My Love Pt. 2

Clarity and Articulacy

Chapter 11 – My Love Pt. 2


Can it still be called betrayal when we have no promises?


     “Happy birthday hyung.”

Standing motionless for a moment, Jimin replied to Jeongkook’s bright words with blank silence. It was only then that he snapped out of his emotions and remembered why he woke up with much energy this morning. Lowering his eyes to glance over the handmade cake – it was obvious because of the floppiness of the cream; Jimin assumed Jeongkook had spread it on with his own thumbs – his eyes and lips curved as he smiled.

“Thanks Kookie.” He took a step back and gestured for Jeongkook to come in. The younger glanced around the room lightly before placing the cake down on Jimin’s desk carefully. Constant giggles left his mouth as he made no effort to hide his happy mood. Jimin slowly shut the door and followed Jeongkook in, plopping down on his own bed as he subconsciously looked at the black bag by Taehyung’s bed.

“Hyung, you’re dressed so nicely. Were you planning to go anywhere?”

“Umm…” Should I say yes? “Sort of…” he saw the small frown on Jeongkook’s face, “but not really anymore.” He felt his own lips curving when the smile reappeared on the maknae’s handsome face. Jeongkook sat down on the other end of the bed and faced Jimin. The two shuffled around so that they were facing each other with their legs crossed comfortably on the soft, cosy material. As Jeongkook began speaking about things that had happened recently, Jimin couldn’t help but space out as he worried about Taehyung. He wasn’t sure what he was worried about exactly, he was just…unable to concentrate fully. But eventually he was able to sink into the warm conversation with Jeongkook that seemed like it could go on forever.


     Taehyung paced his running as he headed home. It would have been smarter to grab his bus card, but oh well. He pushed inside the heavy doors and barged into the lounge room where his father, uncle and mother were. His rushed over to his weeping mother's side and wrapped his arms around her, trying desperately to calm her down. She lifted her face from her palms and looked at Taehyung with eyes he had only seen once before. Once...a long, long, long time ago when he was probably only about six years old. In the seconds their eyes locked in suspense and tension, Taehyung tried hard to remember just what event had made her react so strongly, but it couldn't come to him. 

"Kim Taehyung, what are you doing here?" His father's stern voice snapped him out of his thoughts. 

"F-father, I...Jimin's my friend..."

His father rose from his seat and strolled around the room with loud footsteps, hands behind his back as he showed complete dominance of the estate. "I see. You're can't do it."


His father continued walking, "What's your name, son?"

"Kim Taehyung."

"And what's your role in this family?"


"To do what is needed of you."

Taehyung turned to his mother for help but all she did was shake her head. His eyebrows furrowed; usually she would offer some words, even if they both knew his father's decision could not be persuaded. But all she did - all she could do - was shake her head and sulk in a puddle of her own tears. 

"Can I at least see his profile?" 



"You really do reflect the name of 'V'." His father muttered before leaving the room with his uncle to retrieve what Taehyung requested. He took the chance to speak to his mother. Maybe with only the two of them, she'd talk. "What's wrong?"

"Don't ask, Taehyung-ah... Don't ask."

"What do you mean 'don't ask'? What happened?"

His mother cupped her damp fingers around his jaw and ran her eyes over his features, tilting his head from left to right. "What are you looking at, mother?"

She released him and took a deep breath, finally calming herself down. "Nothing. You've...grown so much."

His father returned without his uncle and handed him an album - an album of profiles. Profiles of those who were all hunted and killed. He took it and opened it in the corner of the room. He flipped the pages until he reached the file about Jimin. Park Jimin; reading the name made Taehyung feel uncomfortable. 

Birthday: October 13, 1995

Blood type: A

Parents: Deceased - Mission 189

He stopped there, lifting his head as he registered what he had read. He flipped back the pages desperately and found the file of mission 189, glancing down over the profiles of Jimin's true parents. 

Killer: Kim Kibeom. 


Taehyung closed the album and ran his hand up his face from his jaw, clenching with frustration. He turned around and met eyes with his father.

"We killed his parents and now you want me to kill him too?"

His father shrugged. "Your uncle said the person's put up a big price for his head."

"But why him? He's done nothing wrong." His voice turned slightly croaky. He became like a ten year old whose little pet had just passed away. He wanted to sulk, he wanted to breakdown, he wanted to cry in hopes that the truth would change. But it wouldn't, and without attempting the stupid thought, he left the house with a kiss to his mother's forehead. 


     “My present.” Jeongkook handed Jimin a folded packet bag that was no bigger than the size of his hand. Taking it with slight anxiousness, Jimin slipped out the black bandana he had searched for in Gangnam the previous night and his eyes fluttered with joy.

“Do you like it?”

Jimin nodded like crazy and he unfolded the bandana to admire its design and patterns from corner to corner. “I love it.”

“I love you too, hyung.”


Jeongkook suddenly choked as the words he had let slip out of his mouth shocked even himself; he was just grateful they came out as no more than a whisper.


“Didn’t you say something?”

Jeongkook shook his head and felt the utmost relief come over him when he confirmed that Jimin didn’t hear what he stupidly said.

“Hey, let’s eat the cake.” He got up and carefully placed the cake down in between the two of them on the bed. Jimin placed a thick book under the cake to support it; he didn’t really mind if it would dirty his blanket, he was more concerned about the cake itself because he knew the effort Jeongkook had gone through to make it.

Jeongkook lit up the singular candle and sang for Jimin as the elder simply watched the small flame in front of him. The smile on his face hadn’t left for a while now. The younger's time with him today had definitely lifted his spirits, and he was grateful to have such a friend by the name of Jeon Jeongkook by his side.

“Thanks Jeongkook-ah…for today. I really appreciate it.” He locked eyes with the younger and sent him a sincere smile, having the other avert his eyes with cheeks that were a shade pinker than before.


     Oh my god… Taehyung sweated as he walked back to the school dorms. Knowing Jimin was an orphan was one thing, but being the son of the family that murdered his parents is another. There was an immense build up of emotions in Taehyung’s chest that he felt overwhelm him. All he wanted to do this second, in this moment, was see Jimin again. He just needed to see his face to know everything would be okay.  Jimin was like…like his medicine that soothed him. But he was also his poison because his every emotion pulled Taehyung along helplessly; he was forever exposed and vulnerable to Jimin’s charm attacks, and he would never be ready for them.

Making his way down the corridors with an even heavier heart than the one he had taken with him when he left, he opened the door and entered the room. Looking inside, he certainly regretted ever returning in the first place.

“What the hell is going on?” Taehyung growled as his eyes widened at the scene of Jeongkook’s lips touching Jimin’s, the younger’s eyes closed as they kissed. 


Author's Note // Chapter 11 up! So that's most of my writing over the past week or so posted. :) Chapter 12 is already underway and it should be posted next tuesday on the 1st of July. Please look forward to it and comment comment! Thanks for all the love you guys have shown this fanfic. :)

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[Vmin] [C&A] 150122 - Chapter 30 posted just before 2:14pm. :)


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Chapter 15: his brother?!!
Chapter 11: ahh, that's why jimin didn't have anywhere to go when the summer holiday
Chim888 #4
Chapter 7: So far Tae reminds me of Killua from HxH hehe. I'm enjoying the story , thanks author nim
DevilNextToYou #5
Chapter 17: And isn't audacity his Father knife? Was that a typo or...
Cause taehyung said his Brother took audicity
DevilNextToYou #6
I give up reading
It's too painful for me to read
I can read jiminxothermembers but I can't read jungkookxothermembers
But fics whr jungkook likes Jimin but Jimin doesn't
I shall go to a corner and sob then return to ur Jikook fics
DevilNextToYou #7
Chapter 14: I feel so bad for jungkook omg like he still loves Jimin
And honestly Jimin is selfish in this story
But that's just human nature
I love and hate how u make the characters so human(other than jungkook he is like an angel here that makes me go gaga)
DevilNextToYou #8
Chapter 13: Y r u so cruel T_T
Iiterally shouted
yullover2002 #9
Chapter 3: First time to read a vmin story (out of the 190 other) that my my heart beat so fast...I think I'm being an addict ~