The morning after

Errors, accidents and friendship lines



I don't even know what I just wrote. 





                His head hurts a little bit and there is a bitter taste in his mouth. Mark rolls over and his arm hits something hard. The red head pulls the sheets over his head and presses his face into the pillow. It gets a little bit hot under the sheets and the male finally opens his eyes. The sight in front of him is a little bit blurry and Mark feels as if there is a dirty see through plastic cover in front of his eyes, preventing him from seeing anything clearly.



            Mark feels something moving up his leg and he tries to shake off the feeling. Wait, since when had his sheets been of a tanned peachy color? And since when were they this warm?



            The red head s around him and his hands land on something that was moving. Mark lifts his head up slowly and his eyes meet a grinning face. The red head yelps in surprise and kicks the person out of the bed.



            ‘What the hell man?’ The older male peeks at the fallen person from out of the sheets and a smile makes its way on his face. Jackson is throwing curse words at him and rubbing his sore behind. Mark looks at him with an amused expression and stands up in order to try and chase the head ache away. Maybe some fresh air would do him good.



            ‘You could at least say sorry you know?’ The red head taps Jackson’s leg with his foot lightly and steps over him. The Hong Kong native follows his movements with his eyes and a playful smirk is making its way onto his face.



            ‘I’m not even sorry.’ And this is how their usual conversations go by when they are together. The red head scratches his head and looks back at the younger male.



            ‘Say, how did we end up sleeping in one bed?’ Mark’s heartbeat picked up a little bit and he had a sudden urge to bang his head onto a wall. Seriously, out of all the questions he could ask, he asks this one. Sometimes Mark really wondered if his brains liked seeing him suffer and that’s why they would simply shut down on him from time to time. The worst part is that it sometimes happens during tests and extreme situations also. Like one time he flunked his chemistry test because he couldn’t concentrate on anything. He freaked out that his parents might disown him for that, him being Asian and all that . But it seemed like the teacher liked Mark, so he gave him a second chance and the male managed to ace the test with an almost perfect score.



            Or that one time when the cutest girl in the school asked him out on a date and he stared at her without answering for about five minutes. Needless to say, she got creeped out and never came near the red head again.



            Actually, Mark’s red hair is also a consequence of his brains shutting down. It was just a simple bet that both him and Jaebum made with Jackson. Both Jaebum and Mark were sure that Youngjae was straight, so they didn’t worry about getting the answer wrong. Imagine their surprise when Youngjae declared to everyone that he got a boyfriend. Jackson, as a reward, said that he wanted to see Mark with red hair and Jaebum with silverish. Strangely enough, the two older males managed to rock the hair colors and both decided to stay with them at least for some time.



            It was also a bit of a disadvantage for Mark. His red hair gave him away and he couldn’t hide away from people when he simply didn’t want to talk to them. It usually was Jackson. Maybe that’s why the Hong Kong native told him to dye his hair, because he wanted to be able to spot Mark anywhere he went.



            The red head shook his head and walked over to his wardrobe. That’s silly. Why would Jackson want to notice him everywhere?  



            ‘Dude, was yesterday your first time drinking or what?’ The red head shrugged his shoulders and Jackson let out a loud laugh.



            ‘So what? I’ve drank beer before, but not something as strong as the drink yesterday.’ The older male glared a little bit at Jackson and shook his head when he noticed that his friend had made himself at home once again on his bed. Jackson was laying on his stomach, his head propped up by a pillow under his chin and his arms sprawled out in front of him. His legs were dangling freely bent in the air. Mark’s heartbeat picked up again and he frowned a little bit. He should definitely visit his doctor or at least ask his mother what could be wrong with him.



            ‘Hold up, so you are saying that yesterday was your first time?’ Mark blushed at the double meaning and turned away to pretend like he was looking through his wardrobe for clean clothes. He picked out whatever he saw first and quickly removed the shirt that he had slept in.



            Jackson stared at the red head from his position on the bed and he bit down on his bottom lip. It’s not like he hadn’t seen a half- guy before. But there was something about Mark that pulled him in. Maybe it was the way the red head blushed whenever Jackson tried to be flirty. Or the way Mark’s eyes would widen cutely when he was caught off guard.



            When the older male lifted his shirt up, Jackson’s eyes traveled down from the red head's shoulders, to his chest, stomach, those firm but not so prominent abs, and finally his hips. The Hong Kong native his lower lip and fought back a groan that almost slipped through his lips. Sometimes he wondered how Mark could affect him this easily.



            ‘Damn Mark, had you been working out lately?’ The red head looked at Jackson while holding a clean shirt in his arms and raised an eyebrow in amusement. For once he felt comfortable with being shirtless when Jackson was in the same room.



            ‘Jacks, we work out almost every day when we dance.’ The Hong Kong native nodded his head and his eyes ran over Mark’s figure once again. So much for being coThe red head blushed when he noticed that Jackson checked him out so openly and he quickly pulled the shirt on.



            ‘I know, but your body tho. I did not expect this.’ The red head blushed a little bit and threw a clean shirt at Jackson. The piece of clothing hit the Hong Kong native straight in his face and he screamed in surprise. Mark laughed loudly at the way the scream resembled his female cousin’s scream.



            ‘You sound like a girl.’ Mark barely managed to avoid his own slipper hitting his face and stuck his tongue out at Jackson.



            He could already hear the rest of the gang all the way in the kitchen He took a short trip to one of the bathrooms.



            As he was using the toilet, the doors of the bathroom opened up and the red head froze like a deer during a hunting season. His boxers and jeans were all the way down his legs and even if he tried to pull them up as quickly as possible, the damage was already done.



            Mark stared at Jackson and the Hong Kong natives eyes were focused on his hips and that he still had in his hands. The red head finally snapped out of his trance and pulled up his clothes as quickly as possible without staining anything. It seemed like this also snapped Jackson out of his thoughts and the Hong Kong native simply smiled at him with a cheeky smile.



            ‘I thought you would have a smaller .’ The red choked on his own spit and hurriedly walked past the younger male. He smacked Jackson over the back of his head as he stepped out of the bathroom and climbed down the stairs to join his friends in the kitchen.



            Mark was in a daze and he didn’t even notice how he sat down on one of the chairs. His friends were trying to make breakfast, or was it lunch already? The red head glanced up at the kitchen clock. 10:46. Still breakfast. At least he didn’t drink enough to skip any meals. Okay, BamBam was making the food and the others were either slacking off or trying to steal some of the food before it was fully prepared.



            The red head frowned a little bit and rested his head on the cold surface of the table. He seriously had enough of embarrassing moments for this day. Does Jackson feel pleasure in seeing him panicking and uncomfortable? Seriously, the only thing the lad seems to be doing lately is teasing Mark. And the red head’s a bit confused with the amount of attention that he showered with by Jackson.



            Mark cursed his good for nothing brains. Sure, when he was alone at home, which he was used to, he never locked the bathroom doors. Why would he? No one would walk in on him at those moments. But he couldn’t comprehend how and why his brains had thought that it was okay for him to not lock the doors today. He kept on calling himself an idiot for doing this. Now Jackson would be able to make fun of him even more if he wanted to. Damn it, I have more conversations in my mind than I do with real people. (That is actually true with me. Like I argue with myself all the time.) What a sad and pathetic life I live.



            The red head felt someone nudging his side and he turned to give the person his attention. BamBam was looking at him with a cute smile and gesturing towards the plate of food in front of him. Mark stood up in order to walk over towards the fridge and get some orange juice, but he stopped in his tracks.



            As Jackson walked into the kitchen and stood next to the red head, his hand went down to Mark’s behind and d it. Jackson pretended as if he was trying to reach something over the table and kneaded the muscles of the older male’s a bit harder.



            Mark let out a surprised squeak and everyone in the room turned to look at him. The red head blushed and covered his mouth with his palms. Jackson smirked at the blushing male and patted his behind one more time. Who is screaming like a girl now? Sweet, sweet revenge. Jackson made his way towards a free chair, which was in front of Mark’s chair and sat down as if nothing happened.



            ‘What the hell was that Mark?’ The red head glanced at Jaebum and shrugged his shoulders.



            ‘A spider.’



            ‘Seriously dude, man up.’ The red head glared at Youngjae and after a few moments glanced at Jackson. The red head’s hand started shaking a little bit and his mouth went dry. Jackson was sitting just like he always did, nothing unordinary. So why was his heartbeat picking up? And why did it feel as if the wind was knocked out of his chest?



            Mark seriously did not sign up for this mess. 




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I'm going on a trip for two days, so I will update this story when I will be back in my home country


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andie41225 #1
Chapter 18: It's May 1st HappyBirthday!! ^^ I'm Thankful you are feeling better now. ual harrasment also happened to me when I'm still elementary and It's just It kind of feels like a nightmare now. So with your roomate tsk2, The most important now is you are ok and updating soon ^^
PrettyNoona101 #2
Chapter 18: We have the same birthday!

And I'm truly sorry you had to endure so much. Have you tried reporting this person (i.e telling the officials?) I hope you're life turns for the better, and that person is out of your life forever!
Chapter 18: I'm happy reading you're better :) I'm sure I need to read this story again hahahhahaha but fighting! I'll be waiting :D
thelillcat #4
Chapter 18: wtf! that roommate needs a serious beat down treating you that way. grrr~~ but on a happy note. happy early birthday :) and looking forward to your updates.
Chapter 18: Happy early birthday :)

But I'm so sorry that happened to you :| if I was in London I would have found him and beat him up. ual harassment ain't funny. And his confidence in It irks the out of me. He would be catching hands- my hands.

You update when you're ready okay
Cisne18 #7
Chapter 18: Congratulation o(*^▽^*)o !! And can't wait for you to update!(⌒_⌒)
Chapter 18: Jackson really act like a psycho hahhahhahaha I want to know what he's planning this time. Poor Mark, he wouldn't be able to scape, I'm sure: of his plans and of Jackson's charms (I love Jackson*_* even his way to be so annoying kkkkkkk~) I'm waiting for your update^^
0800mundo #9
Chapter 18: Yay Congratulaions!!!