Chapter 8

Stream of Love

August 7 2012



When I think back, I see myself frozen on my seat grinning like an idiot. From then on I got to hear more of these words from you, and I can certainly say that it makes me happy.

Who thought I would be so cheesy one day. But well.. I don't think I can stop myself anymore..

Thank You, Eun Mi, for sharing two years of joy, laughter, pain, struggle.  For being there for me, for bringing bliss into my life, for standing by my side and giving me hope..and more than everything, for being yourself. For I would not have you any other way.


With love,





With a shaky breath and trembling hands, Eun Mi closed the handwritten diary-looking-book and stared at the earth brown, rough cover.

Stream of Love

The letters were carved on the upper center, beautifully designed to give the book a vintage look.  On the right corner at the bottom: May 28.  A date that has become immensely important in her life for the past two years.

Tears blurred her vision as she held the book closer to her chest. She was in deep thought and had not realised that a tall figure stood before her. Jongin. She looked up, fat tears racing down her cheeks. When did he arrive? Was he watching me all this time?

Why? When? What? - All sorts of questions flooded her mind and she stared blankly at him, missing the amused yet gentle smile on his lips.  Without uttering a word, Jongin kneeled down, slowly and elegantly like the dancer that he was. He paused watching lovingly at his girlfriend who sat cross-legged on the old green couch in her apartment. It took her a few seconds to realise that he had held out his right hand.  And there shone a small, simple, silver ring.  Beautifully modest and preciously tucked in a small, blue velvet box.  At this moment his voice resounded, loud and husky.

"Marry me"




Thank you to those who read and to that one subscriber who gave me the courage to finish the story.

Sorry if it is disappointing (and for taking so long) :/

Nevertheless, thank you!


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Omg this is so cute ;;
valhae #2
Chapter 8: This is so cute, tha hand written diary is such a lovely thing T_T thanks for this story~