The beginning of the chase

Errors, accidents and friendship lines




What have I just written? I can't even comprehend if I am not just vomiting out words and calling them chapters. But I still hope you will like it. 


P.s. I've been noticing that some of the readers are questioning if there is going to be angst, and . I just figured out that some people started to recognize me as the angst writer. And I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing. I guess angst is where I feel the safest. 



           To say that Mark reacted just a little bit wildly would be a pile of lies. The redhead stood frozen for a few seconds and when he saw Jackson move from the corner of his eye the older male shrieked loudly, definitely not like a girl, and grabbed the first thing that he managed to come across. His mother’s most prized porcelain vase.



            Jackson was too slow to move out of the way and Mark smashed the vase onto the side of his head. The redhead of course felt guilty after realizing that he had just attacked one of his friends, but he came to a conclusion that Jackson was a , and ’s had to be smacked once in a while when they acted without thinking.



            And that was why Jackson had shown up to school with an ugly bruise on the side of his face and Mark was glaring at the boy during the whole day.



            Their friends tried to ask what happened to the Hong Kong native, but the only answer they received was Some crazy girl attacked me when I was leaving my house yesterday. Which led to Mark murdering Jackson mentally. How dare he say that the redhead was crazy? And compare him to a girl when Mark was obviously manly as hell. What? The redhead was manly. At least he thought that he was.



            Throughout the whole day Jackson whined that his head was pounding and at one point the redhead had started to worry because maybe the Hong Kong native had a concussion. , what if Jackson dies and Mark is the one to blame? He didn’t even know where he would hide the fencer’s body.



            Mark had tried to lessen Jackson’s headache by massaging his scalp. He almost got fooled by the Hong Kong native’s acting, but as soon as he saw the dark haired male smirk, Mark pushed the male’s head away with his arms and Jackson hissed in discomfort. No one s around with Mark. At least not when he notices it.



            The redhead had been glaring at everyone during that day. Jackson had set him in a foul mood. Like really, how that creepy turd could even try to offer that kind of a deal. Yes, Mark was a , but was it a crime to not give his v card up to a stranger or a guy that might not even like him? Plus, he wasn’t going to give himself up to Jackson, who even knows where the guy’s has been.



            Even in the toilet Mark glared at the other males who were using the facility. He could even swear that one guy didn’t wash his hands because the redhead’s glare was that intense. Or at least he believed it was because of that.



            Mark even glared at his own reflection because he should have smacked Jackson harder with the vase. But right now the Hong Kong native was not his highest priority. He had smashed his mother’s vase and he needed to fix it, or at least make up an excuse because he will be skinned alive if he doesn’t.



            As the redhead shifted his gaze to the doors of the bathroom he almost let out a girly shriek. But he didn’t, because he is manly, and men don’t shriek, and they definitely don’t shake like leaves.  



            Jackson was standing there, blocking Mark’s only way out of the bathroom, because lets face it, there is no way that the redhead could fit himself through the little window that was actually too high up the wall for him to reach.



            The redhead glared at the Hong Kong native but Jackson only smirked and took a step closer to his prey. The older male raised his fisted arm up as if he was going to hit the other guy and a chuckle left Jackson’s throat.



            ‘Mark, we both know that you won’t hit me.’ The redhead frowned at the Hong Kong native’s sentence and pressed his lips into a firm line.



            ‘I had yesterday, who says I won’t do it again right now?’



            ‘Because you are not a fighter but a lover.’ Mark let out an annoyed sigh and ruffled his hair into a pile of red mess. Who did this guy think he was? He wasn’t all that great, and Mark definitely wasn’t going to succumb.



            ‘Jackson, I swear, if you won’t move out of my way I am going to hit you.’ Mark tried to threaten the Hong Kong native but he could see from the younger male’s face that he was only amused.



            ‘Are you threatening me?’



            ‘It depends, if you got scared – yes I am; if not – I’m only warning you.’ Jackson took another step closer to the redhead and there were only about ten centimeters separating them from each other.



            ‘Baby, you wouldn’t be able to threaten me even if you were holding a knife up my neck.’ That actually wasn’t such a bad idea. Mark noted to take a sharp tool with himself next time he goes to school or anywhere where he could meet Jackson.



            ‘Jackson, I’m not joking, I will hit you.’ The Hong Kong native chuckled and Mark tried to calm down because his heartbeat was a bit too fast and a bit too loud and the redhead could swear that Jackson was able to hear it.



            ‘But baby, it’s going to be fun, why don’t you want to accept my kind offer?’ The older male’s jaw almost hit the ground and he was sure that if he was in a cartoon his eyes would be as huge as tennis balls and his eyebrow would be twitching.



            ‘Kind? You dare to call your offer kind? What the if wrong with you Jackson?’ The Hong Kong native grinned widely and ran a hand down Mark’s chest.



            ‘You know you want this as much as I do, if not more, so why fight it?’ Mark stared at the Hong Kong native in disbelief and had to fight the urge to actually kick him where the sun doesn’t shine. He flinched away when Jackson tried to grip his hips and pressed his back into the sink.



            ‘Why? Because only God knows where your has been and I do not want to catch any STD’s or to be one of your one time things.’ Jackson laughed loudly when he heard Mark trying to come up with an argument that would be valid.



            ‘Baby, I haven’t been with as many people as you think I had.’ The redhead scoffed and shook his head in disbelief. How dare this slimy piece of lie to his face?



            ‘Face it Jackson, you fell from the top of the tree, and banged every guy and girl on the way down.’ The dark haired male closed the tiny gap between their bodies and brought his mouth next to Mark’s ear. Jackson’s breath tickled the redhead’s sensitive earlobe and the older male yelped loudly when the lobe was into the other guy’s mouth.



            ‘Not every. I haven’t banged you.’ Mark’s body froze and he finally understood the situation he was in. Jackson wasn’t joking about this and the redhead didn’t have any way out because the Hong Kong native wasn’t planning to leave him with a simple no from the older male.



            The redhead’s heartbeat picked up even more when Jackson started trailing kisses down the older male’s jaw and when the Hong Kong native gave a harsher where Mark’s shoulder and neck met.



            The LA native tried to push the boy away from his body, but his arms were trapped in between their bodies and Jackson was pushing all of his weight onto the redhead. And why was no one walking into the bathroom when Mark needed a distraction so much? He wouldn’t even care that someone might think that he is gay because damn it, he needs to get away from Jackson because Mark is starting to like what the Hong Kong native is doing to him.



            The redhead didn’t even notice when Jackson’s hand had made its way down to the front of his pants and when the Hong Kong native’s lips were pressing into the corner of his mouth. The only sound that he heard was the zipper of his own pants being dragged down and Jackson mumbling incoherent words.



            Mark tried to step to the side so that the Hong Kong native would lose balance but it didn’t work. Screw his lazy mind for not trying to work out and screw Jackson for being a fencer and having all of those muscles.



            Mark’s breath hitched when Jackson slipped his hand into the redhead’s jeans and ran his finger down the older male’s flaccid and boxer clad member. The redhead closed his eyes and tried to think thoughts that might disturb him. And he didn’t even try to question why he thought about Jaebum kissing him, because it worked. Mark didn’t get and he found his strength to finally push Jackson away from his body.



            The Hong Kong native didn’t expect to be pushed away, so he had let his guard down and focused only on the redhead that was in front of him. He didn’t realize that Mark in fact was also a male who could have strength. And he didn’t expect a fist to connect with his jaw.



            Jackson looked up at the redhead with a surprised expression as Mark hovered over his sprawled body and glared at him with all of his might. The older male dragged a finger under his neck and pointed his pointy digit at Jackson’s face.



            ‘I am not going to be your puppet. If you dare to touch me like this again I will show you why Jaebum never tries to wrestle with me.’ With that Mark hurriedly walked out of the bathroom and Jackson was left on the floor, with a smirk forming on his yet again bruised face. Jackson liked challenges and Mark was surely the best one he had.



            The redhead furiously stormed down the hall and was yanked back by someone’s hand that was on his elbow.



            ‘Hey, man, why are you running down the hall as if you just murdered someone?' I might just do that in a few days.  



            ‘Nothing, just wanted to get home as quickly as possible.’ Jinyoung glanced down at Mark’s attire and then looked at his face with a wide grin.



            ‘Dude, why is your zipper open?’ The redhead looked down because he thought that Jinyoung was only joking, but his fly was definitely open. The older male slowly moved his hand to zip up his jeans and looked back at Jinyoung with an exhausted expression. The redhead simply gave up because Jackson was too much, his thoughts were too much, his parents were too much and he hasn’t eaten anything normal today. Mark just wanted to crawl home, sprawl his body out onto his bed and to sleep for a week.



            ‘Professional habit.’ The redhead didn’t wait for Jinyoung’s answer and made his way down the hall.



            The walk back home was a torture. Mark glared at all the people who were laughing cheerfully because why couldn’t his life be less complicated? Why couldn’t he have normal friends, well, except Yugyeom and Youngjae, those two were pretty chill and normal. And mostly, why couldn’t he get Jackson away from himself?



            Mark saw an add about skincare and a picture of a semi unattractive man and an idea popped into his mind. What if he tried to act in the most disgusting way when he was near Jackson? Maybe the Hong Kong native will be repulsed by him and will choose another victim.



            The redhead barely stepped into the house when he heard his mother's loud voice interrupting his train of thoughts.



            ‘Mark, what happened to my precious vase?’ The redhead took his shoes off and walked into the living room. His mother was looking in every corner of the room and frowning.



            ‘Really? No hello or how are you?’ The woman glanced at her son and stood up straight.



            ‘Hello, how are you? Where is the vase?’ Mark shook his head in disbelief and threw his body onto the couch.



            ‘I broke it because Jackson startled me.’ The woman looked at her son in confusion.



            ‘How did you manage to do that?’ Lie Mark, lie.



            ‘I was walking past it and Jackson shouted loudly and I tripped over it.’ The woman looked as if she bought the idea and Mark sighed in relief. The best way to lie is to tell the truth, carefully edited truth. The redhead patted himself on the back mentally and closed his eyes.



            This was only the beginning of the game Jackson was playing and Mark was already thinking up ways to murder the Hong Kong native without anyone noticing it.



            He just hoped that Jackson will get bored of him easily. 




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I'm going on a trip for two days, so I will update this story when I will be back in my home country


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andie41225 #1
Chapter 18: It's May 1st HappyBirthday!! ^^ I'm Thankful you are feeling better now. ual harrasment also happened to me when I'm still elementary and It's just It kind of feels like a nightmare now. So with your roomate tsk2, The most important now is you are ok and updating soon ^^
PrettyNoona101 #2
Chapter 18: We have the same birthday!

And I'm truly sorry you had to endure so much. Have you tried reporting this person (i.e telling the officials?) I hope you're life turns for the better, and that person is out of your life forever!
Chapter 18: I'm happy reading you're better :) I'm sure I need to read this story again hahahhahaha but fighting! I'll be waiting :D
thelillcat #4
Chapter 18: wtf! that roommate needs a serious beat down treating you that way. grrr~~ but on a happy note. happy early birthday :) and looking forward to your updates.
Chapter 18: Happy early birthday :)

But I'm so sorry that happened to you :| if I was in London I would have found him and beat him up. ual harassment ain't funny. And his confidence in It irks the out of me. He would be catching hands- my hands.

You update when you're ready okay
Cisne18 #7
Chapter 18: Congratulation o(*^▽^*)o !! And can't wait for you to update!(⌒_⌒)
Chapter 18: Jackson really act like a psycho hahhahhahaha I want to know what he's planning this time. Poor Mark, he wouldn't be able to scape, I'm sure: of his plans and of Jackson's charms (I love Jackson*_* even his way to be so annoying kkkkkkk~) I'm waiting for your update^^
0800mundo #9
Chapter 18: Yay Congratulaions!!!