My Shock

Clarity and Articulacy

A/N: First of all I apologise some of you have trouble understanding the story when you read it. But please don't worry because even though I leave important hints here and there, I will definitely make sure eventually that you understand what's going on. So in the previous chapter, there were two main things to remember: 1) In the 2nd paragraph, I revealed that Jeongkook has decided to give up on Jimin, and 2) The conversation between Jimin and Tae's uncle; some of you didn't understand what they were talking about but don't worry because it will all make sense soon. ^^ Once again, thanks so much for all the support for this story and remember to be happy~!. 


Chapter 25 – My Shock


The worst things will always happen at the worst time. 



     -- Several hours earlier (extension of chapter 22) --

     "I just...I just wanted to protect you. I knew if I killed him, then he wouldn't hurt you anymore. I had no idea...she'd be there." Jeongkook began as Jimin wiped his tears away with his thumb, glancing over the younger's face briefly as he listened intently. 

"I walked in and she was just...sitting beside the bed, watching over him. He was asleep, unconscious, and the way she looked at was like she was so happy she could sit by him, as if they'd been separated for eternity. And he...he looked so peaceful. He was asleep, he wasn't dangerous, he wasn't threatening, he was just...her son. I walked in hyung, and I felt my gut drop at the sight because the only thing that could've kept me going from there was determination, and a somewhat ruthless mind." Jimin frowned at Jeongkook's words; the younger felt guilty. Even though he didn't kill Taebeom with his own hands, he was the cause of death that night and there was no denying that fact. 

"She looked at me and her sad transition of expression told me she knew I wasn't there for good purposes. At first she didn't recognise me, until she saw the knife and figured out what I was going to do. And she knew very well, the only reason why I'd decided to do so."

"Jeongkook-ah..." Jimin breathed as he felt the younger clutch at the end of his clothing tighter, "you didn't have to." 

"I know. But I wanted to." 

They made eye contact again, so strong yet so delicate because the love amongst them was barely anymore than that of extremely close siblings. Jeongkook continued his story after a while. "I told her I was going to kill Taebeom. When I pulled the knife out and she grabbed onto my arms, I thought she was going to beg me to stop. But...she didn't." 

Jimin shook his head lightly. "She knew it was coming. That's why she was there, to enjoy one last night with her eldest son. They'd been separated for years." 

Jeongkook only felt his heart ache more at that. "She said 'Please, just give me a moment' and I waited and watched as she his face gently, planting a kiss on his forehead. I had to force myself to not be touched by it; that was impossible, but I guess it doesn't matter now anyway. She walked back to me and said "I understand why you're here. Something like this was bound to happen. And I know Jimin's innocent, it's unfair for Taebeom too..." she glanced back at him and I tried to block out my ears when she said "he didn't ask to be born into our family either". Then we started fighting for the knife because she argued that if someone had to do the job it should be her over me. During the yanks and jerks the knife slipped from my grip and it sliced down the inside of my lower arm. I dropped to one knee and the next thing I knew, Taehyung's mother gave her eldest son one last look before she ended his life. I think...a bit of me inside died too, hyung. I'm the reason for a murder." 

Jimin patted his head and tried to soothe him as the maknae's voice rose in pitch. "But Taehyung went after you right? He-"

"No, he wouldn't. Not with his mother there, he wouldn't. She would've been able to convice him otherwise and Taebeom would still be alive. She would've told him that they could figure out another way, and he would have believed her. " Jeongkook stated firmly, realising quickly that he was sympathising for the very person that threatened their lives, because he knew. They were all just people, and he understood, they were all just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Jimin told Jeongkook the story of how Taebeom once saved Taehyung from being caught outside the house by their uncle years ago,  and how because of that, they were separated. Jeongkook listened so seriously, picking up every detail, even the way the words flowed out of Jimin's mouth and reacting to how it made him feel. Taebeom and Taehyung were just in the wrong place at the wrong time, and he was too. He shouldn't have been there at the hospital. He shouldn't have listened to his determination over his emotions; not that time, he shouldn't have. He sunk into Jimin's hold a little longer because recently they were all suffering and secrets were spilling like water into a long river that saw no start and sees no current end. After a while, he was calmer and walked over to tuck himself under the blankets on Yoongi's bed. 


     -- Present time (after the fight with Tae's uncle, end of chapter 24) --

     "Are you alright, hyung?" Jeongkook asked, worry all over his face as he tried to steady Jimin in his arms for Jin to look at the wound. The eldest ed two buttons of Jimin's shirt and muttered a 'I recommend you all look away' before he examined the reopened cut and ordered for them to get Jimin back in his room immediately. Taehyung rushed towards his boyfriend and Jimin reassured him he was okay. They all skipped the rest of classes for the day and helped around with what they could, whether that was treating Jimin and Taehyung's wounds, or simply just being there as moral support. 

There was no use in hiding it anymore. A few minutes ago Jimin was trying to stop the truth from coming out, but he now chose to believe that Taehyung was strong enough. "Your mother killed Taebeom that night." 

It was tough. It was tiring. But it seemed like brighter days were soon ahead. That's all they could hope for. 


Author's Note // Chapter 25. I never mentioned whose bed Jimin's on. It's Jin's. (Namjoon, Jin and Yoongi share a room. It's a pity coz' I wanted to write that Jeongkook went and slept on Jin's bed but oh well.) Hope you guys are all doing okay, don't forget to see the positives amongst the negatives. T
hankyou for all the support. Vmin Moments Part 2 has been out since the 16th~! Watch it below. 

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[Vmin] [C&A] 150122 - Chapter 30 posted just before 2:14pm. :)


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Chapter 15: his brother?!!
Chapter 11: ahh, that's why jimin didn't have anywhere to go when the summer holiday
Chim888 #4
Chapter 7: So far Tae reminds me of Killua from HxH hehe. I'm enjoying the story , thanks author nim
DevilNextToYou #5
Chapter 17: And isn't audacity his Father knife? Was that a typo or...
Cause taehyung said his Brother took audicity
DevilNextToYou #6
I give up reading
It's too painful for me to read
I can read jiminxothermembers but I can't read jungkookxothermembers
But fics whr jungkook likes Jimin but Jimin doesn't
I shall go to a corner and sob then return to ur Jikook fics
DevilNextToYou #7
Chapter 14: I feel so bad for jungkook omg like he still loves Jimin
And honestly Jimin is selfish in this story
But that's just human nature
I love and hate how u make the characters so human(other than jungkook he is like an angel here that makes me go gaga)
DevilNextToYou #8
Chapter 13: Y r u so cruel T_T
Iiterally shouted
yullover2002 #9
Chapter 3: First time to read a vmin story (out of the 190 other) that my my heart beat so fast...I think I'm being an addict ~