Chapter 6

Stream of Love

May 28 2010

The Kiss


We danced again after practice hours. Just like before.

We collapsed on the floor, trying to catch our breath. Well-rested, we sat on the cold, hard floor, side by side, talking about random stuffs and laughing at our silliness. You were talking animatedly, hands moving fast, eyes restless as you narrated a seemingly funny anecdote (as far as I can remember). I remember, though, how everything became blurry and how your voice sounded far off in the distance as I stared at your moving lips, completely mesmerised.

Before I knew it, my lips touched yours briefly.

I remember my cheeks heating from the contact, before I parted and saw your confused expression. I remember quickly engaging myself into a lengthy monologue, stuttering and trying to explain my sudden action. Only for you to laugh at me.

I can't remember everything that happened afterwards, but I do know that, that night, I organised excitedly our upcoming first date.


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Omg this is so cute ;;
valhae #2
Chapter 8: This is so cute, tha hand written diary is such a lovely thing T_T thanks for this story~