
A Birthday Present


This one got a little weird and is also based after one of Ayu's pictures lol

Warning: slightly gruesome imagery?

Staring down at the water that gently laps against the edge of the dock, Hyunsik feels at ease as the soft slaps of the waves hit the concrete break walls behind him, creating a soothing rhythm that echoes in his chest. He closes his eyes and clenches his fists, being careful to keep his breathing shallow or risk choking on oxygen. As the sound of the water invades his senses, Hyunsik tries to imagine what it will be like, whether he will be strong enough. Whether he will succeed.

He hears the sound of birds above him as he takes off his jacket and, keeping his eyes closed, he pulls his shirt off, letting out a small gasp as goosebumps immediately sprout along his skin when his upper body meets the cold ocean breeze. Next are his socks, fingers digging into the rough wood when his jeans come off, and he has to resist the feeling of paranoia as he hesitantly slides his underwear off. He takes a moment to simply stand there, forcing his body to become accustomed to the freezing, damp air. Keeping his eyes closed, he allows one last shallow breath before he takes a feeble step past the dock and falls forward.



Hyunsik is choking, lungs struggling for air as the water invades his mouth, nose, ears; his arms and head feel packed with lead; his back feels ready to snap as he sinks further beneath the waters. When his hands brush against sand, he blindly scrambles backwards, compelling his body to move as fast as he can, though his arms slow as the water fills his veins, disrupts the beating in his heart. For a moment, he's terrified that he won't reach it in time, won't succeed, and his fear nearly causes him to seize up, his hands almost disappearing beneath the sand; but he refuses, forces his arms to push his body along and when his hands finally, suddenly fall out from under him when they meet open sea, he nearly gives a cry of relief. Hyunsik was right, most importantly he was right because the dock really was only a few feet short of the edge of the continental shelf. Right past that was the continental slope, and he had made it. He had succeeded.

Giving one last cry that is immediately swallowed by the water, he uses the last of the strength in his legs to kick off the sand, past the edge, and allows himself to sink down the hill. Only then does he finally relax and allow his vision to succumb to black, and his breathing to even out before stopping all together.



Hyunsik's eyes snap open when intense pain suddenly erupts through his body, and he screams out into the darkness of the waters. It's almost dizzying how quickly his eyes adjust to the murky depths, but it's especially suffocating as the pain freezes his veins until his blood runs cold; as it sears hot lines into the sides of his neck until the skin melts away, creating thin, functioning flaps that finally allow him to breathe again. The pain shoots to his arms, rendering them incapable of movement as the electric sting rips open his triceps to form the webbing that similarly morphs between his fingers; and he feels reprieve as the stinging drains away from his upper body, allowing him to finally regain feeling.

Looking down at his hands, he inspects the thin, translucent webbing stretched between his fingers, and a giddy smile stretches across his lips. So close!

"So close after this! don't worry!" rings the words inside his head, the familiar words that keep him calm as he watches with edging fear as a dull red terror reveals itself from the darkness below him. While its body is a deep, cracked burgundy, the creature's eyes are as bright red as fresh blood and the terrifyingly crooked, gray points of teeth waste no time in exploding from their place in its mouth to create a tight, spinning ring just large enough to encompass Hyunsik's legs. When the creature reaches the tips of his toes, the teeth attack, tearing away at his skin, and he doesn't have the strength in him to scream as the pain explodes ten-fold. His vision blurs and darkens around the edge, just barely able to keep them open to watch as the teeth break the bones of his ankles and rip the ligaments from his calves. Any blood that seeps from his destroyed legs is immediately eaten up by the creature, which also down the shattered fragments of bone and frayed nerves as it slowly replaces the space where Hyunsik's legs were with its own body. The teeth work quickly, spinning in a circle to fully eradicate every inch of human flesh, and the buzzing of their work nearly drives him insane as he watches his legs disappear the and the creature elongate its body to adapt to his body. When the teeth finally reach his hips, they come to a standstill, finally retreating back into the creature's mouth. Hyunsik's heart is pounding, his breathing coming in short spurts, and if it weren't for the fact that he was underwater he would be sure that he was in a cold sweat, and he can only dumbly stare as the creature opens his mouth around his hips before snapping closed, the teeth sinking deep into his skin.

Hyunsik tenses, his body seizing up as he prepares for the searing pain, but none comes. Rather, giddy euphoria spreads through his body, lifting his heart as the creature closes its eyes and melts into the scales, morphing into a bright burgundy tail. And he is speechless with glee as he stares down, even giving a quick swish of his fins to test them, because everything is happening just as he said it would.

"Oh wow! Look at you!" Hyunsik's neck snaps up, his eyes wide and mouth falling open as he watches the man with the electric blue tail swim closer to him. At once, he lets out a gleeful shout and stumbles forward slightly, still not used to swimming with fins, but still he manages to make his way over to the other man before grabbing him in a crushing hug.

"Sejoon! My god, Sejoon you were right! I did it! It worked!"

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Minor_Chord #1
AHAHAHA Ch.5 was priceless!! Best part is I can totally see Hyunsik actually doing that! LMAO
Chapter 5: OMG I liked Hyunsik/Ilhoon the best! Omfg I just kept reading that for three times lmao~~ Good Job!! ^^
all the drabbles are so precious omg ;;; it would be lovely if you expanded the one about sungjae turning into a fox hahaa ^^
Snsd4evah #4
I have a friend called Ayu too!