The Interview

My Stalking Heart {rewriting ^^}

The man raised an eyebrow at her. "What is wrong?"

Seorin quickly shut . "I'm sorry I thought you looked familiar." Seorin took her seat. "You know, the one who I shoved pie to his face. Wrong answer, Seorin-ah! She hissed to herself.

"Ah~ You must be talkin about my boss, he's actually the standup poster right here." He pointed out. "Well, what is your purpose for entering my office?" 

"Um, well, I saw this poster..." Seorin raised the poster that was on her hand."...and I see that you're looking for an extra hand." The man gestured for her to continue. "And so I came to your office to apply for the job."

"Did you bring your resume?" He asked.

"Unfortunately I didn't bring it because this was a sudden notice." Seorin quickly replied. 

"I see." He started to think for questions. "Well, Miss...?"

"Lee, sir. Lee Seorin" 

"Miss Lee, well, tell me about yourself." He started to set aside all his papers on his desk. And when he was done, he interwined his fingers on his hands and placed it on the table.

Looks like he's ready to listen.  She thought.  

"Sir, My name is Lee Seorin. I took up pastry making at Incheon Culinary Arts School.  I decided to open a small bakery after I graduate but the business was slow so I closed up the bakery. Not long after that, I decided to venture into another business just to compensate my needs everyday."

The man simply nodded in agreement. 

The interview continued for almost half an hour. He looked at his watch, "Miss Lee, you're hired!" Seorin grinned happily. "You will be receiving a call, from either me or my secretary, about your new job by tomorrow." He further stated.

Seorin stood up from her seat and she bowed at 90 degrees. "Kamsahamnida!"  With that, she left the office.

He started to arranged and stacked his papers. His phone vibrated and it was Changmin. "Junsu-hyung! Book me a flight to Jeju Island within two days. I'll be observing the restaurants there."

"Got it!" He closed the phone thus ending the call.

Sorry for a short crappy chapter!

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This story is on draft/unlisted mode... I feel like after four years in staying at aff has caused me to be a little picky with the story.


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update? :) I miss this!
soorin passed out LOL . i blame changmin
owait. the girl with the pink wig is soorin O.O
Poor Seorin ><
Omo! ~ This is getting really interesting! ~ ^^
Can't wait for next update ~
Hwaiting ^v^
aaah so it's true that the man is changmin ;)
didn't he notice seorin?
sorry just read your updates now!
oooooh this sounds interesting! *Saves to bookmarks*
Im guessing...its changmin? :P HAHAHAHA
AHHH Hope everything gets better soon :]
a male and female?
maybe it's changmin and sica, i guess? /wildguessing/ lol.
why so short? ;~; please update more!