
Unofficial Fantasy



Okay… Maybe I did have control issues….

It’s not like I wanted the band to hate me (or the general public…) I just like being the boss. When I met Sky I had no idea she would go and tattle-tale on me to the now past Leader of Little Fantasy…

What was her name again? Oh right, SooNa!

That chick is in a whole other world it seems! Don’t even get me started on that Visual Sky!

Ooh even her name is hard to say! I’ll just call her Spike… Because her personality could cut you.

The Maknae seems to be somewhat normal… Somewhat. She doesn’t act like a normal Maknae around us. Only around her Brothers, from what I’ve seen so far, maybe she acts like that in front of the fans too.

Anyway my point is I don’t like them. I wasn’t even supposed to be in that group! Do I look Hip-Hop-y to you? NO! I’m supposed to be in a Ballad group, a gender mix group, I was going to have a SCANDAL! A SCANDAL! WITH ONE OF MY OWN MEMBERS! Then SooMan Idiot came and ruined it!!

I can’t really say anything about the songs since I haven’t heard them but from what I was told is that this is an R&B,HipHop,B-Girl Group. Not Ballad, no Light Rock, and no Flower Girl....

My dreams seem to come crashing down around me with every turn I make… well this turn I was forced down but hey what can an almost 19 year old do? NOTHING!!

I am seriously mad right now…. Not to mention that stupid CO-Lead Dancer is as talkative as a STICK! I’m stuck with her until my older bro gets back! The only good thing is I get to meet MBLAQ… and I wasn’t planning on it.

I used to HATE MBLAQ….. now don’t get me wrong I have had a crush on Lee Joon Oppa sense I first saw him…. But their style…. I just didn’t like it. Then they were on Hello Baby… let’s just say I almost had to go to the hospital when I saw how cute they were….

After that I started listenning to them more and i slowly started to like their music! I just hope I don't make a fool of myself when i meet them...



Sorry for being gone so long!! I wish i could write more but school hates me! I know the ending doesn’t make a whole lot of sense but once we work back around it will!! Saranghae Darlings! ^^

-Sincerely, your Baby Panda

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n3ko-chan #1
Chapter 7: Please write more!!!!
Dontworrybehappy #2
Nice :D I'm looking forward to reading this ^^