you know that?” I demanded when he started rubbing his head, tending to his injuries.

“You’re sleeping with my sister AND checking out my rack!” I said hitting him again.


“This is so, so not OK! I mean you know who I am! You would know that I am Minzy’s sister. And yet you slept with me?!” I said moving around the table and towards him.


“Ok so maybe having with me is not your fault. Fine. Alright. Ok. I believe that” I said coming up to him. “But then you kissed me 3 days ago! Then the next day there you were, canoodling with my sister. MY sister” I did not sound jealous. Or sad.


“Do you realized how absolutely horrible it was to walk in on you two…all mushy and…disgusting” He opened his mouth.

“This is just so!” I exclaimed sitting on top of his table; his works.


“Minzy is just a baby! My baby! How could you!?” I said tapping the top of his head again. His face reddened in anger. “You big…big e!” Yes, the shade definitely darkened.

“My baby!” I cried as I thought of Minzy. “Dear god. Please save her from this inhuman person. She needs happiness. She deserves happiness” I dramatically exclaimed.

I hopped off the table and went to my desk. “I just don’t even know why I’m talking to a sadistic arrogant e!” I said as I packed my bag. Work will just have to wait.

“Stay away from her” I said shooting him a glare and making a gun gesture with the hand and mock shot him. BANG!

That’s right Mr. ymole! Chaerin is here! I smirked as I open the door and got out of the studio.

“Oh unnie” I closed the door behind me, as I got in to the house.

“Not sleeping?” I asked Bom unnie, who was now curled into a ball on the couch. “Mm. After this drama” She pointed to the T.V screen. This is my first seeing her today after what happened with Tabi. Let’s say he failed at apologizing and she came back home moody. Failed! Men are so hopeless.

“Well, then I’m off to bed” I blew her a good night kiss and went to my room.

I feel so tired. Maybe because I screamed at Jiyong, just a while ago. Why did I even do that? Right concerned sister. But I somehow regret it. I mean I didn’t give the poor guy a chance to talk. Did I go overboard? Probably. His face though…

Random thoughts kept crossing my mind as I put my handbag on the table. After going to the washroom I went on stripping off my clothes. Off went the shirt, then the Jeans. Bra.

Knock Knock

Why was Bom knocking on my door? I shrugged picked up my cotton nightgown.

“Come in” I said as I put it on. “What is it Bom Unnie?” I said as turned around.

There standing at my door, with his mouth gaping was…Mr.y Jiyong! I mean Mr. ymole. Jiyong.

What is he doing here? And then it hit me!





“WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?” I demanded, blood rushing to my face. Who the hell let him in?! BOM UNNIE!

“HOW COULD YOU OPEN THE DOOR? I WAS…I WAS-” I couldn’t continue.

“YOU TOLD ME TO!” His face taking on a blush more flamboyant than mine.

“You were supposed to be Bom Unnie!” I cried.

“Well, I am not”

“Clearly” I folded my arms under my bosom, his eyes immediately going to them.

“WOULD YOU PLEASE STOP STARING AT MY S?” I screamed in frustration.   

“Sorry! It’s just…” He mumbled looking anywhere but at me.

“Why did you come here anyway? Did you follow me?” I asked. That brought his eyes back to, now more focused.

“You can’t just run out on me!” He said. What?

“You can’t just say all of that- call me a e for christ’s sake- and run out on me! Without even giving me a chance to explain!” He brushed his hand through his hair agitatedly.

“Well you-”

“No!” He said moving to stand in front of me. “This is my turn” His index grazing my lips lightly.

“I’m NOT a e!” …Right.

“God Chaerin! What do you think I am?” A stupid, arrogant narcissist who kisses me and then goes and bang my sister. I thought it better to keep my mouth shut. Partly because his finger was still there sealing my lips.

“I never ‘canoodled’ with her! And really, canoodle?” I merely shrugged. Hey, don’t blame me, blame F.R.I.E.N.D.S and Chandler.

“What else? Oh yes. The kiss. Do not blame me for what happened after the kiss! YOU went and danced with two, NOT ONE, two guys after that kiss!”

“It wasn’t our first kiss” I managed to mumbled under the pressure of his finger.

“And yet you have the right to go and get angry at me for ONLY hugging your sister. Which was completely innocent just so you know!” I tried to scoff. Seems like scoffing is not nearly as easy as mumbling.

“She happens to be my childhood friend back when I used to work with your dad. God knows why I didn’t meet you then, but I thank god for sparing me from you!” He said, disgusted, before turning to move away.

Oh no, he didn’t! He don’t get to have the last word on this.

“Why you-” I started as he turned around, grabbing his shoulder. Catching him off handed did not turn out to be so good. He turned around with a yelp – ok so I might be exaggerating just a bit- and lost his balance.

My eyes widened in shock as I realized what was about to happen next.

“No!” I screamed as I felt his weight on me. And off we went tumbling on top off the bed, him on top of me.

“Jiyong!” I screamed trying to shove him off. He was not budging.

What was wrong with him? I looked at him straight in the eyes and scowled. “Get off” This scene was reminding me of something that was so horrible, but for the life of me I couldn’t realize why I was not freaking out.

“JIYONG!” I said again twisting under him.

“You’re insufferable” I shifted again.

“Stop. Moving” He whispered strongly. How can you whisper strongly? How can anyone whisper strongly? I’m telling you, this man does stuff no other human being could do.

I bet he could- oh no…

Is that…

Was that…

Can that be…


“What is that?” I whispered strongly! Hey look at that! You can whisper strongly.

“What do you think?” He smirked at me even though his face was twisted in agony.

“Why do you have that?”

“You kept on moving” He snapped.

“But its-”

“I know”


“I know”



Oh dear lord. Suddenly the temperature of the whole room seemed to have dropped by several hundred degrees.

“jiyong!” I mumbled. Please get up.

“Chaerin…” He gently moved his hand to cup my cheeks. Wait a minute. What?

I saw a glazed look cross his features and he moved closer. Dear god. GULP. 

“Chaerin-ah!” I heard the familiar voice.

“Oh am I interrupting something?”

I recognize that voice. NOOOO! Can this night get any worse? I felt Jiyong stiffen up on top of me.

“Uhh…”I pushed Jiyong away with all my might. He did not bulge. I then shot him a threatening look. He quickly stood up, turning away from the direction the voice came from.

“No…Mom!! What are you doing here? When did you get back?” I said going to her and giving her an awkward hug. She chuckled.

She was supposed to be in London helping in the new company, dad had established there.

“And who is this…gentleman?” Man said to the back of Jiyong’s head.

“Kwon Jiyong ma’am” Jiyong said, his back still turned.

“Manners” She whispered. “Tell him to face me” Mom told me. Really mom?

With a sigh I moved towards him to tell him exactly that. It was then that I saw that.

The huge bulge on his pants. Holy hell! It still haven’t gone down?

“Mom, you know what? Let’s just..uhh…keep him like this” I said moving away from him, scarred for life.

“Why, but I wanna see” She said moving towards him. Oh mom you don’t want to see…Then I realized that she was actually moving towards him! Double !

“MOOOM! You really really don’t want to see!” I cried out. I saw jiyong flip me off out of the corner of my eyes. I am trying!!!  Hah! Flipping me off! I will flip him off!

“Why dear?” Mom said turning to face me.

“His face…it’s hideous...Like measles. Only worse!” I blurted out the first thing that came to my mind. Jiyong heaved an exasperated sigh while mom gasped.

“That is a very rude thing to say Chaerin!”

“It’s true! And he has…” Something hit me! “He has big fat pimple like things which protrude from different places!” Like his crotch. “In fact if you just-”

“Hello Mrs. Lee” Jiyong said turning around to face him. My eyes immediately going to his crotch. No bulge. Thank god! We’re safe! I almost did a victory dance.

“Why, he is quite handsome!” Mom said moving towards him with a broad smile. I swallowed my puke at that. Him and handsome? Yeah…

“Ignore Chaerin. She tends to…over exaggerate her imagination”

“And where do I get that from?” I asked shooting a glare at her.

“Oh hush” Mom said going near him and cupping his face.

“My, aren’t you a handsome little thing” She said. “If only I was a young girl…” MOM!

“Urrrggghh!” I shouted.

They both ignored me. She then did something had my eyes bulging out, much like that in cartoons. She hugged him. My mother hugged Jiyong! Oh, what has the world come to?

Jiyong looked at me over her shoulders and smirked.

Great. Just great.

With a groan, I face-walled.

“Where’s Bom unnie?” I asked, entering the kitchen with Jiyong; following Mom, noticing the T.V off.

“I just put her to sleep” Mom bragged, as she laid down the plates on the table. Bom unnie is too much of an adult to be put down to bed by…an adult. She just came and now she is laying down the plates?

“Mom” I whined. For once, I just wish she would stop working for at least a moment. “Let me” I grabbed the plate from her. She fought back a couple of time to let her do it but then gave up, knowing I wouldn’t let her. “Fine”

“What do you want?” I asked Jiyong, not in a very polite way, causing mom to scold at me. “Yah. He is a guest! Treat him like one!” Alright. Alright mom. I gestured him to continue.

“Any kind of Juice” I nodded at his request. Placing the two drinks, one for Jiyong, one for Mom, I sat next to Mom.

“So, what’s your name again?” Mom started the conversation with Jiyong. “Kwon Jiyong” he replied.

“Kwon Jiyong” She repeated as she tapped her finger on the glass, as if she was reminiscing something. “Ah!” It clicked her. “You are the Jiyong who Hyunsuk always brag about, after coming from Korea”

Dad bragged about him? Dad is supposed to brag about me! Not him! I am very brag-able!

He smiled shyly as mom confessed. Really? HE CAN DO THAT? Look at him trying to act all innocent in front of my mom. As soon as he leaves, I’m revealing everything to mom. I made a disgusted face at him in return.

“That was so fake” I scoffed, rolling my eyes. “Was not” he shot back.


Out of the blue, my back pain . Yikes. I was feeling much better today and now it decides to come? I groaned and shifted a little from the seat, touching my back, in hopes of it lessening. Go away pain.

“Are you alright?” My mom looked at me concerned. And so did Jiyong.

“Yeah, I’m fine” I forced a smile as my mom caressed my back. “Just a little pain I got. It’s been three days though”

“Three days?” Jiyong and mom screamed at me in union. God it’s just three days. What are they so worrying about?

“Honey, you need to see a doctor. Fast” My mom looked at me with disappointment, for not going to the doctor. “Mom, I am fine” I chuckled. I appreciate that she is showing concern, but I bet this is nothing to worry about.

“Why did this happen?” Jiyong asked. Why does he care? I would shoot him that question if it wasn’t for my mom. “I just slipped on to the tub” I lied. DING. Dean pushed me into the tub, thus the pain.

“Still you need to see a doctor. This could turn into Spinal cancer, Arthritis, or a slumber vertebrae facture!” My mom shook me.


Jiyong and I looked at her surprised. Did she just Science me?  “Mom. You don’t scare your daughter like that” I joked.

“I am serious” She shot me the most serious look she can give. She is kidding right? I am not going to have cancer now am I? No way. “That could be possible Chaerin” Jiyong joined my mom. CAN SOMEONE FOR ONCE JUST BE ON MY SIDE? Not that I expect Jiyong to be on my side, but still.

“You guys are just over thinking” I shook the thought, getting up to put back the Juice bottle in the refrigerator.

“Let me” My mom took out her phone.

“Symptoms for Spinal cancer” mom mumbled as she typed on her phone.

“Really, mom?” I shot her a weary look. Don’t tell me she is Google-ing for the symptoms. “Yes really” She nodded as she scrolled through the display of results. Jiyong got up and joined her as well. These people are unbelievable. They are just trying to make me feel scared just so I go see a doctor. This is not even a big deal! I shouldn’t have told them.

Heaving a sigh, I sat back on the chair.

“Back pain, often radiating to other parts of your body.” She started. I just have a back pain. Nothing else. I was about to say that when I realized I had stomachache before as well. . But that doesn’t mean it happened because of that.

“Loss of sensation or muscle weakness, especially in your arms or legs”

“Mom, I don’t feel any loss of sensation or muscle weakness.” I rolled my eyes. But I did get tired, didn’t I? No, that happened way before Dean pushed me. So that’s out.

“Difficulty walking, sometimes leading to falls”

Leading to falls? I don’t remember falling. “I did no-” I opened my mouth to object when Jiyong interrupted. “She was about to!” He gasped.

I did? “She did?” My mom looked at him for details.

“Yeah. At the studio. She was walking and then it was if she was about to fall” He explained. But I didn’t! About to fall and falling. Huge difference!

“I just tripped there because my vision was getting all blurry” I defended. “Blurry vision? You could go blind!” My mom gasped, dramatically.

Okay, you guys are just ridiculous! Stop making me this sick person! “I am not going to the doctor” I folded my arms.

“Fine, not for your blindness, but you need to show your back, hon.” My mom got back to her seriousness, Jiyong back to his seat.

“No. I told you, I’m fine!”

“No ‘No’s’. You are going to see my friend, Gummy, tomorrow” My mom put the period on the sentence; meaning I have to obey that no matter what.

“Gummy?” I cracked into laughter. “Dr. Gummy?” I repeated. I’m sorry but the name is hilarious. Maybe not for Jiyong and mom, but for me.

“She is really good too, or so I heard” Jiyong nodded, completely ignoring my laughing. “Yeah she is” Mom smiled proudly. Sure.

“So am I gonna get a gummy bear?” I joked. “This gizibe don’t know when to stop, now does she?” Mom whacked my head lightly, as she passed by to wash the glasses.

“I am serious mom! I’m not going. I’m fine!”

“No means No. You are going.” Mom hushed me.

“Yes you are going”

“No I’m not”

“Yes you are”


Our argument followed us to the studio. I don’t care if Jiyong made the appointment on my mom and the doctor’s suggestion. I am not going. It was enough that I went to show to a doctor. And it’s not my fault the doctor decides to run some tests on me. He could have gone with an X-ray! But NOOO, that doctor decides to check something before. Who does that? I just went to get an X-ray and get it over with! Not go to the hospital on two consecutive days. I’ve got so much better things to do.

To be honest, I went to see who Gummy is. Unfortunately she wasn’t there and I ended up showing to this man.

“You are gonna embarrass me if you don’t show up!” He stopped me. “I don’t care” I spat the words out. And isn’t that a good thing if I get to embarrass him? That’s like more points for me. Hah!

“You might have cancer, idiot!” He lowered his voice. Not that the rest of the people here would hear or anything; since they are pretty much used to our arguments, they just carry on with their work; completely shutting us out.


Before I could scream at him, I was pulled out from the studio. What? Who? I turned around to see Xin. Why did he pull me out this time? And moreover while in the middle of mine and Jiyong’s argument again?

“You have cancer?!”

He heard it.

“NO. He and my mom are trying to scare me, just so that I would go get the report!” I explained. They are so weird. “What happened?” He asked, concerned. “Remember when Dean pushed me to the tub? My back hit and since then the pain keeping going on and off” I touched my back.

“Does it hurt a lot?” He turned me around touched the small of my back. “Here?” he asked pressing a little bit. DON’T PRESS IT YOU IDIOT! IT HURTS! Does he have no common sense? I groaned with a nod.

Click, the door opened and Jiyong got out. Startled, Xin took a step back, taking his hand off my back. Furious, Jiyong glared us. God. Is he still being an because I said no? He needs to grow up.

“We are going now! Goodbye Xin!” Jiyong took my hand by force and dragged me away from Xin. I couldn’t even say bye to Xin! I fought against him, to let go, but his grip was too tight. “Let go!” I screamed as he led me out of out the building. Everyone who was passing by us is probably wishing Jiyong a terrible death because this looks like abuse!

He opened the door and pushed me in. Not in a harsh way. God it’s so hard to oppose against him. I might as well get the report and come now, instead of listening to his nagging. I don’t even get why he nags at me. Maybe he wants to see if I really do have cancer and then laugh at me, while I die. THE HORROR.

As I buckled in, he started up his car. “That stupid doctor” I cursed under my breath. “Why is he stupid? He is just helping you” Jiyong responded while concentrating on his driving. “He wants me to see a gynecologist! He could read the reports and tell me! They just want money” I folded my arms.

“Gummy noona is gonna take good care of you” he assured me. Sure. Oh right, Gummy. Getting the report doesn’t seem so bad after all, I get to see Gummy, since the only gynecologist Jiyong knew was her.

“How do you even know Gummy? I mean you are guy! Gynecologists are for girls” I narrowed my eyes at him. “Maybe because I do productive things called researching” He shot me. Hey. I do productive things! I scoffed at his answer.

“Call your mom. We are here” Jiyong asked as we came in sight of the hospital. I dialed my mom as he parked.


Ugh Mom pick up!


”Ah Chaerin-ah” Thank god.

“Mom, I’m here. Where are you?” I hopped out from the car. “You see chaerin-ah,” She started. No. NO. “Mommy can’t make it. I’ve got some work ahead. I’m sorry” The news I didn’t wanna hear hit me. She ditched me! “Mom but I need you here! I’m not going in alone!” I whined.

“Jiyong is there isn’t he?” Mom chuckled.

No. She did not just do that.

“Mom” I spoke in furious. “Love you too hon. Bye!” and she hung up, laughing! She laughed! This was all planned.

“Did something happen?” Jiyong asked as he walked over to me. “She can’t come!” I complained to him. “She wants me to go in with you!” I exaggerated my action as I pointed to him as if he was not welcomed.

After few minutes of thinking, he spoke, scratching his head, “Let’s get the report and get it over with” He walked towards the entrance. “Yah!” I screamed. He is walking before me. I am the sick person here. He is supposed to assist me by walking behind me! Wait for me! Grumping, I followed him behind.

“Miss Lee Chaerin?” The nurse called out. “Here!” I waved my arm, getting up. “Good luck” He gave me a thumb up. GOOD LUCK? Is he planning to stay behind while I go in alone? “You are coming in with me” I whispered angrily.

“Why do I have to?” He defended.

Is he serious? He was the one who kept scaring me with the cancer . I know I’m not supposed to fall for it, but it’s starting to scare me now! And I cannot take the news alone! Plus if I do turn out to have it, I could easily murder him then and there.

“You. Are. Coming. With. Me.” I glared at him as I gritted my teeth, slowly sputtering out the words. He glared at me back with a ‘NO’. And that pissed me more.

“Um..Miss Chaerin-shi” We both looked at the nurse as she interrupted us, impatiently waiting for me to get in. Nodding a yes, I pinched Jiyong real hard, and dragged him into the room.

“Ah, yes. Sit down” I was greeted by the doctor who I’m assuming is Gummy. Nodding, I sat across the table, Jiyong standing right behind, resting a lazy hand on the back of my chair. I hovered around her table in search of gummy bears. None. Disappointed, I leaned in back to Jiyong and whispered; as she kept going through my report, “She doesn’t have Gummy bears”. In return, he shot me a death glare and nudged me. Jiyong is not fun. Rolling my eyes, I looked back at Dr. Gummy unnie.

Laying down the report, she sighed.

Here it comes. Here it finally comes! I held my breath. I want to ask her before she could tell me anything but the words don’t seem to be coming out.

“Is her back okay? Is there any problem? Does she have to go under surgery?” Jiyong shot her many questions. Questions, which I had been meaning to, ask. Thank you Jiyong. He placed one hand at the arm rest, towering over me.

“Her back will be fine in a few days. We will be working on that” She spoke. “But” She stopped. God what BUT? “Instead of being concerned about your back, I think you should be more concerned about” She stopped again, giving a pitiful look.

OH MY GOD. So do I have cancer? Do I have arthritis? Am I going to die? How long am I going to live? If this was cancer, will I be able to get cured for it? And why is shooting me that sad look!  And why is she stopping! Stop stopping and finish it off! God, this is so nerve wrecking. I don’t remember being this nervous even at parent teacher meeting. This feels like an examination where I have to guess what she is going to say next.

I gripped on Jiyong’s arm, the same arm on the arm rest of my chair. I don’t want to hear it. I want to live. I want to live. I want to-


“…the baby inside you” She finished it off.

“Oh thank god!”


Well? Finally the plot starts xD

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Are you guuuys still heeere? For an updaate?


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Chapter 20: I'm still hereeee for an update, please i beg you
suchant2 #2
This is 2018 and i'm still waiting T_T
addy88 #3
Chapter 20: Im still reading this in 2018 after few years
suchant2 #4
Chapter 19: I've been reading this over and over again T.T
Do you know how much i love this story? Please update, don't leave us hanging...
suchant2 #5
Please update this..
Pheana #6
Chapter 20: Omg please update soon and please don't end it yet
Yongchaee82 #7
Chapter 20: Omg please update this TT
Yongchaee82 #8
Chapter 19: Omg I really really love this story so much why did I just find out this? ><' omg both character Jiyong and Chaerin are so dumb sometimes but they're so cute this story is so good Please update please please
suchant2 #9
Hi..! How are you? Please update soon. Thank you. 。^‿^。
Update pleasee :'( i'm still waiting